Johann Iasperus

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Чрезвычайно низкорослый для войдборна(145), в высокой шляпе и большущих сапогах он таки дотягивает до 165. На лице улыбка, за спиной огнемет. Юркий, как таракан, энергичный, как зажженная спичка.

Character sheet

Name       : Johann Iasperus
Origin     : Systemship "Shielded by Faith" (Voidborn)
Career Path: Cleric
Ranking    : Priest
Divination : "A mind without puprose will wander in dark places" (+1 FP)
XP Total   : 0/1100 xp unspent

WS : 29
BS : 30 (-5 shift, +5 training)
S  : 30 
T  : 41 (+5 shift)
Ag : 42 (+5 shift) 
Int: 30 (-5 shift)
Per: 24
WP : 34 (-5shift, +5 train)
Fel: 43 (+5 training, +5shift)

Initiative: +4
Half move : 4

Wounds    : 11/11
Fate      : 4/4(+1 div)
Insanity  : 0
Corruption: 0

Charmed(roll 1d10 when use FP, 9=FP is not lost)
Ill-Omened(-5 to fell test with non-voidborn)
Shipwise(Nav(Stellar) & Pilot(Spaceship) are basic)
Void-Accustomed(various nonimportant zerogravity immun.)

*** SKILLS (300 XP) ***
Speak Language (Low Gothic) (Int),
Common Lore(Imperial Creed) (Int),
Trade(Copyist) (Int), 
Trade(Cook) (Int), 
Dodge (Ag) +100
Inquiry(Fel) +100
Blather(Fel) +100

*** TALENTS (500 XP) ***

Melee Weapons Training (Primitive) 
Basic Weapons Training (Primitive)
Pistol Training (SP)
Basic Weapons Training (Flame) (Elite advance) +200
Sound Constitution x2 +200
Peer(Workers) +100

Perform(Storytelling) 100

Weapons and Armour

*** Armour ***
Name                 Covers                AP   Wt      Cost    
The Flak Jacket      Arms, Body, Legs      3     6      100

*** Weapons ***
Name                                             Range   RoF    Dam      Pen    Clip     Rld   Special       Wt     Cost
Shotgun Pistol                                    10m   S/-/-  1d10+4 I    0     1       Full Rel., Scatter  1    

Autopistol                                        30m   S/-/6  1d10+2 I    0     18      Full      2,5     
Pneumo-Hammer                                      -      -    1d10+1 I     2    -        -   	Unbalanced    4       
Flamer                                            20m   S/-/-  1d10+4 E    3     3       2Full Flame         6

*** Ammo ***
Type                        Amount   Cost
Promethium Canisters         3       30
Shotgun shells               20      10
2 autopistol clips           2


Name                                    Cost
Ecclesiarchy robes (Good Quality Clothing) -
4 Candles                                  -
Charm(Bolter shell)                        -
Aquila necklace	                           -
"The Emperor's Holy Word - To Light the path through the Darkness" - voidborner book of prayers
bottle of the fireproof liquid(бороду и усы пропитывать. воняет священным ладаном)
Spice(really tiny amount, got by chance)    -
Backpack                                   -
Trones                                     X