Jane Cobb

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Name       : Jayne Cobb
Origin     : Volg Hive
Lineage    : Specialist
Career Path: Scum
Ranking    : Dreg
Background : Brotherhood of Thollos (200xp)
Divination : "The only true fear is of dying with you duty not done"
XP Total   : 0 xp unspent

WS : 35 (+3 background) 
BS : 43 (+5 swap)
S  : 33 
T  : 50 (+5 swap) (+3 background)
Ag : 41 (+5 training)
Int: 28 (-5 swap)
Per: 33
WP : 28
Fel: 17 (-5 swap) (-5 background)

Initiative: +4
Half move : 4

Wounds    : 13/13 (+2 div)
Fate      : 2/2
Insanity  : 14
Corruption: 0

*** SKILLS (0 XP) ***
Tech-Use (Int) as Basic Skill (Caves of Steel)
Speak Language (Low Gothic) (Int),
Speak Language (Hive Dialect) (Int),
Speak Language (Volg Hiver Dialect) (Int)
Blather (Fel), 
Deceive (Fel), 
Awareness (Per), (+10) (100xp)
Common Lore (Imperium) (Int),
Dodge (ag),
Intimidate (S) 

*** TALENTS (0 XP) ***
Accustomed to Crowds 
Caves of Steel 
Hivebound, Volg Hiver Skills 
Born Survivor 

Street Fighting (Background)
Peer Underworld (Background)
Jaded (Born Survivor), 
Light Sleeper (Born Survivor), 
Melee Weapons Training (Primitive) (Born Survivor)
Pistol Training (SP) 
Basic Weapons Training (SP)
*** GEAR ***

*** Armour ***
Name                 Covers                AP   Wt      Cost    
The Flak Cloak        All                  3             80

*** Weapons ***
Name                                             Range   RoF    Dam      Pen    Clip     Rld   Special     Wt     Cost
Combat Shotgun                                     30m   S/3/-  1d10+4 I    0   18/18     Full  Scatter    6.5       -
Stub Automatic                                     30m   S/3/-  1d10+3 I    0    9/9      Full       -     1.5       -
Mono Knife                                          3m           1d5+3 R    2     -        -         -     0.5       5
*** Ammo ***
Type                        Amount   Cost
Manstopper Shells            35      Free
Shells                       62      4
Pistol Shots                 31      2

*** Inventory ***
Name                              Cost
Steer Ware (Poor Quality Clothing) -
Gorsk White Gin                    5
Volg Charm                         -
Trones                             1