Emerald ECL 3

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Name: Emerald
NG Human (male, adult) Dragonfire Adept 3 [DM]
Medium humanoid (human, dragonblood) 
Deity: Bahamut

---{ Abilities }---
STR 08(-1)
DEX 12(+1)
CON 16(+3)
INT 10(+0)
WIS 08(-1)
CHA 18(+4)

Init : +1 (+1 dex)
Speed: 30ft.
HP   : 3d8+9=26
AP   : 6

BAB : +1
Grapple: 1(BAB) - 1(str) = 0

To Hit:
+2 ranged touch
+2 light crossbow (1d8/19-20x2)
+0 dagger (1d4-1/19-20x2)

AC  : 10 + 2(natural) + 1(dex) = 13
*Touch: 13
*FlatF: 12

Fort: 3(dfa) + 3(con) + 1(resistance) = 7
Refl: 1(dfa) + 1(dex) + 1(resistance) = 3
Will: 3(dfa) - 1(wis) + 1(resistance) = 3
*+1 saves against paralyzis & sleep effects due to dragontouched

---{ SKILLS / 30 SkP }---
+10 Bluff              6+4(cha)
+12 Diplomacy          6+4(cha)+2(synergy)
+10 Intimidate         6+4(cha)
+06 Spellcraft         6+0(int)
+10 Use Magic Device   6+4(cha)
*+1 to spot, listen & search due to dragontouched
*armor penalty = 0

Speaks: Common, Draconic

---{ FEATS }---
01[CHA]: Entangling Exhalation [RotD]
01[HUM]: Ability Focus (breath weapon)
01[DFA]: Dragontouched [b] [DM]
03[CHA]: Exhaled Barrier [RotD]

Dragonfire Adept
 [Su] Breath Weapon 2d6 (DC 16)
 [Ex] Scales +2

- +4 skill points at 1st level
- +1 skill point at every level beyond 1st
- bonus feat at 1st level

2nd: Lightning Breath

Least (2): Endure Exposure, See Unseen
CL 3

---{ ITEMS }--- 
ITEM                                   PRICE
dagger, puching                        2gp.
*tripple weapon retainer [CV]          450gp.
*drow poison x3                        225gp.

blessed bandage x5 [HoB]               50gp.
vest of resistance +1 [CA]             1000gp.

traveler's outfit                      1gp.
backpack                               1gp.
everburning torch                      110gp.
alchemist fire x5                      100gp.
flask of acid x5                       50gp.

potion [invisibility]                  300gp.
potion [cure light wounds] x3          150gp.    

scroll [see invisibility]              150gp.

Left: 115gp.

---{ SOURCE INDEX }---
DM   = Dragon Magic
RotD = Races of the Dragon
Dr   = Draconomicon
CA   = Complete Arcane
CV   = Complete Adventurer