Marcus Letum

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Name       : Marcus Letum
Origin     : Battlefleet Calixis
Lineage    : 
Career Path: Assassin
Ranking    : Nighthawk
Background : -
Divination : Do not ask why you serve. Only ask how.
XP Total   : 50 xp unspent

WS : 35 (+2 div) (+5 training)
BS : 46 (+2 div) (+5 training)
S  : 34 (+5 Close-Quarter Fighter)
T  : 41 (+5 swap)
Ag : 52 (+5 swap) (+10 training)
Int: 33 
Per: 32 
WP : 30 (-5 swap)
Fel: 23 (-5 swap)

Initiative: +5
Half move : 5

Wounds    : 9/9
Fate      : 2/2
Insanity  : 0
Corruption: 0

Void Accustomed 
Naval Lineage Skills 
Close-Quarter Fighter 
Officer on Deck

*** SKILLS (400 XP) ***
--- Basic Skills: ---
Navigation (Stellar) (Int) (Shipwise) 
Pilot (Starcraft) (Ag) (Shipwise) 
Common Lore (Tech) (Int) (Nav. Lin. Sk.) 
Awareness (Per) 
--- Advanced Skills: --- 
Dodge +10 (Ag) (200xp)
Silent move +10 (Ag) (200xp)
Security (Ag) (100xp)
Speak Language (Ship Dialect) (Int) 
Speak Language (Battlefleet War Cant) (Int) (Nav. Lin. Sk.) 
Speak Language (Low Gothic) (Int)

*** TALENTS (200 XP) ***
Basic Weapons Training (SP), 
Basic Weapons Training (Las) (100xp)
Pistol Training (SP) 
Pistol Training (Las)
Melee Weapons Training (Primitive) 
Two-Weapon Wielder (Melee) (200xp)
Thrown Weapon Training (Primitive) (100xp)
Mighty Shot (200xp)
Swift Attack (200xp)

*** Armour ***
Name                 Covers                AP   Wt      Cost    
Hardened Body Glove    all                 3    5kg     -  
w. Inherent Steath

*** Weapons ***
Name                                             Range   RoF    Dam      Pen    Clip     Rld   Special              Wt       Cost
Mono Devil`s Kiss                                       -      1d5+3       5    -        -     Fast                            -

*** Ammo ***
Type                        Amount   Cost
Pistol Hot shot                5      75
Pistol pack                    4      -

*** Inventory ***
Name                              Cost
IR Photo-visor glasses
3 doses of stimm, 
Charge (corpse hair) 
Bone Dice (memento) 
Skull Fragment (memento)
Holo Wafers (text) x5                
Flask (Ploin Juice)