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If you’re gonna pounce, you’ve got to have some bounce!
~ Tigger
Nakati, monk (lvl 1)
Female catfolk, neutral
Armor Class 17 (Explorer's Clothing)
Hit Points 20
Speed 25 ft.

16 (+3)14 (+2)14 (+2)10 (+0)10 (+0)12 (+1)

Saving Throws Fortitude +7, Reflex +7, Will +5
Skills Acrobatics +5, Athletics +6, Intimidation +4, Nature +3, Performance +4, Stealth +5, Survival +3, Thievery +5, Lore (Catfolk +3)
Senses Perception +3, darkvision, imprecise scent 30ft
Languages Amurrun, Mwangi
Weapons simple weapons, unarmed attacks
Armor unarmored

Stoked Flame Stance. While in this stance, Nakati gains a +5-foot status bonus to her Speed.


STR 16 (+3) 10 + 2 [background] + 2 [class] + 2 [1st lvl]
DEX 14 (+2) 10 + 2 [ancestry] + 2 [1st lvl]
CON 14 (+2) 10 + 2 [ancestry] + 2 [1st lvl]
INT 10 (+0) 10
WIS 10 (+0) 10 - 2 [ancestry] + 2 [1st lvl]
CHA 12 (+1) 10 + 2 [ancestry]
Speed 25 25 [ancestry]
Perception +3 0 [WIS] + 3 [trained]
Fortitude +7 2 [CON] + 5 [expert]
Reflex +7 2 [DEX] + 5 [expert]
Will +5 0 [WIS] + 5 [expert]
Class DC 16 10 + 3 [STR] + 3 [trained]
AC 17 10 [ancestry] + 2 [DEX] + 0 [armor] + 5 [expert]
HP 20 8 [ancestry] + 1 x (10 [class] + 2 [CON])


Acrobatics 5 2 [DEX] + 3 [trained]
Arcana 0 0 [INT]
Athletics 6 3 [STR] + 3 [trained]
Crafting 0 0 [INT]
Deception 1 1 [CHA]
Diplomacy 1 1 [CHA]
Intimidation 4 1 [CHA] + 3 [trained]
Lore (Catfolk) 3 0 [INT] + 3 [trained]
Medicine 0 0 [WIS]
Nature 3 0 [WIS] + 3 [trained]
Occultism 0 0 [INT]
Performance 4 1 [CHA] + 3 [trained]
Religion 0 0 [WIS]
Society 0 0 [INT]
Stealth 5 2 [DEX] + 3 [trained]
Survival 3 0 [WIS] + 3 [trained]
Thievery 5 2 [DEX] + 3 [trained]


Gear Qty Bulk Mode Notes
explorer's clothing 0.1 Worn +0 AC, +5 Dex Cap
buckler 0.1 Worn +1 AC when raised, made from bone
backpack 0 Worn
bedroll 0.1 Stowed
flint and steel 0 Worn
rations (1 week) x2 0.2 Stowed
waterskin 0.1 Stowed
12gp, 8sp, 8cp 0 Worn
TOTAL: 0 / 6


Ancestry: Clawed Catfolk
Background: Feral Child
Class: Monk (lvl 1)
Level 1
Saving Throws: Fortitude E [class], Reflex E [class], Will E [class]
Defenses: Unarmored E [class]
Attacks: Simple Weapons T [class], Unarmed Attacks T [class]
Skills: Acrobatics T [feat], Athletics T [class], Intimidation T [class], Lore (Catfolk) T [feat], Nature T [background], Performance T [class], Survival T [background], Stealth T [class], Survival -> Thievery T [feat]
Languages: Amurrun [ancestry], Mwangi [ancestry]
Feats: Catfolk Lore [ancestry], Forager [background], Stoked Flame Stance [class]