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Надписями исписаны пол, потолок, стены и вся мебель. Все надписи повторяются многократно, многие наползают одна на другую.

They don't hear, it...
Picture of people worshipping the Big crystal.
I made them see the truth, i made them hear the voice.
Sleepers will awake.
It screams in darkness.
Those who are deaf, are silent.
Crude picture of ten humans (guardsman, cleric, techpriest, worker, adept and other unspecified) - Seers
Its inevitable.
The voice...
Еhose who speaks will guide us to.
A dead one cannot defend the living ones.
Crude Picture of station.
Horrors in my dreams.
Those who blind, will die.
They pray in silence.
We will pay for sins of old ones.
Pictures of eyes, many of them.