GM - Fats.
Player party are ragtag bunch of misfits, some of whom recently left Seattle due to unknown epidemy, and some others left Saint-Petersburg due to another unknown stuff, then settled for a bit in the middle, which is Vladivostok
City status: Heated
Map ...
400 ВР. GMs and character list may change in the process. No-comers will be NPCd. English only.
Otherwise, refer to Fat Cheese, and houserulez.
- Active
Nebokhod - ex-military mage played by Militaryuga
Кит Ремони - traditionally trippy technomancer played by Guns_n_Droids
Che - Korean elf-rigger played by Stozu_ElGoblo
- Currently indisposed
Jelena - Pretty-faced infiltrator played by Jamespsx
Dagda - healer-mage played by PLC
Klutz - elderly Hax0r played by Fats
1. Meet Faceless Avenger
2. Meet Bug-eyed Joe
3. Loud music and mermaid-stealing by cyberjesuses
4. Major Che and Lucas Nebokhod scout out the Dead Man's Chest
5. Tales of astral voyeurism and home made simsense
6. Epic Astral Bear Hugs
7. Severed claw
8. Going down with the ship
9. Naysayers and hackermen
10. Money shortages are the woe of modern businessmen's existence
11. Tigers, spirits and bullets, or 3 reasons why you don't sleep on a russian trains
12. Invasion from within, or tale of how fly became an elephant
13. Hell hath no wrath like the woman scorned, or the Ill-fated Flight