Rein ECL07

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Rein Von Wulf
Male Razortooth Shifter Druid(w. subst lvl 1) 3/Brawler 2/Warshaper 2

Speaks: Common, Sylvan, Druidic

Str  16  +2[spirit]+4[Morphic Body]+1[HD] = 23  | +6
Dex  12  +2[race]                         = 14  | +2
Con  14  +4[Morphic Body]                 = 18  | +4
Int  12  -2[race]                         = 10  | +0
Wis  14                                   = 14  | +2
Cha  10  -2[race]                         = 08  | -1

HP: 60(3d8+2d10+2d8+28-2)

Initiative: +4

Speed: 30 ft. 

Action Points: 3

AC: 10 +6[Nat]+2[Dex]+4[Armor]+1[Ench] = 23
-Flat-Footed: 21
-Touch:  18

For = +3 +3 +3 +4 +6 | = +19
Ref = +1 +0 +1 +2    | = +4
Wil = +3 +0 +1 +2    | = +6

BAB/Grapple: +5/+12

Full-Attack(Battlefist/Slam): +12/+7 ; 2d6+7
-Full-Attack Summary: +5[BAB]+6[Str]+1[Ench] ;2d6+6[Str]+1[Ench]

Medium Size
-[Racial Traits]
Shifting 2/day; 10 rounds
+2 racial bonus on Balance, Climb and Jump
Low-Light Vision, Spot +6, Listen +6



   [Su]Predator Form
 [Su]Beast Spirit
   [Su]Extend Shifting
   [Su]Feral Empathy
   [Su]Will Of The Spirit
   [--]Ability Bonus +2(Str by default)
 [Ex]Nature Sense
 [Ex]Wild Empathy
 [Ex]Woodland Stride
 [Ex]Trackless Step
 [--]Spontaneous Rejuvenation 
 [--]Skilled City-Dweller(Ride -> Tumble)
 [--]Improvised Weapon Proficiency
 [--]Natural Armor
 [--]Unarmed Strike
 [--]Fortitude Bonus
 [--]Grapple Bonus +1
 [--]Bonus Feat
 [Ex]Morphic Immunities
 [Su]Morphic Weapons
 [Su]Morphic Body
Lvl. [Reason] Feat

1.   [HD1] Longtooth Elite
1.  [Flaw] Shifter Instincts
3.   [HD3] Extra Shifter Trait(Razorclaw)
5.   [BrB] Power Attack
6.   [HD6] Leap Attack



K(planes) | +4   |  +2[Wis] + 2[rank]                             
Survival  | +12  |  +2[Wis] + 8[rank] +2[Nature Sense]                  
K(nature) | +10  |  +0[Int] + 8[rank] +2[Nature Sense]                
Tumble    | +9   |  +2[Dex] + 6[rank]
Jump      | +15  |  +6[Str] + 8[rank] +2[Race]                  

-Caster Level = 3

Spells Per Day/Memorized:
0 Level(4): Know Direction, Detect Magic, Purify Food&Drink, Detect Poison
1 Level(3): Shifter Prowess, Snake's Swiftness x2
2 Level(2): Wild Instincts, Embrace the Wild


Load:   <50   
-Light = 100
-Medium = 200
-Heavy =  300     

Steel Werewolf Paw(Mighty Arm + Battlefist +1 of Brutal Surge) 9000 gp.
Armored Jacket(Beastskin Scorpion Breastplate +1)              9300 gp.  

Braid of Dire Shifting x5 500 gp

200 gp

Combat Modes:

1. Razortooth Shifting(Suggesting move action spent on morphing weapons)
Str 24, AC 24, For.Save +20, Primary Bite Attack +13; 1d8+9 +1 Con dmg.
Full-Attack: Bite +12/Two Claws +7/Slam +7 ; 1d8+11/1d6+8/2d6+8/2d6+8
 Bite: +5[BAB]+7[STR] / 1d8+7[Str]+3[1/2Str]+1[ECL]+1 Con dmg.
 Claws: +5[BAB]+7[STR]-5[Secondary] / 1d6+7[Str]+1[ECL] / 2d6+7[Str]+1[Ench]
 Slam: +5[BAB]+7[STR]-5[Secondary] / 2d6+7[Str]+1[Ench]
 AC: 10+7[Nat]+2[Dex]+4[Armor]+1[Ench]

2. Predatory Shapeshift(Suggesting move action spent on morphing weapons)
Str 27, AC 29, For.Save +21, Primary Bite Attack +13; 1d8+13 +1 Con dmg., Speed 50 ft.
Full-Attack: Bite +13/Two Claws +8/Slam +8 ; 1d8+13/1d6+9/2d6+9/2d6+9
 Bite: +5[BAB]+8[STR] / 1d8+8[Str]+4[1/2Str]+1[ECL]+1 Con dmg.
 Claws: +5[BAB]+8[STR]-5[Secondary] / 1d6+8[Str]+1[ECL] / 2d6+8[Str]+1[Ench]
 Slam: +5[BAB]+8[STR]-5[Secondary] / 2d6+8[Str]+1[Ench]
 AC: 10+8[Nat]+4[Nat.Ench]+2[Dex]+4[Armor]+1[Ench]

3. Razortooth Predator Form(Suggesting move action spent on morphing weapons)
Str 29, AC 30, For.Save +22, Primary Bite Attack +14; 1d8+14 +1 Con dmg., Speed 50 ft.
Full-Attack: Bite +14 /Two Claws +9 /Slam +9 ; 1d8+14/1d6+10/2d6+10/2d6+10
 Bite: +5[BAB]+9[STR] / 1d8+9[Str]+4[1/2Str]+1[ECL]+1 Con dmg.
 Claws: +5[BAB]+9[STR]-5[Secondary] / 1d6+9[Str]+1[ECL] / 2d6+9[Str]+1[Ench]
 Slam: +5[BAB]+9[STR]-5[Secondary] / 2d6+9[Str]+1[Ench]
 AC: 10+9[Nat]+4[Nat.Ench]+2[Dex]+4[Armor]+1[Ench]

4. Dire Razortooth Predator Form(Suggesting move action spent on morphing weapons and Braid of Dire Shifting used during metamorphosis)
Str 31, Dex 12, AC 29, For.Save +23, Primary Bite Attack +14; 2d6+16 +1 Con dmg., Speed 50 ft., Size: Large
Full-Attack: Bite +14 /Two Claws +9 /Slam +9 ; 2d6+16/1d8+10/3d6+10/3d6+10
 Bite: +5[BAB]+10[STR]-1[Size] / 2d6+10[Str]+5[1/2Str]+1[ECL]+1 Con dmg.
 Claws: +5[BAB]+10[STR]-5[Secondary]-1[Size] / 1d8+10[Str]+1[ECL] / 3d6+10[Str]+1[Ench]
 Slam: +5[BAB]+10[STR]-5[Secondary]-1[Size] / 3d6+10[Str]+1[Ench]
 AC: 10+10[Nat]+4[Nat.Ench]+1[Dex]+4[Armor]+1[Ench]-1[Size]

Used Books:
Races Of Ebberon
Spell Compendium
Unearthed Arcana

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