The Honest Retrieval log

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[13:20:48] <@Fatum> It's been solid two weeks of dank Seattle spring since the last job the runners scored, and their funds are running dangerously low. For Leo, then, the flashing of a new voicemail icon labeled "Job offer" in his field of vision seemed like a blessing. The man gave a mental command, and as the recording started playing, an ARrow of his contact Crow's head floated before him. The swarthy dwarf, true to herself, was filmed in his signature baseball cap and magn
[13:20:48] <@Fatum> ification sunglasses, chewing on a blade of grass. Without wasting time on niceties, she spits out: "Yo, omae, word is, you lacking for some work to do? Well hear me out, I've jus' what ya need. I've a buddy, Magpie, a newbie fence, and looks like he got himself deep in trouble. Hit him up in the Ironman this evening". The ARrow dissipates as the recording ends, but another one floats up to take its place: a photo of a gap-toothed dwarf in his early thirties
[13:20:50] <@Fatum> , his head shaven bald, both hair, beard and eyebrows. Leo browses his short runner contact phonebook, status icons glowing red for Out of Town and black for Permanently out of Business, and deals Izzy's commcall number...
[13:30:46] <@Fatum> *dials
[13:34:12] <Izzy> [I'm here.] Izzy's AR window shows her face, and after a few seconds, a video feed. She looks the same as she almost always does, slightly tired, but focused. [Is there work for us?]
[13:36:03] <Leo> [Yeah, some dwarf gotten himself over his head and, apparently needs some help.]
[13:37:48] * Izzy shifts, sighing. [Tell me more. Where, when, how?]
[13:38:38] <Leo> [He'll be in Ironman this evening.]
[13:40:14] <Leo> [We'll sweat the details out of him then.]
[13:42:59] <Izzy> [Alright. I'll be there, Leo.] Izzy offers the barest hint of a smile and cuts the connection, getting ready for 'work'. It's quick, just getting street clothes, her least obvious armour, and getting ready for travel.
[13:52:31] <@Fatum> The Ironman is a runner club at the edge of the Redmond Barrens, owing its name to the owner - a street sam by the same name, who retired from the life of crime to sate his running buddies' thirst. As Izzy leaves the Contrail and passes the battered door under a bright neon sign, the two troll bouncers on duty today, clad in black leather, nod to her in a friendly manner. The place is as usual - oldschool sympho-dubstep is pumping loud enough to liquify your
[13:52:32] <@Fatum> brains, Ironman pours beer for the youngster runner wannabes wearing assorted gang colours at the bar, his hopelessly outdated Ares StrongArms whirring and clicking on full display. A motley crew of runners fills the booths: here Green Diamond, a naga patron, levitates a mouse with his unblinking gaze before dropping it on his table, already dotted with marks from his fangs; there a mage and a shaman you don't know cast illusions over their table, competing
[13:52:35] <@Fatum> who produces the most humorous caricature of the current generation federal politicos; there two sammies arm-wrestle, Bulldozer with his bulky polished chrome Urban Kshatriya Extreme against Sunny the Troll with his bulging bioware-enchanced muscle... Smells of spilled cheap booze, flavoured tobacco and sweat fill the air; the runners' chatter is loud enough to be heard even over the blasting sympho-dubstep. Half an hour early, Izzy finds herself a booth to
[13:52:41] <@Fatum> sit and look around.
[13:53:56] <@Fatum> You spot Magpie at one of the booths: he is sitting at an edge of his armchair, a barely touched glass of watery beer before him. Despite the time still being early, a large ARrow of a digital clock floats before him, and he casts glances upon it as he twiddles his thumbs.
[13:57:59] * Izzy makes her way in and looks around, taking in the room before finding somewhere to wait. Being around strange people makes her feel normal, and she's content to wait until Leo shows up.
[13:58:51] <@Fatum> Half an hour later, some of the faces have changed, and sympho-dubstep changed to Orx-Rock and back again, but the generally friendly atmosphere stays the same: the bar usually gets rough closer to midnight. Finally Leo steps in, drops of acid rain rolling off his clothes.
[13:59:35] <@Fatum> Leo, you spot both Magpie glancing around nervously and Izzy consumed by her people-watching.
[14:00:31] * Leo pings Izzy on comms and walks over to Magpie.
[14:01:02] * Izzy raises a blue, armoured hand from her table in a wave when she spots Leo. Today she's dressed in relatively 'normal' clothes, a heavy jacket and tough pants. Her feet clink on the floor as she stands up and follows the dwarf to the booth.
[14:01:56] <@Fatum> He stands up as the runners approach, extending a hand in greeting. The dwarf's hand is noticeably sweaty. He sits down, sliding deep into his armchair, waiting for the runners to take their places, then twitches in his seat, sliding again towards its edge. He taps on the plastic of the table a few times, and addresses the duo before him: "Okay, *cough*, hear me out. I got this really sweet deal, scan? A contact of mine slipped me a totally authentic histori
[14:01:56] <@Fatum> cal artefact, kay? So yeah" - he twitches again - "I found a buyer, a really really really serious man, if you catch my drift, right? So I go to meet him, k? And as I leave my house, someone shoots me with a damn dart caster!" He spits on the ground before continuing. "So right, luckily I left a little stealth tag in the package, scan? Now at least I know where the package is - seems to be at the Colemann Coffin Hotel, down at the docks. Except I can't just
[14:01:58] <@Fatum> go there myself, see? So I'm paying you lot three grand each if you get it for me and bring it to me at the Saturn Island harbour, hangar 4, at 9 pm stat - hopefully I can convince the buyer to wait that long! It's just an honest retrieval! 500 nuyen extra for every half hour earlier you might bring it! If you meet any hostiles, I'll add 500 nuyen extra for each per thief you deal with! Do we have a deal or not?" He jumps up from the armchair again.
[14:09:16] <@Fatum> Leo evaluates the dwarf's disposition and sees that the lil' guy is obviously lying. A lot.
[14:10:53] <Leo> - Now, mr. Magpie, it seems to me that you aren't showing me the full picture.
[14:11:31] <@Fatum> Izzy, yeah, the dwarf seems like a murky character.
[14:12:31] <Leo> - And i'm, afraid that if you will continue in that spirit, than we'll have to decline on your kind offer.
[14:13:37] <Izzy> "The more you tell us, the easier this will be." Izzy nods placidly, speaking softly, as usual.
[14:13:40] <@Fatum> Magpie stares at Leo, pulling upon a lobe of his ear hard enough to tear it off: "Look, I'm offering good money, right? What do you want? More? Okay, I'll... I'll give you more. Make it four grand each, just get me the damn thing!"
[14:16:03] <Leo> - Ok, mr. Magpie, if you insist on declining us vital information, then you'll have to double your offer.
[14:18:58] <@Fatum> This time the dwarf pinches the tip of his nose with his other hand, and for a moment seems to be all prepared to break his own neck. Then he drops both hands upon the table, looking on something on Leo's chest: "Right. Okay. Fine. Six grand it is, then". He swallows convulsingly. "Each".
[14:20:14] * Leo looks questioningly at Izzy.
[14:22:31] <Leo> - Half now.
[14:24:09] * Izzy seems okay with it, looking across at Leo.
[14:25:55] <@Fatum> Magpie fingerdrums something extremely dissonant on the table, then pulls out a silver credstick he's been wearing on his neck instead of a cross. "You're killing me. Killing me" - he croaks.
[14:26:47] <@Fatum> Leo, the credstick is unpleasantly warm and slightly wet when you take it.
[14:27:03] <Leo> - Not yet, my friend, now yet, but we have a deal.
[14:27:19] <Leo> *not
[14:30:17] * Izzy looks at her hands, thinking-then looks up as soon as the deal's made. "What kind of reception will we receive, Magpie?"
[14:31:40] <@Fatum> "Hell if I know, hell if I know, really! It's just a normal coffin hotel, for all I know, but if they got me, they can get you, scan? That's why I have to pay you, after all!"
[14:32:58] <Leo> - Somegoh I've got this feeling that we should be loading for bear.
[14:33:34] <Leo> *somehow
[14:33:56] <@Fatum> "Yeah, well, better load for metahumans. Ain't no bear shooting darts in this back so far!" - he pats himself on the back.
[14:34:15] <@Fatum> He casts an uneasy glance at Izzy's climbing claws, swallows hard, again, and says meekly: "Okay then, pleasure doing business with you two". He jumps up from his seat and heads for the door with the speed you'd never expect in someone so small.
[14:34:58] <Izzy> "I have a bad feeling about this." Izzy blinks owlishly, then stands up, stretching. "Do you have some way to track him down if he tries to run?"
[14:36:16] <Leo> - I've got a hacker friend, maybe he can do something about that.
[14:37:55] <@Fatum> As you talk, the dwarf slams the door on his way out.
[14:38:04] <Leo> - Though he seems to need that package very badly.
[14:40:38] <Izzy> "I don't want to have to chase him down myself." Not after Last Time. "I have my gun in my bike. Are you still car-less? You might have to 'ride bitch'." Izzy gives a little smile at that. She...isn't great at jokes, but she tries.
[14:43:01] <@Fatum> As a quick mental command and a neat-looking Renraku-brended ARrow reveal, it's 18:02:17:286 now, Leo. Colemann is about half an hour drive from the Ironman, maybe less if you harry, maybe more if you take a sidetrack to get your equipment.
[14:43:07] <@Fatum> *hurry
[14:44:07] <Leo> - I don't really mind, do you have a spare helmet?
[14:45:09] * Izzy opens her mouth, then closes it, walking for the door. "No." Her own helmet clicks up from the cybernetic gorget thing she's wearing, folding up over her head. It's a stylized lizard, or dragon, or something, but fits the rest of her 'ware.
[14:45:30] * Leo dials Ramirez.
[14:46:08] <Leo> - Oh, well, try not lose me on the way.
[14:48:27] * Izzy walks outside, around to where her bike is, and swings herself on...and scoots forward so that the dwarf can fit behind her. She revs it once, twice, and then she's on her way, the engine letting out a nice whine, heading there at top speed. "Do you have a map of the hotel?"
[14:48:56] <@Fatum> Ramirez answers the commcall before you leave the bar for the pouring acid rain. The ARrow seems unnaturally static among the water pouring from the sky. The hacker's icon is as impeccable as ever, his jabot white as snow.
[14:49:58] <@Fatum> He watches, amused, as Leo barely fits upon the bike behind Izzy, and finally speaks up: "Yes, mlord, how can I be of assistance to you this fine day?"
[14:50:12] <Leo> = Hello, Ramirez, i need a couple favours.
[14:50:55] <Leo> = Firstly, i need a floorplan of Colemann Coffin hotel.
[14:52:16] <Leo> = Secondly, there's this twitchy Johnson, that could be planning to give us a slip. Could you possibly do something about this?
[14:52:40] <@Fatum> Izzy, the road is slick with rain, and it takes all your skill to keep the unusually heavy and improperly balanced bike on the road. The rain throws buckets of water in your face, and the much-advertised water-proof visor coverage starts raising doubts in you whether it's living up to your expectation
[14:53:57] <@Fatum> =Ah yes, Leonardo, getting something as banal as a coffin hotel floor plan would not be a challenge for someone of my talents. If you want my aid with the Johnson, though, I am afraid you'll have to be much more specific".
[14:55:53] * Leo sends him image of Magpie and his name. "Tracking."
[14:58:07] <@Fatum> Izzy, a Lone Star-colored Honda 3240, sirens blaring, passes the Contrail at full speed, sending a wave of water all over them. With a quick dodge, you avoid being thrown off the road, but the sharp maneuver throws both you and Leo from side to side uncomfortably.
[14:59:21] <Leo> - Fuckers.
[15:00:15] * Izzy recovers, frowning at the car flying past them. She has protective covers over her eyes, anyway, under the helmet-but that doesn't make it any less unpleasant. She frowns and bears it. "Are there any security cameras at this hotel?"
[15:00:22] <@Fatum> =Ho-hum-ho, off the beaten road I go, - sings the hacker under his breath, - I'm afraid that's going to take me quite a bit of time to pinpoint someone so vaguely defined. Do you simply desire to know his location?
[15:02:01] <Leo> = His movements should be useful to. He supposed to wait us at the docks if that helps.
[15:02:04] <@Fatum> Leo, your driver's voice is barely legible over the noises on the road; eerily different from the crystal-clear sound you are getting from Ramirez.
[15:04:51] * Leo patches Izzy in.
[15:05:17] <Leo> = Sorry, didn't get that.
[15:05:21] <Izzy> [Wh-oh. Are there any cameras at the hotel?]
[15:07:22] <@Fatum> =MLady - the hacker bows slightly, - now if you will excuse me, - the elegant icon zones out for a few seconds, and an icon of a semi-transparent map appears at his hand. He passes the icon towards his interlocutor with a well-calculated motion, and it unfolds into an ARrow of the coffin hotel layout.
[15:09:12] <@Fatum> Izzy, as you stop at a street light, you see for the first time what a pixie looks during a rain. Apparently they like their wings enough to cast a force dome over themselves, if this one is any indication. It still looks miserable and cold in its French clothing as it crosses, though.
[15:11:15] * Izzy blinks and watches. Clothing...she'll have to get herself more sets of clothes. The fact that it's a pixie passes her by just a little.
[15:11:56] <@Fatum> =Something as minor as this map will be my gift for you, my dear friend, - the hacker notes, - If only for that incident with our mutual acquaintance, - his lips rise in a thin smile, - But I am afraid I can't afford to lose my work tracking Johnsons willy-nilly, so I am afraid I will have to ask for compensation.
[15:12:36] <Leo> = That is understandable.
[15:13:44] <@Fatum> =Most agreeable, then. What do you say to a hundred nuyen an hour, finding his access ID included into that?
[15:17:10] <@Fatum> Izzy, it's hard to focus on the map as the light turns green and you have to maneuver in traffic again, but it seems that Colemann is a typical coffin hotel - three corridors splitting from the central point perpendicularly, each one lined with coffins lined three atop each other. The crossing is the point where the reception man sits, and also where the only camera is hung from the ceiling, rotating to cover the entirety of the hotel and the entrance with i
[15:17:10] <@Fatum> ts watchful eye.
[15:17:13] <Leo> = Izzy?
[15:18:33] <Izzy> [If he holds up his side of the deal, then you won't need to track him. If he does not, then you WILL need to track him. I think that we should wait until we have need, that way it will save you nuyen.]
[15:20:10] <Leo> = Ramirez, how much time do you need in a advance to track him?
[15:20:54] <@Fatum> The road makes a sharp turn as you enter Everett, and Izzy, consumed as she is by the talk and the map, narrowly avoids a Zugmachine from the opposite lane coming right at her: at the very last moment, the dogbrain forcefully pulls the handlebars from her hands, passing centimeters from the truck's many human-sized wheels.
[15:21:59] <@Fatum> = I would guess approximately half an hour, off the top of my head.
[15:23:11] <@Fatum> The truck emits a deafening honk.
[15:23:58] <Izzy> "...the roads are busy," Izzy mutters, taking the handlebars again and steering them on. Admittedly, she's going well. Better than Last Time. Then again, it wasn't raining then, either...
[15:24:37] <Leo> = Very well then, if he attempts to run like a cur, i'll surely call on your services.
[15:26:11] <Leo> = My thanks to you.
[15:26:35] <@Fatum> = Fine then. It was a true pleasure to hear from you, Leonardo. MLady. Have a perfect ride, and best of luck in your endeavors, - the hacker smiles again and disconnects.
[15:26:36] * Leo terminates the connection.
[15:33:36] <@Fatum> As Leo focuses upon the Matrix, he easily finds Colemann Coffin Hotel host - it is, after all, sending out ads. It's a featureless silvery-gray cube, an artifact of the Matrix Standard Interface era.
[15:42:57] * Izzy slows the bike as they near the area, looking around at the buildings nearby. What kind of area is this? High class, low class, 'walk across the street and get shot' class?
[15:43:47] <@Fatum> As the man explores the VR, Izzy gets closer and closer to their destination. Obviously, the warehouse neighborhood where Colemann is located has fallen on hard times a long time ago. The runners pass under a few gantry cranes, dead and rusting, and are thrown about a couple of times when they cross a line of pebbles that used to be railroad. The walls are covered in layers upon layers of graffiti, and here and there again traces of unwashed blood mix with t
[15:43:47] <@Fatum> he faded paint.
[15:46:09] <Izzy> "I wonder whether anyone would care if people died here," Izzy mutters. "How will we approach this, Leo?"
[15:46:38] <@Fatum> Judging by the piles of food packaging and other day-to-day garbage, some of the warehouses are now settled by squatters; however, most buildings along the road have heavy gates and sturdy walls with windows high from the ground; they're likely still used for their initial purpose, even if sporadically.
[15:48:37] <Leo> - We can probably cut power to the building. This will get us both anonymity and potential tactical advantage.
[15:50:34] <Izzy> "I have low-light in my helmet." Izzy nods. As they get closer, she'll park somewhere out of sight, but nearby. Possibly in an alley near the hotel.
[15:51:02] <Leo> - Alternatively, Ramirez could hack this way into camera's system and we could have a look-see on oppsoition.
[15:52:28] <Izzy> "You would be paying for that." The smile in Izzy's voice is audible through the helmet's speakers.
[15:53:37] <@Fatum> The hotel isn't far from the waterfront, at least you can hear the roar of the waves when you shut off the engine in an alleyway near the rundown hotel building. Colemann Coffin Hotel looks eerily like its matrix representation: a featureless cube of gray concrete, with a gaping hole of the entrance open. Surprisingly, the graffiti has been washed off it recently, and there are maybe only a couple hundred tags drawn upon it since then.
[15:55:31] <Leo> - Oh, ok then, i'll count on you to cut the power.
[15:55:33] <@Fatum> The neon sign over the entrance is off, and judging by the wires cut at its very base, it has been off for a very long time.
[15:58:27] * Izzy nods, leaving her SMG with Leo, and jogs to the powerbox. [If things get hairy, I'm relying on you.]
[16:00:41] <@Fatum> The powerbox smells primarily of human excrement and secondarily of burned wiring. The thin metal cover is smashed, apparently by a very large hammer or a troll fist. It's still covering the insides of the box, but it's too deformed to be locked with the original lock.
[16:01:17] * Izzy digs her claws in between the casing and the lid, and gives it a firm tug, trying to pull it open manually.
[16:02:49] <@Fatum> With a screech, the lid opens. Inside the box is a mangled mess of wiring, all black and covered in dust. Here and there traces of soldering and taping wires together can be seen.
[16:04:51] <@Fatum> Izzy considers the contents of the box for a few moments, and the purpose and the history of each wire in it are apparent to her. She will now have to live with that knowledge.
[16:06:54] * Izzy snaps her clippers out and gets to work; one wire's snipped, stuck to a different wire, and (hopefully) the power goes out. Hopefully, nobody will know it's ever been tampered with. [Is the power down?]
[16:08:20] <@Fatum> While there are no obvious signs coming from the building, Izzy's absolutely sure that the power in the building is now out for good.
[16:10:54] <Izzy> [Leo. You have the code. Do you want to check inside? Someone will come to check on this, soon. You have a window.]
[16:14:48] * Leo checks, belatedly, if a signal is coming from hotel.
[16:16:20] <@Fatum> Leo, the signal is strong and clear from somewhere inside.
[16:17:39] <Leo> [What window? It's coffin hotel.]
[16:18:19] <@Fatum> As you fiddle about with your commlink, Leo, you hear shuffling footsteps approaching from inside the hotel.
[16:18:45] <Izzy> [A window of opportunity. Someone will try to turn the power back on.] Izzy closes the box, and steps back out of sight. [When they are busy here, you will be able to take a look inside.]
[16:21:15] <@Fatum> -Why the hell do outages keep happening during my shift? - you hear someone grumbling - This is the most stupid fucking curse I've ever heard of. Bullshit, that's all.
[16:21:16] <Leo> [Ok, i'll try your way. Stand ready to pounce anyway.]
[16:21:58] * Leo tries to stealth his way to the hotel door.
[16:26:01] <@Fatum> Both runners hide in the shadows of the buildings surrounding the hotel; Izzy still shudders at the memories of the power box: the man who designed it in the 50ies, if not 40ies, was an idiot thinking himself a genius; the men who installed it were imbeciles; the men who pretended to service it in its corp days were degenerates; for the ones who replaced them no true electrician would find a word.
[16:27:02] <@Fatum> As the runners take their positions, an elderly ork comes out of the hotel, a flashlight at hand. He sighs sadly and heads for the power box.
[16:27:36] <@Fatum> *would find a word for
[16:29:49] * Izzy is silent in the rain, but not over subvocals. [Not a combatant.] Izzy silently makes her way out of the alley, heading for the entrance. [Do you think you could scare him off? Without killing him?]
[16:30:45] <@Fatum> The ork stumbles over a piece of garbage lying on the asphalt and falls heavily upon his knees, in a good inch deep. You see something whitish fall into the water from behind his ear. Cursing everything that is holy, the ork searches blindly in the water for whatever it was he lost.
[16:30:56] <Leo> [Scare him off? Like go away or else?]
[16:32:01] <Izzy> [Like...stay away for a while, and come back when it's over.]
[16:32:12] <@Fatum> Leo reaches the door easily without alarming the old metahuman he's there. A dark corridor lies behind, several metahuman voices can be heard from inside, both male and female. Generally, they state their dissatisfaction with the current state of affairs and the state of the world in general.
[16:32:55] <@Fatum> *not behind, but before him, obviously
[16:33:55] * Leo switches vision to thermographic.
[16:37:57] <@Fatum> Leo, there are multiple hotel patrons poking out of their coffins, shouting all at once. A small child is running back and forth along the corridor leading to the reception. You see nobody armed, but a lot of people angry.
[16:42:25] * Izzy makes her way to the door as well. "...a crowd. That's good cover. Do you have the scanner?"
[16:43:26] <Leo> - Yes.
[16:44:31] <Leo> [We probably should go in.]
[16:45:52] * Izzy nods, and steps inside, the helmet clicking away as she does so. Like this, she's just another depressed looking chick.
[16:47:02] <@Fatum> As you make your way to reception, nobody pays you any attention. You can see and hear groups organizing from among the patrons, arguing or just chatting with each other, discussing when the business as usual will be resumed.
[16:47:21] * Leo follows her, keeping eye on the signal.
[16:49:42] <@Fatum> It takes no longer than a minute to pinpoint the coffin where the signal is coming from: it's the nearest one on the first level, right corridor. Its door is closed, noone seems to be near.
[16:50:28] * Leo points out the coffin to Izzy. [Can you open it?]
[16:51:02] * Izzy moves to the door and tries to open it. If it doesn't open, she'll frown, pull out her autopicker, and get to work.
[16:54:51] <@Fatum> With a soft click, the door swings open. No light come up, but your goal is obvious enough - it's a packet a meter long and a dozen cm wide, sitting at the center of the coffin.
[16:54:55] <@Fatum> *no lights
[16:56:11] * Leo looks for the signs of activity.
[16:58:44] * Izzy reaches in and quickly takes it, closing the door. [This is it. Watch out for people with dart rifles.] Izzy sweeps the crowd with a blank stare before she heads outside again, hoping that activity was lost in the commotion.
[17:00:22] <@Fatum> Nobody seems to be paying your actions any attention. The coffins seemed empty, as if nobody has been living in it, at least recently. Izzy, you feel a hard box inside the soft cover, but the cover itself is unusual by touch - it seems to have small scales.
[17:01:26] <@Fatum> Both the runners make their way out of the hotel again easily. The old ork they saw previously is deep in thought over the power box, and it doesn't appear that he's coming up with the solution to Izzy's puzzle any time soon.
[17:02:47] <Izzy> [Let's go.] Izzy walks to the bike looking at the box through thermals for a second before she tucks it away. [It must have been a dead drop.]
[17:03:44] <Leo> [Hopefully.]
[17:04:18] <@Fatum> As Leo follows, he calls up the clock ARrow again: 18:46:23:491
[17:05:41] <Leo> [Shall we check on the shorty incase of burly men instead of litle dwarfs at the rendezvouz?]
[17:06:36] * Izzy gets on the bike, and lets Leo on behind her, and drives off towards the docks. [It would be appreciated.]
[17:07:35] * Leo calls Ramirez and tells him to begin tracking the dwarf.
[17:07:51] <@Fatum> The hacker smiles and nods.
[17:09:00] * Leo dials Crow.
[17:11:00] <@Fatum> The dwarf answers after a while; the camera hovers over her lying on a pillow of grass, eyes sleepy: "Hmmm?"
[17:13:17] <Leo> = I need to cross the waters of Puget Sound, do you by any chance know of enterprising gentleperson with a boat that doesn't ask questions and keeps his mouth shut?
[17:15:36] <@Fatum> = You had to wake me up for that, omae? Rly? Jus' call Crossbill, he'll do ya good. Mention I sent ya - with that, Crow sends a phonebook contact your way. Crossbill predictably turns out to be very much stereotypically AmerIndian.
[17:16:01] * Izzy keeps her eyes on the road and the mirrors, this time.
[17:16:45] <Leo> = Thanks. Sorry about waking you. I'll make it up to you someday.
[17:16:52] * Leo hangs up.
[17:17:36] * Leo calls up this Crossbill.
[17:19:06] <@Fatum> Crossbill appears upon his commcall interface exactly as he's pictured on the trid image sent my Crow: equally tranquil and motionless.
[17:20:23] <Leo> = Good afternoon, mr. Crossbill. Crow said that i could rely on you.
[17:20:46] <@Fatum> = Yes - he nods ever so noticeably.
[17:21:38] <Leo> = I need to get to the Saturn Island.
[17:22:04] <@Fatum> = When?
[17:22:53] <Leo> = The sooner, the better.
[17:23:16] <@Fatum> = Now. Three hundred.
[17:24:40] <Leo> = Can i get a discount and i'll recommend you to all my friends?
[17:26:02] <@Fatum> = Two hundred.
[17:26:45] <Leo> = Where i can meet you?
[17:27:44] <@Fatum> = Meadowdale, Whalers, pier 18. Waiting.
[17:27:50] <@Fatum> The man cuts the connection.
[17:29:39] * Leo passes the coordinates to Izzy. "Let's go."
[17:29:53] * Izzy revs the bike up and changes course-Pier 18 it is. "That was fast."
[17:31:57] <Leo> - That's why they pay me the big bucks. Well, paid.
[17:34:42] <@Fatum> As you speed towards Meadowdale, the buildings around look more and more like they're regularly used. Soon, you're traveling through a bustling hub of docking and warehousing activity, with containers swinging over your head and dozens of trucks filling the streets. "Pier 18" - reads an unremarkable metal plaque over the entrance to a small semicircular hangar. Bright light shines through the windows at above the human head level and through the cracks aroun
[17:34:42] <@Fatum> d the door.
[17:39:39] * Izzy stops the bike near the door, letting Leo off to open it up.
[17:40:17] * Leo enters the hangar.
[17:42:36] <@Fatum> The hangar is littered with boxes and crates of all sizes, and has shadowless lighting blazing from on high. It has a canal running along its length in the middle; in the canal, a deep red boat half a dozen meters long sits. At the helm sits Crossbill, face to the sea. Cameras in the corners of the hangar follow Leo as he moves.
[17:44:00] * Izzy rolls the bike in after Leo, hopping off to walk it. That's an impressive boat.
[17:44:11] <Leo> - Hey, mr. Crossbill, nice boat.
[17:45:26] <@Fatum> The man answers without turning to look at you: "Yep".
[17:46:12] <Leo> - Can we board?
[17:46:54] <@Fatum> - Yes.
[17:48:47] * Leo boards the boat, looking for place to sit.
[17:49:21] * Izzy puts her bike on-board. "How long will the crossing take?"
[17:51:26] <@Fatum> The boat is surprisingly cramped. The only cargo space is at the prow, and you barely fit the bike there, since the space is obviously configured to transport metahumans sitting tightly together. The passenger seats are out in the open: a shotgun seat near Crossbill, and two seats at the back, near the oversized engines.
[17:52:09] <@Fatum> As the boats springs to life lowering the engines into the water, the AmerIndian speaks up: "Half an hour".
[17:53:44] * Leo takes the shotgun seat.
[17:56:05] * Izzy makes a non-committal noise and sits down after securing her bike.
[17:56:52] <@Fatum> The engines rev up, and the boat surges from the hangar, speeding up rapidly. "Hang tight" - Crossbill warns, as the boat raises the prow and starts planing. The faster the boat goes, the harsher the blows at each wave become, and the hard seats do little to soften your landings. Splashes fly well over your heads, and you fly through the sunset-lit ocean.
[18:03:53] <@Fatum> Izzy soldiers through the beating, but Leo is not so tough: not only does the seat and the stuff around it beat the breath out of him several times, he gets badly seasick, and by the time the runners reach the Saturn Island, he is all green and blue.
[18:05:16] * Izzy digs about for her medkit as the boat slows. There's gotta be some kind of seasickness pill in there.
[18:05:42] <Leo> - God, if the little shit will try something funny, i'll beat him up severely, or better yet charter him 12 hour trip like this.
[18:06:38] <@Fatum> The harbour is well-protected against the waves, but the shores have little to show but half a dozen piers with steel boat shelters and warehouses behind them. A darkening forest stands behind these. Crossbill slows the boat down and glides them perfectly to pier 4, with the final touch light as feather as he stops against it.
[18:07:00] * Leo pays the man.
[18:07:51] <@Fatum> He acknowledges the wireless transaction silently and then asks: "Back?"
[18:11:29] * Izzy wheels the bike off the boat and looks into the forest. She pauses as she passes Crossbill and quietly states, "A smooth as silk." With a completely straight face.
[18:12:30] <@Fatum> "Yes" - the man answers with the faintest shadow of a smile you've ever seen.
[18:13:20] <Leo> - Can you wait for us, 30 minites or so, in case we'll need to get out of dodge in a hurry?
[18:13:42] <@Fatum> - Yes
[18:13:57] <Izzy> [Did your hacker friend turn anything up?]
[18:17:31] <@Fatum> Leo felt too bad to check on his commlink as the world was flying before his eyes, kicking him while he's down, so he missed a commcall from Ramirez. The man left a voicemail, though: "Leonardo, as per your request, I have located your employer. It appears he indeed waits for you in the Pudget Sound, but I am deeply concerned that the place where his commlink triangulates to has no islands. And, as I have checked, no vessels are currently there. Let me corre
[18:17:31] <@Fatum> ct myself: as I dictate this message, his commlink went offline".
[18:21:37] <Leo> [Ok, we have a problem, either the dwarf drowned or his commlink.]

[18:22:23] <@Fatum> ==========================SESSION 1 ENDS==========================

[13:09:45] <Fatum> ==========================SESSION 2 STARTS==========================
[13:11:44] <Fatum> As previously said, the runners are in a boat near Saturn Island, where Magpie the fence arranged a meet with them. The hangars loom silently over the harbour; the sun is going down behind the trees of the forest filling most of the island. No movement can be seen in the hangar 4, where the meet was arranged.
[13:16:20] <Leo> [Izzy, we have a Problem. Johnson is on the bottom of the bay with 95% certainty.]
[13:19:18] * Izzy nods, uncomfortably deciding to get her bike out of sight again. [What matters is whether the ones who may have killed him know where the meet is intended to take place, and whether they intend to kill us.]
[13:21:15] <Leo> [I think that they know about the place, most probably about us and they want the package.]
[13:22:15] <Leo> [What we don't know is what and who are we dealing this. Can you check the place of the meet unseen?]
[13:22:36] <Izzy> [I think that, considering the Johnson's death, the restrictions places upon opening the package have been lifted.] Izzy sounds faintly angry.
[13:22:50] <Izzy> [I can try.]
[13:24:17] <Leo> [The problem is that by opening a package we can sign ourselves a death warrant.]
[13:25:42] <Leo> [Though we do need to know what it's in it to bargain effectively.]
[13:26:06] * Izzy looks over at Leo and frowns. "Then you take the package. I will scout the hangar." With that, she leaves, stealthily circling around the site of the meet in a wide loop. Snipers? Drones? Surveillance?
[13:27:00] * Leo takes the package. [Ok. Be careful.]
[13:28:51] * Leo hides.
[13:33:15] <Fatum> The two runners get off the boat, and as Leo blends with the shadows, Izzy circles hangar 4. It seems surprisingly non-descriptive: a bland building of bland concrete, at least a couple dozen years old. Its rusty doors are closed, equally rusty rails running from the hangar to the pier. Except for a loader drone parked safely behind the hangar, under a bright blue cover, no vehicles can be seen around the building.
[13:33:49] <Fatum> No drones are in the air; no snipers can be seen nor heard behind the roar of the waves, nor smelled behind the smells of old motor oil and pines.
[13:35:02] <Fatum> About two meters from the ground, transparent green-blue panels run along the walls of the building.
[13:36:56] * Izzy makes her way to the hangar, looking up the wall and extending her climbing claws, latching on to the side of the building and slowly making her way up, aided by the claws at the end of her cyberlegs. She wants to see inside before she goes inside.
[13:38:42] <Fatum> Izzy switches to night vision, as the insides of the hangar are pitch dark. It seems there's a yacht on a bogie stored inside; multiple crates stand in stacks around it. No movement can be seen.
[13:40:34] <Izzy> [I can't see anything inside other than a yacht on a bogie...and crates. It could be an ambush, if they arrived before us. There is nothing here for us if they did not.] Izzy also checks to see whether there are any lights inside; if they are, she's going to perform the powerbox trick again if she can find it, just to be safe.
[13:41:20] <Fatum> There's no powerbox in sight, but no lights inside the building, either.
[13:42:08] <Leo> [It probably is ambush, no point in taking unnecessary risks. If nothing else is seen you shoild return.]
[13:43:29] * Izzy nods, quietly climbing back down and making her round-about way back. [What now, then? Do we wait here to see whether they arrive or not, or leave?]
[13:43:48] * Leo looks at the time.
[13:44:57] <Fatum> 19:24:18:318, the ARrow shows, Leo
[13:45:32] <Leo> [Nah, i think we should leave. Maybe will find someone who knows what is that we took.]
[13:45:57] <Izzy> [What did we take, then?]
[13:46:27] <Leo> [So we unwrap it right here?]
[13:47:21] * Izzy un-ghosts beside Leo. "You were the one that said it could be a death sentence, but it is very hard to fence something if you do not know what it is." She nods.
[13:47:43] <Leo> [Ok, let's do this.]
[13:47:58] * Leo carefully unwraps the package.
[13:51:19] <Fatum> As you unwrap the box, you are once again surprised by the unusual texture of the wrapping's fish-like scales. The pleasantly smelling box sits in your hand, its locks hardly anything more than bronze hooks keeping the lid shut. Leo slowly pulls it open to reveal an item pressed solidly between the wraps of red velvet: it looks like a wakizashi. There's a factory seal upon the blade: several hieroglyphs and a date. 1870.
[13:52:19] <Leo> [Oh. This definitely not my area of expertise.]
[13:52:28] <Leo> *is
[13:52:51] * Izzy peers at it. "A knife. It isn't mine, either. Do you know anyone who would have it as their area of expertise?"
[13:53:13] * Leo tries to read factory seal
[13:56:17] <Fatum> It's Minosaka factory. Not a famous plant that you can say you've heard of, but apparently the thing must be valuable simply for the age.
[13:57:17] <Leo> [Ok, some old knife. Don't see how it is worth killing a man over it.]
[13:57:40] <Leo> [Izzy, do you have any Awakened friends?]
[14:01:24] * Izzy shakes her head. "Hold on." She makes a call.
[14:02:37] <Fatum> Jeremy is as unkempt and acne-covered as ever, with a baseball hat and a bottle of beer in his hand on his sofa: "Yeeeah?"
[14:03:20] * Izzy inwardly shudders at the thought of actually asking, considering her initial reaction to his knowledge of her past, but she sits down on a crate and steels herself. [Jeremy? I need your help. What do you know about authentic Japanese weapons?]
[14:04:43] <Fatum> =Weeeeeell, they're pretty cool, all in all, why?
[14:07:39] * Izzy sends the information Leo's gleaned from it. Minosaka factory, the year 1870. She leaves out the bits involving crime, though.
[14:09:06] <Fatum> =Coool, let me dig for a bit - the man says before half-closing his eyes and zoning out for a few long minutes.
[14:10:04] * Izzy looks across at Leo and shrugs helplessly, moving further away from the hangar and finding somewhere a little more secure to lay low. Just in case.
[14:10:57] <Leo> [We should leave i think, unless you want to look what's in those boxes.]
[14:11:04] <Fatum> Crossbill raises his unblinking gaze upon Izzy, then returns to watching the darkening sea.
[14:12:07] <Izzy> [Do YOU want to look at what is in those boxes?] Izzy sounds mightily conflicted.
[14:12:42] <Leo> [Not especially, no.]
[14:13:03] <Fatum> After a while, Jeremy returns to his senses, looking straight at Izzy from the commcall ARrow: "Well shit, this isn't worth anything to anyone. Maybe just a couple thousand nuyen, tops. These things mostly have sentimental value for the more traditionally-minded Japs".
[14:13:52] <Izzy> =What if it were magical in nature?
[14:14:30] <Fatum> =A magical sword from 1870? All bets are off.
[14:14:54] * Izzy blinks.
[14:15:07] <Izzy> =Thank you. You have been very helpful.
[14:16:25] <Leo> [Anything of use?]
[14:17:01] <Izzy> "It could be worth a lot of money, if it were magical. Otherwise, it is an old, but otherwise mostly sentimental weapon. Considering the nature of the Johnson's demise, I will guess it's the former." Izzy sounds fairly fed up.
[14:17:27] <Fatum> The man salutes you before disconnecting.
[14:18:25] <Leo> [We leave then. On the way i'll try to see if we can find someone to verify this for us.]
[14:21:03] <Fatum> Leo hears a buzz of multiple motors getting gradually louder. Unlike the watercraft going past the island, these seem to be on approach course.
[14:22:21] <Leo> [Fuck, we've got an incoming.]
[14:23:27] <Leo> [Warn the Crossbill.]
[14:24:10] <Izzy> [How many of them are there?] Izzy looks up, then across at Crossbill. "I think that we will leave soon. At speed."
[14:24:17] <Fatum> As you talk, two water scooters fly into the harbour. Upon them are tall, slender men in black business suits.
[14:51:49] <Fatum> The scooters head for the shore; as they near it, a speedboat enters the harbour in their wake, going full speed, streams of sea water flying from its prow.
[14:52:02] <Izzy> [I want to see what these men are here for. If we are lucky, they are not here for us. Stay out of sight if you can.]
[14:53:08] <Leo> [Ok. Can you deal with both of them?]
[14:55:28] <Izzy> [If I need your help I'll ask for it. Stay ready.]
[15:00:14] <Fatum> The leading scooter crashes into the shore, as the man riding it takes a leap and lands on the beach. He looks around, and ducks behind the corner of hangar 3.
[15:02:33] * Leo draws his weapon and aims at the second guy.
[15:05:17] <Fatum> The second guy lands behind Izzy's hiding spot near the hangar, and moves right past her, almost stepping on her toes, leaning against the wall and producing a machine pistol from an inside pocket, pointing it at LEo
[15:06:15] <Fatum> Izzy, in the dusk twilight, you can see that the guy is obviously Asian; he has multi-coloured tattoos running up his neck, to his ears.
[15:07:41] * Izzy ghosts up as he pulls out the pistol, quietly making the decision to kill him as quietly as possible, spinning on a heel and swinging one foot's heelclaw at the side of his neck.
[15:08:36] <Fatum> The speedboat flies towards the shore; the pilot turns it sideways to reduce speed, and it sends a wall of water flying landside. It crushes heavily onto the surface of the sea, producing a thunder-like clap. Inside the speedboat you see a gunman taking position, upon the shotgun seat. He's wearing neat round black glasses, and sports a tiny mustache.
[15:13:08] * Izzy jams the claw between his second and third vertebrae, hooking the leg back and closing the front claws around his throat to stifle any noise, pinning him to the ground and crouching back down in the same movement. [One was going to shoot you. He's dead now. One on the boat. One behind Hangar 3.]
[15:22:20] <Leo> [The one in the boat seems like he's giving the orders. We should take him alive. Thanks by the way.]
[15:27:27] <Izzy> [Another-] Izzy grabs the side of the building and pelts across the open space, legs working disturbingly quickly. Claws are fully extended now, providing her with the grip to fly past Leo and launch another vicious kick at the second man.
[15:32:26] <Fatum> The man flies head over heels backwards, blood spurting upon Izzy, and making her vaguely visible. As he lands upon his back several meters further, hissing with pain, he unleashes a hail of bullets at the sammy.
[15:35:00] <Fatum> The bullets whistle past her, sending sparks flying from the wall of the hangar and the asphalt of the piers.
[15:38:05] * Leo aims at the guy in boat, his figure very clear thanks to his augmented eyes and shoots.
[15:40:12] <Fatum> The guy dodges behind the cover of the boat's starboard, but the runner lucks out, and the boat careens on the waves, exposing him
[15:41:55] <Fatum> The man shudders as Leo's bullet shocks him, but the convulsions subside, and he's still ready and aiming.
[15:51:02] * Leo moves in cover behind the boxes lying nearby.
[15:52:10] <Fatum> The guy in the boat opens up upon Leo.
[15:57:43] <Fatum> The first burst almost hits the man, hot lead flying centimeters from his cheek; but he doesn't wait for the second one, and hides behind the warehouse wall, the rest of the attack whizzing harmlessly by.
[15:58:24] <Fatum> Seeing his boss eat a bullet, the boat's pilot takes a left turn ninety degrees, heading out of the harbour at increasing speed.
[16:05:46] * Izzy twists out of his gun's arc, dragging her foot across the concrete and then the man's chest, rolling him over. She's breathing hard. [He's dead. They're all dead.]
[16:07:07] <Leo> [Regrettable.]
[16:10:15] <Leo> [I'll try to take out the pilot but the odds are slim at best.]
[16:12:00] * Leo once again relies on cold comforts of the technology and aims at the pilot, then pulls the trigger.
[16:17:55] <Leo> And the bullet hits. One chance in the million. Impossible odds. But no luck for the pilot once the current hit him. The convulsions were fast and he was out like light.
[16:20:22] <Fatum> The boat veers off course, hitting the harbour's breakwater hard. As the engine howls, pushing it forward, and the composite hull tears, it becomes pretty obvious that boat is not going anywhere any time soon. The shooter falls out from his seat and falls into the waves, a glowing tether trailing between him and his seat.
[16:21:17] <Fatum> You can see him crawling out of the water and onto the breakwater near the boat in just a few seconds. He leans against the hull and readies his weapon again.
[16:21:51] <Leo> [Tough customer.]
[16:28:43] * Izzy recovers after a half second, head snapping around to watch the boat crash. She gets low and dashes across the docks, circling towards him, at roughly 60 km/h. [He's still alive?]
[16:29:20] <Leo> [Should be, unless deadies can swim.]
[16:32:49] <Leo> [I'll try to make him surrender, if nothing else it distracts him.]
[16:33:05] <Leo> *will
[16:34:05] * Leo shouts in japanese. "SURRENDER AND WE WILL LET YOU LIVE!"
[16:35:19] <Fatum> "GIVE ME BACK WHAT IS RIGHTFULLY HOURS, AND WE MIGHT SPARE YOU" - the guy replies.
[16:35:30] <Fatum> *h
[16:36:07] <Leo> "I'LL THINK ABOUT IT"
[16:38:44] * Izzy slows from all-out sprint to 'wary approach', ready to dive to the side in a second. [Say that we'll exchange it-and his life-for payment. That we were hired to steal the weapon in the first place.]
[16:39:16] <Leo> "YOU THINK I'M THAT STUPID?"
[16:39:18] <Izzy> [I don't care about him. I want this death to be worth something.]
[16:40:19] <Fatum> The man sees her approaching and aims the gun at her: "YOU, STAY AWAY OR I'LL KILL YOU! AND YOU, I ONLY NEED THE PACKAGE, GIVE IT TO ME AND YOU'RE FREE TO GO!"
[16:41:49] <Leo> *AM
[16:42:05] <Fatum> The man's voice is full of disdain: "HOW MUCH DO YOU WANT?"
[16:42:47] <Leo> [Is fifty grands good enough?]
[16:43:06] * Izzy slows to a stop, but she doesn't un-ready. If he makes a move... [Do you think it's worth that much?]
[16:43:46] <Leo> [Why we don't ask him?]
[16:44:26] <Izzy> [He wouldn't tell the truth. Would he?]
[16:44:33] <Leo> "FIFTY THOUSANDS!"
[16:44:58] <Fatum> "ARE YOU ON DRUGS?!"
[16:45:52] <Leo> [Aim high as my teacher said. At least you wont shoot your legs off.]
[16:46:01] * Izzy speaks up, raising her voice. "Then make an offer! How much is your life-and this...thing worth to you?"
[16:46:09] <Fatum> A wave crashes into the breakwater, pouring water upon the man and turning him momentarily blind; it takes him a few moments to regain his composure.
[16:46:17] <Leo> "NOT YET. IS THAT A PROBLEM?"
[16:50:13] <Leo> *-S
[16:50:25] <Fatum> "SAME AS IT DOES TO A LIVING ONE!" - the man sounds pretty convinced; apparently he received a traditionalist education.
[16:51:13] <Leo> "YOU ARE A CHRISTIAN THEN?"
[16:51:55] <Fatum> Another wave washes over him, but this time around he's set against the hull firmly, and just starts visibly shaking from cold, wounds and exhaustion.
[16:52:04] <Fatum> "WHY WOULD I BE?" - he shouts back.
[16:54:25] <Fatum> It's obvious by the man's expression that he's given up on this conversation. He takes a few seconds of pause before finally replying: "KAMI CAN PROVE YOU ATHEIST WESTERNERS WRONG BY DEMONSTRATION".
[16:54:56] * Izzy watches the assault rifle drop and stands a little straighter. [Get him to come up on the dock before he falls in the water. I don't know where we would sell something like this, and here is as good a place as any.]
[16:57:27] <Leo> "hey, friend, we wont mind if you'll come ashore as do not really want to fish you out. It's death on the outfits."
[16:58:27] <Leo> *All caps.
[17:00:35] <Fatum> The man cuts the tether with a knife he produces from an inner pocket, then stands up heavily, using the rifle as a clutch. He starts walking towards the shore slowly, and it's pretty obvious by the way his right shin bends that his leg is broken.
[17:02:16] * Izzy walks towards him, and actually offers a hand to support him, unless he flips out again. She remembers to withdraw the climbing claw a second after she offers the hand.
[17:02:43] <Fatum> The man accepts the hand, but keeps his rifle close and ready.
[17:03:35] * Leo walks to the man, with pistol holstered.
[17:03:51] <Fatum> By the time you reach the shore, Leo, you receive a commcall. It's from a commcall id not on your phone book, and the image attached is that of a Japanese in his late fifties, with long hanging mustache and a fumanchu.
[17:04:18] <Leo> = I'm Listening.
[17:04:42] <Izzy> "We were betrayed as surely as you," Izzy grumbles, dumping the guy on top of/next to a crate. Bloody dwarves.
[17:06:43] <Fatum> = Captain Devereaux? - the man gives you the most polite of smiles with his thin, bloodless lips.
[17:07:36] <Leo> = For the sake of expedience, let's assume that I am.
[17:08:19] <Leo> = Impressive work on uncovering my identity, by the way.
[17:10:27] <Fatum> = I do believe you have accepted a mission without possessing full information about it. That was most unfortunate of you. Let me just say you do not understand, nor never will understand, the true value of the item you possess. I beg your forgiveness for the rash actions of our junior, and suggest we discuss the matter in a more civil manner, at the Yellow Spring Teahouse, as soon as you can arrive. What say you?
[17:12:37] <Leo> = It is most acceptable. Can I assume that we will be given safe passage in and out?
[17:14:00] * Izzy spends a fair amount of time cleaning blood off her legs with a rag...part of someone's suit. It works well enough. She generally shares the other guy's misery, and even offers to set his ankle for him. They're not enemies anymore, after all.
[17:14:22] <Fatum> = Naturally. I await your arrival, and I'll be most pleased if you bring Katsu with you in one piece. - the man gives you one more of his impeccable smiles.
[17:15:35] <Leo> = But of course.
[17:15:51] <Fatum> The man gives her a hating look, hissing with pain through clenched teeth. His expression is almost tranquil, though.
[17:15:58] <Leo> = We bear him no ill will.
[17:16:06] <Fatum> The man nods and disconnects.
[17:17:04] * Izzy gives not a single fuck about how much the man hates her. Ankle goes there, and it gets braced with the man's rifle and the blood rag. She's done first-aid on herself before. [Who were you talking to?]
[17:17:40] <Leo> - Ok, Katsu-san, it seems you are going with us, at least to the shore.
[17:17:56] <Leo> [His boss.]
[17:19:19] <Leo> - He asked to bring you in one piece.
[17:19:41] * Izzy freezes for a second, then continues, helping the guy up. [I'll take care of the bodies. You take care of...Katsu?] She shakes her head and goes off to loot/dump some corpses into the Sound.
[17:19:49] <Fatum> The man simply nods briefly. It's pretty obvious he's holding a grudge, even if the reasons aren't obvious to you.
[17:21:32] <Leo> - And he also guarranteed us a safe passage. I'm saying this to prevent unfortunate misunderstandings.
[17:23:51] <Fatum> Watching the man cringe, Leo remembers that Yakuza generally frown upon failure among their own members, and Katsu has not only failed hard, but had to call for aid from the Saiko-Komon of the rengo himself.
[17:25:56] <Leo> [Izzy, do you have a medkit on you?]
[17:26:36] <Izzy> [Behind the bike seat.]
[17:27:25] * Leo takes the medkit and tries to help poor yak.
[17:27:46] <Fatum> As Leo walks the wounded Shategashira to the pier, Izzy slips away for a while to loot the bodies and clean whatever she finds. Given how slowly Katsu walks, she gets plenty of time, and reaches Crossbill in his boat at the same time as the rest of the trio. The AmerIndian looks as tranquil as ever: "Back now?"
[17:28:41] * Izzy rolls her bike back onto the boat. "Yes. And with injured." She nods to the Yak.
[17:29:25] <Fatum> Leo sets the bones of the guy's ankle right (but Izzy had it covered), checks the bandages tying them to the rifle, and notices that the man is bruised all over, and likely has more than one rib broken after his aerial adventures.
[17:30:13] <Fatum> "Prow compartment" - Crossbill comments.
[17:30:19] <Leo> - Ok, you're all set.
[17:30:34] * Leo checks the boat pilot.
[17:31:07] <Leo> *on
[17:31:15] <Fatum> The guy's out cold, belt-strapped to his seat up in the boat.
[17:31:51] <Leo> [We probably should take the guy with us.]
[17:32:52] <Izzy> [He's still alive too? We should. Can you retrieve him?]
[17:32:57] * Leo tries to carry the pilot out of the boat.
[17:33:12] <Fatum> It doesn't look like too safe a climb up the stranded boat...
[17:34:52] <Leo> [We'll see.]
[17:37:25] <Leo> [Can you get him, i'm not very good at hard labour things?]
[17:38:20] <Izzy> [If you watch the injured man.] Izzy goes on slightly-less-dead body retrieval duty.
[17:38:40] <Leo> [By the way, should we hide the package before going to the meet?]
[17:39:35] * Leo goes to watch over Katsu.
[17:40:09] <Izzy> [I haven't dealt with gangs before. I don't know.]
[17:40:10] <Fatum> Izzy reaches the man easily, balancing her way up the speedboat like a pro.
[17:43:27] * Izzy uncables him, slings him over a shoulder, and foot-claws her way back, taking him to Crossbill's ride as well. NOW they can return.
[17:45:12] <Fatum> As the runners and the yakuza take their places, Crossbill asks: "Where?|
[17:46:00] * Izzy looks to Leo. That's a good question.
[17:46:01] <Leo> - Yellow Spring Teahouse. Say, Crossbill, does your ride have a seatbelts for weak timid men like me?
[17:47:19] <Fatum> The man nods, then gets up, presses Leo into a seat firmly, than reaches somewhere behind his back to produce a four-point belt. He proceeds to buckle him in firmly, and returns to his place.
[17:47:32] <Fatum> "Two hundred" - the man says.
[17:51:42] <Fatum> As you fly over the dark waters of the Sound, the famous vistas of the Emerald City glow before you. The iconic Seattle waterfront skyline rises like a chest full of gems, from the Mitsuhama builds to the former Renraku Arcology, and from the soft glow of Everett and Tacoma to the sinister velvet darkness of the Barrens and Ft.Lewis.
[17:54:09] <Fatum> Water traffic control drones buzz above your heads as you go, and as you get nearer Downtown, executive jets add their low hum to the whining of your boat's motor. Finally, the smell of burned fossil fuels, expensive perfume and long haul filling the air indicate that you've reached Downtown.
[17:55:09] <Fatum> Crossbill stops near a softly glowing ladder going up from the waterfront. From there, it's just a two minute walk to the Yellow Spring.
[17:55:51] * Leo pays the man. "Thanks."
[17:56:29] <Leo> - Ok, boys and girls. It's time to move out.
[17:57:06] <Fatum> The man looks almost surprised Leo has managed to unbuckle himself, but just nods you at parting.
[17:58:34] * Izzy nods to Crossbil-and takes her bike off the boat. It's downtown, so there's less chance it'll be stolen. Good enough to leave it where all the other pierside bikes are parked. She thinks about getting an outfit that isn't partially bloody, then voices her concern. [Leo. Can you find a store and buy me a...suit, or something?]
[17:59:24] <Leo> [That's probably can be arranged.]
[18:03:07] <Leo> [There should be some VendingWear machines around.]
[18:03:43] <Izzy> [That will do.]
[18:04:13] <Fatum> The flats are unassuming and obviously not long for this world, but clean, civilian-looking and not blood-soaked.
[18:05:34] <Fatum> The Yellow Spring looks like a small piece of traditional Japan tucked between the huge crystals of glass and concrete. Young women in traditional garb greet you, and you are escorted past the usual customer area into the insides of the house. It is as traditionally Japanese as it gets, and although the corridors with sliding paper doors and mats on the floors are empty, you can't help but feel multiple alarmed presences following your every move. Finally, t
[18:05:35] <Fatum> he girl escorting you moves one of the sliding doors aside to reveal the Saiko-Komon waiting for you, a teacup before him, and a servant beside him. Three mats lay before him, and the pilots bows to the runners and leaves.
[18:06:09] <Fatum> "Please, take your seats, Frank, Cassandra" - the man makes an inviting gesture.
[18:06:39] * Leo bows and takes a seat.
[18:08:12] <Fatum> Katsu remains standing by the door, looking extremely wistful. Then the man gives him an anger-filled glance and waves him away. He scuttles off like a beaten dog.
[18:08:27] * Izzy realizes the limitations of having digitigrade legs when she tries to copy the man's posture on the mat. She does her best, though, which is admittedly quite good. She flinches at the name.
[18:09:48] * Leo notices the reaction and smiles.
[18:10:11] <Leo> - Impressive as always.
[18:11:49] <Fatum> As the servant starts pouring you tea, a data lock visible on her temple, the man proceeds. "Watada-rengo is thankful for you returning its precious heirloom. We are not the most influential of the gumi, but we can make sure you are treated with the respect you deserve for such a noble act. Besides, the rengo can always use the help of professionals of your caliber, hmm?"
[18:13:53] <Leo> - But of course. Especially if proper compensated for the assistance.
[18:13:59] * Izzy stays damn quiet. This is Leo's show, she knows that. It's hard enough to not react to the presences around her.
[18:15:31] <Fatum> - Excuse my forgetfulness, I understand mercenaries have no sense of honour and only measure worth in nuyen. How much do you want?
[18:20:50] * Izzy blurts out-"I don't want blood money."
[18:21:03] <Leo> - Well, we do have some sense of honour, not of course as great as of one of Watada-rengo. But this unfortunate situation have shaken me slightly. Please pardon my rudeness.
[18:23:03] <Fatum> The man nods slightly and takes a sip of his tea: "The Five Mountains has always been my favourite blend, please partake". Apparently, he is indicating he's ready to hear your suggestions.
[18:23:21] <Leo> - The thing is this betrayer that put us at odds owed us for the job, before you put him out of his misery called life.
[18:24:07] <Leo> - If you could only balance this scale we'd happily accepted your most generous friendship.
[18:24:40] * Izzy looks at the tea like it's made of eyeballs. Oh well. She can copy how he drinks it. ...with her claws retracted. She still looks way too thoughtful for her own good.
[18:24:57] * Leo sips the tea.
[18:26:21] <Fatum> - Most unfortunate. Of course, since he gave you his word, and Katsu's rash actions stopped him from fulfilling his duty, we will do it for him, so his spirit can rest in piece. - An arrow appears in your field of vision indicating a 3kY transfer from an anonymous account.
[18:28:12] * Izzy looks up, realizing that the quality of tea is probably lost on her. "How did you learn my name?"
[18:28:16] * Leo looks questioningly at Izzy.
[18:30:08] <Fatum> - We have our methods, Izzy. You understand that an organization of our scale has access to the data the laymen do not, as well as the neohot icebreakers to get to whichever we don't have, too. Oh well. I hope we can put this unsavory accident behind us, now, - the man sips his tea again - Since Watada-rengo has a lot of work to do.
[18:31:39] * Izzy decides that the odd onyx knife should be returned as well. Not as fancy as the other one in its case, but...still. It belonged to someone, right?
[18:32:19] * Leo gets the package out and lays it on the table.
[18:32:43] <Leo> - From mine unworthy hands to yours.
[18:33:32] * Leo inhales the aroma of the tea.
[18:33:59] <Fatum> The man replies with a calm smile. From somewhere outside of your room, you can hear a sound of a butcher's knife cutting something hard. Seems like Katsu's paying for his failures.
[18:34:00] <Leo> - It's not always one can get to drink such a sublime blend.
[18:34:16] <Fatum> ==========================SESSION 2 ENDS==========================

[13:28:46] <Fatum> ==========================SESSION 3 STARTS==========================
[13:28:46] <Fatum> As the time goes and the weather's getting warmer, runners return to their day-to-day lifes between jobs...
[13:39:56] * Izzy lives a fairly simple life. Some of her time is spent at local bars or walking the streets of Auburn, and some of her time is spent training. She keeps in contact with Dr. Constantine-just in case he turns up something on her implants-and keeps in contact with Leo as well. She spends more time than she should looking for her own obituary and 'place of rest'.
[13:44:03] * Leo spends most of his time cultivating his contacts. In the off time he babysits Rachel, while her father is looking for new Mrs. Simmons or hangs out with Natalie.
[13:49:01] <Fatum> About two weeks in, a voicemail drops on the commlinks of the runners. The Saiko-Komon dictated the message in some crowded corridor, armed men in suits running between the cam drone and himself once in a while. Despite the commotion, the man is as calm as ever. He gives you his usual pleasant smile, and invites you to join him for tea at the Yellow Spring later this evening. At 8 pm.
[13:52:07] * Izzy messages Leo immediately after. [What do you think is going on? Are there gang wars, now?]
[13:55:00] <Leo> [Quite possible. Or maybe they have some unresolved differences with their neighbours.]
[13:58:19] <Fatum> Leo, the Seattle underworld is remarkably unstable now. As the Old Way and the New Way rengos wage war, and the Mafia dons vie for superiority, new players are moving into town, from Armenian Maffyia to the NAN Koshari. You are murky on the details of who's biting whom, but you know for sure that the shit's hitting the fan.
[14:00:29] <Leo> [The only question is how much shit is hitting fan.]
[14:01:31] * Leo looks on the time.
[14:01:34] <Izzy> [That's not very comforting, Leo. I don't want to be pulled into a gang war and expected to work for free.]
[14:02:34] <Leo> [I do not work for free. It sets a bad precedent.]
[14:04:37] <Izzy> [Good. Where will we meet up? And do you have a car yet?]
[14:06:06] <Leo> [At the teahouse? And no, i don't have a car yet. They want money for them for some reason.]
[14:07:15] <Izzy> [You have money,] Izzy scolds, then sends an affirmation. At the teahouse, then, at 8 pm.
[14:08:21] <Leo> [Not that much. And i don't want a bike.]
[14:09:50] <Fatum> As the runners arrive, they are again escorted by the women in traditional garb past the security and into the employee-only zone. The Saiko-Komon greets them warmly at the room they met him the first time, but this time around, in addition to a girl with a teapot, there are two young men sitting near him. One is a youngster in a pinstripe suit, no more than 17, obviously Japanese, and his outrageous hairstyle hides a wide set of headware access panels. The
[14:09:50] <Fatum> other is a skinny, stressed-out looking man in a white shirt, slacks and a navy suit. His tan, wavy brown hair is cut short, and he sports blue cybereyes. He's got a somewhat long, angular face that could have been considered handsome if he was a shade less gaunt.
[14:09:51] <Fatum> For a while, the five people enjoy tea in silence, then the Saiko-Komon speaks up: "As you all know, the business is getting tough in the city these days. Upstarts are trying to grab what isn't theirs, spoiling the game for the honest businessmen and protectors of people like us. The AmerIndian Koshari are the worst of the lot, their practices destructive for the communities and truly horrible, all in all. I've gathered you here to day to plan a hit on their
[14:09:56] <Fatum> operations. They are into barbaric tribal magic, so I've decided Jack here can help you with that. A hit on these rogues will be benefitial both to the society at large and us, and if you do well, you will be richly rewarded, as befits your station" - the man pauses, seeking your agreement.
[14:12:55] <Leo> - And by hit you mean exactly what?
[14:15:41] <Fatum> - I leave the details of the operation up to you - you're freelance operatives of great competence, after all, are you not? But what we want is along the lines of their BTL supply and distribution roads disrupted, their control over the local gangs wrestled away, their bases burned, their tribals wiped out, and their chiefs dead. I believe you get the idea.
[14:16:16] <Stungun> gives a polite smile to the runners that doesn't quite reach his eyes. They're busy focusing on a point somewhere behind the new arrivals, as if he's willing himself to be anywhere else.
[14:16:25] * Izzy is quiet, but fiercely focused, watching the Saiko-Komon and the other two men as well. At least she's a little more relaxed than last time. "Where are the Koshari? What are they doing? Where are they based? How many of them are there, and who leads them?"
[14:16:30] * Stungun is now known as Jack
[14:19:38] <Leo> - We should be able to do something about the supply lines and the gangs, but we prefer to leave wetwork to more bloodthirsty individuals.
[14:20:57] <Fatum> - As I said, the details are up to you, and I trust your judgment, Frank. Naturally, though, the more damage inflicted upon these who harm the people under our protection, the more pleasing it is for us.
[14:24:28] <Leo> - I realy do hope that you aren't actually think that three-man team can bring the whole organization to it's knees.
[14:25:22] <Leo> *thinking
[14:25:29] <Jack> "Piecemeal. We chew them up one bite at a time."
[14:25:42] <Fatum> - Of course not, but I expect you to be able to deal their current operation a significant hit.
[14:25:57] <Fatum> With that, the elderly Yakuza turns to Izzy: "Arata will fill you on details" - as he nods to the young Japanese sitting near him. The man bows to his superior, and speaks up. His speech is extremely quick, and his Japanese accent horrible: "I've tracked the BTL operation they have. They're getting the chips from the Cascade Crows; have a warehouse at the docks, Meadowdare, Wharers, pier 18. From there, they move the chips by truck to their current base of o
[14:25:57] <Fatum> perations, an abandoned farm in the Snomish - used to be a cattre-breeding farm for Renraku, nothing but a shade now. Their readers are there: Brue Coyote, the head honcho, and Fierce Badger, the main shaman. They distribute the poison from there, chiefly into the Redmond Barrens: first, to the Tomahawks gang, second, to the Curing Hands Rodge, and third, to the Sleeping Mountain homeless sherter".
[14:29:18] <Fatum> "I have looked into the BTRs they're using, and these are old rewritten CarHots, MCT318.40 chips. I've read reports that psychotropic programming can be injected into these: just intercept the shipment, get me inside or give me remote access, and I will rewire the chips to permanently damage their users, the effects showing in a few days. Then their BTR trade wirr be no more!"
[14:30:01] <Jack> "Alright, alright, alright. Have
[14:30:18] <Leo> - Just how much damage are talking exactly?
[14:30:24] <Leo> *we
[14:30:43] <Jack> you gentlemen got any maps? Any kind of imagery? Video?"
[14:32:07] <Fatum> - Totar brain death, or higher brain functions corrapse, or severe epirepsy - the mam flashes a winner smile at Leo
[14:32:42] * Izzy frowns at the information. "What's stopping you from attacking their headquarters and destroying their equipment directly?"
[14:32:52] <Fatum> He turns his attention to Jack: "I have images and video of their readers, yes".
[14:33:47] <Leo> - Fate worse than death it seems.
[14:34:39] <Jack> nods. Anything you have that'll help us plan it out will be very appreciated, to ensure Saiko-Komon's satisfaction."
[14:34:54] <Fatum> The Saiko-Komon gives Izzy a smile usually reserved for children: "Have you considered why people use shadowrunners, Cassandra? Same as the megacorps do not want an open war with their peers, neither do we here in the shadows."
[14:36:28] <Leo> - Do you have any details on their arrangements with the gangs?
[14:37:04] <Fatum> Arata nods in return, sending the runners in the room a data package that contains the addresses of the locations mentioned, their photos from a weather control zeppelin (judging by the humidity, wind, and other such parameters in a stamp in the corner of the photos), and the videos with the local Koshari leaders.
[14:39:53] <Fatum> The Saiko-Komon speaks up: "We have been able to use our influence within the sprawl to undermine their support - which isn't all that great at the time, anyway, seeing how they have to compete with the established large gangs like the First Nations. I am not aware of any gangs currently steadily aligned with them, except for the Tomahawks, and their talks with the First Nations and their subordinate gangs seem to have hit a dead end".
[14:41:19] <Jack> takes a look at the strangers. "Well, I can't speak for our new friends - but I'm ready to take some scalps." he says, trying to muster up some enthusiasm for his new sideline as a hired killer.
[14:41:35] <Leo> - How are your relations with the First Nations, now that you mentioned them?
[14:42:17] <Izzy> [I don't like the idea of permanently damaging people who use these...BTLs. There has to be a better way of getting them enemies.] Izzy sends the message over AR, and then speaks out in meatspace. "Perhaps other gangs can be convinced to...move in on their territory."
[14:42:21] <Fatum> - We are cold at best, but not actively at war. They steer clear of the regions under our protection, and our business interests do not significantly overlap.
[14:43:22] <Fatum> - Perhaps, but none of them willing to do business with an elderly Asian businessman such as I.
[14:44:06] <Izzy> Izzy is a quiet woman that has a kind of subdued tension about her, and almost-luminous eyes. The most obvious feature about her are her cybernetics, hidden under a set of cargo pants: raptor legs, with dangerous looking claws at the end. Her hands are similarly armoured in dark aqua, with little claws sticking out of her fingertips. She's unmistakably Aztlaner.
[14:44:08] <Leo> - Maybe the will like us better.
[14:44:46] <Fatum> - That certainly remains a possibility.
[14:45:48] <Leo> - Do we have any hard numbers on the muscle directly under control of this Coyote fellow?
[14:48:10] <Fatum> As you browse through the images and photos sent, you see the people behind the BTL operation. The section labeled "Smuggling" features a video of Crossbill loading some crates into his boat. Then, you see a Nordkapp Zugmachine hauling cargo out of the warehouse on pier 18. The section named "Storing" includes two trideo shots: Blue Coyote, a starved-looking ork, his skin tight against his bones, dancing near a fire, his torso naked and painted with dozens o
[14:48:10] <Fatum> f colours of warpaint; Fierce Badger, a grim fat troll in shamanistic garb, holding out a heart before a totem pole lit by the light of the fire.
[14:49:03] <Fatum> - Nothing solid, I am afraid. All in all, they have about half a hundred men, but they're stretched thin between trying to press more gangs into their service, trying to establish new smuggling roads, and gang wars.
[14:52:53] <Leo> - Not much, but rules out any direct assault from us. We should try to get some catspaws for ourselves, i think.
[14:54:25] <Fatum> The part of the dossier labeled "Selling" is a bit meatier. It includes a dozen mugs of the Tomahawks, mostly humans, all with bare torso, wearing leather pants, moccasins and an entirely excessive numbers of assorted feathers in their hair; an employee dossier photo of Dr. Ivanna Hovershin from the Curing Hands Lodge, an exhausted black-haired woman in a dirty smock; and last of all, a shot of a goblin with a full-body blue dyejob, sitting his legs up on a
[14:54:25] <Fatum> table, cigar at hand, labeled simply "Geffip, Sleeping Mountain CEO".
[14:57:03] <Jack> "Well, Leo is it? I think this is the part where we become deniable. No need to bother these gentlemen" he motions towards the Japanese men sitting with him, "with the details, right?"
[14:59:38] <Leo> - Sure. Now. Let's talk about this "richly rewarded" thing for a bit. The rent doesn't pay itself, unfortunately.
[14:59:51] * Izzy is busy going over each image as they come, trying to see if she can remember bumping into any of these gangs in her wanderings. She's busy trying to figure out how high up they should start, whether they should work their way up or down...she's bad at planning.
[15:01:56] <Fatum> - The baseline for disrupting their current route would be... let's say ten thousand for each, - he glances at Jack and corrects himself - for most. And a little something extra from our warehouses, if you want anything. And, naturally, more if you produce some outstanding results.
[15:06:49] <Leo> - Surely disrupting the flow of this vile things should be valued more generously?
[15:08:37] <Fatum> You barter for a bit, discussing how horrible BTLs are, and how helping the community is its own reward, and how a monetary reward supplements the moral. Finally, you arrive at 13k each.
[15:11:15] * Izzy finds this equitable. "When is the next shipment of BTLs?"
[15:11:53] <Fatum> "In a few days. Two to four or so" - Arata informs.
[15:12:20] <Leo> - Secondly, we will require something along the lines of expense account. Beacuse i dont't really think that these amerindian scum will help us because our cause is just.
[15:13:15] <Fatum> - We could simply pay you a half forward - the Saiko-Komon suggests.
[15:13:36] <Leo> - That works too.
[15:15:44] <Fatum> You can hardly see the elderly man take his attention off the discussion, but each of you gets an AR notice that an anonymous account with 6.5kY is registered on their name (except for Stungun, who gets 3kY)
[15:17:42] <Leo> - Now, if no one has anything to add to the discussion, then we should be off.
[15:18:05] <Jack> "Nothing to add, monsignor."
[15:18:13] <Izzy> "We will need time to plan. After they have been wounded once, they will be more careful; the first strike will have to be a death blow." Izzy seems kind of out of it, mind somewhere else.
[15:18:50] <Fatum> As you get up to part, Arata pings you with his comm number, in case you need him for his initial plan.
[15:19:08] * Leo nods to him.
[15:20:32] <Jack> "You guys got a car? I'll drive you otherwise."
[15:21:00] <Leo> - That's nice.
[15:21:27] * Leo bows to the Saiko-komon and heads outside.
[15:21:47] * Izzy nods and stands, inviting Jack into their shared 'link network. [I am very glad that you, at least, have a car. Do you know somewhere we could discuss our plan in private?]
[15:22:22] <Leo> [There's always the Ironman.]
[15:22:22] <Fatum> The Yakuza bow to Leo in return.
[15:23:47] <Izzy> [The Ironman?]
[15:24:34] <Leo> [The club we met the Magpie.]
[15:24:38] <Jack> joins the VPN. [I got a place if we need somewhere to plan it out. You'll dig it.] he says while saying his goodbyes and thank you for the opportunities to his debtors, walking out towards where he parked his car. A Hyundai Shin-Hyung, a popular 4-door sedan with the specs of a street racer.
[15:26:22] <Leo> [Lead on, McDuff.]
[15:27:08] * Izzy looks down the street a little way, to her Contrail. She then realizes it's right in front of a dangerous gang's compound, and smiles a little smile to herself. [I call the front seat. I might tear the upholstery if I sat in the back.]
[15:28:48] <Leo> [Ok.]
[15:30:12] <Leo> [What's this place again?]
[15:31:19] <Jack> [Strap in, my place is by the dandelion eaters.] He gets in, lets the Pilot do it's work driving them away from the teahouse into some pretty ritzy areas. The apartment is in the Elven district, so either he's got more juice than first appearances presented or he's got some other source of income..
[15:33:44] <Leo> [And why exactly are you living with the leafeared ones?]
[15:35:27] * Izzy stares at him on the way. "Because he wished to be as far away from you as possible, perhaps." Izzy offers a tiny smile. "I am Izzy. I handle infiltration and close quarters combat, if it comes to it."
[15:37:53] <Leo> - Why one could want to be parted from my charming company is a constant wonder for me. I'm Leo. by the way. Negotiations of all kind, and a bit of a shooting.
[15:38:39] <Jack> "Circumstances." he replies with a somewhat sour look on his face. Touchy subject? "Where are my manners? I'm Jack, I uh, have an arrangement with the Saiko-Komon. This isn't my usual line of work. Well, it is, but not applied this way." he replies, taking them up into the apartment..
[15:40:19] * Izzy walks quietly, but seems a little wired, checking over her shoulder, looking at corners, keeping an eye on cameras, as if she expects everything to be a trap. "What is your usual type of work?"
[15:42:31] <Leo> - Oh, well, at least you have a nice view from your apartment, at least i hope so.
[15:43:41] <Jack> "Suffice to say, thaumaturgy, magic. So you don't need to worry, if it comes to sending a heap of braves and chipheads to Where The Buffalo Roam, you'll be hard pressed to do better." he motions for them to sit on his couch. Space wise, it's as someone someone slammed together four or five family homes in Redmond and the view from the 16th floor is breathtaking compared to the vistas
[15:43:43] <Jack> of the Barrens.
[15:45:33] <Leo> - Oh, i should note, that you don't quite have a place to host an Urban Brawl match, but it's close.
[15:46:29] * Izzy elects to stay standing, looking out the window. [Are you sure this place is free of bugs and surveillance?]
[15:47:30] <Jack> "They got no reason to watch me." he replies to Izzy before turning to Leo. "It pays to be good. Seeing as you're the runners par excellence for this gig, how do you think we should approach this?"
[15:49:39] <Izzy> "I am no runner par excellence." She takes a slow breath. "I would cut them off at the head as best we can. The leaders must be...taken out of the picture, yet I dislike the thought of killing them. That, in addition to corrupting the BTLs, would strike a heavy blow."
[15:49:42] <Leo> - The way i see it we could sell some interesting info to the First Nations, or Lonestar, or both.
[15:51:08] <Leo> - They have the muscle for it.
[15:52:03] <Jack> "That's a good idea Izzy. If we hit the warehouse first, let Arata do his thing and then geek this Coyote guy before they realize the chips at the warehouse are tampered we'll clean their clock pretty good."
[15:53:46] <Jack> "Outsourcing to guys that might not even commit? That sounds pretty risky. I don't want to drek it up with our employer, he says jump, I jump."
[15:53:47] <Izzy> "...and we could drag Lone Star into it-if the chips were actively harmful, then they might be spurred into action. I do not know how they determine what leads are worth chasing, but this might be good for their publicity." Izzy nods. "And, if we are lucky, then the added pressure from them and other gangs seeking to exploit their weakness might cause them to collapse."
[15:55:18] <Leo> - Well, the chips are harmful enough as it is. What i can;t understand is why tamper with them if we are to geek the boss?
[15:55:42] <Izzy> "To ruin their consumers, I think," Izzy adds, quietly.
[15:55:52] <Jack> "Coyote can be replaced. We want to burn their business and decapitate the leadership. Ruin their rep."
[15:56:56] <Jack> "A guy who works in IT..." he starts, neglecting to mention that he means the computer science department. "told me about this security flaw. Ever hear about Micro-Tapper bugs?"
[15:57:31] <Izzy> "I have. What do they have to do with this?"
[15:58:55] <Jack> "We could use one to get in on the warehouse systems without having to shoot the place up. Let Arata drek up the chips by proxy. No fuss, no extra security measures for the big chief."
[15:59:32] * Izzy is quiet for a few seconds. "That would require me going in on my own, wouldn't it?"
[15:59:35] <Leo> - Mind you, i'm still iffy on this braindeath thing of his.
[16:00:49] <Leo> - Though, it can indeed spur players into action.
[16:00:58] <Jack> "Well, if you want to net some performance bonuses you should be ready to take some scalps. Frankly, I need all the money I can get from this or my life is over before it even started."
[16:01:25] <Izzy> "Are you in trouble with the Rengo?"
[16:02:07] <Jack> "Trouble? Worse, I'm in debt." he replies with a sigh. Probably the reason why he looks like a wreck.
[16:02:44] <Leo> - Jack, in this business you try to steer clear of atrocities, like that, it's bad for business.
[16:02:50] <Leo> - Nevermind the karma.
[16:03:01] <Jack> "That's the point. It's bad for their business."
[16:03:49] <Izzy> "Ah." She looks at Leo and back to Jack, stepping away from the window and sitting down. "I dislike the idea, too, but...I have to wonder whether death is the only thing Arata can channel through those chips."
[16:04:20] <Jack> frowns. "Those chipheads are probably gonna be dead from deprivation sooner rather than later. At least this way, their death will have some purpose."
[16:05:17] <Leo> - Anyway before we commit to any plan, we should get a lay of the land.
[16:05:56] <Leo> - And, Izzy, you should definitely speak to your new friend, Crossbill.
[16:07:07] <Izzy> "This is true. And this is what everyone else will think, too. There are worse things than death." Izzy meets Jack's eyes, then leans back in her chair. "Why would I ask him to sell out his customers to me?"
[16:09:27] <Leo> - Sell out? I'm more interested in where he stands in all of this. And you do understand that friends should at least be cusshioned against bad choices of their other friends.
[16:09:38] <Leo> - Such as going against the yaks.
[16:09:51] <Leo> *?
[16:11:30] <Jack> "Who's 'Crossbill'?"
[16:13:08] <Leo> - Thus said, Jack, if this security flaw is solid, then we can hold this option in reserve. Please do enlighten us - how much time Arata needs to contaminate the shipment and what are his options for the damage?
[16:14:24] <Izzy> "A smuggler."
[16:16:33] <Leo> - Maybe we should generate a rumor about BTL's, that make you loyal to the Koshari.
[16:16:50] <Jack> "If we go with Arata's original plan then the Koshari are done. Evening news, concerned statements from community leaders and medical professionals, Lone Star swarming all over the remains. The shock factor will probably keep ten times as many kids off trying BTL than the chipheads getting fried."
[16:18:16] <Leo> - For all of this, we don't actually need to fry the chipheads.
[16:19:10] <Jack> "It's a hell of a plan though. Right now we're a wrecking crew, we get paid by the damage done."
[16:20:54] <Izzy> "We will consider what we can do in addition to that plan, then, and consider whether it is still needed afterwards." She contacts Crossbill.
[16:21:13] <Leo> - It's a workable plan, and we definitely should lay foundations for it.
[16:24:23] <Fatum> Crossbill is as tranquil when he picks up the phone as ever, and only the splashes flying into the camera once in a while indicate he's in the middle of driving a boat: "Yes?"
[16:27:40] * Izzy nods. [I thought that you might like to know that the Koshari trouble. If you have any contracts with them, it may be a wise decision to complete them and stay far away from them in the future.]
[16:27:59] <Izzy> [You did not run when we came under fire on the island. This is the least I can do to repay you.]
[16:29:29] <Fatum> [I work for the people who pay, Koshari or not. Agreed on a contract, see it through].
[16:31:56] <Izzy> [I understand. ...still, it is better that you know.] Izzy nods. [If only for my own conscience. Farewell.]
[16:33:29] <Fatum> The man disconnects without saying a further word.
[16:34:32] <Izzy> "Neutral. He works for money. Much like I do." Izzy says, dryly. "Can one of you contact Arata and ask him what other things he could do to the chips? If only to sate my curiosity."
[16:35:16] <Leo> - I'll call him.
[16:35:31] * Leo dials Arate's comcode.
[16:35:59] <Jack> "So what's the deal with that Crossbill guy? Does he know the Koshari people?"
[16:37:06] <Izzy> "He's a smuggler. He has transported Leo and I before."
[16:37:22] <Fatum> Arata answers. He seems to be at his place: the landscape behind him is a typical nerd hideout, with leftover fastfood packaging, unfinished bottles of soda and burned chips everywhere; wires and optochips cover most of the remaining surfaces you can see: [I'm ristening!]
[16:37:36] <Izzy> "He places value on speed, not on comfort." She smiles a little smile at that, too.
[16:38:17] <Leo> [How much time do you need to contaminate the shipment once you have an access?]
[16:39:48] <Fatum> The guy estimates something quickly in his head, diodes lighting up in the chips wired to his datajacks in reaction: "About a minute, I suppose".
[16:41:31] <Leo> [Very good. Is this blackdeath of yours is the only option you can contaminate it with? I wonder if we can't be more subtle?]
[16:44:51] <Fatum> [I guess-I guess-I guess] - the man gabbles - [I can get most psychotropic coding from the IC; got severar interesting variants from the rast Matrix run. Destructive coding is reriabre and fun, though, unlike behaviour modification or induced psychosis: ress rikery to work, can sometimes be cured]
[16:45:45] * Izzy sighs and looks up. "If there aren't any other feasible options, then what if we...warned people about the bad chips the Koshari are selling? If any still use them, then...caveat emptor. Some of us-" She looks at Leo. "-have allies that can spread the word."
[16:47:40] <Jack> "The point is to get maximum impact, isn't it?. If we warn them, it looks premeditated, like someone tried to screw the Koshari. We should make sure they get all the blame, and lots of it."
[16:48:01] <Leo> [For my plan to work, we don't actually need to get to the phase at which the curing is needed. Can you put in code that ensures loyalty to the Koshari in user? Keep Black Death option ready too.]
[16:49:38] * Leo distracts from AR. "Let's see first how bad we can make this chips first."
[16:50:04] * Izzy rubs her eyes. "Very well."
[16:51:43] <Jack> "We're not getting paid by the chipheads or the charity workers. I quote our esteemed employer, 'disrupted, burned, wiped out, dead.'" he argues, "We're not gonna get paid bonuses for playing softball, here."
[16:53:30] <Fatum> [What do you mean - royarty? These aren't PAB units, can't rewire the users. But I guess-I guess-I guess we can give them positive reactions to the Koshari embrems, or their readers. Rike the advertisement coding]
[16:55:36] <Leo> [Killswitches? Coded actions? Anything of this sort? I want it as black as it comes.]
[16:57:17] <Fatum> [Yes, these I can do with a bit of tinkering. Maybe wirr need a coupre test subjects.]
[16:57:29] <Izzy> "What our employer requires is the Koshari gone. The means, I doubt he cares about the means. This is one option out of many. The easy way out. Perhaps it is easy for you to condemn people to death, but it is not a decision that comes easily to me." She stares Jack dead in the eyes. "If it is required, then so be it. But I shall not enjoy it."
[16:58:30] <Leo> [Ok. Thanks.]
[16:58:48] * Leo terminates the connection.
[16:59:11] <Fatum> [My preasure to participate...] - the ending of the phrase is lost as Leo disconnects.
[16:59:59] <Jack> "The easy way out is supposed to be gospel to you runner, isn't it? I'm not in this to risk life and limb pro bono. I say keep it simple."
[17:01:17] <Leo> - Ok. He needs a minute to contaminate the shipment. And he can put in it some interesting things like positive reactions to the Koshari, killswitches, encoded actions, the works.
[17:01:34] <Leo> - He'll need test subjects though.
[17:02:08] <Jack> "So, we're gonna snatch up junkies off the street for illegal experimentation - in order to be more ethical."
[17:02:54] <Jack> "One of those sacrifice the few to save the many type deals?"
[17:03:10] <Leo> - You prefer to go against tribal mages?
[17:03:39] <Izzy> "Given the necessary items I can get a bug into the package that will allow him to operate remotely. Any assistance either of you can give would be appreciated. After that, it is a matter of dealing with the leadership in this area, and allowing the Watada-Rengo to move in unopposed."
[17:03:41] <Leo> - The plan is - implicate Blue Coyote in building an army of chipheads.
[17:03:42] <Jack> "Mages? Don't make me laugh. Their misguided mysticism is nothing."
[17:04:09] <Izzy> "Who would care?" She looks up at Leo.
[17:04:37] <Leo> - Have you heard the words - "Great Ghost Dance", by any chance?
[17:05:48] <Jack> "Yeah, I'm not seeing the plan. The Koshari aren't afraid of bad publicity. The odds of this are just too shaky."
[17:06:20] <Leo> - Izzy, First Nations would care, The Koshari leadership would care, well maybe, they will, the gangs they are trying to woo will care, Lonestar would snatch of the chance of free publicity.
[17:06:57] <Leo> - The dead chipheads are no big deal you see, they are dime a dozen.
[17:07:18] <Leo> - But the army of them is a threat that cannot be ignored.
[17:08:02] <Jack> "Are you one hundred percent on that? Because I'm one hundred percent on the fact that the chipheads will take their business elsewhere and I'm one hundred percent that killing Coyote will leave the organization in shambles. Without money and leadership, they'll scatter and die or be absorbed."
[17:08:32] <Leo> - What we lack for this plan to work is a reliable in in the Nations and in Lonestar.
[17:09:57] <Izzy> "That creates too many things that could go wrong, otherwise I would wholeheartedly support it." Izzy stands up. "It is a good plan, but an unreliable one."
[17:10:02] <Leo> - What i do not get is your strange desire to kill this Coyote fellow personally. Did he raped your dog?
[17:10:59] <Jack> "It's business Leo. Economy of action."
[17:11:22] <Jack> "It's reliability - something which your plan lacks."
[17:11:24] <Leo> - Say, Jack, if you kill a mafia boss, will the organization dissolve?
[17:12:46] <Izzy> "That depends. If you cut off the head, more might grow in its place, like a hydra. If those two heads disagree? Momentary confusion is enough for the W-R."
[17:12:49] <Jack> "This Coyote guy is no dummy. He's a successful boss who's pulling the Koshari up by their bootstraps and breaking new ground. His death and the loss of their primary income is guaranteed to fracture their rep and relationships."
[17:14:05] <Jack> "That's a killing blow that relies on four people to make it work. Us and Arata."
[17:16:06] <Leo> - Momentary confusion is useless for them. If Coyote dies, Koshari will just send another one. Possibly red or yellow.
[17:16:31] <Izzy> "And we will have still completed our job."
[17:17:48] <Jack> "After the chipheads bite it, we tip Lone Star and locals. Either the heat makes the Koshari think twice about reinvesting in a troubled business or not. Like Izzy said, we'll still have earned our pay."
[17:17:54] <Leo> - No, it won't get us to the dead and burnt stage that Jack telling us about.
[17:18:57] <Jack> "So now you want to burn and pillage? Which is it gonna be, Leo?"
[17:19:17] <Leo> - Frankly, what i want in this is to get payed by yaks, nations and lonestar if at all possible. While maintaining deniability.
[17:20:41] <Izzy> "Why would Lone Star pay you for an anonymous tip? Why would the Nations care? Would their involvement not risk further complications with the W-R?"
[17:20:45] <Leo> - I never said that i'm against them dead and burning, I'm against deading them personally.
[17:21:30] <Jack> "Afraid of getting your nails dirty? Calculate the chance of us getting paid by the First Nations or Lone Star. The parameters are clear, so let us keep it simple, economical and reliable."
[17:21:50] <Leo> - Why it should be anonymous? You heard of informers right?
[17:22:13] <Izzy> "'re a Lone Star informant?"
[17:23:13] <Leo> - Also Nations will care if we sweeten the pot with some info - movements, sntry locations, schedules, the work. Who would not like to ice the competition?
[17:23:26] <Leo> - Izzy, i could pretend to be one.
[17:23:43] <Jack> "Unreliable. "Leo, do you want to make money? Do you want to get out alive?
[17:23:51] <Jack> "Then keep it simple."
[17:25:11] <Leo> - Ok, if you want it to be simple then you are free to challenge Coyote to the single combat.
[17:26:08] <Izzy> "It requires a more extensive network than what we have access to. And, as Jack says, it is not something that is viable. I wish it were. much as I dislike it, creating a corrupted shipment and cutting off the head is the most expedient and surefire option."
[17:26:47] <Izzy> "This is my decision. I will stand by it." Izzy looks from Jack to Leo, clearly unhappy with...something. Maybe herself.
[17:28:03] <Leo> - For pacifist, you are awfully eager to kill, Izzy.
[17:28:46] <Leo> - I do hope you are aware that we have 2 to 4 days for shipment to arrive?
[17:30:12] <Jack> "That's precisely the reason why we can't get involved in some big social engineering plan."
[17:30:12] * Izzy gets a dangerous look in her eyes, and turns to Leo, speaking quietly. "Do you remember how I killed the man who was about to shoot you?"
[17:30:14] <Leo> - In which Izzy should be able to plant this bug thingie of yours.
[17:31:10] <Leo> - Yes, and you should seek counseling. It is an american thing we have here.
[17:31:38] <Izzy> "I promised myself that I would only kill in two situations. To protect myself, or to protect others. Don't make me break that promise."
[17:32:15] <Jack> "Come on you two, enough banter. From what our paymasters told me, you two know how to fight. I'm not worried about our chances with some ganger pieces of shit."
[17:32:36] * Izzy turns away. "We will need the tap, the transponder, and access to the shipment. A map of the place the shipment is to be held, and perhaps knowledge on who guards it."
[17:33:14] <Leo> - Say, Jack, have been in an actual combat situation?
[17:34:25] * Jamespsx ( has joined #THReeIC
[17:35:02] <Jack> "I'm a top percentile thaumaturgy grad. Remember all those stories you heard about what mages can do? Yeah."
[17:35:28] <Leo> - By the way, i'm getting tired of you two talking like my plan somehow ruins yours.
[17:35:42] <Leo> - Is that yes or no?
[17:36:36] <Izzy> "Can you make me invisible?" Izzy's demeanor switches over to 'cautiously optimistic'.
[17:36:43] <Jack> "Yes."
[17:37:43] <Jack> "I can put you beyond the reach of anything but ultrasound or wideband radar."
[17:37:59] <Izzy> "Then this job will be far easier than originally assumed." Izzy seems to relax a little.
[17:43:40] <Fatum> ==========================SESSION 3 ENDS==========================

[14:11:20] <Fatum> ==========================SESSION 4 STARTS==========================
[14:11:20] <Fatum> As the time until the next shipment of Koshari BTLs ticks away, the runners gather to plan...
[14:13:04] <Fatum> As Arata said, it's two to four days until the shipment arrives, but they have no precise date so far.
[14:14:23] <Jack> "Alright, is everyone agreed on the plan? Voice your opposition now or forever hold your peace."
[14:15:01] <Leo> - We have a plan now?
[14:16:00] <Fatum> The runnerss also know the location of the waterfront warehouse where the goods will be delivered, who will deliver them, and what is inside that building.
[14:17:32] <Jack> "I'm surprised I have to catch you up on it. Izzy and a Micro-tapper have the honor of acting proxy for Arata in regards to the chips, then we geek Blue Coyote and his merry band of shamans."
[14:18:15] <Izzy> "The only thing that remains is discovering the exact date upon which the shipment arrives."
[14:19:45] <Leo> - Ok, minor correction. I will not be geeking anybody anytime soon.
[14:19:57] <Leo> - Izzy, why do you need exact date?
[14:20:41] <Jacques> "It's still in storage as far as we know. We should have at least 48 hours until they ship it out and then it's out of our hands and into the sim modules."
[14:22:08] <Izzy> "I do not want to miss our window. And do not wish to stake out a dock for days on end. Perhaps you can leave a drone at the docks, and watch remotely?"
[14:22:09] * Jacques is now known as Jack
[14:25:31] <Jack> "Alright, we'll have to score a MT bug first. And I don't know how far out into the sticks this warehouse is, so we might need some form of signal booster."
[14:26:33] <Izzy> "I have a satellite uplink," Izzy offers.
[14:28:40] <Jack> "Well, this isn't really my area of expertise, but that sounds perfectly adequate." he replies, scratching his chin.
[14:30:02] <Jack> "After we take care of the warehouse, I suggest we investigate the farm. Get a layout if we can, map out a plan of attack."
[14:30:46] <Jack> "That's your forte, isn't it Leo?"
[14:30:59] <Leo> - And what should I do while you are gallivanting about?
[14:31:00] <Izzy> "And make sure that he is there when we strike."
[14:31:24] <Leo> - What part of "I don't do wetwork" i failed to communicate?
[14:31:56] <Jack> "What are you, some kind of pacifist?"
[14:33:13] <Izzy> "You shot the men at the docks well enough." Izzy gets to her feet and dusts herself off, legs whirring quietly, checking the time on her AR heads-up.
[14:34:19] <Fatum> Izzy, 21:34.
[14:35:10] <Izzy> "Do you think the drone will be able to get into the factory without being noticed?" Izzy seems to have skipped the 'can you get it' part.
[14:36:45] <Leo> - A) It is called a self defence, b) they still live.
[14:37:50] <Jack> "And these guys are called gangsters. BTL dealing gangsters. The people would cheer their violent passing, if they ever knew."
[14:40:10] <Leo> - Then they should do their own killing, no?
[14:41:18] <Jack> "This time we get to play good Samaritans and help them along the path, so no need to get your panties in a twist." he replies blithely before turning to their female compatriot, "Izzy, I'm confident. It's an itty bitty little thing, free to own if you got the nuyen - no licenses or nothing."
[14:42:16] <Izzy> "Then you may shoot them with your non-lethal gun. I will take responsibility for their deaths." Izzy sighs. "Good. How long do you think it will take until you have acquire one?"
[14:43:33] <Leo> - The best i can do is to be your getaway driver.
[14:44:36] <Jack> "Leo, if you're not gonna do the work, how do you expect to get paid? If you want to live a moral life, there's plenty of soup kitchens that need volunteers."
[14:47:53] <Izzy> "Unfortunately, I must agree with Jack." She gives Jack a look. "Is Jack your real name?"
[14:49:01] <Leo> - What work exactly?
[14:50:22] <Jack> "... Yes, yes it is. I'm not sure about the etiquette regarding self styled sobriquets. I'll wait for someone else to baptize me Stoneface or Smokey or whatever they can come up with." he replies to Izzy before again turning to Leo. "The one where the first few rows will get wet. Riddling Blue Coyote with bullet holes and a fried braincase."
[14:54:06] <Leo> - Well, if you're feeling suicidal, you could always walk out of the window, it'll save them bullets. Secondly, my impression was that we get paid to stop the BTL trade, yes?
[14:54:54] <Izzy> "I was wondering." Izzy smiles, then it falls off her face. "This job is one that will require violence. I dislike it more than you, but I see its necessity. I do not wish to labor the point any further. If you cannot discern a way to assist us on this job, then this is not the job for you."
[14:55:23] <Jack> "We get paid to stop the BTL trade and I quote our employer, 'burn, eliminate, wipe out' the local Koshari. I have an excellent memory."
[14:58:17] <Leo> - No, the burning was an optional part, and if you are so willing serve your criminal masters then you are free to do so, no need to drag me on the leash with you.
[14:59:19] <Leo> - You can hunt me up next run, if you'll survive this.
[14:59:27] * Leo walks out.
[14:59:49] <Jack> "You're nothing but a mercenary. In fact, you're a mercenary who took the job - so don't pretend you're some kind of Buddha." he calls after their leaving third part.
[15:00:38] * Leo calls Saiko-komon and returns the money.
[15:01:22] * Izzy looks to Jack and...shrugs, tugging on their jacket. "Let's go. ...can you summon spirits?"
[15:01:41] <Fatum> The man takes the news with an impenetrable expression, simply nodding in return.
[15:02:30] <Jack> "Yeah, don't sweat it. He just needs a good old sulk, we can call him when it's over."
[15:13:17] <Fatum> As Jack walks into a hardware store, he's met with a flurry of ad ARrows, from Renraku videos promising absolutely no AIs this time around to Mitsuhama ones with a female-shaped cyborg offering the latest commlink to the viewer. As he makes his order, the salesman tries to chat him up on the relative benefits of using different kinds of optic fibre with different kinds of fibre-laying bots, then comments that Jack just does not look like the kind techie they
[15:13:17] <Fatum> usually see in their shop, giving him a puzzled look.
[15:15:54] * Jack gives him a sheepish grin and explains that he attempted some home made modifications on his workspace and now has to use the MT bug as an ad-hoc connectivity solution. Next time he'll just call a professional.
[15:17:23] <Fatum> The clerk gives him an understanding smile and sends an ARrow advertising Green's Networking Solutions ("The Cheapest Cable Work This Side of the Sound"), then hands him the box with the microtapper bug.
[15:18:56] * Jack thanks the clerk and leaves the store, getting in the car with Izzy waiting. Hey, you got anything that can wipe the tags from this? Just in case.
[15:19:28] * Izzy holds up her tag eraser. She habitually carries it with her after that one time.
[15:20:47] <Fatum> The weather's calm and warm for the time of the year, so the ride to Meadowdale could even be called enjoyable, if not for the traffic jams and the police copters buzzing to and fro over their heads. As they arrive at their destination, the ocean greets them with the smell of rotten seaweed, salt, and seagull shit.
[15:21:47] <Izzy> "Which one of the hangars is the one we want?"
[15:21:59] <Fatum> Here's how Izzy remembers the layout of the building:,%20Whalers,%20pier%2018.png
[15:26:18] <Fatum> The warehouse is a bland-looking square concrete building, the only bright spot on it being the floral AmerInd-style ornament running just under the roof. Dock workers, loaders and trucks go past it once in a while, but none linger.
[15:28:28] <Izzy> "That one." Izzy points it out, looking over to Jack. "I think there are cameras inside, at the corners."
[15:30:11] <Jack> "Alright, alright, alright. You ready for this? I can put you under fully functional invisibility if you want to deliver the drone yourself. Otherwise we might have have to search for a way inside that fits it."
[15:38:05] <Izzy> "Send the drone in. I would like to leave as little evidence as I can. Besides, you can turn it invisible too, can't you?"
[15:39:00] <Jack> "Without going into the particulars of magical theory, it's harder for me to affect a mechanical being."
[15:40:04] <Izzy> "Can you try?"
[15:48:36] <Jack> "It's better if I don't. Trust me."
[15:48:59] <Jack> "You'll be invisibile to cameras, cybereyes, the naked eye, the works."
[15:50:21] * Izzy shrugs off her jacket, bundling it and leaving it in the car. Her helmet slips out of the back of her armour, closing around her head, and she activates the Ruthenium coating a second later. Her armour is vaguely dragon-themed. "Very well. Hand me the drone."
[15:51:07] * Jack slips her the tiny, beetle-like drone before reciting a small incantation, eyes closed and brows furrowed in concentration.
[15:53:59] <Fatum> Izzy, already only visible as a vague outline in her armour, completely fades from view.
[15:55:51] <Jack> whistles, "Now that's what I'm talking about, outdid myself again. As long as you keep it quiet, you'll be like a ghost."
[15:56:47] * Izzy looks down at herself, lets out a little 'huh', and climbs out of the car, making her way towards the docks. Once-if-she reaches the side nearest the water, she'll slip around the side, climb to the roof, make her way across to the opening, and swing inside.
[16:08:31] <Fatum> She traverses the warehouse wall easily, in just a few seconds, and slips inside the warehouse nimbly through the waterside gate. The inside is dimly lit; Crossbill's boat isn't here, but three buff AmerInds in gang leathers are. One is up on a pile of crates, watching something on his commlink: the AR broadcasting is off, but judging by how he grins and licks his lips, it's the good stuff. The other two sit cross-legged on the far side of the warehouse, pla
[16:08:31] <Fatum> ying some boardgame, smoke rising from their pipes.
[16:10:47] <Izzy> [I'm in. Three inside. Undetected.] Izzy gently drops to the ground, and has to re-adjust to realizing that she's actually pretty invisible. She looks around, trying to pick out the right crate.
[16:12:30] <Jack> [Gotcha. Just deliver the drone, patch in Arata and then get out the way you came. I'll intervene if need be on your signal.]
[16:13:27] * Jack performs a Buddhist breathing exercise he learned to calm his nerves. This is some trideo type shit.
[16:23:09] <Fatum> She traverses the warehouse wall easily, in just a few seconds, and slips inside the warehouse nimbly through the waterside gate. The inside is brightly lit; Crossbill's boat is there, the man is sitting inside as tranquil as ever. Three buff AmerInds in gang leathers are scattered amidst the crates. All have SMGs in display; one of them is on the side where Izzy landed, leaning against a pile of crates and watching the ocean; the other two are smoking on th
[16:23:09] <Fatum> e far side of the building. A Nordkapp Zugmachine stands in the loading area; two orks wearing Koshari colours haul crates from Crossbill's boat and into the truck. As Izzy watches, one of them loudly cheers as he takes a crate: "Hey, the last one, good job, guys!"
[16:30:03] * Izzy watches as they move, and quietly makes her way to the truck, giving the men a wide berth. She checks out the crates-will the drone be able to get inside them?-before she makes any further moves.
[16:36:02] <Fatum> The crates pack the warehouse densely, so Izzy has to squeeze past the Koshari brutes so close she has to hold her breath for them not to notice it. Finally, she slips into the truck: the wooden crates seem solid enough for the drone with nothing but an optical tap to have problems getting inside...
[16:38:16] <Izzy> [The crates are solid wood. I'm going to have to open them manually to place the drone, but there are too many people around now. Crossbill, three Amerinds. Two Koshari orks.]
[16:41:00] <Jack> [Goddamnit. Can you do it when the truck is in motion?]
[16:41:38] <Izzy> [I believe so.]
[16:43:46] <Fatum> As the runners talk, one of the orks brings the last crate into the truck; Izzy's forced to dodge him in the narrow space among the cargo, but manages somehow. With a satisfied sigh, the man drops the crate and heads out of the truck to close its loading door.
[16:46:39] * Izzy quietly drops from her between-crates splits and slips inside the truck, quietly lifting herself to the front. [Follow the truck. I'm inside it.]
[16:48:55] <Fatum> The door slams shut, and Izzy is left in utter darkness. She has only her hearing and sense of balance to feel the driver (perhaps one of the orks?) and then the brutes crowd into the cab; then the engine roars alive, and the warehouse gates slide open before the truck.
[16:49:18] <Jack> Commands the Pilot program to follow the truck at a 1 km distance, using Izzy's signal as guidance. [Got it.]
[16:50:53] * Izzy waits until the truck gets going...then flicks on her 'link light, getting to work discretely opening the crates. Time to let the drone do its thing.
[17:02:43] <Fatum> As Izzy feeds the position her GPS determines back to Jack, he finds it trivial enough to follow the truck at a safe distance.
[17:06:24] <Fatum> In the light of the commlink's screen, Izzy easily locates the crates with the BTLs: while they are marked as coming from the Cascade Crow territory, they're made of californian pine wood.
[17:07:36] <Fatum> The cover of the first crate falls to her manipulations; the chips lie in bunch, mixed with pieces of styrofoam.
[17:08:20] * Izzy takes the bug out and places it. [Bug's in.]
[17:10:56] <Fatum> As Jack calls up Arata, the young yakuza appears in an ARO. Judging by the mess on his head, he was in the middle of applying hear gel. "So, no mind contror tricks, then?" - he asks with a note of disappointment, as he plugs fiberoptic cables into his datajacks.
[17:12:09] <Jack> [We're going with the old reliable. Izzy is with the chips, using a micro-tapper bug to hook em up so you should be able to proxy via her.]
[17:17:03] <Fatum> The nods, then man studies one of his plugs for a while with a puzzled and irritated look: apparently it's not working. Then he produces a remarkably horrible handkerchief to wipe the slot and the plug clean from hairgel, sits into an armchair, and goes limp; as the drone under his control digs into the pile of chips, rewriting them one after the other.
[17:20:25] * Izzy checks the mapsoft. How far out is she? [Everything's going well on this end.]
[17:22:01] <Fatum> Opening the crates carefully and then sealing them back has taken her some half an hour; the time the drone spent working on the chips was negligible compared to that. As Arata finishes reprogramming the drones, the mapsoft shows Izzy she's entering Snomish.
[17:23:53] <Jack> looks out of the car windows, noticing the change in scenery. [Clean as a whistle. I'm trailing you by about a kilometer, but I can't help but notice the locale, if I had to hazard a guess we're going straight to the HQ...]
[17:24:37] * Izzy snags the drone once it's done. [What are you thinking?]
[17:25:46] <Fatum> Jack, as you are nearing Snomish, the dense urban scenery is replaced with rolling fields and forests; in late spring, some of them are starting to turn green, but the acid rains keep the colour muted.
[17:28:47] <Fatum> As the runners chat, the truck howls to a brief stop, and Izzy hears a heavy gate being opened. The truck roars to life once more, and finally stop a quarter of minute later. The runner can hear people leaving the cab, chatting and yawning. Then someone can be heard smoking a pipe just a meter away from the truck's loading door.
[17:29:41] <Jack> [You need to get out of there in one piece, first and foremost, then we let them ship out before we make our move. Security will be tight until they do, so I say we wait - give them time to deliver the goods. Then we hit them when they think the re-up is over and the danger is gone.]
[17:30:11] <Jack> [We can worry about it later though, focus on getting clear of that compound.]
[17:31:55] <Izzy> [Alright.] Izzy looks the door up and down, trusting in her low-light rather than the 'link's light for now. Is it openable from the inside?
[17:33:02] <Fatum> Izzy can't spot any signs that it is; in the dim light filtering from outside, she can see a latch-type lock holding the door shut from the outside.
[17:34:16] <Izzy> [There is only one man outside the truck right now. What can your magic do from where you are?]
[17:36:31] <Jack> [If I can get within eyesight of the guy, I could plant a suggestion...] he messages back before looking for any kind of high ground with visibility into the compound.
[17:37:05] <Fatum> Jack's about a kilometer away, his car stopped at a turn to the dirt road leading to the Koshari base. What he sees of it from where he is a chain fence several meters high; four cattle pens to the right and a watchtower near them; to the left, a guarded gate.
[17:39:07] <Fatum> As he looks around, the magician spots a hill overlooking the farm just a couple meters from it to the left of the road; to the right of it there's a grove that'd provide him coverage had it been summer or early autumn, but now its protection would be spotty at best.
[17:39:32] <Izzy> [You can control...minds? Why not control anyone you can see, then?]
[17:41:53] * Jack curses and hustles for the hill. [It's not real control, nothing so unsubtle. Besides the ethical implications, it's just not always practical to leave an astral signature.]. When he arrives on the hill and takes a prone position in the foliage, he uses the vision magnification in his cybereyes, trying to get a bead on the truck and any guard near it.
[17:43:59] <Izzy> [I find myself caring very little about ethics with these...people. I did not know just how many BTLs they had.]
[17:45:08] <Fatum> As the runner shuffles through the field, the wet soil covers his feet ankle-high; and as he flops onto his belly, the rest of his clothing is covered with earth (or worse). But he can see one of the AmerInd brutes from the dock warehouse smoking just behind the truck.
[17:45:49] <Fatum> Here's what he sees; the hill he's on is to the South-West of the installation:
[17:47:04] <Fatum> Jack can approximately tell what the buildings used to be before the farm was taken over by the AmerIndians; the watchtowers are a recent addition, apparently, though.
[17:48:56] * Jack focuses on that particular thug, steadying his breathing and molding his will into a needle that carries a suggestion: Open the truck door and do a once over to see if everything is in order. Security first, right?
[17:50:04] * Izzy has, by this time, taken cover behind a crate, waiting.
[17:51:10] <Jack> [Be ready to move if he opens the door. Be careful.]
[17:57:28] <Fatum> The magician crushes the brute's willpower, and he reaches out to do just what the man suggested: opens the truck's doors, and proceeds to check the crates inside carefully, verifying the marking, sealing, and whether they received any damage during the shipping.
[17:58:22] * Izzy quietly leaves as he enters, dropping to the ground outside the truck.
[18:01:56] <Fatum> About a dozen seconds in, the man drops the crate he was holding, utters "Why the fuck do I care?", steps heavily outside, and slams the doors shut behind him.
[18:02:41] * Izzy makes her way for the boundary, staying out of sight of the watchtower if she can. Sure, she's invisible...but she doesn't want to push it. [Thank you.]
[18:03:12] <Fatum> Izzy's left lying on the ground near the truck. Before her is the fence; and judging by the dead rats and small birds scattered about, it's electrified. Behind her are the gates; another Koshari brute can be seen standing guard near them.
[18:07:40] <Izzy> [I don't suppose you can make me fly, too?] Izzy moves to the fence, looking around for anything inside near enough for her a boost from. She's not used to activities like this in a rural environment.
[18:09:02] <Fatum> She can't spot anything other than watchtowers, which rise over the fence, or the buildings that used to be cattle pens:
[18:11:49] <Jack> [It's funny you should ask that...] he responds and quietly recites that always useful thaumaturgical incantation, images of huge tomes and their contents flashing by in his mind.
[18:14:48] * Jack wills her to rise into the air, altering the flow of mana around her body and lifting her over the fence and onto the ground again. [Don't squeal.]
[18:15:16] * Izzy doesn't squeal, perhaps to her credit. [WHAT ARE YOU DOING.]
[18:16:19] <Fatum> The air around Jack starts glowing from the ambient mana energy, but so far none of the Koshari seem to be paying notice.
[18:17:10] <Jack> [Ask and you shall receive. I told you I was the real deal.]
[18:19:10] * Izzy shakes her head. That's...not something she wants to experience again. [My only wish is to leave this place. And make sure we are not followed.] Izzy breaks into a swift sprint, getting back to the road.
[18:20:22] <Fatum> As Jack switches his perception to astral, he notices the soft glow of multiple auras of the Koshari on their base still; in the background, the glowing barrier of a shamanic lodge. No spirits seem to be currently on duty, though.
[18:21:29] <Fatum> When Izzy reaches the car, she is almost as covered in dirt as Jack; specks of it hovering in the empty air look kinda discomforting, though.
[18:22:32] <Jack> [Alright, you're clear. No spirits on your tail, so head to the car and I'll join you.] he says, gingerly standing up from his prone position and stopping the sustaining of his spells. He jogs back in a hunchbacked posture until he thinks he's reasonably clear of the farm and makes his way to the car.
[18:23:42] * Izzy kicks her claws off, knocking them on the other leg. It's impolite to put dirt in other people's cars. She looks across at Jack when he nears her and gives him an actual thumbs up. "That could have gone far, far worse than it did."

[15:07:47] <Fatum> ==========================SESSION 5 STARTS==========================
[15:07:47] <Fatum> As the runners wait, the news of the poisoned chips start making rounds in the Barrens community: the junkies who use the stuff lose autonomous breathing, and have to breathe consciously, dying once they fall asleep. That doesn't make it to national news, but the local broadcasting picks up on the story, and the underworld is abuzz with theories on why the Koshari would do this: the most common explanation is their AmerIndian nationalism. BTL junkies
[15:07:47] <Fatum> are afraid to slot anything, and crime rates go up as they go on withdrawal-fueled sprees.
[15:07:47] <Fatum> The runners watch the Koshari base from afar. Daily life there seems boring, with the goons getting shitfaced in what used to be the pig pen; the daily schedule's highlight is obviously the common dance everyone not currently guarding the facility shares in the shamanic circle out back, lead by both Blue Coyote and Fierce Badger, and going in circles until the participants drop in trance.
[15:07:52] <Fatum> The two leaders differ in their schedules you see and have your spirits report. While Fierce Badger normally stays at the living quarters, moving between them and the lodge and hardly leaving the farm, Coyote frequently comes and goes, and that frequency only grows with each day, as well as the number of goons going with him.
[15:11:32] <Fatum> A few times he returns with less goons than he left with; a couple of times, with more.
[15:26:08] * Jack turns to Izzy. Listen, I'm not sure if trying to waste Mr. Coyote is such a good idea as of right now. With fire support from Leo, maybe but as of right now we're on our own with whatever spirit I can conjure.
[15:28:13] <Jack> "If you still want to geek him, I say I try and hit you with the baddest case of incorporeality I can manage, get you into the base, you pepper him full of holes in his sleep and we drekking hightail it out."
[15:33:35] <Jack> "I can leave my Fly-Spy, motor shut down and just leave the camera feed. That way we'll see if they downgrade security after they find out their product is frying chipheads like a George Foreman grill. And should Coyote himself leave the premises, we could conceivably ambush him on the road."
[15:34:33] * Izzy is quiet for a while before answering. "What I would prefer to do is finish this job. That is all. Ambushing him outside of Koshari property...can you not simply destroy his car?"
[15:36:24] <Jack> "I don't have the gear for it. Might be I call a spirit with that kind of power, but it's risky. It's almost easier to just smoke him in bed during the dead of night."
[15:37:52] <Izzy> "Why not strike after their afternoon dance...thing. What is that? You are a mage, you must know."
[15:40:47] <Jack> "... That's probably religious. With the kind of invisibility I can give you, you could waste him in rush hour, Downtown Central."
[15:45:28] <Izzy> "They both lead it. We could strike then, while they are sleeping it off, but I trust your judgement." She smiles a little thinly. "Which is, perhaps, the worse of two things to do."
[15:47:30] * Jack laughs a little, taking the edge off. If I remember correctly, going to see the Lizard King like that involves liberal amounts of peyote so it would opportune moment.
[15:49:36] <Izzy> "They would be idiots if they did not...somehow guard themselves. But it is better than hosing them down with bullets in the middle of Downtown. Maybe they have magical defenses," Izzy mutters.
[15:57:26] <Jack> "Bless their stoner hearts, but after doing some thinking... They're gonna have spirits participating. You're going to get scalped if you go in there, it's not an option."
[15:58:02] <Jack> "We should cut and run."
[15:58:57] <Izzy> "Mmh. I appreciate your concern." It's unclear whether it's sarcasm or not. "Very well. Let's get back to Seattle first. All makes me uncomfortable."
[16:02:07] * Jack shrugs and fires up the car and takes them back to Seattle, trying to connect a secure call to the Saiko-Komon.
[16:07:03] <Fatum> The old man takes a while to answer, and when he does, he looks exhausted. However, his thin smile is still as usual. "Yes, Jack?" - he asks.
[16:09:25] <Jack> "Saiko-Komon, we have sabotaged their BTL operation as requested but with our limited manpower we were unable to find an opportunity to attack their leadership or home base. My sincerest apologies."
[16:12:11] <Fatum> The man sighs: "Ah the youth, ever so impatient. I will be glad to hear your stories in half an hour, at the usual place".
[16:13:56] <Jack> "As you say, we'll meet you there."
[16:15:56] * Jack waits to see if Saiko-Komon eventually hangs up, not wanting to be rude.
[16:16:05] * Izzy looks across, listening to half the exchange. Once he hangs up, she speaks up. "How did you become indebted to them? ...tuition fees?"
[16:16:15] <Fatum> The man nods and hangs up immediately.
[16:19:36] * Jack sighs, watching the traffic. I guess telling makes no difference. My old man was running numbers for the Watada-Rengo. Investments, the like. He made some poor ones, hid them, croaked from sudden heart failure little over a year ago.
[16:22:17] * Jack takes a right off the highway, getting into Seattle downtown on a course towards the tea house. So the new guy finds out my father was playing games with them to the tune of 60 000 nuyen. They find out his only living son is a top gun at UW Thaumaturgy and I get roped into doing jobs for them where they need magical support.
[16:23:15] <Fatum> As you drive to the Yellow Spring Teahouse, you see a starved-looking man, his eyes completely red with blood spilling from the raptured vessels, fiber-optic cables dangling from his datajacks, walk into oncoming traffic as if it's not even there. A drone truck on the opposite lane hits him hard, the body impaled on the antennas on its front. Must be one more BTL junkie on withdrawal.
[16:24:17] <Jack> "Besides risking life and limb, it's not so bad. I still get paid and with my pops dead, I need to finance my Th. D- Jesus, Mary and fucking Joseph!"
[16:24:58] <Izzy> "Ah. ...ah. Inherited debt. My condolences for your loss. Losing members of your family is...hard. And being forced into this immediately afterwards must be...difficult." Izzy watches the crash, the same moderately-blank expression on her face. "...I was nearly run over by one of those, too."
[16:27:57] * Jack lets the Pilot take over the rest of the route, his nerves shook from watching the junkie get flattened. Yeah, thanks... Lets go and see what the man has to say.
[16:28:54] <Fatum> The teahouse is as peaceful as ever, and the women who guide you ever so polite. When you enter the usual meeting room, the Saiko-Komon is already there with his usual tea set. But this time around, there's also a small chest of sandalwood near him. He sips tea as he listens to your report, and finally nods: "Enough with the details. I understand what you have done, and you have earned the sum promised". Both runners notice AROs informing them that t
[16:28:54] <Fatum> heir bank account just received a 6500Y transaction. "In the spirit of our continued cooperation, though, Watada Rengo would like to give you a little something extra". The old man opens the chest, revealing two medallions bearing the Rengo's spiral emblem in ivory, as well as a small casket is turtle bone. He hands each runner a medallion, commenting: "If you're ever at one of our bunraku parlors, just show them this trinket, and the visit will be f
[16:28:56] <Fatum> ree for you. I understand women rarely use this priviledge, however, so here's a little something for you, too, Cassandra". The casket contains several small boxes of expensive high-class Japanese make-up.
[16:34:00] * Izzy examines the medallion in detail, looking it over...and then setting it aside to look at the extra present. It's painfully obvious that she isn't sure what to feel, defaulting to 'blank wariness', like the other times she visited the teahouse. "Thank you," she states, politely.
[16:34:38] <Jack> takes a sip from the rather expensive teacup. "Thank you, Saiko-Komon. I believe I speak for all of us when I say we're at your call should you find yourself in need of discreet help again."
[16:36:52] <Izzy> "I would appreciate it if you spoke only for yourself. Jack."
[16:37:33] <Fatum> Saiko-Komon's expression is as tranquil as ever, but his smile is thinner and his lips whiter than usual when he replies: "In our unstable time, I am sure we can continue our cooperation to mutual benefit". The man then gives Izzy a puzzled look.
[16:39:45] <Fatum> You enjoy the tea some more time, and are then escorted out.
[16:48:04] <Fatum> Izzy, as you're about to enter Ruby's Apartments, you notice a few street punks camping by the entrance. These are typical gutter scum, clad in synthleather and too much iron rivets for their own good. They have a girl with pink hair among them, as well as a troll, who stands eating an apple by the door. As you walk near, the troll throws the apple in your face: "El Corregidor says he sends his regards!" The rest of the punks get up.
[16:55:26] * Izzy blinks at the apple, wires automatically snapping on. She leans out of the way, takes a swift headcount, and checks them for weapons or anything that would distinguish them from 'hired thug' status.
[16:58:20] <Fatum> Four metahumans, three humans and one troll. Dressed in heavy riveted gang leathers, no weapons currently produced, but it's pretty obvious they're packing heat. The troll has a huge club. The gal has an Ingram Smartgun hanging on a strap across her back. There is nothing distinguishing them from hired thugs, because they are.
[17:00:42] * Izzy blinks at the name. That's one she hasn't heard in...a while, and it brings back unpleasant memoies. She nods, taking a step forward. "I will give you a message for him." Izzy leans into the next step, darting straight for the troll.
[17:10:01] <Fatum> The troll has his breath beaten out of him by Izzy's kick, but remains standing, even if leaning heavily. Kicking him feels a lot like kicking a wall. A wall clad in leathers.
[17:12:30] <Fatum> The punks produce pistols from their jackets, and dots of laser sights dance upon Izzy.
[17:20:26] <Fatum> They fire, but the bullets just tear our pieces of fabric from Izzy's jumpsuit, without hitting her body.
[17:21:31] <Fatum> The second bullet, however, hits the troll square on the chest. But that doesn't produce any visible result.
[17:23:55] <Fatum> The gal who chilled with the punks takes off, moving her Ingram from the back into firing position and sending a short burst Izzy's way as she goes
[17:27:49] <Fatum> None of the bullets connect.
[17:28:59] <Fatum> The troll exhales sharply to reign in the pain, and takes a swing at Izzy with his club.
[17:32:06] <Fatum> Naturally, she easily parries.
[17:34:01] * Izzy drops low, digging a claw into the ground to pivot and change her angle of attack. She comes back up, turns, and sinks a knee into the inside of the troll's elbow, making the club swing short-and boosts off the trog, dashing for the second punk with the gun. The trog can wait.
[17:40:51] * Izzy lands, hops forward, turns, and slams her knee into the guy's stomach before he can turn to face her-using him as a break for her momentum, and turning to face the next closest punk. She has the wild, dangerous look in her eyes again.
[17:50:11] * Izzy keeps turning, putting her first foot down and pivoting, slamming the back of her cyberleg into the other punk's face after a small momentum-gathering hop. Two down. Two more.
[18:04:59] * Izzy digs her claw into the ground and rips herself into motion again, chasing down the fleeing woman at a disturbing speed-and sweeps her legs out from underneath her with a practiced twist, sending her head-first into the pavement, spinning around to face the troll. If he's smart, he'll run.
[18:07:36] <Fatum> The one thing nobody has ever called that guy is "smart". He clenches his club and prepares to meet a charge.
[18:09:42] * Izzy has to wind herself down-every instinct tells her to charge him, but that's caught her before, and she's BETTER than that, so she stops, takes a breath, and looks down at the woman's fallen gun. She picks up the submachine gun and aims it.
[18:22:21] * Izzy lifts the gun up, and her eye covers paint crosshairs written in Nauhatl over various vital areas. Aiming automatically, she points it for his knees and lets it rip; the recoil stitches it up his chest and across his neck. Izzy looks around for more punks, and when finding out that there aren't any left standing, drops the gun next to the woman. Too many bad memories tonight.
[18:23:20] * Izzy then does the true Seattle-dweller method of corpse disposal, dumping the still-living ones in an alley and putting the troll on top of them, like a blanket, to keep them warm. And terrified, upon waking.
[18:25:34] <Fatum> ==========================SESSION 5 ENDS==========================