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Also, I can kill you with my brain.



Name       : Ignaci.
Origin     : Scintilla Hive.
Lineage    : 
Career Path: Psyker.
Ranking    : Scholar Medicae.
Background : Living Nightmare (300 XP)
Divination : Die if you must, but not with you spirit broken.
XP Total   : 4000

WS : 33 
BS : 50 (+10 training) (+5 origin)
S  : 28 
T  : 32 (+5 switch)
Ag : 32 
Int: 32
Per: 31
WP : 57 (+15 training, +3 divinaton +5 Background)
Fel: 31 (-5 switch)

Initiative: +4 ( +3 Ag,  +1 origin)
Half move : 3

Wounds    : 11
Fate      : 2
Insanity  : 3
Corruption: 0

*** TALENTS (1500 XP) ***
Caves of Steel *
Hivebound *
Wary *
Gunmetal Hiver Skills *
Packing Iron *
Way of the Gun *
Psy Rating 1 *
Melee Weapon Training (Primitive) *
Basic Weapon Training (Las) *
Pistol Weapon Training (las) *
Pistol Weapon Training (sp) (origin)
Gain Resistance (Psychic Powers) (Background)
Unreadable Mind (Background)
Meditation (100 XP)
Quickdraw (100 XP)
Psy Rating 2 (200 XP)
Rapid reload (100 XP)
Ambiedextrous (100 XP)
Psy Rating 3 (200 XP)
Deadeye Shot (100 XP)
Psy Rating 4 (200 XP)
Jaded (100 XP)
Two Weapon Wielder (Ballistic) (100 XP)
Psychic Power (x2) (200 XP)

*** SKILLS (600 XP) ***
Tech use (as Basic)
Psyniscience (Per) +10 (100 XP)
Invocation (WP) +10 (100 XP)
Trade (Merchant) (Fel)
Literacy (Int) *
Low Gothic (Int) *
Speak Language (Metallican Hive Dialect)(Int) *
Speak Language (Hive Dialect) (Int) *
Ciphers (Acolyte) (100 XP)
Forbidden lore (warp) (100 XP)
Scholastic lore (occult) (100 XP)
Dodge (Ag) (100 XP) *

Deja Vu
Distort vision
Resist Possesion
Sense Presence
Spectral Hands
Staunt Bleeding
Unnatural Aim
Weapon Jinx
White Noise
*** PSY POWERS *** 4
Seal Wounds
Precision Telecinesis
Psychic Blade

*** GEAR ***
*** Armour ***
Name              Covers                AP   Wt      Cost    
Hardened          Body, Arms, Legs       3    5kg     300
Body Glove        

*** Weapons ***
Name                                             Range   RoF    Dam      Pen    Clip   Rld   Special   Wt     Cost
Hecuter                                           30 m   S/2/6  1d10+3   2      15     Full  Reliable  3kg    250
 w. Red-Dot Laser Sight, Fire Selector

Mark IV                                           40 m   S/2/-  1d10+3   0      15     Full  Scatter   2.25kg 200
 w. Red-Dot Laser Sight, Melee Attachment

*** Ammo ***
Type                        Amount   Cost
Bullets (Stub)              100      5
Manstoppers (Stub)          30       25  
Dumdum (Stub)               30       25
Charge Pack (Pistol)         5       40*

*** Inventory ***
Name                              Cost
Lho Sticks                         10
knife (psykana mercy blade)        *
quilted vest
tatty robe (Poor Quality Clothing)
sanctioning brand
compact las pistol

Thrones left: 11