Harvest of Malice
From Game Logs
Revision as of 15:59, 28 January 2010 by Zinik Alexander (talk | contribs)
Procurator Calexi - Zinik_Alexander
Casus Inquisitoria
HERE BE SPOILERS: Will be written in details later.
Ratio Scripta
- 4000 starting experience pool + 200-300 XP for flavour customisation ("My mind-cleansed Assassin somehow retained Perform(Singer)+20 from his former life" is OK, for example).
- Determine starting abilities as follows: Roll for stats as ruled in book(one re-roll allowed), assign results as you see fit. Further, it's possible to reassign 5 points from one stat to another(with limit to one such operation per stat).
- You can, before buying stats advances, change costs between a pair of them.
- Replace starting wounds roll with static of 3
- Inquisitor's Handbook is ON, Radical Handbook is ON, being a Maletek Stalker is bad for your in-game perspectives.
- Вопросы манчкоты и кастомизации решаются в индивидуальном порядке. Хинт: квентоманчество - лучший путь к успеху.