From Game Logs
'Tis far better, I entreat, to eat toads for your meat
Than to eat of the wild, wild berry
Than to eat of the wild, wild berry
- ~ The Devil and The Huntsman
- ~ The Devil and The Huntsman
Описание персонажа
![]() Ancient drow visored helmet, of advantage to perception |
Участник одной из первых исследовательских экспедиций на Игор'тпк привёз с собой сына и пропал без вести.
Сыну пришлось расти на месте. За прошедшие 20+ лет он так и не умер, что по меркам этого континента уже очень неплохо.
Sebastian "Spot" Peltier Male Wood Elf Ranger 5 (Revised) Background: Outlander Archetype: Hunter -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Str 08(-1) Dex 18(+4) (elf bonus, ASI x1) Con 14(+2) Int 12(+1) Wis 16(+3) (wood elf bonus) Cha 08(-1) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HP 44 (5#1d10+2 HD) Hero pts 07 (5 currently spent) AC 16 = 12(armor) +4(dex) Speed 35 ft Init +4, with advantage (ranger) Prof +3 Melee +7 = +3(prof) +4(dex) Ranged +9 = +3(prof) +4(dex) +2(style) Spells +6 = +3(prof) +3(wis) Spell DC 14 = 8(base) +3(prof) +3(wis) Passive Perception: 16 = 10(taken) +3(prof) +3(wis) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proficiencies Armor: Light, Medium, Shields Weapons: Simple, Martial Tools: Artisan's Tools (Cook's Utensils) Languages: Gildentale, Hisperante, Austere, Naidhil'taal Saving throws: Str, Dex Skills: Athletics, Nature, Insight, Perception, Stealth, Survival -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Abilities [Elf ] Darkvision [Elf ] Keen Senses (prof @ perception) [Elf ] Fey Influence (adv @ saves vs charm, immune to magic sleep) [Elf ] Trance (instead of sleep) [Elf ] Mask of the Wild (hide @ lightly obstructed areas) [Backgr] Wanderer (autosuccess @ memorising lay of the land, foraging) [Ranger] Favored Enemy (Monstrosities) (+2 damage, adv @ checks to track & checks to recall information about them) [Ranger] Natural Explorer (ignore diff terrain, adv @ init, adv @ attack on 1st round, never get lost, always alert, move fast, tons of food, precise tracking) [Ranger] Fighting Style (Archery) [Ranger] Spellcasting [Ranger] Hunter Archetype (Horde Breaker) [Ranger] Primeval Awareness (action to talk to beast, 1 minute to scan for Favoreds in 5 miles) [Ranger] Extra Attack -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spells (4 known, slots 4/2/-/-) 1. Goodberry (1 action, touch: 10x1 heal + sustain) 2. Hunter's Mark (1 bonus action, range 90', conc up to 1 hr: mark a target for +1d6 damage and adv @ finding it) 3. Spike Growth (1 action, range 150', conc up to 10 min: 20' radius of diff terrain, creatures take 2d4 piercing damage per 5' of movement) 4. Pass Without Trace (1 action, all willing within 30', conc up to 1 hr: +10 stealth, can't be tracked) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Items Drow Bone Longbow +1 (1d8+1 piercing, range 150/600, heavy, two-handed) * Arrows x21 * Bone arrows (poisoned) x1 * Bone arrows x4 Machete (1d6 slashing, finesse, light) Dagger (1d4 piercing, finesse, light, thrown 20/60) Healer's Kit (10 charges, 3 lbs) Cook's Utensils (8 lbs) Rope, silk, 50' (5 lbs) Fishing rod & accessories (1 lb) Studded leather armor (13 lbs) Traveler’s clothes (4 lbs) Displacer beast cloak Component pouch Belt pouch (53 silver) [21 gp of advance payment spent] Oil Flask x1 (1 lb) Assorted herbs and spices (1 lb) Drow poison x5 Ancient Drow Helmet(adv @ perception checks) Personal collection of odd maps and stuff (4 lbs) * Frogmen map, defaced * "Transmutation And Conjuration Magicks In Modern Cookery For An Aspiring Housewife, second edition" Trophy case * Cockatrice beak x2 * Displacer beast claws x4 * Displacer fang x1 * Displacer irritant jar x1 * Spotted eel squeezings x0 (1d8+2 temporary HP, Con save vs poisoned (1 minute))
Tactical options
Default attack action: ranged (twice from extra attack), Drow Bone Longbow +4(dex) +3(prof) +2(style) +1(weapon) = 1d20+10, damage 1d8+5 piercing (dex+weapon)
Conditional modifiers:
- Nature Explorer: on the 1st turn gain advantage on attacks vs creatures that have not yet acted.
- Horde Breaker: once per turn make another attack against a different creature within 5' of the original target.
- Favoured Enemy (Monstrosities): +2 to damage rolls with weapon attacks.
- Hunter's Mark: +1d6 damage whenever you hit the mark with a weapon attack.