On that September/Sam

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Name: Sam Irish
Drive: Adventure
Occupation: Driver/Smuggler
Occupation Ability: Access to a car
Build Points: 16/75
Hit Threshold: 4

Sources of Stability

Connor Irish (Dad)

Lilian Saoirse Irish (Little Sister)


Languages 2

Bargain 3
Cop Talk 3
Credit Rating 3
Oral History 2
*Streetwise 4
Locksmith 3

Athletics 8
*Driving 12
*Electrical repair 8
First Aid 3
Health 10
*Mechanical Repair 10
*Conceal 8
Preparedness 4
Scuffling 10
*Sense Trouble 10
Stability 8


Conceal: Trap Sense
You may spend Conceal pool points to add to a Sense Trouble test if the potential threat is a concealed trap or other hidden environmental peril, like an overgrown pit or impending cave-in. 

Driving: Drive-By Shootout
You’re adept at lining up shots for your passengers when they’re shooting out the window. You may transfer up to 4 of your Driving pool points to your passenger’s Firearms pools at the start of a car chase. Unspent points are lost when the chase ends. 

Electrical Repair: Alien Insight
Your intuitive understanding of electricity and magnetism gives you an insight into devices far beyond the paltry technology of humanity. You may spend 4 Electrical Repair pool points to activate a strange and unfamiliar device. You only guess at how to turn the thing on, not what it does or how to properly control it. 

Mechanical Repair: Give It A Kick
Once per adventure, you may declare one Mechanical Repair test an instant success. You could kick a plane’s engine back to life as it falls from the sky, or unjam a machine gun with one solid whack. 

Scuffling: The Old One Two
You may make an extra Scuffling attack per round, as long as you hit with your first attack. To make the second attack you must pay a number of Scuffling pool points equal to the result of the damage die from the first attack (so, if you roll damage of 2, you must pay 2 Scuffling pool points for another swing). 

Sense Trouble: Quick Reflexes
If you overspend on a successful Sense Trouble test, you get the excess pool points back, but they can only be spent on Athletics, Fleeing, Firearms, Scuffling or Weapons tests in the first round of combat or in tests immediately related to the trouble you sensed. e.g. say the difficulty to sense a lurking enemy is 5 and you spend 3 Sense Trouble and roll a 4, for a total of 7, beating the difficulty by 2; you get 2 pool points back that you must spend immediately on attacking or escaping. The maximum size of the refund pool can not be more than the number of Sense Trouble pool points spent i.e. if you’d rolled a 6 in the example above, you’d have beaten the difficulty by 4, but you’d still only get 3 pool points back because you only spent 3 to add to the test die roll. 

Weapons: Favourite Weapon
Pick your favourite melee weapon. You draw strength and courage from its familiar heft in your hand. Once per adventure, you may gain 4 Stability from drawing or brandishing your weapon. With this sword by your side, there’s nothing you can’t handle. 


Wrench (+0)

Brass Knuckles(-1)


Car (Cadillac 62 series, sedan, 1948)

Motorcycle (Indian Chief Black Hawk 1950)