Agent John Smith

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Never send a human to do a machine's job.
~ Agent Smith


Джон Смит, 2409 г.р. В 2431 году поступает новобранцем в роботизированную пехоту Его Величества, где и служит по 2436 год. Перед завершением пятилетнего контракта успешно проходит вступительные испытания в Special Space Service, идеологического наследника SAS, где по распределению попадает в Heavy Duty Team. В HDT работает по профилю: силовое проникновение, огневая поддержка, эвакуация раненых, освобождение заложников. Отзывы сослуживцев и командиров - положительные. В конце 2439го года был ранен в голову и уволен из SAS по состоянию здоровья.

Практически сразу начинает работу в ЧВК "Вектор" в качестве тяжелой огневой поддержки и меняет образ жизни: появляется пристрастие к табаку, дорогие костюмы, дворецкий. О происхождении денег умалчивает или отшучивается. С 2440го года работает в паре с Николаем. В Кашмирском конфликте ЧВК "Вектор" обеспечивала безопасность сотрудников ООН, проводила диверсионные и иные операции против радикальных группировок сикхов, пытавшихся в очередной раз построить независимый Кашмир.


Name: John Smith
Religion: Buddism
Player Information
Player: aensidhe
Campaign: A Civil Campaign
Created On: Jan 31, 2015
300 Points
Attributes: 172
Advantages: 111
Disadvantages: -170
Quirks: -5
Skills: 101
Spells: 0
Race: 91
Earned: 0
Race: Human Height: 6' 2" Hair: Brown, Short
Gender: Male Weight: 176 lb Eyes: Blue
Age: 35 Size: +0 Skin: White
Birthday: February 12 TL: 9 Hand: Left
Strength (ST): 14
Dexterity (DX): 18
Intelligence (IQ): 12
Health (HT): 11
Will: 12
Fright Check: 14
Basic Speed: 7.25
Basic Move: 7
Perception: 18
Vision: 18
Hearing: 18
Taste & Smell: 18
Touch: 18
thr: 1d, sw: 2d
Encumbrance, Move & Dodge
Level Max Load Move Dodge
• None (0) 44.1 lb 7 11
Light (1) 88.2 lb 5 10
Medium (2) 132.3 lb 4 9
Heavy (3) 264.6 lb 2 8
X-Heavy (4) 441 lb 1 7
Hit Location
Roll Where - DR
- Eye -9 4
3-4 Skull -7 6
5 Face -5 4
6-7 R. Leg -2 8
8 R. Arm -2 10
9-10 Torso 0 8
11 Groin -3 8
12 L. Arm -2 10
13-14 L. Leg -2 8
15 Hand -4 4
16 Foot -4 4
17-18 Neck -5 4
- Vitals -3 8
Fatigue/Hit Points
Current FP:
Basic FP: 11
Tired: 3
Collapse: 0
Unconscious: -11
Current HP:
Basic HP: 21
Reeling: 6
Collapse: 0
Check #1: -21
Check #2: -42
Check #3: -63
Check #4: -84
Dead: -105
Lifting & Moving Things
Basic Lift: 44.1 lb
One-Handed Lift: 88.2 lb
Two-Handed Lift: 352.8 lb
Shove & Knock Over: 529.2 lb
Running Shove & Knock Over: 1,058.4 lb
Carry On Back: 661.5 lb
Shift Slightly: 2,205 lb
Advantages & Disadvantages Pts Ref
Advantage 106
Combat Reflexes
Never freeze; +6 on all IQ rolls to wake up or to recover from surprise or mental stun; Your side gets +1 to initiative rolls (+2 if you're the leader)
15 B43
Common Sense 10 B43
G-Experience (All) 10 B57
High Pain Threshold
Never suffer shock penalties when injured; +3 on all HT rolls to avoid knockdown and stunning; +3 to resist torture
10 B59
Hell Vectors, +15; Minimal Interventions, -50%.
8 B72
Reputation 3
People Affected (Special Forces), x0.33; Recognized sometimes (10-), x0.5.
3 B26
Filthy Rich (Starting wealth is 100x average), +50.
50 B25
Android 91 UT41
Advantages 44
Absolute Direction 5 B34
Attractive, +4.
4 B21
Doesn't Breathe 20 B49
Burst 1, +30%; Radio, +10; Secure, +20%.
15 B91
Attribute Modifiers 30
Increased Strength 3 30 B14
Bionic Ears (TL9) -1
Mitigator, -70%.
-6 B129
Protected Sense (Hearing) 5 B78
Disadvantages -20
Electrical -20 B134
Meta-Trait: Machine 0 B263
Wears out instead of aging 0 B263
Perks 1
Accessory (Personal computer) 1 B100
Secondary Characteristic Modifiers 14
Extra Hit Points 7 14 B16
Thermal Imaging Eyes (TL10) 5
Accessory (HUD) 1 B100
Mitigator, -70%.
-6 to all combat skills; cannot target hit locations
-15 B124
Electrical, -20%.
8 B60
Nictitating Membrane 2 2 B71
Protected Sense (Vision) 5 B78
Telescopic Vision 1
Electrical, -20%.
4 B92
TL Lenses 11
Lens: TL10 Model
$50,000. 100-250lbs. 2D/24hr. LC4.
11 UT41
Increased Health 1 10 B14
People Required: 1, -10; Frequency: Bi-weekly, x0.33333.
-3 B143
Reduced Consumption 2 4 B80
Two Bionic Arms (TL9) 7
Arm ST 2
Electrical, -20%; Maintenance (1 person, weekly), -5%.
8 B40
Damage Resistance 2
Limited (Arms), -20%.
8 B47
No Fine Manipulators
Mitigator, -70%.
-9 B145
Disadvantages -170
Addiction (Good tobacco)
Cost: Expensive, -10; Legal, +5.
-5 B122
Amnesia (Partial) -10 B123
Callous -5 B125
Code of Honor (Soldier's) -10 B127
Compulsive Generosity
CR: 12 (Quite Often), +10% Cost of Living Increase.
-5 B128
CR: 12 (Quite Often).
-5 B129
Major, -10.
-10 B130
Duty (Hell Vectors)
FR: 15, -15; Extremely Hazardous, -5.
-20 B133
Enemy (Same as Zu's enemy)
Large/Powerful Group, -30.
-30 B135
CR: 12 (Quite Often).
-5 B148
Possible Death, -30.
-30 B152
CR: 12 (Quite Often).
-5 B153
Sense of Duty
Friends and Companions, -5.
-5 B153
Stubbornness -5 B157
Thalassophobia (Oceans)
CR: 12 (Quite Often).
-10 B150
CR: 12 (Quite Often), +2 Fright Check Bonus.
-10 B162
Perks 5
Honest Face 1 B101
Style Familiarity (Assaulter)
Style Familiarity means you’ve studied and/or practiced one of the shooting styles on pp. 47-52.
1 TS37
clothing is always spotless
1 B101, HT250, MA51
Sure Footed (Uneven)
Let you ignore bad footing.
1 HT250, MA52
Standard Operating Procedure
Check the Crowd
1 TS40
Quirks -5
-1 B163
Distinctive Features
Glasses, see Agent Smith's glasses
-1 B165
Names His Weapons -1 B165
Proud -1 B164
Religious -1 B165
Skills SL RSL Pts Ref
Boating/TL9 (Motorboat) 17 DX-1 1 B180
Driving/TL9 (Automobile) 17 DX-1 1 B188
Driving/TL9 (Heavy Wheeled) 17 DX-1 1 B188
Driving/TL9 (Mecha) 17 DX-1 1 B188
Driving/TL9 (Motorcycle) 17 DX-1 1 B188
Acrobatics 16 DX-2 1 B174
Climbing 17 DX-1 1 B183
Environment Suit/TL9 (Battlesuit) 17 DX-1 1 B192
Escape 16 DX-2 1 B192
Forced Entry 18 DX+0 1 B196
Free Fall 17 DX-1 1 B197
Allows parrying two different attacks per turn, one with each hand.
16 DX-2 1 B203
Karate 16 DX-2 1 B203
Knife 18 DX+0 1 B208
Parachuting/TL9 18 DX+0 1 B212
Stealth 17 DX-1 1 B222
Hiking 10 HT-1 1 B200
Running 10 HT-1 1 B218
Swimming 11 HT+0 1 B224
Architecture/TL9 11 IQ-1 1 B176
Camouflage 14 IQ+2 1 B183
Computer Operation/TL9 12 IQ+0 1 B184
Connoisseur (Cigars) 11 IQ-1 1 B185
Connoisseur (Guns) 11 IQ-1 1 B185
Cooking 14 IQ+2 1 B185
Electronics Operation/TL9 (Communications) 11 IQ-1 1 B189
Electronics Repair/TL9 (Computer) 13 IQ+1 4 B190
Expert Skill (Military Science) 10 IQ-2 1 B193
First Aid/TL9 12 IQ+0 1 B195
Leadership 11 IQ-1 1 B204
Mechanic/TL9 (Robotics) 13 IQ+1 4 B207
Savoir-Faire (Dojo) 12 IQ+0 1 B218
Savoir-Faire (Military) 12 IQ+0 1 B218
Soldier/TL9 14 IQ+2 8 B221
Spacer/TL9 12 IQ+0 1 B185
Tactics 12 IQ+0 1 B224
Body Language 17 Per-1 1 B181
Detect Lies 16 Per-2 1 B187
Observation 17 Per-1 1 B211
Shooting skills
Artillery/TL9 (Guided Missile) 13 IQ+1 1 B178
Beam Weapons/TL9 (Rifle) 20 DX+2 2 B179
Fast-Draw (Long Arm) 19 DX+1 1 B194
Fast-Draw (Pistol) 19 DX+1 1 B194
Fast-Draw/TL9 (Ammo) 19 DX+1 1 B194
Gunner/TL9 (Beams) 23 DX+5 8 B198
Gunner/TL9 (Rockets) 20 DX+2 1 B198
Guns/TL9 (Gyroc) 21 DX+3 1 B198
Guns/TL9 (Pistol) 23 DX+5 1 B198
Guns/TL9 (Rifle) 25 DX+7 16 B198
Throwing 17 DX-1 1 B226
Close-Quarters Battle (Guns (Rifle)) 26 +1 1 HT250
Quick-Shot (Guns (Pistol)) 20 -3 3 HT252
Quick-Shot (Guns (Rifle)) 22 -3 3 HT252
Targeted Attack (Face or Neck) (Guns (Pistol)) 21 -2 3 HT252
Targeted Attack (Face or Neck) (Guns (Rifle)) 23 -2 3 HT252
Autohypnosis 10 Will-2 1 B179
Intimidation 13 Will+1 1 B202
Spells Class Mana Cost Time SL RSL Pts Ref
Melee Weapons Usage Lvl Parry Block Damage Reach ST
Natural Kick 16 No 1d cr C,1
Natural Kick w/Boots 16 No 1d+1 cr C,1
Natural Punch 18 13 1d-1 cr C
Ranged Weapons Usage Lvl Acc Damage Range RoF Shots Bulk Rcl ST
Equipment (16 lb; $2,759,000) # $ W ∑ $ ∑ W Ref
Armor - 1 0 0 lb 676,350 291.5 lb
Heavy - 1 0 0 lb 567,050 251.5 lb
Gyrostabilized Weapon Harness (up to 70 lb)
Expensive, $400 and 2/3lb. per pound of loaded weight + $2000 base
- 1 30,000 47 lb 30,000 47 lb UT150
Near Miss Indicator - 1 1,000 0 lb 1,000 0 lb UT188
Personal Radar/Laser Detector
A/10 days.
- 1 50 0.5 lb 50 0.5 lb UT188
Shoulder Servomount (up to 50 lb)
Expensive, $2,000 and 2lbs. per pound of weapon loaded weight.
- 2 100,000 100 lb 200,000 200 lb UT152
Space Combat Walker
2E/48hr., weight = 350 lbs
- 1 330,000 0 lb 330,000 0 lb UT186
Thermo-Optic Chameleon Surface - 1 4,000 4 lb 4,000 4 lb UT99
Trauma Maintenance System
For battlesuits. A/1yr.
- 1 2,000 0 lb 2,000 0 lb UT189
Medium - 1 0 0 lb 97,050 19.5 lb
Near Miss Indicator - 1 1,000 0 lb 1,000 0 lb UT188
Personal Radar/Laser Detector
A/10 days.
- 1 50 0.5 lb 50 0.5 lb UT188
Powered Combat Armor
Super Jump 1. E/18hr., 150 lb
- 1 80,000 0 lb 80,000 0 lb UT186
Powered Combat Armor: Helmet
- 1 10,000 15 lb 10,000 15 lb UT186
Thermo-Optic Chameleon Surface - 1 4,000 4 lb 4,000 4 lb UT99
Trauma Maintenance System
For battlesuits. A/1yr.
- 1 2,000 0 lb 2,000 0 lb UT189
Underwear - 1 0 0 lb 12,250 20.5 lb
Near Miss Indicator - 1 1,000 0 lb 1,000 0 lb UT188
Personal Radar/Laser Detector
A/10 days.
- 1 50 0.5 lb 50 0.5 lb UT188
Reflex Tacsuit
Expensive, Flexible. Double DR vs. cutting and piercing damage. C/12hr.
- 1 6,000 10 lb 6,000 10 lb UT178
Thermo-Optic Chameleon Surface - 1 4,000 4 lb 4,000 4 lb UT99
Trauma Plates for Reflex Tactical Vest
- 1 1,200 6 lb 1,200 6 lb UT173
Body E 1 0 0 lb 1,237,650 0 lb
Synthetic Organs
E 1 100,000 0 lb 100,000 0 lb UT41
Bionic Ear, Advanced
Minor procedure.
E 2 5,000 0 lb 10,000 0 lb UT209
Bionic Hand
Major procedure.
E 2 8,000 0 lb 16,000 0 lb UT209
Computer E 1 0 0 lb 1,103,650 0 lb
Biopresence Software
Complexity 7.
C 1 10,000 0 lb 10,000 0 lb UT109
Combat E 1 0 0 lb 41,650 0 lb
IFF Comm Software E 1 500 0 lb 500 0 lb UT188
Complexity 5.
E 1 2,000 0 lb 2,000 0 lb UT149
+2 Tactics. Complexity 6.
E 1 30,000 0 lb 30,000 0 lb UT149
Target Tracking
Complexity 2.
E 1 150 0 lb 150 0 lb UT150
Targeting (Artillery/TL9)
+2 skill. Complexity 4.
E 1 1,500 0 lb 1,500 0 lb UT149
Targeting (Guns (Rifle))
+2 skill. Complexity 4.
E 1 1,500 0 lb 1,500 0 lb UT149
Targeting (Guns (Pistol))
+2 skill. Complexity 4.
E 1 1,500 0 lb 1,500 0 lb UT149
Targeting (Guns (Gyroc))
+2 skill. Complexity 4.
E 1 1,500 0 lb 1,500 0 lb UT149
Targeting (Gunner (Beams))
+2 skill. Complexity 4.
E 1 1,500 0 lb 1,500 0 lb UT149
Targeting (Gunner (Rockets))
+2 skill. Complexity 4.
E 1 1,500 0 lb 1,500 0 lb UT149
IQ skills E 1 0 0 lb 46,000 0 lb
Complexity 7.
C 1 10,000 0 lb 10,000 0 lb UT25
Complexity 6.
E 1 3,000 0 lb 3,000 0 lb UT25
Complexity 6.
E 1 3,000 0 lb 3,000 0 lb UT25
Electronics Repair (Computer)
Complexity 7.
C 1 10,000 0 lb 10,000 0 lb UT25
Expert Skill (Military Science)
Complexity 7.
C 1 10,000 0 lb 10,000 0 lb UT25
Mechanic (Robotics)
Complexity 7.
C 1 10,000 0 lb 10,000 0 lb UT25
Lingvo E 1 0 0 lb 6,000 0 lb
Native Translator Program
Complexity 5. From Chinglish to Chinese.
E 1 1,000 0 lb 1,000 0 lb UT48
Native Translator Program
Complexity 5. From Chinglish to French.
E 1 1,000 0 lb 1,000 0 lb UT48
Native Translator Program
Complexity 5. From Chinglish to German.
E 1 1,000 0 lb 1,000 0 lb UT48
Native Translator Program
Complexity 5. From Chinglish to Hindi.
E 1 1,000 0 lb 1,000 0 lb UT48
Native Translator Program
Complexity 5. From Chinglish to Navajo.
E 1 1,000 0 lb 1,000 0 lb UT48
Native Translator Program
Complexity 5. From Chinglish to Russian.
E 1 1,000 0 lb 1,000 0 lb UT48
Personal Computer
Complexity 7. Genius, Hardened (HT+3). 100TB. 2C/20hr or external power, 10 lb.
E 1 1,000,000 0 lb 1,000,000 0 lb UT22
Thermal Imaging Eyes
Major procedure.
E 1 8,000 0 lb 8,000 0 lb UT214
Civil outfit E 1 0 0 lb 21,380 8 lb
Pistol C 1 0 0 lb 2,900 3 lb
Medium Pistol "Luca", 7.5mmCLP
HUD Link, Expensive
C 1 900 1.5 lb 900 1.5 lb UT137
Power Holster (Medium Pistol, 7.5mmCLP)
B/100 uses, Expensive
C 1 2,000 1.5 lb 2,000 1.5 lb UT151
Tactical Folding Knife "Chelubei"
C 1 180 0.5 lb 180 0.5 lb HT200
Reflex Bodysuit
DR+8 vs. piercing and cutting. Flexible, Expensive
E 1 18,000 4 lb 18,000 4 lb UT172
Tactical Folding Knife "Peresvet"
C 1 300 0.5 lb 300 0.5 lb HT200
House staff - 1 0 0 lb 277,050 702.6 lb
Bob, The Tyrannosaur - 1 0 0 lb 10,700 21 lb
Computer - 1 0 0 lb 700 1 lb
IFF Comm Software - 1 500 0 lb 500 0 lb UT188
Small Computer
Complexity 4. Hardened (HT+3). 10TB. 2B/20hr.
- 1 200 1 lb 200 1 lb UT22
- 1 10,000 20 lb 10,000 20 lb UT41
Responsive Bed, Double - 1 700 140 lb 700 140 lb UT69
T-800 - 1 0 0 lb 226,450 343.6 lb
Combat Android
2D/24hr. Sculpted body, Non-volition AI, Combat Exoskeleton, Chameleon
- 1 200,000 300 lb 200,000 300 lb UT167
Computer - 1 0 0 lb 25,150 40 lb
IFF Comm Software - 1 500 0 lb 500 0 lb UT188
Complexity 6. 1,000TB. Hardened (HT+3).
- 1 20,000 40 lb 20,000 40 lb UT22
Native Translator Program
Complexity 5. From Chinglish to Navajo.
- 1 1,000 0 lb 1,000 0 lb UT48
Complexity 5.
- 1 2,000 0 lb 2,000 0 lb UT149
Target Tracking
Complexity 2.
- 1 150 0 lb 150 0 lb UT150
+2 skill. Complexity 4.
- 1 1,500 0 lb 1,500 0 lb UT149
C/33 shots.
- 1 650 1.8 lb 650 1.8 lb UT121
C/33 shots.
- 1 650 1.8 lb 650 1.8 lb UT121
Walter the Butler - 1 0 0 lb 39,200 198 lb
Android body
2D/24hr., synthetic organs, non-volition AI
- 1 10,000 180 lb 10,000 180 lb UT41
Reflex Suit
DR+8 vs. piercing and cutting. Flexible.
E 1 1,200 8 lb 1,200 8 lb UT172
Computer - 1 0 0 lb 28,000 10 lb
Lingvo - 1 0 0 lb 6,000 0 lb
Native Translator Program
Complexity 5. From Chinglish to Chinese.
- 1 1,000 0 lb 1,000 0 lb UT48
Native Translator Program
Complexity 5. From Chinglish to French.
- 1 1,000 0 lb 1,000 0 lb UT48
Native Translator Program
Complexity 5. From Chinglish to German.
- 1 1,000 0 lb 1,000 0 lb UT48
Native Translator Program
Complexity 5. From Chinglish to Hindi.
- 1 1,000 0 lb 1,000 0 lb UT48
Native Translator Program
Complexity 5. From Chinglish to Navajo.
- 1 1,000 0 lb 1,000 0 lb UT48
Native Translator Program
Complexity 5. From Chinglish to Russian.
- 1 1,000 0 lb 1,000 0 lb UT48
Personal Computer
Complexity 5. Hardened (HT+3). 100TB. 2C/20hr or external power.
- 1 20,000 10 lb 20,000 10 lb UT22
Complexity 5.
- 1 2,000 0 lb 2,000 0 lb UT149
Illegal Weaponry - 1 0 0 lb 211,820 188.1 lb
Carbine - 1 0 0 lb 3,650 5.9 lb
Storm Carbine, 10mmCL "Vera"
- 1 3,600 5.5 lb 3,600 5.5 lb UT137
Three-point sling
“Dropping” the weapon is a free action. Bringing it up again requires a Ready maneuver or a free action with a successful Fast-Draw (Long Arm) roll, at +1 for the sling.
- 1 50 0.4 lb 50 0.4 lb
Laser Minigun - 1 0 0 lb 66,000 67 lb
E cell - 1 2,000 20 lb 2,000 20 lb
Semi-Portable Laser "Tachi"
Expensive, External E-cell, HUD Link
- 1 64,000 47 lb 64,000 47 lb UT116
Laser Sniper - 1 0 0 lb 40,070 17.4 lb
Backpack chemical tank - 1 20 4 lb 20 4 lb
Laser Sniper Rifle "Naginata"
Expensive, 4lb. backpack power cell, HUD Link
- 1 40,000 13 lb 40,000 13 lb UT115
Three-point sling
“Dropping” the weapon is a free action. Bringing it up again requires a Ready maneuver or a free action with a successful Fast-Draw (Long Arm) roll, at +1 for the sling.
- 1 50 0.4 lb 50 0.4 lb
Launchers - 1 0 0 lb 86,050 72.4 lb
MLAWS, 64mm "Michael"
- 1 46,000 24 lb 46,000 24 lb UT146
Three-point sling
“Dropping” the weapon is a free action. Bringing it up again requires a Ready maneuver or a free action with a successful Fast-Draw (Long Arm) roll, at +1 for the sling.
- 1 50 0.4 lb 50 0.4 lb
TML, 100mm "Fredo"
HUD Link, Expensive
- 1 20,000 24 lb 20,000 24 lb UT146
TML, 100mm "Sonny"
HUD Link, Expensive
- 1 20,000 24 lb 20,000 24 lb UT146
Payload - 1 0 0 lb 16,050 25.4 lb
Payload Rifle "Tsutsui", 25mmCL
Expensive, HUD Link
- 1 16,000 25 lb 16,000 25 lb UT137
Three-point sling
“Dropping” the weapon is a free action. Bringing it up again requires a Ready maneuver or a free action with a successful Fast-Draw (Long Arm) roll, at +1 for the sling.
- 1 50 0.4 lb 50 0.4 lb
Legal Weaponry - 1 0 0 lb 16,050 20.4 lb
Anti-Materiel - 1 0 0 lb 16,050 20.4 lb
Anti-Materiel Rifle, 15mmCL "Yari"
HUD Link, Expensive
- 1 16,000 20 lb 16,000 20 lb UT137
Three-point sling
“Dropping” the weapon is a free action. Bringing it up again requires a Ready maneuver or a free action with a successful Fast-Draw (Long Arm) roll, at +1 for the sling.
- 1 50 0.4 lb 50 0.4 lb
Stash - 1 0 0 lb 318,700 1,490 lb
Ammo - 1 0 0 lb 176,000 984 lb
MLAWS Warhead: Multi-Spectral Homing, APHEX
Skill: 14
- 50 1,000 2 lb 50,000 100 lb
MLAWS Warhead: Multi-Spectral Homing, Shaped
Skill: 14
- 50 800 2 lb 40,000 100 lb
Striker Missile - 1 17,000 17 lb 17,000 17 lb UT168
Striker Missile - 1 17,000 17 lb 17,000 17 lb UT168
TML Warhead: Multi-Spectral Homing
Skill: 14
- 10 400 25 lb 4,000 250 lb
TML Warhead: Multi-Spectral Homing, APHEX
Skill: 14
- 10 4,000 25 lb 40,000 250 lb
TML Warhead: Multi-Spectral Homing, Shaped
Skill: 14
- 10 800 25 lb 8,000 250 lb
Attaché Case w/ hidden compartment
Holds 2cf., Expensive
- 1 800 1.5 lb 1,700 2 lb UT97
hidden compartment - 1 0 0 lb 900 0.5 lb
Monowire Whip - 1 900 0.5 lb 900 0.5 lb UT163
Power - 1 0 0 lb 22,000 300 lb
D cell - 20 100 5 lb 2,000 100 lb UT19
E cell - 10 2,000 20 lb 20,000 200 lb UT19
Reflex Suit
DR+8 vs. piercing and cutting. Flexible.
- 1 12,000 8 lb 12,000 8 lb UT172
Scopes - 1 0 0 lb 82,000 48 lb
Enhanced Targeting Scope
+3 to aimed shots. Hyperspectral Vision 8x. Tunnel Vision. B/400hr.
- 4 8,000 2 lb 32,000 8 lb UT149
Mini-Computer Sight
Night Vision 7. +1 Gunner/Guns. +3 Acc to 2,000 yards. 2-4x magnification, +1 to +2 Acc. -1 Bulk. 2xS/2hrs.
- 4 12,500 10 lb 50,000 40 lb HT157
Trauma Plates for Reflex Tactical Vest
- 10 1,200 6 lb 12,000 60 lb UT173
Zu - 1 0 0 lb 13,000 88 lb
Payload Rifle, 25mmCL
HUD Link
- 1 8,000 38 lb 8,000 38 lb UT137
Powered Tripod Mount
D/100 hr.
- 1 5,000 50 lb 5,000 50 lb UT151