Silver Skulls

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Chapter's origins are lost to antiquity, but it's quite possible, that it was founded because of strategic prognostication.
Silver Skulls are said to be among the most renowned and honored chapters of the Second Founding's ranks.
Chapter's progenitors are Ultramarines.
Their gene-seed is of a new generation and has no deficiencies.
Chapter has no flaws except extreme superstitiousness.

Founding Fathers: Chief Prognosticator Vashiro
Homeworld: Feral World of Varsavia
Predominant Terrain: Temperate
Relationship with Home World: Distant Rule
Organization: Divergent Chapter (they possess specialist rank known as a "Prognosticator")

Combat Doctrine
The Silver Skulls have a reputation for being fierce fighters, warriors who acquitted themselves on the field of battle with an almost legendary savagery. They preferred to deploy more as skirmishers than line troops, unleashing their strength where it would make the most difference when fighting alongside other Imperial military forces. Their refusal to give ground during combat was a defining trait of the Chapter.

Special Equipment: Imperial Tarot
Beliefs: Varsavian Orthodoxy
Chapter Status: Nominal
Chapter Friends: Adepta Sororita
Chapter Enemies: Red Corsairs
Battle Cry: "Primus Inter Pares!"

Silver Skulls Characters

Characteristic Modifiers: +5 to two characteristics of the player’s choice
Speciality Restriction: none
Codex Demeanor: Victory, no matter the odds

Solo Mode Ability 
This Chapter has been trained to spot minute disturbances of the warp pressing in on realspace. This attunement to the empyrean grants the character the Psyniscience Skill as a Trained Skill. The Battle-Brother may also re-roll any failed Willpower Tests to resist a psychic power.
Squad Mode Attack Patterns - Storm of Hell 
Action: Full Action, Cost: 3, Sustained: Yes. While this ability is in effect, The Battle-Brother and those within Support Range of him gain the Furious Assault Talent and the Frenzy Talent. At Rank 4, activating this ability is a Half Action.
Squad Mode Defensive Stances - Rally Cry (as Ultramarines) 
When a Battle-Brother uses this ability, it instantly restores a number of Cohesion equal to his Fellowship Bonus. The reverence the Ultramarines hold for their Primarch and the strength of will required to make a Rally Cry is such that a Battle-Brother may only use this ability once per game session.

Custom Chapter Advance Tables: No Respite to the Enemy

Advance Cost Type Prerequisites
Dodge 100 Skill
Dodge +10 200 Skill Dodge
Dodge +20 200 Skill Dodge +10
Tactics (any) 100 Skill
Tactics (any) +10 100 Skill Tactics (any)
Tactics (any) +20 100 Skill Tactics (any) +10
Gunslinger 600 Talent BS 40, Two Weapon Wielder (Ballistic)
Two Weapon Wielder (Ballistic) 400 Talent BS 35, Ag 35
Two Weapon Wielder (Melee) 400 Talent WS 35, Ag 35
Mighty Shot 400 Talent BS 40
