Luca Esposito

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If you do not know others and do not know yourself, you will be in danger in every single battle.
~ Sun Tzu


Лука Эспозито, 2406 г.р., Неаполь, Италия. Полицейская академия с отличием. 7 лет службы в Guardia di Finanza, в отделе борьбы с организованной преступностью. В ходе Венецианского кризиса 2431 года работал в составе миротворческих сил, по окончании перешёл в управление служб внутреннего надзора ООН. 11 лет службы наблюдателем в горячих точках. Ранен в ходе Кашмирских столкновений 2442 года, переведён в резервный штат. В погоне за баблом обратился к частному сектору, откликнулся на приглашение от ООО "ЧВК Вектор Ада".

Профессиональная специализация: системы связи и наблюдения, сбор и обработка данных.

Семейное положение: разведён.

Ближайшие родственники: Cын, Витторио, 2430 г.р. Мать, Сильвия, 2382 г.р.


Name: Luca Esposito
Player Information
Player: Zuzuzu
Campaign: A Civil Campaign
Created On: Jan 30, 2015
301 Points
Attributes: 300
Advantages: 117
Disadvantages: -170
Quirks: -5
Skills: 59
Spells: 0
Race: 0
Earned: 0
Race: Human Height: 5' 10" Hair: dark, smooth
Gender: Male Weight: 135 lb Eyes: brown
Age: 38 Size: +0 Skin: caucasian
Birthday: TL: 9 Hand: righty
Strength (ST): 9
Dexterity (DX): 16
Intelligence (IQ): 18
Health (HT): 12
Will: 14
Fright Check: 16
Basic Speed: 7
Basic Move: 7
Perception: 18
Vision: 19
Hearing: 18
Taste & Smell: 18
Touch: 18
thr: 1d-2, sw: 1d-1
Encumbrance, Move & Dodge
Level Max Load Move Dodge
• None (0) 17.64 lb 7 11
Light (1) 35.28 lb 5 10
Medium (2) 52.92 lb 4 9
Heavy (3) 105.84 lb 2 8
X-Heavy (4) 176.4 lb 1 7
Hit Location
Roll Where - DR
- Eye -9 0
3-4 Skull -7 2
5 Face -5 0
6-7 R. Leg -2 6
8 R. Arm -2 6
9-10 Torso 0 6
11 Groin -3 6
12 L. Arm -2 6
13-14 L. Leg -2 6
15 Hand -4 4
16 Foot -4 3
17-18 Neck -5 0
- Vitals -3 6
Fatigue/Hit Points
Current FP:
Basic FP: 12
Tired: 3
Collapse: 0
Unconscious: -12
Current HP:
Basic HP: 9
Reeling: 2
Collapse: 0
Check #1: -9
Check #2: -18
Check #3: -27
Check #4: -36
Dead: -45
Lifting & Moving Things
Basic Lift: 17.64 lb
One-Handed Lift: 35.28 lb
Two-Handed Lift: 141.12 lb
Shove & Knock Over: 211.68 lb
Running Shove & Knock Over: 423.36 lb
Carry On Back: 264.6 lb
Shift Slightly: 882 lb
Advantages & Disadvantages Pts Ref
Advantages 117
Ex-UN Service Package
Remnants from service in UN Field Ops
Ally (UN Field Ops)
Point total (50% of your starting points), +2; Appears quite rarely (6-), x0.5; Group of 6-10, x6.
6 B36
Legal Immunity
UN Observer, +5.
Diplomatic pouch privilege
10 B65
Security Clearance
Broad Clearance on a "Need to Know" Basis (UN Field Ops), +10.
10 B82
Cable Jack
Fiber-optic interface at the base of the neck
5 UT31
Combat Reflexes
Never freeze; +6 on all IQ rolls to wake up or to recover from surprise or mental stun; Your side gets +1 to initiative rolls (+2 if you're the leader)
15 B43
Danger Sense 15 B47
+1 to all HT rolls to stay conscious, avoid death, resist disease, resist poison; recover FP at twice the normal rate (but not FP spent for spells or psi powers)
5 B55
G-Experience 1
Moon (0.2G)
1 B57
Honest Face
+1 Acting to look innocent. Never chosen for "random" checks.
1 B101
Language: Chinglish
Written (Native)
6 B23
Language: Italian
Written (Native), free
0 B23
Usable once per hour of play
15 B66
Hell Vectors, +15; Appears fairly often (9-), x1; Minimal Interventions, -50%.
8 B72
Wealthy (Starting wealth is 5x average), +20.
20 B25
Disadvantages -170
Addiction (Tobacco)
Cost: Cheap, -5; Effects: Highly Addictive (-5 on withdrawal roll), -5; Legal, +5.
-5 B122
+1 to Interrogation and Intimidation
-5 B125
React to others at +2; -1 to IQ-based skills when alone
-5 B126
CR: 12 (Quite Often).
-5 B129
Code of Honor (Soldier's) -10 B127
Decreased Strength 1 -10 B14
Decreased Will 4 -20 B16
Dependant (Son)
Point total (25% of your starting points), -10; Appears quite rarely (6-), x0.5; Loved one, x2.
-10 B131
Duty (Hell Vectors)
FR: 15, -15; Extremely Hazardous, -5.
-20 B133
Enemy (Radical group)
Appears fairly often (9-), x1; Large/Powerful Group, -30.
-30 B135
CR: 12 (Quite Often).
-15 B137
CR: 12 (Quite Often).
-15 B142
Sense of Duty
Colleagues, -5.
-5 B153
-2 ST vs. knockback, -2 to Disguise and Shadowing
-5 B18
CR: 12 (Quite Often).
-10 B156
Quirks -5
Broad-Minded -1 B163
Distractible -1 B164
Excessive gesticulation
-1 B164
Likes Ethnic Food -1 B164
Proud -1 B164
Skills SL RSL Pts Ref
Acrobatics 14 DX-2 1 B174
Carousing 12 HT+0 1 B183
Climbing 15 DX-1 1 B183
Driving/TL9 (Automobile) 15 DX-1 1 B188
Fast-Draw (Long Arm) 17 DX+1 1 B194
Fast-Draw (Pistol) 17 DX+1 1 B194
Free Fall 15 DX-1 1 B197
Erotic Art 15 DX-1 1 B192
Guns/TL9 (Pistol)
+2 from Targeting software
18 DX+2 0 B198
Guns/TL9 (Rifle)
+2 from Targeting software
20 DX+4 4 B198
Allows parrying two different attacks per turn, one with each hand.
15 DX-1 2 B203
Running 11 HT-1 1 B218
Sex Appeal 11 HT-1 1 B219
Stealth 15 DX-1 1 B222
Swimming 12 HT+0 1 B224
Vacc Suit/TL9 15 DX-1 1 B192
Acting 17 IQ-1 1 B174
Artillery/TL9 (Guided Missile) 17 IQ-1 1 B178
Computer Operation/TL9 18 IQ+0 1 B184
Cooking 17 IQ-1 1 B185
Criminology/TL9 17 IQ-1 1 B186
Cryptography/TL9 (Cryptanalysis)
+1 from Decryption software.
18 IQ+0 1 B186
Current Affairs/TL9 (Politics) 18 IQ+0 1 B186
Detect Lies 17 Per-1 2 B187
Diplomacy 16 IQ-2 1 B187
Electronics Operation/TL9 (Communications) 17 IQ-1 1 B189
Electronics Operation/TL9 (Electronic Warfare) 17 IQ-1 1 B189
Electronics Operation/TL9 (Security) 17 IQ-1 1 B189
Electronics Operation/TL9 (Sensors) 17 IQ-1 1 B189
Electronics Operation/TL9 (Surveillance) 17 IQ-1 1 B189
Fast-Talk 17 IQ-1 1 B195
First Aid/TL9
+1 from software.
19 IQ+1 1 B195
+1 from software.
17 IQ-1 1 B196
Forgery/TL9 16 IQ-2 1 B196
Holdout 17 IQ-1 1 B200
Intelligence Analysis/TL9 16 IQ-2 1 B201
Interrogation 17 IQ-1 1 B202
Law (UN Criminal)
+1 from software.
17 IQ-1 1 B204
Lip Reading 17 Per-1 1 B205
Lockpicking/TL9 17 IQ-1 1 B206
Observation 18 Per+0 2 B211
Photography/TL9 17 IQ-1 1 B213
Politics 17 IQ-1 1 B215
-3 on rolls to help others (Callous)
16 IQ-2 1 B216
+1 from software.
18 IQ+0 1 B217
Savoir-Faire (Police) 18 IQ+0 1 B218
Search 17 Per-1 1 B219
Shadowing 15 IQ-3 1 B219
Smuggling 17 IQ-1 1 B221
Soldier/TL9 17 IQ-1 1 B221
Speed-Reading 17 IQ-1 1 B222
Streetwise 17 IQ-1 1 B223
+1 from TacNet software
17 IQ-1 1 B224
Traps/TL9 17 IQ-1 1 B226
Spells Class Mana Cost Time SL RSL Pts Ref
Melee Weapons Usage Lvl Parry Block Damage Reach ST
Laser Penlight w. Mini Laser Torch Module
Blind: A/900 shots. Light, 5-yard: A/12 hr. Torch: B/3 min.
12 no no 1d-2(2) burn C 1
Pocket Multitool, Expensive, Superfine blade Swung 12 9 No 1d-2(2) cut C,1 5
Pocket Multitool, Expensive, Superfine blade Thrust 12 9 No 1d-1(2) imp C 5
Ranged Weapons Usage Lvl Acc Damage Range RoF Shots Bulk Rcl ST
Holdout Electrolaser
B/22 shots.
12 2 HT-2 (2) aff 10/20 1 22(3) -1 1 3
Holdout Electrolaser
B/22 shots.
Linked 0 1d-3 burn
Holdout Pistol, 7.5mmCLP, Expensive, ETC
Laser sight. HUD link. Recognition grip. Holdout Holster.
18 1 3d pi- 150/1,800 3 18+1(3) -1 2 6
Laser Penlight w. Mini Laser Torch Module
Blind: A/900 shots. Light, 5-yard: A/12 hr. Torch: B/3 min.
12 6 HT-4 aff (1 yd) 100/300 1 900(3) -1 1 1
Medium Pistol, 7.5mmCLP, Fine, ETC
Laser sight. HUD link. Recognition grip. LC3.
18 3 3d+3 pi- 225/2850 3 30+1(3) -2 2 9
Equipment (17.38 lb; $133,184) v # $ W ? $ ? W Ref
Gentleman package
Carried on most occasions, apparent LC4.
E 1 0 0 lb 66,894 11.08 lb
Datapad Module
Combodevice. Skinlinked into PAN, controlled via Neurojack. Brainlocked.
E 1 0 0 lb 30,010 0.81 lb
Small Computer, Fast, Rugged
Complexity 5. 50TB. 2B/16hr. +2 HT, double DR. Runs up to 2 C5 or 20 C4 tasks.
E 1 8,400 0.66 lb 8,400 0.66 lb UT22
Micro Radio Communicator, Hardened
200-yard range. +3 HT
E 1 20 0 lb 20 0 lb UT44
Secure Encryption Chip E 1 500 0 lb 500 0 lb UT47
Rad Counter Module E 1 100 0 lb 100 0 lb UT67
Inertial Compass Module, Compact
+3 to Navigation (Air, Land, Sea).
E 1 240 0.1 lb 240 0.1 lb UT75
Near Miss Indicator Module
+2 vision to locate the source of enemy fire.
E 1 1,000 0 lb 1,000 0 lb UT188
RF Bug Detector Module, Compact, Detachable
Range 1 yard. EO (Surveillance) to operate.
E 1 400 0.05 lb 400 0.05 lb UT106
Software E 1 0 0 lb 19,350 0 lb
Accented Translator Program
Complexity 4. From Chinglish to Arabic.
E 1 300 0 lb 300 0 lb UT48
Accented Translator Program
Complexity 4. From Chinglish to Hindi.
E 1 300 0 lb 300 0 lb UT48
Visual Enhancement
Complexity 4. +1 vision rolls.
E 1 1,000 0 lb 1,000 0 lb UT56
Memory Augmentation
Complexity 4. Provides face recognition database.
E 1 300 0 lb 300 0 lb UT56
+1 Tactics. Complexity 5. LC2
E 1 10,000 0 lb 10,000 0 lb UT149
Targeting (Rifle)
+2 skill. Complexity 4. LC2
E 1 1,500 0 lb 1,500 0 lb UT149
Targeting (Pistol)
+2 skill. Complexity 4. LC2
E 1 1,500 0 lb 1,500 0 lb UT149
Target Tracking
Complexity 2.
E 1 150 0 lb 150 0 lb UT150
IFF Comm Software
Complexity 2.
E 1 500 0 lb 500 0 lb UT188
Forensics Assist
+1 Forensics. Complexity 5.
E 1 1,000 0 lb 1,000 0 lb UT25
Sniping Assist
Compexity 0. +4 Precision Aiming (Guns (Rifle))
E 1 0 0 lb 0 0 lb TS77
Law Assist
+1 Law. Complexity 5.
E 1 1,000 0 lb 1,000 0 lb UT25
Research Assist
+1 Research. Complexity 5.
E 1 1,000 0 lb 1,000 0 lb UT25
First Aid Assist
+1 First Aid. Complexity 4.
E 1 300 0 lb 300 0 lb UT25
Decryption Software
+1 Cryptography (Cryptanalysis). Complexity 2.
E 1 500 0 lb 500 0 lb UT47
Communicator Module
Combodevice. Skinlinked into PAN, controlled via Neurojack.
E 1 0 0 lb 840 0.4 lb
Small Radio Communicator, Expensive, Rugged
10-mile range (satellite-capable). 2B/10hr. +2 HT, double DR
E 1 800 0.4 lb 800 0.4 lb UT44
Micro Laser Communicator, Hardened
1,000-yard range. +3 HT
E 1 40 0 lb 40 0 lb UT44
Personal Radar/Laser Detector Belt Buckle, Compact, Expensive
Skinlinked into PAN, controlled via Neurojack. A/10 days.
E 1 200 0.2 lb 200 0.2 lb UT188
Biomonitor Bracelet, Expensive
+1 (quality) to diagnose the wearer.
E 1 100 0.07 lb 100 0.07 lb UT197
Nasal Filter Plugs
+5 HT vs breathed gas, toxins, infections for 4 hrs, declining up to 10hrs
C 1 100 0 lb 100 0 lb UT188
Active Noise Filter Earplugs
Protected Hearing. 2AA/100hrs.
C 1 100 0 lb 100 0 lb
One-Use Bandage Spray
First Aid +2 (quality) to stop bleeding.
C 1 3 0.1 lb 3 0.1 lb UT197
Legal Surveillance Capsule C 1 0 0 lb 521 0.14 lb
Optical Cable
"Quantity" represents yards.
C 10 0.1 0.01 lb 1 0.1 lb UT43
Homing Beacon
Can be detected up to 10 miles. 1" size. LC4. AA/100hr (1 year on standby)
C 3 40 0 lb 120 0 lb UT105
Robobug, Crawler
C 2 100 0.01 lb 200 0.02 lb UT109
Robobug, Flyer
C 2 100 0.01 lb 200 0.02 lb UT109
Pocket Multitool, Expensive, Superfine blade E 1 200 0.4 lb 200 0.4 lb B272
Laser Penlight w. Mini Laser Torch Module
Blind: A/900 shots. Light, 5-yard: A/12 hr. Torch: B/3 min.
E 1 300 0.12 lb 300 0.12 lb UT113
Holdout Electrolaser
B/22 shots.
E 1 250 0.3 lb 250 0.3 lb UT120
Attaché Case w/ hidden compartment, Expensive
DR8. Holds up to 20 lbs or 2cf max. Complex Lock (-4 to pick).
C 1 600 1.4 lb 34,270 8.54 lb UT97
Thimble Limpet Mine, Biochem, Musk
Unauthorized access countermeasure. Connected to the lock.
C 1 120 0.06 lb 120 0.06 lb UT146
Hidden compartment
+2 Smuggling, 2 lbs max
C 1 0 0 lb 3,300 0.48 lb
ESM Detector, Expensive
Skinlinked into PAN, controlled via Neurojack. LC3. A/1wk.
C 1 500 0.18 lb 500 0.18 lb UT62
Electronic Lockpick
+3 Lockpick and EO (Security). LC2. A/2hr.
- 1 1,500 0.2 lb 1,500 0.2 lb UT95
Com Tap
LC3. 100 yard long. A/100hr.
C 1 500 0.1 lb 500 0.1 lb UT105
Nanobug, Visual
Programmable. Includes microtransmitter. SM-18. LC3. AA/1year.
C 4 100 0 lb 400 0 lb UT105
Nanobug, Emissions
Programmable. Includes microtransmitter. SM-18. LC3. AA/1year.
C 4 100 0 lb 400 0 lb UT105
Auspex Module
Combodevice. Skinlinked into PAN, controlled via Neurojack.
C 1 0 0 lb 17,000 4.2 lb
Portacam, Expensive, Rugged
16x audio zoom, 64x video zoom, NV 9, C/40hr. +2 photography
C 1 8,000 3.2 lb 8,000 3.2 lb UT51
Sound Detector Chip
+4 hearing rolls. +8 EO (Sensors) on sound analysis.
C 1 1,000 0 lb 1,000 0 lb UT62
Small Ladar Module, Compact
10-mile range. B/8hr.
C 1 4,000 0.5 lb 4,000 0.5 lb UT64
Small Terahertz Module, Compact
200-yard range. B/10hr.
C 1 4,000 0.5 lb 4,000 0.5 lb UT65
Hyperspectral Goggles, Expensive, Armored
+3 visual rolls, some skills. No magnification. DR10 to eyes. Protected Vision. B/10hr.
C 1 8,100 0.5 lb 8,100 0.5 lb UT61
Personal Chemsniffer, Compact
C 1 4,000 1 lb 4,000 1 lb UT62
Pocket Analyzer (Forensics), Compact
C 1 1,000 0.3 lb 1,000 0.3 lb UT67
A cell C 10 2 0.005 lb 20 0.05 lb UT19
AA cell dispenser C 100 1 0.0005 lb 100 0.05 lb UT19
B cell C 10 3 0.05 lb 30 0.5 lb UT19
Optional Equpment
Stored elsewhere. Mostly situational or less than legal
- 1 0 0 lb 30,350 131.07 lb
Hovercart (Robo) w. Radio Module
Move 4. Capacity 500 lbs. 200-yard radio range. C/12hr.
- 1 610 4 lb 610 4 lb UT75
Small Tactical Unmanned Radar
10-mile search range. 50m volumetric scan radius. 1 mile radio range. Up to 10 targets, +3 Acc. LC2. B/8hr.
- 1 5,550 1 lb 5,550 1 lb UT65
Smart Photo Tripod, Expensive
Supports up to 5 pounds. 1 mile radio range. B/20hr.
- 1 1,000 1 lb 1,000 1 lb
Biometric Cracker Tools
+3 Lockpick and EO (Security). LC2. A/2hr.
- 1 4,000 10 lb 4,000 10 lb UT95
Electronic Thumb
LC3. A/100hr.
- 1 5,000 0.25 lb 5,000 0.25 lb UT96
Crash Kit
+2 (quality) First Aid. Surgery -5.
- 1 200 10 lb 200 10 lb UT198
Drug Box - 1 0 0 lb 1,300 0 lb
HPT and Drowsy for (25 - HT)/4 hrs.
- 10 2 0 lb 20 0 lb BT149
Stops bleeding within 1d+4 seconds.
- 4 25 0 lb 100 0 lb BT151
Radiation Tolerance 2 for a day
- 4 50 0 lb 200 0 lb BT152
Revive Capsule
HT+5 to regain consciousness or recover from stun
- 5 5 0 lb 25 0 lb BT152
Restores 1d Fatigue Points for (degree of HT roll) hrs.
- 4 10 0 lb 40 0 lb BT152
Added (IQ)
+1 IQ for (25 - HT)/4 hrs.
- 6 25 0 lb 150 0 lb BT155
Photographic Memory for (25 - HT) minutes.
- 3 25 0 lb 75 0 lb BT155
+2 Per for 24hrs.
- 5 50 0 lb 250 0 lb BT157
+6 HT to resist sedatives and psychoactive drugs for 24hrs.
- 2 50 0 lb 100 0 lb BT157
Roll vs HT-3 or suffer Euphoria and Gullibility (9) for (25 - HT) min.
- 4 25 0 lb 100 0 lb BT157
Roll vs HT or go into a death-like trance for a day.
- 2 20 0 lb 40 0 lb BT157
Erogenous zones are significantly more sensitive for 1hr.
- 10 20 0 lb 200 0 lb BT158
Computer Monitoring, Long-Range Scanner
1,000-yard range. LC2. C/10hr.
- 1 5,000 5 lb 5,000 5 lb UT100
Tangler, 25mmT, Light
Laser sight. HUD link. Recognition grip. LC4.
- 1 600 4.3 lb 600 4.3 lb UT140
Ammunition and Explosives - 1 0 0 lb 6,090 75.62 lb
Strands: ST15, DR5
- 50 2.4 0.12 lb 120 6 lb UT140
25mmCL, Shaped Charge
5d*3(10) cr inc + linked 2d cr ex [1d+1]
- 20 40 1 lb 800 20 lb UT139
7.5mmCLP - 250 0.12 0.006 lb 30 1.5 lb UT139
7.5mmCLP, APEP
-1 piercing class, (3) armor divisor, Range*2
- 150 1.2 0.006 lb 180 0.9 lb
10mmCL, Match
+1 Acc
- 500 1.6 0.04 lb 800 20 lb UT139
-1 piercing class, (3) armor divisor, Range*2
- 200 8 0.04 lb 1,600 8 lb UT139
IML Missile, 64mm, No Warhead - 5 100 2 lb 500 10 lb UT146
IML Warhead, Shaped Charge
6d*7(10) cr inc + linked 8d cr ex [3d]
- 5 20 0 lb 100 0 lb UT146
Limpet Mine, Thermobaric
64mm equiv. 6d*5 cr ex inc
- 3 180 1 lb 540 3 lb UT146
Limpet Mine, Shaped Charge
64mm equiv. 6d*7(10) cr inc + linked 8d cr ex [3d]
- 3 180 1 lb 540 3 lb UT146
Limpet Mine, Jammer
64mm equiv. 60-yard radius
- 1 300 1 lb 300 1 lb UT146
Thimble Grenade, Thermobaric
25mm equiv. 8d cr ex inc
- 10 12.5 0.06 lb 125 0.6 lb UT146
Thimble Grenade, EMP
25mm equiv. Spec. (2 yard) + 1d-2 cr ex
- 5 25 0.06 lb 125 0.3 lb UT157
Thimble Grenade, Strobe
25mm equiv. HT-3 aff (3-yard radius)
- 10 10 0.06 lb 100 0.6 lb UT146
Thimble Grenade, Biochem, EM Smoke
25mm equiv. Spec. (2 yard). Color: Purple
- 4 32.5 0.06 lb 130 0.24 lb UT146
Thimble Grenade, Biochem, Colored Smoke
25mm equiv. Spec. (2 yard). Color: Orange
- 8 12.5 0.06 lb 100 0.48 lb UT146
Climbing Gear Bag - 1 50 0.5 lb 1,000 19.9 lb
Rocket Piton Launcher, Expensive - 1 80 1.4 lb 80 1.4 lb UT76
Rocket Piton Cartridge - 10 1 0.5 lb 10 5 lb UT76
Smart Piton - 10 10 0.1 lb 100 1 lb UT76
Personal Lifting Device w. Monowire Grips
Attaches to ropes. Climbs 3 yard/sec. Lifts 500lbs. C/10min.
- 1 500 3 lb 500 3 lb HT56
Suction Cup
Holds 400lbs.
- 2 80 2 lb 160 4 lb HT56
3/16" Rope
Per yard. Supports 1,000lbs.
- 200 0.5 0.025 lb 100 5 lb UT81
Wardrobe - 1 0 0 lb 35,940 48.1 lb
Operational Loadout - 1 0 0 lb 31,870 41.6 lb
Storm Carbine, 10mmCL, ETC
Laser sight. HUD link. Recognition grip. IFF Interrogator. CTS. Compensator. Bipod Foregrip. Three-Point Sling. Camo Paint.
- 1 5,100 8.8 lb 5,100 8.8 lb UT137
Spare Magazine, Assault Carbine, 10mmCL, Transparent - 2 50 2 lb 100 4 lb
Detachable Suppressor, Storm Carbine, Expensive, Rugged
Fits over Compensator. -4 Hearing, -1 Bulk.
- 1 1,000 1 lb 1,000 1 lb
IML, 64mm, Expensive
Laser sight. HUD link. Recognition grip.
- 1 4,000 2.7 lb 4,000 2.7 lb UT146
IML Missile, Shaped Charge
6d*7(10) cr inc + linked 8d cr ex [3d]
- 2 120 2 lb 240 4 lb UT146
Thermo-Optic Chameleon Overcoat, Expensive
IR Cloaking. Radar Cloaking. Can switch to Reflec (DR20 vs laser)
- 1 14,030 4.5 lb 14,030 4.5 lb UT99
Air Mask, Expensive
Tailored: compatible with Hyperspectral Goggles. DR10 Face.
- 1 200 0.6 lb 200 0.6 lb UT177
Reflex Tacsuit, Expensive
Flexible. 10 DR vs. NOT cutting and piercing. C/12hr. Load-Bearing.
- 1 6,000 10 lb 6,000 10 lb UT178
Trauma Plates for Reflex Tactical Vest, Expensive - 1 1,200 6 lb 1,200 6 lb UT173
Civil Loadout E 1 0 0 lb 4,070 6.5 lb
Medium Pistol, 7.5mmCLP, Fine, ETC
Laser sight. HUD link. Recognition grip. LC3.
E 1 1,800 2 lb 1,800 2 lb UT137
Spare Magazine, Medium Pistol, 7.5mmCLP E 1 50 0.5 lb 50 0.5 lb UT137
Holdout Pistol, 7.5mmCLP, Expensive, ETC
Laser sight. HUD link. Recognition grip. Holdout Holster.
E 1 960 0.7 lb 960 0.7 lb UT137
Spare Magazine, Holdout Pistol, 7.5mmCLP E 1 30 0.3 lb 30 0.3 lb
Reflex Bodysuit, Expensive, Diaphanous
DR2 vs. NOT piercing and cutting. Flexible. Concealable. LC4
E 1 900 2 lb 900 2 lb UT172
Reflex Gloves
DR2 vs. NOT piercing and cutting. Flexible. LC4
E 1 30 0 lb 30 0 lb UT172
Assault Shoes, Expensive, Diaphanous, Stylish
DR6 against attacks to the underside of the foot. +4 Hiking.
E 1 300 1 lb 300 1 lb UT173