Why So Empty
Void Whispers - insd7s
This hereby proclaims... Well, you know the drill. Set sails and embark on a journey for fun and profit!
Ratio Scripta
- There is no such thing as Suspensor.
- There IS such thing as Telegus. The first part of it, anyways.
- Rank - first
- Everybody has two additional spare clips for his weapon
- Everybody has things like flashlight, void-suit, dataslate or other simple necessities
Business Details
+++Scouts Report+++
+++Received by Central Commdeck +++
+++Priority Alpha, Ciphering XVa low-profile+++
Reporting scouting results for asteroid field qbe.1123xt (map enclosed).
"This looks like a asteroid transformed into a voidstation. Closing in for visual. Holy Throne... This looks definitely human-desing, but... It's strange! Team Beta, scan formation, Team Alpha employ debris-protection protocols."
Energy signature: low (probably conservation mode)
docking bays: detected (layout enclosed)
weapon batteries: laser arrays, deactivated, heavily damaged
hangars: empty spaces detected inside but no obvious way in
Estimated threat:
environmental hostility:
air: OK
bio: bio presence detected, Magos-Errant Amadeus recommends additional investigation
xenos: no sings detected
+++Transmission Ends+++
Барон Ульрих фон Либенау - Обаяние феодализма - игрок aaa13
Кевин Дахаллан - мастер по таранам - игрок Guns_Linger
Belphegor Hawkeye - пострелятель с кнутом - игрок Zinik_Alexander
- Noble Vessel