Ilya Vassiliyev

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Name     : Ilya Vassiliyev
Origin   : Ussura
HP Total : 130 (120 + 10(Arcana)) 
XP Total : 8 (8 left)
Arcana   : Rash (Hubris)

==== TAROT ====
Past: Four of Cups [Linguist Advantage for free]
Present: Six of Staves [Gain MacEachern blade]
Future: Nine of Staves [Vow 2]

==== TRAITS (64 HP) ====
Brawn    3
Finesse  3
Resolve  4
Wits     2
Panache  2

Drama 2

==== Sorcery (40 HP) ====
Pyeryem Full Blooded 

Knacks(12 total):
Snow Leopard 3 | TN 35 | +2 B; Att 0k2; +3 unkept @ Climbing, Smell, Leaping; -2 unkept @ sight; +1 unkept action die each round
Drachen	     3 | TN 45 | +3 Brawn; +10 to passive defense TN; Attack 0k3
Firebird     2 | TN 30 | +10 to passive defense TN; Flight; Attack 0k3
Kodiak Bear  1 | TN 35 | +3 B, -2 F; Attack 0k3; +3 unkept @ smell; Swimming; Warmth 
Man          1 | TN 15 |
Fish         1 | TN 10 | Breathe Water (drowning @ air); Swimming & No Grasping Limbs
Owl          1 | TN 10 | -1 B, F; Flight; Night Vision; Silence (+3 unkept @ Stealth)

==== ADVANTAGES (9+1 HP) ====
Able Drinker (1)
Noble (5)
Toughness (3)

Languages: Ussura (native&written), Vendel

==== SKILLS (18 HP) ====
Hunter: Stealth 1, Tracking 1, Traps 1
Acrobat: Balance 2, Footwork 3
Wrestling: Grapple 3, Bear Hug 1
Hand Axe: Attack 1, Parry 1

=== BACKGROUND (0 HP) ====
Vow 2

==== INVENTORY ====
Hand Axe, Cold Iron -
Quiver              1g
Boots, Riding       3g
War Horse           750g
Bit and Bridle      5g
Harness             75g
Hobbles             1g
Horse Blanket       0.5g
Saddle War          30g
Yoke                1g

Guilders:         713.5g

Footwork 20
Unstable 15

==== OFFENCE ====
Hand Axe: 4k3 dam 5k2