Ron O'Riley

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Крупный, в меру упитанный орк, у которого есть множество знакомых в нужных местах орочьего гетто.


== Build ==
Build points: 400
Concept: Ork Barmen

== Info ==
Name: Ronald O'Riley
Karma spent/total: 24/30
Money spent/left: 0/30000
Ork male. Age - 29.

== Attributes (220 BP) ==
Bod: 7           =4+3(30)
Agi: 4(6)        =1+3(30)+2(muscle toner)
Rea: 5(6)        =1+4(40)+1(reaction enchancers)
Str: 3
Cha: 5(8)        =1+4(40)+3(tailored pheromones)
Int: 3           =1+2(20)
Log: 1
Wil: 3           =1+2(20)
Edg: 3           =1+2(20)

== Derived Attributes ==

Essence              : 0.89
Initiative(Matrix)   : 12(12)

Initiative passes    : 3
Physical Damage Track: 12
Stun Damage Track    : 10

== Combat Modes ==
flame: 6P AP -half tazer ranges, SS, ammo 4, reload fullcturn, ready=complex
(0-5m 0, 6-10m -1) Attack 11 damage 6+successes AP/2 goes on fire

Warhawk 6P AP-2 SS ammo 6(cy)
Attack 14 / damage 7 AP -3 (XX)

Full Defence:    Ranged 11(13) / Melee 12(14)
     Defence:    Ranged 6(8)  / Melee 9(11)
Ballistic Armor: 10 (11 w'helm)
   Impact Armor: 10 (12 w'helm)

Per: 6(+2 visual)

== Talking modes ==
con 14, negotiate 14
intimidate 13

== Active Skills (104 BP + 18 кармы) ==

 Influence:          4                                          (40+4)            
    Con              4(5) [Informations drain] + trustworthy
    Etiquette        4 [Street]
    Leadership       4 
    Negotiation      5 [Street]                                 (4)
Dodge                3 [Ranged]                                 (12)
Pilot(Ground Craft)  3                                          (14 кармы)
Exotic Weapons       3 [Flamethrowers]                          (12)
Intimidation         5 [Subdue]                                 (20)
Pistols              4 [Heavy Pistols]                          (16)
Perception           1 [Visual]                                 (4 кармы)

== Knowledge Skills (8 free KSP + 6 кармы) ==

Cleveland local gangs                                     (4) 
Cleveland criminal figures(fences, smugglers, fixers)     (4)
Cleveland Elf-vs-Ork action figures(3(k))=3                     (6 k)

== Language Skills(4 free KSP) ==

Or-Zet                          :N	
English(Cleveland gang speak)   :4	

== Contacts (34 BP) ==
Fixer(4,4) - Джонни Фарлах, орк, аватарка - негр в лабораторном халате. Пометка: проставиться.



Mr.FoodStuff(3,1) - tries to look like just another hard-working troll, but this guy definitely hauls not only eco-friendly goods. And from time to time Ron manages to get something more than 

Iron Teeth warboss(4,4)

== Qualities (+10 BP) ==

Common sense(5)
Restricted Equipment(5) [flamethrower]

== Commlink ==
Renraku Sensei (w. Iris Orb)     4K
base                         2K
Implanted                   +2K
subvocal                        50ny
Response 2
Signal   4

System   3
Firewall 3

== Soft ==

== Lifestyle ==
low, by dayjob

== Inventory 50 BP ==
250K NY
=== 'Ware ===
Genetic optimization(Cha)        45K 0.2E

Vocal Range enhancer             12K (+1 to social) 0.1E
Tailored Pheromones R3           45K (+3 to charisma and social) 0.6E
Muscle toner R2                  16K (+2 Ag) 0.4E
Orthoskin R2 secondhanded        30K 1.2E

Wired Ref R2 32К 3E

Reaction Enhancers R1            10K (+1 Rea) 0.3E
Cybereyes R4                     1K (var) 0.4E [12/12]
 Flare Compensation              750
 Image Link 
 Protective Covers               100
 Smartlink                       1000
 Thermographic Vision            1000
 Vision Enhancer  R2             3000
 Vision Magnification            1000
Cyberears R1 Alpha               500   / 0.16es[4/4]
 Damper                          750          
 SSF R1                          1000  
 Audio Enhancement R2            3000

2.5E vs 3.86E = 5.11E, 0.89 free
=== Weapons ===
Shiawase Blazer 1200NY
Ruger Super Warhawk 250NY
-smartgun 250
-quickdraw holster 100

50 standard bullets 100Y
20 XXplosive bullets 200Y
6x Fuel tank 240Y

6xSpeedloaders (2x XX 4x norm)


=== Armour ===
Lined Coat                       700     6/4 
+Shin Guards			 150	 0/1
+Vitals Protection		 200	 1/1
+Leg and Arm casing		 350	 1/1
+Forearm Guards  		 200	 0/1
+Bike helmet                     200     1/2
+Fireproof all                   600

8/8 total, 9/10 with helmet
+1700 for all. 

== SINs & Licences ==
real SIN
Fake SIN[4] 4k ny Registered to the name Michael Dexter.
Fake licence R4 400 ny still-working bodyguard of mr.Warboss

== Wheels ==
Rover 2068, base edition          25K
+2500 run-flat tires, spoof chip, morphing plate.