Brother Magron

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No man died in His service that died in vain.
Brother Magron.jpg
Name:          Brother Magron
Chapter:       Dark Angels
Speciality:    Apothecary
Demeanors:     Son of the Lion, Studious
Wounds:        21/21
FP:	       5/5
Exp:           1000/1000
Past:          Preserved the Secrets of the Chapter
Armor History: A fury like lightining
+1 to init

WS:	42
BS:	48: 43 + 5(chap)
S:	55: 35 + 20(armor) 	[+8]
T:	41			[+8]
Ag:	48: 43 + 5(hist) 	[+4]
Int:	55: 45 + 5(chap) +5(adv)[+5]
Per:	43: 38 + 5(adv)		[+4]
WP:	42			[+4]
Fel:	39			[+3]

Half	Full	Charge	Run
4+1	8+2	12+3	24+6

Stoic Defence

Ciphers (Chapter Runes)<Int>
Chem-Use [400 xp]<int>
Common Lore (Adeptus Astartes, Imperium, War)<int>
Common Lore (Deathwatch)<Int>
Drive (Ground Vehicles)<Agi>
Forbidden Lore (Xenos) <Int+3>
Medicae <Int +10 Helmet +20 Narthecium> 6+1d5 x2
Navigation (Surface)<int>
Scholastic Lore (Codex Astartes)<Int>
Silent Move<Agi>
Speak Language (High Gothic, Low Gothic)<Int>
Tactics (Defensive Doctrine)<Int>

Astartes Weapons Training
Bulging Biceps
Deathwatch training
Heightened Senses (Hearing, Sight) +10
Killing Strike
Nerves of Steel 
Quick Draw
Resistance (Psychic Powers)
True Grit
Unarmed Warrior
Unarmed Master

Unnatural Strength (x2)
Unnatural Toughness (x2)
Enchance Healing
Larraman’s Organ: no Blood Loss except for Warp weapons.
Catalepsean Node: no Perception penalties for staying awake longer than normal.
Preomnor: +20 to Resistance vs ingested poisons
Omophagea: OM-NOM-NOM-NOM
Multi-lung: +30 to Resistance vs effects of gases, reroll. Reroll drowning and asphyxiation. Breathe water.
Susan Membrane: allows to enter stasis.
Multi-lung: reroll any failed Toughness Tests to resist poisons or toxins, including Toxic quality.
Neuroglottis: +0 Awareness to detect any poison by taste, -20 Awareness by smell.
Mucranoid: reroll any Toughness tests caused by temperature extremes.
Betcher’s Gland: spit acid.
Black Carapace

Dark Sight
Heightened Senses (Hearing, Sight) +20
Called Shot as Half
+10 to resist toxins
Magnetized Boots
Nutrient Recycling
Recoil Supperssion
Giant Among Men

**EQUIPMENT** (75/75):
Power Armor, Body AP 10; everything else AP 8.
Diagnostor Helmet (15)
Astartes Combat Knife
Astartes Bolt Pistol
Astartes Bolter with 
	Fire Selector
	Red Dot Laser Sight (10)
	Astartes Melee Attachment (Chain) (9)
Kraken Rounds (5) x1
Metal Storm Rounds (15) x1
Astartes Frag Grenade x3
Astartes Krak Grenade x3
Astartes Frag Grenade (1) x3
Astartes Krak Grenade (1) x3
Cartograph (5)
Data Slate (5)
Robe of Secrets
Repair cement x1
Repair cement (1) x3

Name			 Class Range RoF   Dmg      Pen Clip  Rld  Special           Wt
Astartes Bolter(Godwyn)	Basic  100m  S/2/4 2d10+5X  5   28/28 Full Tearing           18
	  Kraken Rounds	Basic  150m  S/2/4 2d10+5X  8   28/28 Full Tearing           18
     Metal Storm Rounds Basic  100m  S/2/4 2d10+3X  3   28/28 Full Tearing,Blast(2)  18
  Chainsword Attachment Melee              1d10+11R 4              Tearing           10
+10 to BS with Single Shots; choose which clip to draw ammo from at the beginning of the turn
Astartes Frag Grenade  Thrown   24m  S/–/– 2d10X   0              Blast(5)          0.8
Astartes Krak Grenade  Thrown   24m  S/–/– 3d10+4X 6              –                 0.8