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Only the idea of death makes a warrior sufficiently detached so that he is capable of abandoning himself to anything. He knows his death is stalking him and won't give him time to cling to anything so he tries, without craving, all of everything.
~ Carlos Castaneda
Ngozi Chinweike

Feral Worlder
Adeptus Astra Telepathica

"Only Insane have strength to prosper"

XP (total/spent): 2500 / 2450

Fate        3
Insanity    0
Corruption  0
Wounds     12
Init        4
Half-move   4
== STATS (1050 XP) ==
        final   base    points  mod    adv    cost
WS      40      25      15
BS      25      25       0			
S+      40      30      10
T+      40      30       0              10     350		
Ag      40      25      15			
Int     35      25       0              10     350
Per     33      25       8			
WP      50      25      12        3     10     350
Fel     25      25       0			
Inf-    20      20       0

Willpower + Psyker
Intelligence + Knowledge
Toughness + Defence

== SKILLS (800 XP) ==
name                              level   cost
Awareness(Per)	                      1          vs(33)
Interrogation(WP)                     1          vs(50)
CL(Adeptus Astra Telepathica)(Int)    1          vs(35)
FL(Warp)(Int)                         1          vs(35)
FL(Xenos)(Int)                        1    100   vs(35)
FL(Criminal cartels and smugglers)    1    100   vs(35)
Psyniscience(Per)                     2    200   vs(33+10)
Athletics(S)                          1    200   vs(40)
Dodge(Ag)                             1    200   vs(40)

== TALENTS (0 XP) ==
Weapon Training(Las)
Weapon Training(Low-tech)
Warp Sense

== TRAITS (0 XP) ==
Psyker	 (psy-rating: 2)                   

Stare into the Warp
The Constant Threat
Tested on Terra
The Old Ways

== PSY POWERS (600 XP) ==
  Warp Perception    Psyniscience            100    vs(33+10(focus)+10(level2)) = vs(53) PR2 | vs(63) PR1 | vs(43) PR3 | vs(33) PR4
  Prescience         Psyniscience            200    vs(33+10(focus)+10(level2)) = vs(53) PR2 | vs(63) PR1 | vs(43) PR3 | vs(33) PR4
  Invigourate        WP                      100    vs(50+10(focus)) = vs(60) PR2 | vs(70) PR1 | vs(50) PR3 | vs(40) PR4
  Smite              WP                      200    vs(50+10(focus)) = vs(60) PR2 | vs(70) PR1 | vs(50) PR3 | vs(40) PR4
            rng 20m X pr dMg 1d10+pr (E) pen 4

== EQUIP ==
=== Armor ===
name           locations            AP         Max. Ag         Weight
Flak Cloak     Arms, Body, Legs      3              55           8 kg

   total  AP   T
H   4  =   0 + 4
A   7  =   3 + 4
B   7  =   3 + 4
L   7  =   3 + 4

=== Wepons ===
+++ Ranged +++
Name      Type   Range   Mode     Dmg       Pen    Mag     Reload      Special   Weight
Laspistol Pistol   30m   S/2/–    1d10+2 E    0     30       Half      Reliable   1.5kg

S:        vs(25+10) | vs(25+10+20) full-aim | vs(25+10+10) half-aim | vs(25+10+30) point-blank
semi:     vs(25) | vs(25+20) full-aim | vs(25+10) half-aim | vs(25+30) point-blank
supress:  vs(25-20)

+++ Melee +++
Name        Range     Dmg       Pen      Special                     Weight
Whip           3m     1d10 R      0      Flexible, Proven(3)           2 kg
vs(40+10) | vs(40+20) charge | vs(40+30) all-out
Warhammer†     NA     1d10+3 I    1      Concussive(1), Proven(3)    4.5 kg
vs(40+10) | vs(40+20) charge | vs(40+30) all-out

=== Gear ===
psy-focus (bone charm)