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Human male. Age 24.
Human male. Age 24.
Karma: 3/11
Karma: 5/11
== Attributes (210 BP) ==
== Attributes (210 BP) ==
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== NU total (185000 nu / 37 BP) ==
== NU total (185000 nu / 37 BP) ==
Starting money: (4d6+12)*100 = 2600 nu.
Money: 1800 nu
== Weapons ==
== Weapons ==

Revision as of 18:13, 9 February 2010

== Build ==
Build points: 400
Used books: 4ed Core Rulebook AE, Arsenal, Augmentation, Runner's Companion, Unwired

== Info ==
Name: Jacob Carter
Human male. Age 24.

Karma: 5/11

== Attributes (210 BP) ==

Bod: 4
Agi: 5 (7)
Rea: 5 (6)
Str: 4
Cha: 1
Int: 4
Log: 3
Wil: 2
Edg: 3

== Derived Attributes ==

Essence                    : 1.27
Initiative (Matrix)        : 9 (8 cold, 9 hot)
Initiative passes (Matrix) : 2 (3 cold, 4 hot)
Physical Damage Track      : 10
Stun Damage Track          : 9

== Defense ==

Defense pool (melee): 8 (12 fd)
Defense pool (ranged): 4 (10 fd)
Armor: 8/6

== Active Skills (158BP = 60BP(groups) + 84BP(skills) + 14BP(specs)) ==

Climbing                : 5 [assisted] (+2, +1 for ferrous surfaces)
Disguise                : 4
Dodge                   : 4 [ranged]
Gymnastics              : 3
Hardware                : 4 [maglocks]
Infiltration            : 5 [urban]
Locksmith               : 0 (+6)
Palming                 : 3
Perception              : 4 [visual] (+3 not in Matrix, +2 visual, +1 listen, +2 audio pinpoint)
Pistols                 : 4 [semi-automatic]
Running                 : 3
Shadowing               : 4 [tail evasion]
Swimming                : 3

Athletics group: 3
Stealth group: 3

== Knowledge Skills (17 FREE KSP) ==

Adventure Literature             : 4
Corporate Security Design        : 4
Legendary Thieves                : 4
Security Systems                 : 5

== Language Skills (4 FREE KSP) ==

English: N
Japanese: 2
Sperethiel: 2

== Contacts (5 BP) ==

Fixer (3, 2)

== Qualities (-10 BP) ==

Addiction (Betel, Mild) (-5 BP)
Weak Immune System (-5 BP)

== Bioware (16000 nu / 0.2 es) ==

Muscle Toner R2                 16000 nu / 0.4 es

== Cyberware (80650 nu / 4.53 es) ==

Attention Coprocessor R3         9000 nu / 0.3 es
Cyberears R3                     1000 nu / 0.4 es  (capacity 10/12)
* Audio Enhancement R1           1000 nu / [1]
* Balance Augmenter              5000 nu / [4]
* Damper                          750 nu / [1]
* Ear Recording Unit             default
* Increased Sensitivity          1000 nu / [1]
* Select Sound Filter R1         3000 nu / [1]
* Sound Link                     default
* Spatial Recognizer              750 nu / [2]
Cybereyes R4                     1500 nu / 0.6 es (capacity 13/16)
* Eye Light System                750 nu / [2]
* Eye Recording Unit             default
* Flare Compensation              750 nu / [1]
* Image Link                     default
* Low-Light Vision               1000 nu / [2]
* Microscopic Vision             1300 nu / [3]
* Protective Covers               100 nu
* Thermographic Vision           1000 nu / [2]
* Smartlink                      1000 nu / 0.1 es
* Vision Enhancement R2          3000 nu / [2]
* Vision Magnification           1000 nu / [1]
Cyber Safety                      350 nu
Datajack ALPHA                   1000 nu / 0.08 es
Magnetic System                  1200 nu / 0.25 es
Radar Sensor R4                 12000 nu / 0.3 es
Retractable Climbing Claws       2200 nu / 0.2 es
Skillwires R3                    6000 nu / 0.6 es
Skillwire Expert System          3000 nu / 0.1 es
Wired Reflexes R1 ALPHA         22000 nu / 1.6 es

== Software (42550 nu) ==

[Common (1050 nu)]
Analyze                  3        150 nu
Browse                   3        150 nu
Command                  3        150 nu
Edit                     3        150 nu
Encrypt                  3        150 nu
Reality Filter           3        150 nu
Scan                     3        150 nu

[Skillsoft (41500 nu)]
Computer                 1      10000 nu
Escape Artist            1      10000 nu
Medicine                 1      10000 nu
Throwing Weapons         1      10000 nu
Cantonese                1        500 nu
German                   1        500 nu
Spanish                  1        500 nu

== Inventory (39600 nu) ==

[Clothing (11600 nu)]
Armor Vest                        600 nu
Chameleon Suit                   8000 nu
* Thermal Damping R6             3000 nu

[Weapons (3290 nu)]
Ares Predator IV                  350 nu (capacity 5/6)
* Cyber Safety                    200 nu
* Electronic Firing              1000 nu / [2]
* Quick-Draw Holster              100 nu
* Silencer                        400 nu / [2]
* Skinlink                         50 nu / [1]
Ammo, regular, x45                 90 nu
Ammo, EX-Explosive, x15           150 nu
Ammo, flechette, x15              150 nu
Ammo, Stick-n-Shock, x15          120 nu
Ammo, subsonic, x15                60 nu
Spare clips x2                     10 nu
Gas Grenade (Breathtaker), x3     280 nu
Gas Grenade (Pepper Punch), x6    150 nu
Smoke Grenade, x6                 180 nu

[Commlink (3350 nu)]
Novatech Airware (R3/S3)         1250 nu (capacity 3/4)
Iris Orb OS (F3/S3)              1000 nu
Armor Case R6                     300 nu / [1]
Biometric Lock                    150 nu / [1]
Biometric Reader                  200 nu
Customized Interface              250 nu / [1]
Sim module, self-hacked           100 nu
Skinlink                           50 nu
Subvocal Microphone                50 nu

[Tools (17375 nu)]
AR Gloves                         250 nu
Autopicker R6                    1200 nu
Catalyst Stick                    120 nu
Chisel                             20 nu
Climbing Gear                     200 nu
Expendable Jammer, Area R4, x6    300 nu
Fiberoptic Cable, 2m, x2           20 nu
Flashlight (low-light)             25 nu
Gas Mask                          100 nu
Gecko Tape Gloves                 250 nu
Glasscutter                        10 nu
Grapple Gun                       500 nu
Jammer, Area R4                  2000 nu
Keycard Copier R6                1800 nu
Lockpick Set                      300 nu
Maglock Passkey R4               8000 nu
Maglock Sequencer R4              800 nu
Microwire, 100m                    50 nu
Optical Tap                       100 nu
Rappeling Gloves                   70 nu
Stealth Rope, 100m                 85 nu
Tag Eraser                        150 nu
Wire Clippers                      25 nu

[Documents (3400 nu)]
Fake SIN R3                      3000 nu
Fake License R4                   400 nu

[Substances (585 nu)]
Betameth, x4                       80 nu
Betel, x10                         10 nu
Cram, x4                           40 nu
Jazz, x3                          225 nu
Kamikaze, x1                      200 nu
Novacoke, x3                       30 nu

== Services (5000 nu) ==

Medium Lifestyle, 1 month        5000 nu

== NU total (185000 nu / 37 BP) ==

Money: 1800 nu

== Weapons ==

Ares Predator IV heavy pistol
AP: -1
Damage: 5P
Ammo: 15(c)
Attack roll: 15=7(ag)+4(skill)+2(spec)+2(smartlink)
Range: 5/20/40/60 m

Damage: 2P
Attack roll: 6=7(ag)-1(skill)

Shock magnets
Damage: 6S(e)
AP: -half
Attack roll: 6=7(ag)-1(skill)