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  • Che looks around.

<Cheese_Samovar> As the negotiations come to an end, businessmen-smile is washed off Johnson's face with another drink - literally. He stands up, splashes magenta-colored liquid on his face (it somehow does not leave a single spot on his white shirt), and asks Jelena for a dance. Meanwhile, rest of the team has time to think on his mermaid deal
<Che> = [team] Ok, crew, anyone got any good ideas?
<Nebokhod> = [Team] About what? His shirt is black magic, i'm sure of it.
<Che> = [t] About job.
<Nebokhod> = [Team] Scope the place. Get the mermaid, if any. Deal with the complications. Get paid.
<Klutz> = [t] Well I for one can't see anything particularly wrong about it. We waltz into that establishment, have a look-see around, notice whatever defenses they have. Then drive... a stolen truck or something... I guess?... in. Get the mermaid, and are gone.
<Nebokhod> = [Team] Yeah, something like that.
<Che> = [t] I'll try to dig up some info on this gang before scouting their turf... Ah, screw this noise - it's liquefying my brain. Let's go back to Mihalych's.

  • Che stands up and goes to the exit.
  • Nebokhod sloppily salutes the Johnson and heads to the exit.
  • Klutz switches his perceptions to meatspace for a while, looks around the van and takes a bite off his sandwich.

<Cheese_Samovar> As you walk out the establishment, the infrasound gives last shakes to your bodies as a nagging friend begging for attention. Unfazed by Jelena's lack of attention, Johnson rejoins the dancing crowd. After a bit of spatial unease at the labyrintine passages, you get out to the car, where Klutz is waiting for you
<Nebokhod> - God, that was awful.
<Cheese_Samovar> Outside, darkness has already swallowed Vladivostok, neon lights shimmering moths in its mouth
<Cheese_Samovar> Automated taxis are abuzz driving tired mid-level wagecrowd to their homes

  • Che checks his car for any abnormalities and starts fiddling with a Betel pack, thinking about new job.
  • Klutz waits till the rest of the troupe joins him in the van, and asks: "So, who's going to scout the place out?"

<Cheese_Samovar> Che, no issues with the car, apart from dust inherent to the middle of the city.
<Che> - I'd prefer to play it safe, and physically go there only after some preparations.
<Nebokhod> - Yeah. So much potential for violence in there.

  • Jamespsx is now known as Jelena

<Che> - Have we any friends in the docks?
<Nebokhod> - There are fishies there.
<Klutz> - Reasonable enough, Nebokhod. I'll see what the publicly accessible part of the Matrix holds on the establishment, and if you're patient, I could hack some drone or other and scout the place out from afar. But no, I don't think I've any contacts in the area.
<Cheese_Samovar> * someone, supply Jelena with logs, I have some issues with my client
<Jelena> * I've got the logs, they are RIGHT THERE
<Nebokhod> - I guess I could recon it from the Other Side. Just in case.
<Klutz> - I figure, just random street dregs won't up and steal a mermaid, yeah.

  • Che waits while everbody take their places inside car and the drives to the Mihalych's bar, checking for tails and spoofing chips, changing plates, repainting car on the remote and not watched roads.
  • Jelena still feels knocked for one by the audio of the previous club. "- You are right, this has the backing of someone, and I for one hope that someone is not vengeful when their new fish goes missing."
  • Klutz establishes a hidden access point in the Castle Rock host as Che drives

<Che> - Not only fish but entire fishtank with building.
<Klutz> * Cheese_Samovar, if I remember, the host's System+Firewall is 8?
<Cheese_Samovar> * yep
<Klutz> - Let's not be hasty about that, Che. Something smells fishy about that part to me, let's at least have someone hear the other side of the story at the place itself.
<Klutz> 13,8#sde
<ur_dnd_bot> Klutz: (pool 13, threshold 8) 2 passes, 8 hits
<Klutz> 10#sd
<ur_dnd_bot> Klutz: (pool 10) 2 hits

  • Klutz 's silvery avatar produces a hole as black as the Matrix was after the Crash, slaps it onto the host's wall from the inside, and the hole grows smaller by the second, until it's barely noticable even if you know where to look, hidden access point established. The avatar points his finger toward the node's data stores, and a narrow white beam pulses from it, changing the contents of the access log. Klutz nods to himself and logs off the node, his representation in it growing gradually more transparent until it disappears altogether.

<Cheese_Samovar> Che, the place is actually not that far from Michalych's bar, at least closer than the crazy club you just left. And given your past I assume you've been to the underdocks society
<Che> - Ok, let's list things that we need: more information on the fish, more information on the gang, more information on the building and neighbourhood. Then we'll need detailed plan of operation and transport for the fish.
<Che> - Am I missing anything?
<Nebokhod> - Looks like you listed everything.
<Klutz> - Don't think so. I've given you boys and girls what I could find on mermaids and the gang itself, so you'll have to do a bit of legwork on your own if you want to be better prepared when stepping inside that bar. Now gimme a moment, I'll see what the Great Digital has on the building...
<Klutz> * Cheese_Samovar, I'd like to look up stuff like building plans (from fire regulations databases, for instance), recent maps of the immediate neighborhood, whatever talk there is on the power play in the immediate area, stuff like that
<Klutz> * what would the threshold and interval for the data search be?
<Cheese_Samovar> * maps - public knowledge, plans - since when they're on general matrix? I do believe they should be relatively easy to hack, but I expect _some_ effort. Rumours about the powerplay - threshold 8, 5s
<Che> * I'd like to find more info on gang and it's connections. It's data search + browse, right?
<Klutz> * since the time they're usually on the wall of every non-barrens establishment? You know, like, "evacuate here"? I figure these must've been moved to the Matrix as well, as AROs or what have you.
<Cheese_Samovar> * oh, THIS things
<Klutz> 10,6#sde interval 5s
<ur_dnd_bot> Klutz: (pool 10, threshold 6) 2 passes, 7 hits
<Cheese_Samovar> * Che, if you want to get better info than Klutz, I'd try using your contacts, you have upper hand there. If you want just to check out if Klutz is not fucking you guys over - yes, you can do that.

  • Che finally arrives at Mihalych's.

<Klutz> * Che, yeah, data search tests are Data Search+Browse. I've run a search on the gang last session: remember, all that stuff on them being ostensibly wiped out and then resurfacing, shiny and chrome?
<Cheese_Samovar> * Actually, Che came up with that info from his Knowcheck
<Che> * well, not check, just help, as I have data search 10 and browse 4.
<Cheese_Samovar> * and info was less on 'shiny' and more on 'numbers dwindled' side somehow
<Klutz> * Really? Cool beans then.
<Cheese_Samovar> * Actually, who's contact Michalych is? Just curious
<Che> * Dunno, I have some barmen contact.
<Klutz> * I don't think he is anyone's, I just introduced him as a barman for the establishment your troupe gathered at that session :D
<Che> * so I can take him, if you want.
<Klutz> * Che, data search TEN?!
<Cheese_Samovar> * That's why I was asking. And yes, it will be good idea (as it is to generally have your contacts and dependents as something more than profession and gamestats)
<Che> * umm, skill 1 + log 7 + analytical mind 2.
<Nebokhod> * it doesn't work like that, afaik
<Che> * chummer calculates as 10.
<Nebokhod> * yeah, if you somehow will use it without browse
<Klutz> * sadly, Matrix skills are not attribute+skill+program. Just Skill+Programm.
<Che> * ah.
<Klutz> * +whatever modifiers, I dunno if Analytical Mind applies. So when I'm rolling Data Search, I'm rolling my Data Search skill (4) plus Browse (5) plus the bonus from the Encephalon (+1), totaling the measly 10 dice above D:
<Che> * so it's 10 for legwork data search in meatspace libraries and things like that?
<Cheese_Samovar> * Meanwhile. Maps: Situated near the docks, in area which at some point more than 10 years ago was a tourist hub until major crime spree in the area made front-page news and drove the tourists elsewhere. City governor did allow some half-assed company the chance to 'revitalize' area as economy housing solution, and to some extent it worked - except crime
<Cheese_Samovar> rate here is high enough that only steady jobs from the port (and security required near it) allows it not to be designated as barrens
<Cheese_Samovar> * If you need any details about immediate surroundings, ask
<Cheese_Samovar> * No maps today, sorry.
<Cheese_Samovar> * I mean, no actual drawings by my clumsy paws etc
<Klutz> * Che, well, Data Search is a technical skill, I can't remember such usages listed for it, but you understand it's all up to GM.
<Che> * ok.
<Klutz> * Cheese_Samovar, do we at least some idea of the building's layout from our data searching endeavours? Also, with the kind of crime level in the district, what's the gang situation there? Who wiped the gang in question (btw, do they have a name other than "the owners of the Chest"?) out? What's the situation on the ground now?
<Cheese_Samovar> * Che, to make it simple: you either DS+Browse, no logic (10) for matrix search, or use DS+Logic (no browse) for meatspace search in some hardcopy archive
<Cheese_Samovar> * Yes, they do, and if you read the previous session log you could remember it. Possibly.
<Che> * Just let me download and print out entire matrix.
<Jelena> * HackersOnSteroids.gif
<Nebokhod> * Kerosene Pirates!
<Che> * what's time it is?
<Cheese_Samovar> * you may joke, but I do believe some old-timey areas still use hardcopies.
<Cheese_Samovar> * around 11pm
<Che> * like military!
<Klutz> * and government :\
<Cheese_Samovar> * you met Johnson at 9pm, or 21:smth, you talked a bit, you negotiated a bit, you finished about 22, and spent some time driving
<Che> - Hello, Mihalych.
<Che> - I trust you to provide us some nice and cozy room without booming music and technicolor drinks.
<Cheese_Samovar> - Hey there! - he salutes you, while serving a large mug of beer to the sheepishly-looking troll in a working overalls, - so, how did you like modern music?
<Nebokhod> - Way too fucking modern.
<Cheese_Samovar> - No rainbow-coctail-shit here, chum, and won't be if I can help it. Leave this for corp-kids
<Che> - I wonder what kind of mess the leave in the restrooms.
<Nebokhod> - Gimme a beer then, i need to wash down the aftertaste.
<Nebokhod> - There's no colors enough in rainbows to describe it, i bet.
<Che> - Some tea for me, look's like there is a long night ahead.
<Cheese_Samovar> - I feel your pain. Here, on the house - he pours you 'Old J?ger', original from the looks of it.
<Nebokhod> - Much obliged.
<Cheese_Samovar> *^ to Nebokhod

  • Nebokhod starts drinikin it.

<Klutz> - Yeah, tea it is for me, too.
<Nebokhod> - Yeah. Old as a human race. That's how i like my drinks.
<Cheese_Samovar> Che, you may be the only one who drinks tea here, but for you Michalych does have a small-ish chinese teapot, and the smell - aroma you could say if it was somewhere more classy, - clears your head quite a bit.
<Cheese_Samovar> Nebokhod, stuff is indeed original, with deep tones of iron, cold and bitter as a proper drink should be. You remember a guy who did a pretty good nyen smuggling this thing through the customs
<Cheese_Samovar> - Klutz, with your music tastes I doubt you were even able to walk in, am I right?
<Klutz> - Absolutely. And my cyberears are years past their warranty time, too.
<Cheese_Samovar> Yes, I've always said you've moved here to find cheap parts for your supersecret ware, straight from hongkong
<Che> - So, we have one day for preparations and planning. Klutz, tell us, when Johnson sends his handout, I'll try to find us required transport.
<Nebokhod> - So, do we know anything interesting about these Pirates?
<Che> - Mihalych, do you have friends in the docks? We need some background information on one of the gangs there.
<Klutz> - Haha, yeah, supersecret Audiotek Emperor C cyberears. The only thing secret about them is how they stayed functional through thick and thin for all these years, - Klutz replies with a smile.
<Che> - I'm thinking about going there myself, but if you have someone trusty, that'll speed up process.

  • Jelena sinks into a seat, currently pondering if she should drink anymore thanks to the cocktails shes already had poured down her. She passes on yet more intoxication, they are on the clock after all.

<Jelena> - I feel the same Che. If we go there, a pair of us perhaps, we can even record our visit and pour over the video feeds from the cybereyes to spot hidden defences.
<Jelena> - I think we can get away with the excuse of 'scouting out a new drinking bar' for our friends. Go there one night, drink a little bit, have some fun, then we return the next night - only this time we take something extra with us.
<Cheese_Samovar> * For the building - you have plans, and they seem to be way too 'standard' to be true. A fair number of criminal boltholes do that here, paying up to the fire wardens to not look all that closely. It tells the general shape of things, though, with most of the upper floor given for the patrons to seat and mingle, and lower level holding the storage
<Che> - I think, we'd better split up. I'll go there tonight and you tomorrow at noon, so we can check up day and night activities here.
<Che> *there
<Klutz> - One would think a mermaid makes a fine attraction that raises quite a few questions from the patrons, so you asking around won't look too suspicious either.
<Che> - That is if they don't hide it. We'll look suspicious if we show up asking for obscure things.
<Che> - But if there some colourful ads on the matrix then thats a good reason to pose as tourist.
<Nebokhod> - Are there such ads?
<Cheese_Samovar> * Crime level - for the general dock area there and to the situation is that wiz-kid gangs and teenaged-goblinized-meta gangs are currently being swiped by more organized crime, - a boiling pot of young adult violence between smugglers of Bezverkhovo and Perevoznaya and the Big Leagues of Yaks and Rings closer to Tavrichanka and YMT is getting to the next
<Cheese_Samovar> stage. General public seems to be ok with that, since more organized means less shooting.

  • Klutz scans his cyberears log and repeats in the most obnoxious imitation of their Johnson he can master: "The owner captured a live mermaid and placed it in an aquarium as a main attraction".

<Cheese_Samovar> * Yakor itself is closer to the YMT, so it was not affected as much with the 'kids war'
<Cheese_Samovar> * dear roleplayers, wait a bit as I process the requests
<Che> - You know, main attraction for the local gangers in the know and main attraction for the general public are different things.
<Nebokhod> - Ok, no more glowy drinks. It screws with a memory like rabbit with his missus.
<Cheese_Samovar> * >> Klutz, tell us, when Johnson sends his handout, I'll try to find us required transport. - Johnson gave you both the narcoject to make marmaid sleepy and a small bottle of mercury to treat it when needed.
<Che> - Tourists usually attract attention if there are generally no outsiders.
<Klutz> - It's a dock area, right? With smugglers out the vazoo? You'd think there are outsiders aplenty?
<Che> * by handout I was meaning his information he was promising to send via matrix-mail.
<Che> - Don't ask us. Ask matrix!
<Cheese_Samovar> * About the whole matrix presence of this bar - there are ads, and looks like just this morning they were updated to include 'A fine mermaid guarding dead man's chest', which produced quite a bit of buzz on the forums.
<Klutz> - I thought you boys and girls were locals.
<Che> - We were.
<Nebokhod> - Not really, i'm fresh of the train, basically.
<Cheese_Samovar> * Ads are not on the 'tourist playground' part of matrix, for sure, but even gangers do have their own parts of the web to discuss non-secret stuff
<Che> - In ye olde times when modern music was something you can enjoy with out vibrating entire neighbourhood.
<Cheese_Samovar> (Michalych) - We did have other stuff to 'vibrate a neighbourhood', so to speak - bartender laughs heartily.

  • Klutz gives Che a puzzled look: "Forgive me, but you just don't look old enough for that".

<Cheese_Samovar> (Michalych) - I do have friends, and other ways to get the buzz of the area, what do you need to know?
<Che> - "Kerosine Pirates" and who is backing them.
<Che> - Also fresh rumors around them and their bar.

  • Klutz invites himself to Che's teapot.

<Jelena> * afk, sorry folks, dinner time for me
<Cheese_Samovar> * meaning?
<Cheese_Samovar> - Ah, this guys. *He frowns and pours another 'Old Jager' for himself. Drinks it silently for about a minite*
<Cheese_Samovar> - Had a friend there, Terry, smart girl, should've gone to Bali last year, nice job lined there. Stayed. Fragged up in this big shootout last month. Fragged up so bad I had to ask a guy for an illusion job so that mother won't freak out. Dumbass.
<Cheese_Samovar> - Pirates were sorta okay gang for this days, protection, guns from out of town, drugs from Chinese. Korny are brutal motherfuckers, and I do feel they have became a problem while we were looking at the big leagues. Those will dissipate as they always do, not soon, but eventually, but we'll have to deal with Korny for a long time I feel
<Che> - Where is Terry now?
<Cheese_Samovar> - Down in the ground.
<Che> - Ah, sorry, my condoleces.
<Che> *n
<Che> - Do you know any of her friends, who can know something about current state of affairs?
<Cheese_Samovar> - Thanks. We weren't talking lately, but still. Girl would've made a good runner. Not a saint, but certainly didn't need some fucker to claw her arms off. Not a decent death. I mean say what you want, but in my days killing someone was enough without sick catplay
<Klutz> - Oh, is there someone in particular in Korny who's into that shit? Or are they all sick fuckers, like Rusty Stilettos or Braineaters?
<Cheese_Samovar> - Lead guy, Vladlen, has a group close to himself who are particular bastards, most of them on a particular BTLs for a long time. I heard he himself mostly want people scared enough to just not fight him and submit. Fucking Chingis chan!
<Cheese_Samovar> - But that's another story. So a week or so ago I've seen this place down south, that Serega opened. Calls himself Silver now. I told him that it fits. Judas took thirty silver, too, and this guy is still drinking with his friends, while Terry is dead, and lots of others too.
<Che> - I wonder who chromed them up and why them.
<Cheese_Samovar> Troll catches his breathing, and looks at the bar - place is mostly empty, save you and some regulars you know, most of whom have a business with Michalych.
<Cheese_Samovar> - That's a question, yeah.
<Che> - Ok, thanks for info. Looks like my next stop is that bar of their. Or, probably, some other bar nearby first.
<Che> - Klutz, any news on your front?
<Klutz> - Nothing but rumour, Che. Some blame the syndicates, others the corps, I've even seen the Faceless Avenger himself mentioned, though why would he chrome a gang is beyond me.
<Klutz> - Got a map of the place, but I can't help but suspect it's a bit too generic to be real.
<Che> - Actually, that crazy bastard is a possibility too. But why would he steal mermaids from corps is beyond me.
<Che> * too
<Klutz> - Come to think of it, if you drive me within a couple kilometers of the place, I could run a scan and try to hack whatever they have there while you youngsters grab your nap.
<Cheese_Samovar> - Serega was bulshiting me that he's gone dry here, only working jobs outside Vladik now. But I don't belive it that, at least longterm. I think he'll either try to get back to Vladlen or leave
<Che> - Well, I can park you somewhere nearby, while I scout bars around.
<Cheese_Samovar> * you talk this over the comms or Michalych can hear?
<Che> * talk, I think.
<Che> * (as in can hear)
<Klutz> * Yeah.

  • Che checks his mapsoft for a parking locations.

<Cheese_Samovar> - So you guys plan to check out his place? Not my thing to know what you plan there, but I'd be glad to know what Serega is really about now. So, drop me a word later
<Cheese_Samovar> He taps on the table, hinting at payment
<Che> - Sure.
<Che> - If we survive, that is.
<Che> - You never know what they add to drinks near waterfront.
<Nebokhod> - I like your unbridled optimism.
<Cheese_Samovar> * To clarify: Serega, aka Silver is known as Pirates gang leader before the big shootout. As you know, lead guys did survive, including him
<Klutz> - Okay, we seem to have a plan for now, let's move out, - Klutz says as he transacts whatever it is he owes for a couple cups of tea.
<Nebokhod> - Sure.

  • Klutz plops back into his seat in the van: "So, Lucas, will you scout it out from the astral while Che's driving us closer?"
  • Che waves to Mihalych to write tea on his tab and goes to his car.

<Che> - Ok, let's see where to park you.
<Che> - Len, if you want I can drop you at your location for a night and come back tomorrow.
<Nebokhod> - But of course.
<Che> - Or, we can switch shiftes and let you have a fun night at the docks.
<Klutz> * he's afk
<Che> * shifts?
<Che> * ah, yes, then to her home, then back to docks.
<Cheese_Samovar> As you drive through the night towards the southern part of the docks, you see the lights moving through the harbour - container ships, patrol boats, drones checking the waters near the Evo islands
<Nebokhod> 14#sd vs 5#sd 12#sd summining F5 spirit of home.
<ur_dnd_bot> Nebokhod: (pool 14) 2 hits; (pool 5) 3 hits; (pool 12) 5 hits
<Nebokhod> *edge reroll
<Nebokhod> 12#sd
<ur_dnd_bot> Nebokhod: (pool 12) 6 hits

  • Nebokhod suddenly spaces out for a bit.

<Nebokhod> *droplets of sweat appear on Nebokhod's brow*
<Che> - Do you guys have preferences for the parking place?

  • Che notices that something is wrong with Nebokhod via internal cameras.

<Nebokhod> - Ok, my playmate is here and i can go look at the pretty murmaids.
<Che> - Hey, Khod, are you ok?
<Klutz> - Yeah, preferably somewhere where we won't be eaten by an incubus, or attack by a pack of ravenous ghouls, or go-gangers on aggression chips.
<Nebokhod> - I'll live, just tired a bit.
<Cheese_Samovar> * Nebokhod, describe the spirit?
<Nebokhod> - If i suddenly start speaking tongues, please do not make additional holes in my body, i like it quite the same as mother nature wrought it.
<Nebokhod> * biggish Confession Bear.
<Che> * confection bear!
<Cheese_Samovar> Che, you see an okay place near the 24h small shop, neon sign for 'Hot soykaf!!' and 'Pierogi!!!' blinking red and blue
<Che> - Oh, how do you like your pierogi, guys?
<Cheese_Samovar> Lights are still working, and nearby buildings still do have windows, so hopefully neither ghouls or gangers frequent this place.
<Klutz> - With meat, of course, - Klutz jokes with a straight face.
<Klutz> 11,15#sde interval 1 Combat Turn: scanning for hidden (and any other nodes) inside the Dead Man's Chest.
<ur_dnd_bot> Klutz: (pool 11, threshold 15) 4 passes, 15 hits
<Che> - Are you totally not a ghoul?

  • Nebokhod moves out his body to the Astral, only to find that there's 8 feet tall Malayan sun bear, standing upright.

<Klutz> * the scan takes 12 seconds
<Cheese_Samovar> * now we'll have double case of 'hacker minigame'

  • Che gets out of the vehicle, now painted as a service vehicle for one of the docks minor corps, and goes to the shop.

<Nebokhod> *
<Che> *
<Nebokhod> * and now it is.
<Klutz> * haha, not really, I have to wait until Lucas finishes: I'll be probing the targets, so it'll be taking me hours on end.

  • Nebokhod and his new friend move to the Chest's area.

<Nebokhod> * hm, i won't be original and will take innate spell(increase reflexes) as an optional power.

  • Che orders some pirogi's (with soy-meat for Klutz, potatoes for himself and krill-fish for Nebokhod because of discount), makes some idle chit-chat with a cashier, telling about boring night-shifts and asking about local bars, then returns to car.

<Cheese_Samovar> Klutz, you get couple of cameras looking our the front door, where you see lights from inside and a large black Toyota SunWarrior SUV painted and modded to resemble a pirate ship's crew quarters (with round windows and brass door handles, ropes crisscrossing the back). You also get a feed from a commlink with trid camera on, taking a picture of five
<Cheese_Samovar> metahumans standing in front of the large aquarium with some dark shape inside. Largest guy in the group is all but blocking the view on the shape
<Cheese_Samovar> * I assume you did not have any problem hacking camera feeds and commlink was simple enough
<Klutz> * oh okay. Anything I can find on the commlink that gives any identifying info on the owner? Any logs: messaging, mails, recorded conversations, what have you?
<Che> * nude selfies
<Cheese_Samovar> Nebokhod, bear is standing on tiptoes, and walking together with you. While it is still night, it seems to be in a futile search for the sun. You get closer to the place, walk through the door and see lots of metahuman auras in the place - not as crowded as in Castle Rock, but a full house for this place. Orks dominate the crowd, part of them japanese Oni,
<Cheese_Samovar> at least three Trolls are immediately visible.
<Cheese_Samovar> * what do you want to check out in the place first? And where can I see Home spirit stats?
<Nebokhod> * what about the mermaid?
<Nebokhod> * also let's assume that I successfully assensed all the not whole auras.
<Nebokhod> * sr4a 304.
<Cheese_Samovar> Che, inside the shop sleepy dwarf, who obviously is slotted with BTL, sleep-sells you your ordered pierogi, going so far as to warm them up a bit. This particular BTL you've been seeing a lot lately, some heavily-revitalized flat-era detective flick with added overtly high emotional and sensual parts divided by monotone and creepy monologues. By some reason
<Cheese_Samovar> people seem to dig this shit
<Cheese_Samovar> * remind me, assense gives you exact implant details or just the place where it is?
<Che> * did this dwarf sleepy told me anything about local bars?
<Nebokhod> * depends on the roll,
<Cheese_Samovar> * >> sr4a 304. | - spirit of man?
<Nebokhod> * let's assume that i know where implants are and whom has it.
<Nebokhod> * yeah, strange mistype

  • Che checks if there are complaints from Klutz or Nebokhod about their location, eats his pierogi and then hits the streets in search of the nearest still working bar.
  • Klutz speaks up as Che prepares to leave the vehicle: "Seriously? You're going alone, at night, into a high-crime district you don't really know? Who's on your last will and testament?"

<Cheese_Samovar> Nebokhod, while the crows is mostly normal, some guys do sport cyberware. For example, troll in the corner near the bar has cybereyes, what seems to be wired reflexes, and toughened up skin and muscles. Ork up there near the aquarium has both hands (not arms) replaced, as well as knee on one of his legs. Bear taps your shoulder to get your attention, and you
<Cheese_Samovar> see a human girl hanging upside down from the ceiling, and her legs are artificial, too. That's all you see right now
<Cheese_Samovar> Che, dwarf is mostly mumbling under her nose the quotes from the BTL - you recognize them since you heard them way too fucking much. You can try to get her attention, if you try hard enough.
<Nebokhod> + Now that's look like a fun girl to party with.
<Che> * Is my common sense tingling?
<Nebokhod> * any wards or left over astral signatures?
<Che> * nah, no hard trying, less witnesses.
<Klutz> * Che, actually, Klutz has Common Sense as a positive quality :3
<Che> * so is he right?
<Che> * how dangerous it's out there?
<Klutz> * well, as a matter of fact, Common Sense only works if the character himself is about to do something foolish
<Klutz> * But our Matrix searches showed that the district is a high-crime one.
<Che> * also I'm not trying to scout back alleys or such, moving by nice streets with working street lamps in a search of nearest good loking bar.
<Che> *just
<Cheese_Samovar> * Does Che have common sense?
<Che> * nope, just Analytical Mind and INT/LOG at 5.
<Cheese_Samovar> * though working as a detective he should have one for such situations. Basically, this is supposed to be Korny turf due to them wiping the floor with the Pirates. So there's a good chance for you to meet them, which will decrease if you choose your path carefully.
<Che> * LOG even augmented t 7.
<Che> * well, I have my mapsoft with rating 6.
<Cheese_Samovar> * also, Che, what are you wearing? And what Jelena is doing?
<Che> I'm wearing my casual bussiness suit and now plain colored lined coat.
<Che> **
<Klutz> * Jelena, I suspect, is napping at the back of the van.
<Cheese_Samovar> * You do look out of place.
<Nebokhod> * more like in her bed.
<Klutz> * Or that.
<Che> * yep
<Che> * ok then no scouting.
<Che> * i just was under impression, that there should be some nice local bar if there is working shop.
<Klutz> * You don't watch enough horror flicks, apparently
<Che> * On the secin thought, will my old patched navy farigues look better here?
<Cheese_Samovar> * You can find okay bar here, sure. With your mapsoft you can even find a way to one. Just that getting there on foot give you some chance of meeting the Korny.
<Cheese_Samovar> * They will look better, sure. Just choose if you want to look cool and hardcore or tired and not really threatening
<Che> * tired for sure. Especially after that club.
<Cheese_Samovar> * I'm glad you liked it
<Nebokhod> * “There is no truce with Adam-zad, the Bear that looks like a Man!”
<Che> * just some bored service technician on the night shift trying to entertain himself with a few drinks.
<Cheese_Samovar> Nebokhod, do you move closer to the aquarium?
<Nebokhod> * yes.
<Cheese_Samovar> * Che, then go on.
<Che> * also I can ask Klutz to look after me with his street cams.
<Klutz> As Che changes, Klutz speaks up again: "At least leave me the access codes to the van, so that I don't have to hack it when we have to rush to your rescue".
<Che> * ok, then I haven't changed my clothes after club, just repained back my coat.
<Che> * and removed chains and such.
<Cheese_Samovar> * And which bar do you choose? 'Koryushka', chain bar with somewhat pricy tag and safety, 'Catfish', dirty-ish hole with cheap synthebooze or 'Dremel', which is just marked 'Drinks are ok'?
<Che> - I can even lease you one of my birds. But I'm afraid they can notice unusual drone activity.
<Che> * Drinks are ok is ok.
<Klutz> - Sane idea, let's do that, too. Call us over the comms, and we'll see what we can do to help. At the very least Lucas could materialize a spirit near you.

  • Che plans his route to the bar, checks his guns, and finally hits the streets!

<Nebokhod> * how do i know to, by the way?
<Klutz> * you don't
<Nebokhod> * and that is a serious problem actually.
<Klutz> * well you could just as well return in the time it's taking Che to walk

  • Che introduces Klutz to the car and Optic-X, checks if everything is working and leaves parking lot.

<Che> * I should go in ~20 minutes.

  • Klutz revs the van engine, floats the drone up, then returns it to its place and returns to being the spotter for Lucas' trip.

<Jelena> * I'm watching OOC, IC'ly I do beleive I'm conked out. Johnson spiked the drinks and it hit the elf hardest :<
<Cheese_Samovar> Meanwhile, Nebokhod. You go closer to the aquarium, moving through the another group of metapeople who seem to line up for a picture. In the aquarium (which is large, about 15m in length), you see a shape of a creature, large, sea-lion like, with hands and a long mane of hair. Its aura glows - it is definitely awakened. * make assense check, please
<Cheese_Samovar> * for details
<Che> * is Jelena looked ok when we dropped her?
<Che> *were
<Nebokhod> 7#sd assensing
<ur_dnd_bot> Nebokhod: (pool 7) 4 hits
<Klutz> * was looking or did look
<Che> *was then
<Jelena> * Maybe the cocktail hit her a bit too hard and she's resting to make sure she's in shape for recon next noon?
<Che> * ah, ok.
<Cheese_Samovar> Nebokhod, while you're looking closer, creature raises its head, and looks at your astral form - it sees you. And your assense hints, that it is not just awakened, but is casting some spell at the moment. Which one you are not sure of.
<Cheese_Samovar> What do you do?
<Nebokhod> * get the fuck out of dodge. at top speed.

  • Che orders some "ok drink" at the bar, checks it for the okness, and listens to the locals, waiting for a moment to join to the discussion.

<Che> * after that some idle chatting, news, sports...
<Nebokhod> * btw, do i have an inkling who is the target of the spell ?
<Che> * waiting again to lead discussion to the mermaids or new bar.
<Cheese_Samovar> Che, you enter a dim-lit bar, with a new-year lights hanging up the ceiling for some reason, providing the only lighting in the area. Drink you get from a old, wrinkled, but surprisingly clean-clothed and shaved barman with a white beard, is OK. In sense that it is strong enough to get you from one sip. * roll bodyX2
<Che> * well, to the new bar through exotic sea animals.
<Che> 6#sd
<ur_dnd_bot> Che: (pool 6) 2 hits
<Che> *oh well

  • Che should have ordered more pierogi.

<Cheese_Samovar> Well, you are not poisoned, for sure, it is some good stuff. Just maybe you do not need a lot of it to be drunk as shit. Right now, since you had a good pierog before, you are just in a nice, safe buzz. Good place to wait and talk, it seems. People talk quietly. * give me some social roll
<Cheese_Samovar> * -1 for the Buzz

  • Che sends Klutz message "Drinks are OrK!"

<Che> 3#sd Etiquette
<ur_dnd_bot> Che: (pool 3) 0 hits
<Klutz> = Che come in. Ground control to Major Che, report flight parameters.
<Che> = I'm flying high!
<Klutz> = Physically or metaphorically?
<Che> *hm, edging.
<Cheese_Samovar> Nebokhod, you are getting the hell outta dodge well before you manage to understand, who was going to be hit with what spell. You need to calm down, and you think with your military training you can review the situation
<Che> *or not
<Cheese_Samovar> * decide
<Che> * is it just reroll, or reroll -1?
<Cheese_Samovar> * edge is reroll failed
<Nebokhod> * -hits
<Klutz> * that is, you reroll whatever dice didn't come up as hits, yeah
<Cheese_Samovar> * since you did not get any hits, so you reroll all 3
<Che> *ok
<Che> 3#sd Etiquette edged
<ur_dnd_bot> Che: (pool 3) 1 hit
<Nebokhod> * review situation as in roll some knowledge skill?
<Cheese_Samovar> * Nebokhod - yep.
<Che> * I can roll some sports.
<Nebokhod> 11#sd
<ur_dnd_bot> Nebokhod: (pool 11) 5 hits
<Che> * people like sports, right?
<Cheese_Samovar> * Che, here's a choice for you from cheesy me. I can give you minor rumors with this. Or I can give you good rumors if you buy everyone here a round.
<Che> * mmm, I'd like to stay low profile.
<Cheese_Samovar> * your choice, chum
<Cheese_Samovar> * I'm just giving you one
<Che> *keep low profile.
<Cheese_Samovar> * ok
<Cheese_Samovar> * Nebokhod, where is your astral form currently?
<Cheese_Samovar> and a bear
<Che> * how much that will cost comparing to the wage of spherical technician in vacuum?
<Nebokhod> * outside the club

  • Che sends his audio/visual feed to the Klutz in case of troubles.

<Cheese_Samovar> * Nebokhod, you feel cold-ish. And tired overall. To be fair, you feel like whether in the club or back in the van you'd feel much better right now. But you feel like this creature was.. sorta magically sniffing you. As to understand, who or what are you and your bear.

  • Klutz shares his attention between monitoring Che's feed and the data from around the van: he goes into VR and builds a wall of feeds in the interface of his home node. Operating at boosted hot VR speeds, he keeps up with the events easily.

<Nebokhod> *hm, ok, then I carefully come back into the club, erase our signatures and come back to my body.
<Che> * and now I should go. I'll be back in a hour or so.
<Cheese_Samovar> * you try not to be seen by it?
<Nebokhod> * yes
<Cheese_Samovar> * Seems in the book it does not take any rolls. So you do it, ok
<Cheese_Samovar> * Also, we'll resolve Che's talks if he wants to showoff a little - next time.
<Cheese_Samovar> =======================SESSION END===========================