Wall Of Text

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Wall of Text (ВоТ) - является дальнейшим развитием линейки D&D спеллов Wall of Force, Wall of Iron etc. Служит для описания куска текста, чьи размеры провоцируют на нецензурные обороты речи. ВоТ не обязательно имеет негативную окраску.

Подробное описание corrapted версии спелла было составлено магом Харли, после месяцев научного троллинга:

Wall Of Text
Conjuration(summoning)/Enchantment(mind-affecting, compulsion, language dependant)
Level: Geometer 9, Boreness 8
Components: S
Casting Time: varies, see text
Range: Close(25 ft. +5 ft./level)
Duration: permanent
Saving Throw: Will partial, see text.
SR: No.

Concentrating on most grim and deadly of all your stupid, boring, self-sufficient thoughts, you summon forth the monstrous Wall Of Text, consisting of fiendish utterances of your cloudy mind.

Anyone who can see the Wall (even through scrying effects) is immediately becomes nauseated and takes 1d10 (+1d10 per caster level, max. 25d10) damage, as dark energies of stupidity rams into and twists his mind. After taking that damage, victim must succeed on the Will saving throw or find itself unable to turn it's eyes of the Wall. On the failed save, victim is forced to read the wall to the very end. In this time victim is considered insane (permanently Confused) and takes damage each round as if it just saw the Wall.
The more time (measured in minutes) you spend concentrating while casting this spell, the bigger the Wall is, and so, the more time (measured in rounds) is needed to read the Wall. Creatures unable to read, creatures who managed to effectively blind themselves and creatures who share your point of view are immune to that spell.

Примеры использования:

[20:30] <sh1z> т.к. он постоянно пишет тупые волл оф текст, которые создают впечатление о компетентности
[19:28] <Sadistic_Idiot> *так, давайте ща паузу минуд пять, а потом будет мега волл оф текст и слезливая история