Bishop ECL3

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Codename: Bishop
Name: unknown
Male Human Warblade 2[ToB]/Fighter 1
LN Medium Humanoid, ECL 3
Speaks Common, Elven, Gnome
Deity: St. Cutbert
Str 16 (+3) [10 pts] 
Dex 16 (+3) [10 pts]
Con 14 (+2) [06 pts] 
Int 14 (+2) [06 pts]
Wis 08 (-1) [00 pts]
Cha 08 (-1) [00 pts]

HP 2d12 +1d10 +3*2 = 30 (Current: )
AC 10 +3(dex) +4(armor) = 17, Touch 13, Flat 14
Init +3(dex) = +3
Grapple +3(BAB) +3(str) = +6
Speed 30 ft = 30(base)
Fort +3(War) +2(Fgt) +2(Con)         = +7
Ref  +0(War) +0(Fgt) +3(Dex) +2(Int) = +5
Will +0(War) +0(Fgt) -1(Wis)         = -1

1. Scimitar: +8 (+3(BAB) +3(str) +1(WF)+1(magic)), 1d6+5 (+4(str)+1(magic)), crit. 18-20/x2.

Skills (40/40):
* Balance +5(rank) +3(dex) +2(tumble synergy) -1(acp)         = +9
* Climb +0(rank) +3(str) -1(acp)                              = +2
* Concentration +6(rank) +2(con)                              = +8
* Craft +0(rank) +2(int)                                      = +2
* Diplomacy +5(rank) -1(cha)                                  = +4
* Intimidate +0(rank) -1(cha)                                 = -1
* Jump +6(rank) +3(str) +2(tumble synergy) -1(acp)            = +10
* Knoweledge (history) +0(rank) +2(int)                       = +2
* Knowledge (local)    +5(rank) +2(int)                       = +7
* Martial Lore +0(rank) +2(int)                               = +2
* Performance(Dance) +2.5(rank) -1(cha)                       = +1
* Swim               +0(rank) +3(str) -1(acp)                 = +2
* Tumble +6(rank) +3(dex) +2(jump synergy) -1(acp)            = +10

HBF : Weapon Focus(Scimitar)
HD1 : Dodge
HD3 : Combat Expertise
FGT : Mobility

Human Traits:
* Favored Multiclass: Any
* +1 Skill Point per level
Commander Aura: Protective Commander [HoB]

Warblade abilities:
* Battle clarity(Int to saves)
* Weapon aptitude
* Uncanny Dodge
* Initiator Level 2+0.5=2
* Maneuvers Known   = 4
* Maneivers Readied = 3
* Stances Known =1
Warblade Maneuvers Known:
* Moment of Perfect Mind(DM 1, Counter)
* Leading the Attack(WR 1, Strike)
* Steel Wind(IH 1,Strike)
* Sudden Leap(TC 1, Boost)
* Punishing Stance (IH 1, Stance)
* 1,2,3
* Scimitar +1 (2315)
* Chainshirt, mwk (250)
* Standart Adventure Kit(15)[PHB 2]
* Blessed Bondage x5 (50) [HoB]
* Explorer's Outfit
Left 70 gp
* ухи с босса уровня
Action Points (4/6)
* crit. confirm on goblin's boss(helped)
* crit. confirm on goblin's boss(helped)
[ToB] - Tome of Battle
[PHB 2] - Player's Handbook 2
[HoB] - Heroes of Battle