Mira Scillio

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1Apply your experience in a crime to the current situation.
2Verbally estimate the black market value of an item or person.
3Recount a desperate act of survival you once made.
4Use some gang slang — invented or real.
5Explain how a common object has an alternative use — probably as a weapon.
6Decry the violence and villainy of authority.
Name               : Mira "The Knife" Scillo 
Archetype          : None
Archetype Ability  : None
Faction            : Scum
Species            : Human
Species Ability    : None
Rank               : 1
Rank Bonus         : 1
Tier               : 1
Keywords           : Imperium, Scum.
Languages          : Low Gothic.
Age                : 32
Eye Colour         : Sickly Green
Hair Colour        : White
Height             : 5 ft. 4 in.(163 cm)
Sex                : Male.              
Experience         : 0/10

***	Background	***
Origin: Fallen (+ 1 Resolve)
Accomplishment: Street Chirurgeon
Goal: Hive Topper

Strength          : 2 
Toughness         : 3 
Agility           : 3 
Intellect         : 4 
Willpower         : 3 
Fellowship        : 1 
Initiative        : 3

***  TRAITS  ***

**  Combat  **
Defense           : 2
Resilience        : 4(7)
Determination     : 3
Speed             : 6
Shock             : 4
Wounds            : 4

** Mental **
Conviction        : 3
Corruption        : 0
Passive Awareness : 3
Resolve           : 3

** Social**
Influence         : 0
Wealth            : 1

*** TALENTS ***
Touched By Fates: You begin each session with an additional +Rank Wrath Points.

*** SKILLS  ***
 Name                        Value                  Attribute Value  Total
(Agi)Ballistic Skill            3                       3		6
(Agi)Pilot                      1                       3		4
(Agi)Stealth                    2                       3		5
(Fel)Cunning                                            1 	        1
(Fel)Deception                                          1       	1
(Fel)Insight                                            1 		1
(Fel)Persuasion					        1		1
(Ini)Weapon Skill		1		        3		4
(Int)Awareness 			2		        4		6
(Int)Investigation		1		        4		5
(Int)Medicae			2		        4		6
(Int)Scholar			1		        4		5
(Int)Tech			1            	        4		5
(Str)Athletics 			1		        2		3
(Wil)Intimidation		1		        3		4
(Wil)Leadership 				        2		2
(Wil)Psychic Mastery	N/A		                2		N/A
(Wil)Survival			1		        3		4

*** Armour ***
Name                                AR    Value   Armour Traits         Keywords 
Flak Armor                    3      4                           Flak, Imperium, Astra Militarum

*** Weapons ***
Name                               Range            Salvo      Dam      AP   Traits                      Keywords
Lasgun                             120/240/360 m      2      7 + 1ED     0   Reliable , Rapid Fire (1)   Las, Imperium
          w. Bayonet Lug
Laspistol                           60/120/180 m      1      7 + 1ED     0   Pistol, Reliable            Las, Imperium

Branded Knife                        Melee            -      4 + 2ED     0                               Blade,  <Any>                               

*Talents and SB alredy included in damage

*** Inventory ***
Name               Value                                     
Medkit               3
Rebreather           2
Magnoculars          2
Dataslate            - (framework)
Stymm x1             - (framework)
Antidote x5          - (crafting) (+1 toughness against toxins for 1 hr; mild laxative)
A copy of the Imperial Infantryman’s Uplifting Primer. The book is bloodstained and charred from the impact of an energy weapon.