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<CheeseSamovar> ==== SESSION 1.5 START ====
11:13 <CheeseSamovar> It is about 5pm in the evening, and you're in Yakor v Glotke. Michalych just got out to the public, and holy crap does he look weary today - you've heard that he was out at sea for three whole days, and the weather was particularly bad during the week.
11:13 <CheeseSamovar> He gestures you to come over, and pours himself double-shot from an unmarked glass bottle. Looks at you if anyone volunteers to drink with him. Maybe it will lighten his mood.
11:15 <Che> Rough seas, Mihakych?
11:15 ⇐ @Klutz quit ( EOF From client
11:15 <Che> *l
11:15 <Nebokhod> *\o/
11:16 <CheeseSamovar> - Seas I'm in good grace with. Fuckers from Black Tide, however I am not.
11:17 → @Fats (opped) joined
11:17 <Nebokhod> - Who the fuck are they?
11:17 Fats → @Klutz
11:18 <@Klutz> * logs plz? apparently my rig does not like the idea of me being a player and not a gm
11:18 <Jelena> - Black Tide Worldwide? I hope you gave them a spit of venom for their troubles.
11:19 <CheeseSamovar> - Smugglers. Jelena here knows. Had a clusterfuck with the navy, it seems. - He raises his glass to the old man with white beard couple of stools away from you - Klutz, how's the Artem this days?
11:20 ↔ FirstAngry popped in
11:20 <@Klutz> - Ahh, the usual Pacific Coast bullshit, drizzling rain and not enough sun to keep an old man's bones warm. And now every bob and tommy decided they're cool mafiosi from some stupid simflick, and need to start killing each other, - he sighs.
11:21 → FirstAngry joined (~FirstAngr@
11:21 <CheeseSamovar> * ?
11:21 <Nebokhod> *servitor
11:21 — @Klutz has the soft-spoken, mild-mannered speech of a man in his twilight years; his Russian is rusty and his East Coast American accent still noticeable.
11:22 <CheeseSamovar> - Yes, this gotta get worse before it gets better, mark my words. Guyz, meet Klutz. Your dwarf friend has some trouble overseas, which he's matrixing over to look at, he asked me to help you with wireless operator in the meantime.
11:24 <Nebokhod> - That is really nice of you.
11:24 <Che> - Good evening.
11:24 — Che nods to dwarf.
11:25 <Nebokhod> - Ah, yes, good evening, comrade Klutz.
11:25 — @Klutz makes a gesture as if tipping a hat. He's clad in a leather duster, under which any trained runner eye easily spots bulges of equipment or weapons.
11:25 <CheeseSamovar> *drinks his moonshine* - Anyway, got this message from Johnson, looking for a team who can do a clean extraction. I believe clean is what you were looking for lately, Nebokhod, so...
11:25 <Jelena> - I wonder when the fad for being a decent metahuman will come along, huhuhuh.
11:26 <Jelena> - Oooh, clean extraction, lovely. What are the details?
11:26 <@Klutz> - Oh it's rather unlikely for all my experience says, - Klutz lets out a sensible chuckle, - Unless you want to join some cult that fits your definition of "decent metahumans". But then they'll turn out to be bugs anyway!
11:27 <Che> - Just don't tell us that we need to extract some young mafioso brat, and we're good.
11:27 <Nebokhod> - Well, i'm not particularly picky with runs, but public loves goodliness.
11:28 <Che> - Nah, public loves violence and destruction.
11:28 <Nebokhod> - Miles away preferably.
11:28 <Che> - Nica quiet and clean jobs are to boring to common folks.
11:29 <@Klutz> - Right. So is this extraction we're talking about going to be violent? Is it a voluntary one, at least?
11:29 <Jelena> - If we can get by without ending someones life, I'm all game for it, huhuh. Either way, I'm assuming Johnson is the extractee himself, given its a clean one, or a inter-departmental change.
11:30 <Nebokhod> - Please, dear god, let this extraction be voluntary.
11:30 <CheeseSamovar> (to Jelena) - Well, sunshine, heard he had his 'asset' snatched by a local gang, so he wants stuff back. Asked for a team who can do clean extraction and also can do collateral damage. No more details for now. Asked to message him for the meeting details
11:30 <Che> - Well, at least one side is usually agaist it.
11:32 <@Klutz> - Last I was active in the biz, extractions applied only to living targets. Does the Johnson want his "asset", whoever that might be? Or his stuff, really, making this run a retrieval?
11:32 — Jelena jokes under her breath to no one inparticular, "Imagine a mafiosi brat being unwillingly extracted. Spirits alive I'd slap myself right before I slapped him, huhuhuh"
11:32 <Che> - May be he wants his beloved combat pet back?
11:33 — @Klutz replies to Jelena in hushed overplayed conspiracy voice: "They give painful kicks when you drag them along!" - he presses his nose off to the side
11:33 <CheeseSamovar> - You know this corp craptalk. They like to distance themselves, especially when 'assets' need to be 'disposed of'
11:34 — Jelena giggles to herself as she nurses some clear, rum-like substance (or one that wishes it were rum anyway).
11:35 <Che> - Ok, I guess, we'll look into it. When'n'where is Johnson?
11:35 <CheeseSamovar> - Good. <exchanges messages on his commlink. His fingers look too clumsy for the controls. After only about half-minute he looks back> Meeting is.. in Castle Rock of all places. At 9pm today.
11:35 <CheeseSamovar> Those of you who are locals know, that Castle Rock is a known rock-club, not the most famous, but you heard about it a couple of times from punks in the slums.
11:35 <CheeseSamovar> Che is more familiar with the nightlife in the area, and knows it as an 'alternative rock' club, famous for all the 'Nefors', thrill-gang wannabes, and extremely loud music which will be tasteless anywhere classic rock holds the scene.
11:36 — Che sighs.
11:36 <Che> - Not the best place, but way better then the last one.
11:37 — Che checks road situation on the way to club and estimates time needed to get there.
11:39 — CheeseSamovar *4 hours you have before the meet is plenty of time to get there, road time tops at 1h... navigator blinks and makes it 1h:12m as lines on the map flash red - all the wageslaves are driving home"
11:40 — @Klutz is completely off the loop in what comes to modern music, so he falls back on a Matrix search to find anything notable about the club
11:41 <@Klutz> * should I roll? If so, what's the threshold for finding out any outstanding events in the club, how often it's used for underground meetings, what's the security and crime level like - general stuff like that?
11:42 — Che puts his comlink back into pocket.
11:43 <Che> - Ok, we have around 2.5 free hours.
11:43 <CheeseSamovar> * no rolling, you have plenty of time to matrixsearch
11:43 <Nebokhod> - SHould be enough to scout the place.
11:44 <@Klutz> - I suggest we play it safe, look up what the place is like, maybe hack some traffic control drones, you know the drill.
11:45 <Che> - Dress up Jelena as a nefor and thrillgang wannabe...
11:45 <Jelena> - Sounds good to me. Shall a pair of us enter ahead of schedule and get the lay of the place?
11:45 <CheeseSamovar> Klutz, you find out about the 'alternative rock'ness almost immediately, and helpful embedded trid-clips give you good enough impression of loud as fuck music. Also, place is literally underground, several stories below surface. Rumours say it was a Vory hideout decades ago. Some more searching on related forums implies that is a holy place of sorts for all
11:45 <CheeseSamovar> the 'alternative russian metal' punks in the area - any newly created group worth their salt performed there at least once. Security should be what you expect from such a place - couple of brute bouncers plus any retired go-gang members who are currently on premises.
11:45 <Nebokhod> - Need my help with fashion or you have a disguise ready?
11:46 — @Klutz launches a quick scan of his wireless vicinity, and resends his findings in brief to the rest of the troupe.
11:46 <Jelena> - Fashion, no. But clothes? Maybe. Got any ex-army cuts I can belt myself into? After all, thrillgang wannabe, huhuh~
11:47 <Che> - I think I still have some from the old days...
11:48 — @Klutz follows the conversation with absent eyes, obviously paying more attention to his Matrix actions than to meatspace for the moment.
11:48 <Nebokhod> - Well, how attached are you to what are y ou wearing right now?
11:48 <CheeseSamovar> * Criminal level and meetings - either roll matrix search good or someone give me related knowcheck - I feel at least Che should have related stuff
11:49 — Jelena ponders it for a moment, looking down at her long sleeved grey urban combat fatigues with a sunflower dress placed over the top of it.
11:49 <Jelena> - Not very much. I'll throw some makeup on if you all give me a chance.
11:50 <@Klutz> * well, a matrix search is an extended test, threshold 6 for public data, threshold 12 for for limited interest or not publicized.
11:50 <@Klutz> *Interval 1 Complex Action for when you know where to look and 1 minute for searching the entire Matrix. I am reasonably sure I can make it in two and a half hours, so just give me what to roll :D
11:50 <Nebokhod> - I can wiiggle my fingers at it right now or we could get some cheap disposables.
11:50 <Che> * Che can give some rundown of the place?
11:50 <Che> *Can Che
11:50 <CheeseSamovar> (Michalych) - I remember the place back in early fifties - even MESSERKAMPF! played there once.
11:51 <Nebokhod> - Sounds very loud.
11:52 <Che> - I suggest to bring some earmuffs.
11:52 — Jelena nods, giving Nebokhod the go ahead with a wiggle of her own fingers at him. She accidentally plays a clip of the sites trids, causing her to jump at the sheer intensity of the volume.
11:53 <CheeseSamovar> - Anarchos from the F-State, before it was still a thing
11:54 <Nebokhod> 14#sd spellcasting for F5 Fashion spell
11:54 <ur_dnd_bot> Nebokhod: (pool 14) 3 hits
11:54 — Nebokhod wiggles fingers
11:54 <Nebokhod> - Akhalai-Makhalai!
11:55 <CheeseSamovar> Jelena, you look at some of the clips and can't figure whether this guys use this much hairgel or just never bother washing their hair at all
11:57 <CheeseSamovar> * Klutz, let's say threshold 9 interval 10s. maybe a funny glitch will give me hard move chance
11:57 <CheeseSamovar> * 8)
11:57 <Jelena> * I'm not sure what would pass for thrillgang wannabe fashion, so I'll leave that one to the GM :O
11:58 <Nebokhod> 14#sd spellcasting for F5 Makeover spell | details are up to Jelena
11:58 <ur_dnd_bot> Nebokhod: (pool 14) 8 hits
11:58 <@Klutz> 8,9#sde
11:58 <ur_dnd_bot> Klutz: (pool 8, threshold 9) 3 passes, 10 hits
11:58 <@Klutz> * in three minutes, the datasearch is up :3
11:58 <Che> - There're so many styles that you'll pass for one or another, if you look punky enough.
11:58 <@Klutz> * oh, in half a minute
11:59 <CheeseSamovar> * I'm not sure what would pass for thrillgang wannabe fashion, so I'll leave that one to the GM :O | fuck, where's Vanom or Quan when I need them
11:59 <Nebokhod> * hm, is it possible to have more hits than Force of the spell?
12:00 <@Klutz> * You'd think that thrillgangs, being, you know, THRILL, would prefer something as flashy as humanly possible
12:02 <Nebokhod> 12#sd 12#sd vs 2 drain for spells
12:02 <ur_dnd_bot> Nebokhod: (pool 12) 3 hits; (pool 12) 3 hits
12:03 <Nebokhod> * dare i say PINK MOHAWK?
12:03 <CheeseSamovar> Klutz, while you don't have proofs, shadowrumour mill says that criminal underground quietly favours the place, with some elders (who either still try to look young or just do not care) being regulars. Place also is between Evo and MVD housing anclaves, so there're multiple interests to be quiet
12:03 <Che> *2 pink mohawks!
12:03 <@Klutz> * one glowing yellow, the other blue
12:04 <Nebokhod> * ZRADA
12:04 <@Klutz> * CheeseSamovar, nothing on who the criminals in question might be aligned with?
12:04 <CheeseSamovar> * hm, is it possible to have more hits than Force of the spell? | AFAIR you can control the max number of hits, but if they're more than magick, you get phys drain, not stun
12:04 <CheeseSamovar> * Vory, mainly.
12:06 <Nebokhod> * hm, no, limited by force.
12:06 <@Klutz> * Great. So, nothing spectacular in what comes to crime, then. Does the building have a central control host? Are there cams around and/or on the premises? If need be, I'll hack some traffic light in the vicinity and run a wireless scan from there.
12:08 <CheeseSamovar> * There's a host, yes. There are also cameras around the place, you can hack them easily enough. Ones in the building are slaved to the host except for one public, which looks at the stage, which is currently empty.
12:09 — Che searhes for a safe parking locations around club.
12:11 <@Klutz> * let's take a look on the host. I sadly do not have the time to probe it properly, so let's test our mettle at hacking it on the fly - unless it's weak enough to be auto-hackable?
12:11 <CheeseSamovar> That is actually an issue, Che, even if a minor one. Place, according to what you know, is in the maze of turnabouts between houses, and closest street is a busy one, with all parking occupied currently. Best one you see is about 20min walk away
12:13 — CheeseSamovar curses and searches SR20 for hacking rules
12:13 <@Klutz> * SR4AE 235
12:14 <Che> - Hmm, looks like I'll need some time to drive around waiting for a good parking location.
12:15 <Jelena> - Let's get there early then, just to make sure we have a decent parking spot. We want the ride close by, regardless, right?
12:15 <@Klutz> - Let us be on our way, then - we don't want to keep the Johnson waiting, after all, - Klutz murmurs, - I imagine you have a vehicle?
12:16 <CheeseSamovar> * Not autohackable - FW4 from the looks of it. Node design is a red brick warehouse with a black slit windows, and a massive gate, closed by an equally massive pig-iron lock and a chain
12:17 <CheeseSamovar> * I mean unless you can hack FW4 on auto
12:19 <@Klutz> * Great. I have a Hacking+Exploit pool of 14, and I'm going for security-level rights (which should be enough to let me see the cams and operate the club's works, but not edit accounts and such, right?) so let's roll I guess.
12:20 — Che checks his library of skins for car's chameleon coating looking for some, that will blend in with club's usual patrons and don't attract local gangers and punks.
12:20 <Jelena> * brb
12:20 <Che> * cars of club's usual patrons
12:22 <CheeseSamovar> Che, your Rover can only pass as a band vehicle, so good idea to have it covered in skulls, swords, half-naked chics and such
12:23 — @Klutz resets his outer commlink's wireless connection to get a new access ID and gets to bruteforce hacking the node: his persona, an old-school Fuchi default user silver humanoid avatar rendered in high-res, raises its arms, scanning beams enveloping the node
12:23 <@Klutz> 14,7#sde
12:23 <ur_dnd_bot> Klutz: (pool 14, threshold 7) 2 passes, 8 hits
12:23 <@Klutz> * if the node is fighting back, my Stealth is 6
12:26 <CheeseSamovar> * your charsheet looks like it's 5, Klutz
12:26 <@Klutz> * I have commlink optimization(Stealth).
12:26 <Che> - Jel, want to pose as a face of our bandmobil?
12:27 <@Klutz> * On the implanted Novatech Airwave
12:28 <CheeseSamovar> * Node in fact was fighting back - in fact, it almost got you(5 hits) - describe, please.
12:28 <@Klutz> * five hits in two IPs, not too bad!
12:30 <Jelena> - Sure, sounds like it will be fun! Uh, kinda.
12:30 — @Klutz perseveres in his scanning, blue streams of data running up and down the target node; finally, a brightly glowing sector the color of a television tuned to a dead channel is revealed. Klutz darts inside, narrowly dodging the node's defense mechanisms.
12:32 — Che launches a minidrone around Jelena taking pictures from various angles.
12:33 <Che> - More expressions! You're front of new alt-rock band destined to bright future in the underground scene!
12:33 <Che> - Also, how should we name it?
12:35 <Nebokhod> - Tears for Stallin!
12:36 <Nebokhod> *'
12:36 — Jelena poses, a little overwhelmed already. She soon gets into character, choosing instead to soak up the attention.
12:37 <Che> - Should she smoke a pipe?
12:39 — @Klutz watches the ceiling with the bland expression of a man engaged in VR hacking. His eyes are unmoving, and for their tranquility their artificial nature is obvious to anyone looking.
12:39 — Che starts composing new skin for a car, using multiple images of Jelena, stencils of "Tears for Stalin", and some generic images of half-nude punk-girls from matrix.
12:39 <@Klutz> * CheeseSamovar, anything I see inside?
12:40 — Nebokhod munches on the snack bar from the rations.
12:41 <CheeseSamovar> Klutz, the rusty shutter with what look like metallic teeth closes down on where you've just been. Seems that whoever configured this node did not plan to be nice with the intruders. Inside you are, in the single room with a number of framed pictures on a table - feeds from cameras. several just on the main floor, you presume, two at the upper floor - linked
12:41 <CheeseSamovar> to the something looking like steel jaguar mixed with octopus - an agent of some sort. Also you see a old-style file cabinets and a massive cigar, smoke still trailing, on the table
12:41 — Che shows complete base layer to the crew, then adds some layers of rusty streaks and spots to make car look old and in bad condition.
12:43 — Nebokhod lifts his thumb up.
12:43 <CheeseSamovar> * Great. Are you driving already?
12:43 <@Klutz> 10#sd I am taking a closer look: what does the cigar represent?
12:43 <ur_dnd_bot> Klutz: (pool 10) 4 hits
12:43 <CheeseSamovar> * :)
12:44 <Che> * nope, just playing with comlink and remote control.
12:45 <Che> * police don't like cars changing their colors on the go.
12:45 — Che checks time.
12:45 <Jelena> - Looking good, looking good.
12:47 <CheeseSamovar> Klutz, you take a good look, take some time, and finally conclude, that it's just a virtual image, albeit highly detailed, and artfully done. Smoke, however, moves kinda fake-y
12:48 <@Klutz> * for my second Simple Action, I investigate the cabinets: anything of worth there?
12:48 <@Klutz> 10#sd
12:48 <ur_dnd_bot> Klutz: (pool 10) 3 hits
12:49 <@Klutz> * also, any controls typical for building nodes visible? Like, ventilation, locks, soundblasters, lights, w/e?
12:50 <Jelena> * gonna cut some veg up and start dinner, I'll be checking in often~
12:50 <Jelena> * will stick around when the meet and negotiations start etc
12:50 <CheeseSamovar> Klutz, can see camera logs, going up to a month, videos of the latest band sessions, security personel changes, alcohol manifests. Couple of closed ones - breaking?
12:51 <CheeseSamovar> You look around a bit more, and see strange-looking control unit hanging the ceiling. You can reach it
12:53 — @Klutz glances around nervously and goes to investigate the control panel.
12:54 <@Klutz> * also I'd like to spend my remaining hits on Matrix Perception to tell if the "closed" files include databombs or encryption?
12:54 <CheeseSamovar> It does look like control unit for the stage lights/sound amps. It looks quite complex.
12:56 <CheeseSamovar> Closed cabinets and drawers are encrypted. One of the cabinets does seem to have databomb linked to it.
12:58 <@Klutz> 4d6 x500Y starting money
12:58 <FirstAngry> Klutz, x500Y starting money: 17
12:58 <ur_dnd_bot> Klutz: [4d6] 9
12:58 <Nebokhod> * ol
12:59 <@Klutz> * which one is it, CheeseSamovar?
12:59 <CheeseSamovar> * btw, why do we need both bots?
13:00 <Nebokhod> * servitor trolls less:)
13:00 <@Klutz> * can't see why, really.
13:00 <CheeseSamovar> * 17 it is, he was fasta
13:00 <CheeseSamovar> * but please, choose one and remove another.
13:00 <Che> * Servitor is Fats's affilated!
13:01 ⇐ FirstAngry quit (~FirstAngr@ EOF From client
13:01 <@Klutz> * while I like my creation, I'm for leaving the usual bot.
13:04 <CheeseSamovar> * Klutz, your actions?
13:04 — @Klutz switches his attention to another host on the Matrix: he logs on to his favourite anonymous proxy server, MozaicBounce, pays for an account lasting a day, and reroutes the camera feeds through it, sending the access ids to everyone interested in the troupe.
13:05 <CheeseSamovar> * do you touch front camera feeds?
13:06 <CheeseSamovar> * ones on the upper flour
13:06 <CheeseSamovar> *floor, damnit
13:06 <@Klutz> * hm, how are they "connected" to the agent? Is he just monitoring the feeds, or access to them, as well, can I tell? Also, what does my security access allow me to do with the running programs?
13:08 <@Klutz> * Oh right, as per 225, as a security account I can actually shut down programs in the node.
13:10 <CheeseSamovar> * Give me another perception check
13:10 <CheeseSamovar> * And yes, you can just shut it down.
13:11 <@Klutz> 10#sd
13:11 <ur_dnd_bot> Klutz: (pool 10) 5 hits
13:12 <Jelena> * ve shall control ze entire club! Mwahahah!
13:13 <CheeseSamovar> Klutz, it seems it is just monitoring the feeds, moreso, you see it has a list of trid-picts which it checks while looking. Seems thing is wired to alert someone if certain people appear on the upper floor
13:13 <@Klutz> * disco inferno has come one step closer to reality. We'll blast some electronic schizophrenic like Apex Twin and see how these neefers like that.
13:14 <@Klutz> 10#sd
13:14 <ur_dnd_bot> Klutz: (pool 10) 5 hits
13:14 <CheeseSamovar> ?
13:14 <@Klutz> * I observe the data bomb in detail, what is its rating, and what does it do when triggered?
13:15 <@Klutz> * oh, and what triggers it? Will downloading the file? Or trying to open it?
13:16 <Che> * is it smart to fiddle with databombs in Johnson chosen club?
13:17 <CheeseSamovar> * Rating 6, will shred anyone accessing the file without correct passcode (even admin) and reboot the node
13:17 <@Klutz> As Klutz explores the host, he establishes a nice and simple access point for the troupe on the proxy node rented, duplicating the picture from the cams there, as well as copying the search patterns of the agent. He then refocuses on reality and briefly informs the troupe of his findings.
13:18 <Che> - Good work.
13:18 — Che checks time.
13:19 <@Klutz> As he notices the van is still near the Yakor, he speaks up: "So, we going or what? I'd rather be triangulated to some highway than any place I frequent in particular".
13:20 <Che> - We're going. Also, you'd better like our new colorscheme.
13:20 <Che> - See you later, Mihalych!
13:20 <CheeseSamovar> Che, you believe you've done good job with the van, also Jelena looks for the part.
13:21 <CheeseSamovar> Commlink in-built agents tells you that road is going to be nicer in the next 20 minute window, so you should move.
13:21 <Che> * luckily for us, new bands rarely hire professional designers to paint their vans.
13:21 <CheeseSamovar> * So is anyone 'posing' as someone else besides Jelena?
13:22 — @Klutz returns to the node: he leaves the databomb alone, sets the encrypted files and whatever seems to be the most promising as paydata of the open ones for download to a datachip plugged into his outer commlink through the proxy service; as he takes his place in the van, he focuses on establishing a hidden access point inside the host for any possible future visits.
13:22 — Nebokhod posing as himself, namely, army vet.
13:23 <Jelena> - Seems we have the beauty and the beast aspect covered, huhuh.
13:23 — @Klutz launches a decryption attempt as soon as the encrypted files are down on the chip; with his software, it should only take a minute.
13:24 — Che can go in too, using his old navy combat-fatigues lately used mostly to service vehicle.
13:24 <@Klutz> * anyone recognizes anyone in particular of the people the bot is supposed to be looking for? Your own mugs, for instance? Your known associates?
13:24 <Nebokhod> - You don't look like a beast, cherie.
13:25 — Che drives to the club, drops off Lena and Nebolhod and start patrolling area looking for a good place to park car.
13:25 <Che> *Nebokhod
13:28 <CheeseSamovar> You drive through the relatively free-d up streets of Khasan, get around through the Tavrichka and cross the bay on M60. After a while bright lights of the downtown shine around you and Evo logos start to appear almost everywhere. You drive past what appears to be a starting walkway from Klutz's data, giving Jelena and Luke a brief time to get out, and spend
13:28 <CheeseSamovar> about 15 minutes looking for a good parking spot. Meanwhile two forward-spotters enter the labyrintine passageways. As there apparently wasn't enough place above surface for the owners to build this raging hellhole, they took place between local corp anclaves and build down. To get to the entrance you walk through a maze of seemingly dead ends, small
13:28 <CheeseSamovar> tunnels, nearby corp house basements and such to see an unassuming door to another basement level.
13:28 <CheeseSamovar> First, 'just-below-ground' level is a russian-rock paraphelia shop full of biker coats, oversized heavy shoes and similarly oversized steel or titanium jewelry. Tatoo and piercing parlour is on premises as well.
13:28 <CheeseSamovar> Those in the know, however, walk right through the shop and use narrow and steep, hard to notice staircase. Below they get to see the source of booming music infusing the whole installment. Underground, the place is three story high, with bare brick walls, mainly lit by disco-balls. On the stage long-haired dude in white leather 'doctor's coat' growls
13:28 <CheeseSamovar> something about circumsizing his love with a scalpel and replacing it with Rage of Metal of Truth or somesuch. He is strange combination of painfully tall and quite fat human. Other members of his band are also wearing medical-themed clothes. Music is deafening, you can't really hear each other.
13:28 <CheeseSamovar> In front of a stage sweaty mass of metahumans convulses to the strangely compelling rhythm - club is not strictly filled to the maximum, but anyone taking direct route to the bar will be brushing against lots of bodies.
13:28 <CheeseSamovar> Bar on the other side of the room has ultraviolet lighting, and two nanotatoo'd bar-people are serving handful of weared-down customers.
13:30 <CheeseSamovar> * Klutz, no one from the team is on the list, and you personally do not recognize any of them. Most of them look like various ne'er-do-wells from the local music scene.
13:30 <@Klutz> = Nebokhod, Jelena, mind lending us two a visual and audial feed from your location? Implants, worn sensors, what have you? We'll keep you company.
13:31 <@Klutz> * CheeseSamovar, anything promising-looking in the data downloaded/decrypted?
13:31 <Jelena> = Gods above I wish I had cybereyes just to shut the fraggin things off. No cyber or bio here chummer, but I can keep my commlink mic on, it's the closest I can give you for now. Nebokhod?
13:31 <Nebokhod> *gives visual feed* = Sure.
13:32 <@Klutz> = Great going, pals, - Klutz shares access codes with Che, - You can think of us as your guardian angels, except with a tad bit less flaming sword action going.
13:33 <CheeseSamovar> * even subvocals from those two get strange 'accents', as infrasound from the massive speakers is affecting their ability to 'vocalize'
13:34 <@Klutz> 14,8#sde
13:34 <ur_dnd_bot> Klutz: (pool 14, threshold 8) 3 passes, 12 hits
13:34 — Nebokhod looks over the place in astral.
13:34 — Che meanwhile changes his suit to the well-worn combat uniform, adds some spare pieces of heavy winch chain for the looks and checks his weapons.
13:35 <@Klutz> * Hidden access point established in half an hour; descryption takes Combat Turns (e.g. seconds). Any drones flying around the target zone for me to get into? Traffic control, weather monitoring, law enforcement?
13:36 <Che> * how much time before meeting we have?
13:36 <Jelena> = So what're the details for the meet again? Wanna stake out who or where specifically.
13:38 — @Klutz rechecks the data Michalych sent, as well as whatever records his eyes and ears store of the conversation with the troll.
13:38 <CheeseSamovar> Nebokhod, it is hard to see any specific aura in the crows, as it blends in everyone in energetic, bright pulsing - something like giant metahuman bonefire of emotions. People near the bar are more relaxed, all at least partially under influence. Is there any general perception roll for astral, btw?
13:40 <@Klutz> * ass-sensing, of course.
13:40 <CheeseSamovar> * Roll it then
13:40 <Nebokhod> 7#sd
13:40 <ur_dnd_bot> Nebokhod: (pool 7) 0 hits
13:40 <Nebokhod> *\o/
13:40 — Che launches minidrone and starts surveying exterior of the club and streets nearby.
13:42 <Che> * ah, and, do Che knows someone from the watchlist?
13:42 <CheeseSamovar> * Seems that bonefire of emotions together with loud-ass music does not help with concentration. Btw, -2 to perception-like rolls to everyone without sound protection of some kind
13:42 <CheeseSamovar> Klutz and others - Michalych sent you simple ARO signet. Basically, as soon as Johnson starts his companion 'app' you'll see each other.
13:44 — @Klutz cringes in his seat as the sound blasts him even over the feed, but decides to soldier on rather than filtering it and risking losing the details of anything said
13:44 <CheeseSamovar> * Che, does your drone have anything helping with visual range? as lighting is not the best here
13:45 <Nebokhod> = God, i wish i had soundfilter installed.
13:45 <CheeseSamovar> Jelena, what do you do in the meanwhile?
13:46 <@Klutz> = Yeah, urrrgh, same. How can anyone find this noise enjoyable? Back in my time, we listened to syntho-dubstep and Maria Mercurial, maybe some Queen Euphoria, and were happy enough without bursting our eardrums too much!
13:48 <Che> * Dunno, I haven't payed for vision enhancements for this drone, so he is probably without it.
13:49 — Jelena tries to move towards the bar, lingering around and making idle chat with Nebokhod and nearby folks, just getting a feel for the place. She keeps her eye out for potential meeting places, VIP rooms, seclusion fields, or Mr Johnson himself entering with an out of place suit.
13:49 <Che> * I forgot to customize sensor arrays.
13:50 <Che> * Well, I customized it somewhere, just can't find that list.
13:51 — @Klutz divides his attention between Luca's feed and the feeds from the cams, trying to spot anything that could pass for hostile intent towards the forward party in a crowd of violently thrashing youths
13:52 — Nebokhod looks over the bar's menu.
13:52 <CheeseSamovar> * I do not see any sensor mods, so roll its normal sensory 6 - 4 for almost total darkness
13:53 <Che> * what is the syntax again?
13:54 <Che> 2#sd
13:54 <ur_dnd_bot> Che: (pool 2) 0 hits
13:55 <CheeseSamovar> Jelena, your idle chatting gets female bar-person more lively, and she's trying to chat you up about the... coming play of Dumpsters of hell? last play? She doesn't seem to mind the noise, but you definitely do. * roll perception-2 to chat back or charisma-2 to make seem like you understand her.
13:56 <Jelena> 5#sd
13:56 <ur_dnd_bot> Jelena: (pool 5) 0 hits
13:56 <CheeseSamovar> Che, cacophony on the stage makes it hard to even operate drone, not mention seeing something in almost complete darkness. But you feel like there're some walkways above there.
13:56 <Jelena> * Charmisa, clearly I am being a total bitch :P
13:56 <CheeseSamovar> Worse. She seems to be making advances of a certain kind towards you
13:57 <Che> * I'm still in a car, I think.
13:58 <CheeseSamovar> * but your drone does have sensors. And being mini, it suffers from the lower frequencies there. Anyway, you do not see much
13:58 — @Klutz scans the node for the access log, while nothing more essential seems to be happening.
13:58 <@Klutz> 10#sd
13:58 <ur_dnd_bot> Klutz: (pool 10) 2 hits
13:59 <Che> *(and drone is looking at the building from outside) I'm just clarifying.
14:00 <CheeseSamovar> * well, fuck, as I read 'interior' with my clearly not working eyes. anyways.
14:00 <Che> * well we can skip up to checking interior then.
14:00 <CheeseSamovar> It's getting closer to nine. Anyone outside are getting inside or stay there?
14:01 — Jelena tries to play off the advances as all a bit of a joke. She rebukes teasing and compliments that come her way. Jelena hopes the time will fly by. She tries to play it cool.
14:02 — Che calls back his drone, dons his coat, which he now painted with some bright neon splashes and gets out of the car.
14:03 <CheeseSamovar> * Klutz?
14:03 — @Klutz reaches into some hidden pocket inside his duster and produces a bacon sandwich, which brightens up his waiting well enough. He stays in the van, counting on remote feeds to keep him informed.
14:03 <CheeseSamovar> * ok
14:05 — Che nods to Klutz and dives in the club dungeons.
14:05 <Che> = Len, Khod, I'm coming in.
14:05 — @Klutz returns a joking salute.
14:06 <Nebokhod> = Gotcha.
14:06 <@Klutz> = And I feel more useful where you won't have to pull me out of a crowd of drug-crazed youngsters without a taste in music if anything happens.
14:06 <Jelena> = ohthankgods I'm at the bar bail me out before she shows me her 'special cyberware', you're now my partner
14:07 <CheeseSamovar> Che, you walk past the bare brick walls of the upper floor, noticing a guy with a blue-painted beard negotiating with the staff member over a quite nice looking guitar, and descend into relative calmness... Until new group starts blasting it off with actual pyrotechnics and song of Stars being a flaming Jesuses crucified over the endless void
14:07 — Che buys shiny titanium chain bracelet as he passses by jewelry store.
14:08 — @Klutz murmurs the classics from his own youth to soften the horrid impression from the modern music; some of it bleeds over into the team channel: "Push me... and then just touch me... satisfaction..."
14:08 <Che> = Is it except fron some sex-droid operational manual?
14:09 <Che> *m
14:09 <Nebokhod> = Looks like you have the same horrible taste in music as my old man.
14:09 <CheeseSamovar> As you all (at least those at the bar) are settling in, you see a rather young, twenty-something man of obviously asian descent walk to you from the dancing crowd. His white, obviously pricey shirt is drenched with sweath, his black hair are geled into mohawk, and his boots are still somehow shining. His eyes glow neon green in the moments of darkness.
14:09 <CheeseSamovar> Overall he looks like corporate rich kid, 'everyone's friend' used to get what he wants. He walks towards you, still doing dancing moves, and takes a full glass of luminiscent liquid from barman, who is obviously familiar with him. ARO lightens up for those who have AR on.
14:10 <CheeseSamovar> Flashing a smile he sits on one of the bar stools, and fishes several subvocal sets from his pocket and presents to you.
14:11 <Nebokhod> - And what are these?
14:12 <CheeseSamovar> He points at your ear, and says something. Which you can't hear, as you can barely use your own subvocals to talk to each other over the music
14:12 — Nebokhod puts on subvocal.
14:12 — Che checks his set for dangerous modifications then nods and pots it on.
14:12 <Che> *u
14:13 <Che> - Hello.
14:13 <CheeseSamovar> * Sets look like off the shelf units from the nearest tech shop.
14:13 — Jelena puts the subvocal into her ear, after she has finally shot down the woman hitting on her.
14:14 <CheeseSamovar> * Bar-lady's mood seems to oscillate between pissed at Jelena and Interested in the newcomer
14:14 <@Klutz> = Anyone with cyberears there, then? - Klutz asks without much hope.
14:15 <Che> = Klutz, do you have something on that man?
14:15 <CheeseSamovar> = Hi, friends, wonderful evening, and awesome music, I must say.
14:15 <Jelena> = Not me, sorry. Can you catch the signal of the sets?
14:16 — Che usually operates commlink plugged in the datajack.
14:16 <CheeseSamovar> He jestures at the barman, who pours you the same luminiscent stuff.
14:16 <@Klutz> = Drop me the access code, and I'll see what I can do even if it's encrypted.
14:16 <@Klutz> * CheeseSamovar, any chance I could face-match the guy with a Data Search roll?
14:17 — Che salutes to the man with his glass and drinks its contents.
14:17 <Jelena> - Hello there. It's a good night indeed. I would be lying heavily if I said this was my perfect night, but a girl can cope. The drink helps though. - Jelena swishes the drink around the glass and drinks some, smiling.
14:17 <CheeseSamovar> * Klutz can easily hack the presented subvocals - seems that they're only linked with each other (and dude's own), and not to anything else.
14:19 <CheeseSamovar> = That's why we drink them. However, sadly, I must relay you matters of the contract before we can engage in pleasantries of flesh and harmonics of sound.
14:20 <Jelena> * brb, gotta start dinner
14:22 <Che> = Ok, let's get started, then.
14:23 <CheeseSamovar> = Good. We have a problem with a local establishment called "Fifteen metas on a Dead Man's Chest". One of the upstart gangs has set it up near the Khasan docks about a month ago. It won't matter much to me, except the owner wanted himself a mascot for the place. He captured a live mermaid and placed it in an aquarium as a main attraction. Unfortunately, this
14:23 <CheeseSamovar> mermaid was stolen from our research site. I need it back, unharmed. 6K each, additional seven if you manage to thoroughly trash the place as a message.
14:23 <CheeseSamovar> He pauses, looking your team over.
14:23 <CheeseSamovar> = Mermaid we talking about is highly agressive. I will provide you with sedative to gently put it to sleep, otherwise I believe there may be issues.
14:24 <Che> = Additional 7k to each?
14:26 <Nebokhod> = Couldn't help but wander - how thorough is thorough?
14:26 <CheeseSamovar> = Overall. I'm much more interested in the mermaid then this upstarts. I heard their life expectancy isn't high anyway
14:26 <Che> = Also can it be made looked like an incident, or you want clear message?
14:28 <CheeseSamovar> (to Nebokhod) = Thorough is they'll have to spend more to rebuild the place then to start anew. Roughly speaking, of course.
14:29 <Nebokhod> = Ah, constructor's wet dream.
14:29 <CheeseSamovar> (to Che) = As I specified, it is a message. So as clear as you can.
14:32 <@Klutz> = [team channel] Ask him for details, boys and girls. We runners always forget details. How big is the gang and who's it working for? What's needed to transport a mermaid safely and where does it need to go?
14:33 <Che> = Any details on the gang? How the managed to steal your mermaid?
14:34 <Che> *they
14:35 <Che> = [team] Klutz, have you dig up anything on that man?
14:35 <@Klutz> * = Still waiting for the GM to answer that!
14:35 <Che> * or is it "dug"?
14:36 <@Klutz> * dig dug dug, yeah.
14:36 <Jelena> * Aye, its dug
14:36 <CheeseSamovar> * never seen face-search done in the game before.
14:37 <CheeseSamovar> * so I assumed we're not at this level yet.
14:37 <@Klutz> = [team] I need at least some details on him, Che, I can't work on face and manner alone! Talk him up a bit maybe?
14:37 <Che> * no his appearences in the matrix news about sealab accidents?
14:38 <CheeseSamovar> * you can search mermaids and research on them or any news about them.
14:38 <Che> = [team] I'll try, but I can't hear my thoughts over this noise.
14:39 <CheeseSamovar> * he does not do blogs and I thought SR lore was against 'corporate linkedin'
14:40 — Nebokhod tries to assense Johnson
14:40 <Nebokhod> 7#sd
14:40 <ur_dnd_bot> Nebokhod: (pool 7) 3 hits
14:40 <Che> *what about corporate press releases about breakthroughs in the latest mermaid technologies?
14:40 <@Klutz> * depends on the corp; Horizon, Evo and Wuxing might (in reverse probability order).
14:40 <CheeseSamovar> = How they did that is none of your concern, same as whereabouts of our research site. Gangers call themselves.. - he ponders a bit - Kerosine pirates
14:41 <@Klutz> * Well, cue datasearches on Kerosene Pirates and any recent news or rumours on mermaid research, stolen mermaids, et cetera.
14:42 <Che> = I mean no offence, sir. Just wondering are there any special requirements and treatments for te mermaid.
14:42 <Che> *the
14:42 <@Klutz> * what would the thresholds and intervals be; and is there any chance I finish those up before the Johnson leaves?
14:47 <Jelena> = Are we to assume this is a time-based run? Are we allowed to break their network and scout the premises beforehand, or would you, Mr Johnson, prefer a haste filled event?
14:47 <CheeseSamovar> = Oh, that you could ask directly. Mermaid is about 2.5 meter long and weights 300 kilos, so you'll need a transport accordingly. It also has special dietary requirement, which I doubt this 'pirates' ever heard about, mercury. I have it with me same as sedative, if you find black patches of skin on it, feed. It is toxic for metahumans, though, so be
14:47 <CheeseSamovar> careful.
14:49 <Che> = Any requirements to the environment? Water? Air? Temperature?
14:49 <CheeseSamovar> = This operation is time-sensitive, yes, - as I said, gangers probably won't feed it correctly, and more then two days from now on represents a health risk for it. As of course is merely being out of controlled environment with violent thugs around
14:51 <CheeseSamovar> * Klutz: Kerosine pirates data: threshold 10, 10s; mermaids in general: public knowledge; mermaid research: threshold 10 pool-1 (obscure info)
14:52 <@Klutz> * mermaid research interval?
14:52 <Che> = Also, may be it's be easier for you to prepare and send us some informational handout with all necessary information, safety procedures, requirements and so forth?
14:52 <Che> *it'll
14:53 <CheeseSamovar> * minute for worldwide, 10s for just this area
14:53 <Che> = [team] Klutz, do you have any disposable mailboxes?
14:53 <CheeseSamovar> = Sure, as soon as we'll agree on the contract as a whole
14:55 <Nebokhod> * i can has assensing results?
14:56 <Jelena> = I agree. So Sir, may I ask if this gang has any particular security or members? Mage-centric gang, hackers, even shapeshifters? The more you know, the easier this extraction will be, as we can prepare accordingly.
14:57 <Che> = Ok, let's recap. Upstart gang of unknown strengh; large exotic agressive animal retrieval; overt building destroying. 6k per crewmember for animal delivery, 7k total for building.
14:57 <@Klutz> = [team] Give me a second, - Klutz drops 15Y onto MosaicBounce, - There you go, Che, three hops, active for one day.
14:58 <Che> = [team] We need more crewmembers for more newyens!
14:59 <Che> = The problem with building demolition is that's rises operational profile, and peoples start asking questions. Also there are 4 of us and 7k is roughly divides by 4.
15:02 <Che> = Ah, and do you cover operational costs like transport and explosives, or it is included in primary reward?
15:02 <CheeseSamovar> Nebokhod, he is human, mood: intense, engaged in the situation. mundane. He has cyber-eyes, couple of brain implants [if anyone does care, I'll list them after session], datajack. Healthy.
15:04 <Che> *or there are more of us then four? Where is PLC with his dundellion eater?
15:05 <Che> *a
15:06 <@Klutz> * on the frontlines, fighting the ukronazis? Or, perhaps, the green serpent?
15:06 <CheeseSamovar> (to Jelena) = To my information it is a simple street gang, mostly orks and trolls, though how they had enough imagination for this shtick is anyone's guess, also not a part of any large criminal organization.
15:07 <CheeseSamovar> * Klutz, meanwhile what are you searching for?
15:07 <@Klutz> * Mermaids, I figure
15:08 <Che> * mermaids download for free without SMS
15:08 <@Klutz> * wet mermaids!
15:10 <@Klutz> * Hmm, I have Data Search 4, Browse 5, and Encephalon Rating 1 that adds +1 to any tests on the skills linked to Logic. That brings my Data Search pool to 10, right?
15:10 <Che> * That should have been name of our band.
15:10 <@Klutz> * -1 for the mermaidness
15:10 <@Klutz> * or rather, for merness of these maids.
15:10 <Jelena> = Thank you. This will prove useful. Now, the damage to their headquarters - I would advise we destroy just enough equipment to cause them damage and send your message, but keep them in place and give them not too much reason to move onwards to new pastures, or desperate enough to attempt another strike on nearby 'targets'. Or, would you prefer the building be set alight and internally gutted?
15:10 <@Klutz> 9,10#sde interval 10s
15:10 <ur_dnd_bot> Klutz: (pool 9, threshold 10) 4 passes, 11 hits
15:11 <@Klutz> * I have the info in 40 seconds; up to you if I manage by now if I started when the guy mentioned mermaids and such
15:12 <CheeseSamovar> * sure you manage. people talk a lot slower than you search with that crazy-pants hotlink of yours
15:13 <Che> * also drinks.
15:14 <@Klutz> * actually, I had a simsense booster installed directly into my brain for such occasions, thank you.
15:14 <@Klutz> * So, anything of substance I find?
15:17 <CheeseSamovar> * there is not much active research in mermaids as of themselves, they're basically awakened sea lions with hair and clawed arms - if anything, their mercury digestion is their most fascinating trait. Their cousins merrows are much more interesting to scientings on the grounds of them allegedly having sentience - the usual buzz about creature rights,
15:17 <CheeseSamovar> sentience as a gift to metahumanity and shit. Some of those who done research on mermaids include Evo(duh), AzTech, some obscure amazonian ecologists, Saint-Petersburg marine life institute.
15:17 <CheeseSamovar> There are some rumours of mermaids being trained by Somaly pirates
15:18 <CheeseSamovar> Also, a theory which everyone laughs at about merrows being 'double awakened' creatures, re-awakened from mermaids
15:19 <@Klutz> * I'm searching the local hosts - is there anything on the situation on the Russian Pacific coast? Well, other than the mention that Evo's into this stuff, too?
15:21 <CheeseSamovar> No, which you deduce is because traditionally mermaids live in a bit warmer water, and therefore they rarely show up here. You also found all the required info about mermaids transportation, btw, which corresponds to what the Johnson is saying
15:22 <CheeseSamovar> * I suggest Klutz does the research, then if there're no issues you can roll negotiate, as Jelena seems to be starting already.
15:23 <Jelena> * I'm just continuing the flow - now it can go over to rolls whenever you want@
15:23 — @Klutz sums up the results of the data search over the team communication channel: "No luck, boys and girls, nothing substantial on mermaid research in this area. At least I got some nice booklets on keeping them alive: see, in Russian and with pictures".
15:23 <Che> = [team] Any buzz about those "Kerosine Pirates"?
15:23 <CheeseSamovar> * I mean if you want to look up the gang, I assume you will probably manage that too
15:24 <@Klutz> * let's see
15:24 <CheeseSamovar> * also if you guys do not want to rely on your haxxor alone, you can roll relevant knowledges for the gang
15:24 <@Klutz> 10,10#sde interval 10s
15:24 <ur_dnd_bot> Klutz: (pool 10, threshold 10) 3 passes, 11 hits
15:25 <@Klutz> * thirty seconds for these fine upstanding gentlemen
15:25 — Che tries to remember if he ever heard of them.
15:26 <Che> * I can roll underworld(Vladivostok).
15:26 <CheeseSamovar> * do that
15:26 <Che> 10#sd
15:26 <ur_dnd_bot> Che: (pool 10) 4 hits
15:26 <CheeseSamovar> * also how do you calculate quality of info from data search?
15:27 <@Klutz> * that seems like a better bet than digging up dirt among the Matrix nerds
15:27 <CheeseSamovar> * with knowroll there's amount of hits. with matrix it is done at some time.
15:27 <CheeseSamovar> * does it mean matrix search gives you everything?
15:28 <Che> * there is even porn of it.
15:28 <CheeseSamovar> * also, for Klutz - I assume if you hack Evo you could get better info. But this probably will take more time
15:28 <@Klutz> * for all I know, you pretty much don't. You set the threshold based on how hard the data is to find, and, assumingly, whoever's rolling Data Search learns what he wants if the threshold was set high enough and if it is in the Matrix at all :D
15:32 <Nebokhod> * as the quantity of the dicerolls grow so is the possibility of critglitches and stealth minelayers.
15:32 <@Klutz> * well, we can hack Evo at some other time when the rest of the party is not around to pull the datajack out of my head when I collapse and my eyes go solid black and the shakes begin
15:33 <@Klutz> * stealth minelayers are a meek and insidious bunch, yes.
15:33 <Nebokhod> * and they'll inherit the earth.
15:34 <CheeseSamovar> Che, you heard about the recent mix-in. Apparently, while big leagues like Rings and Yakuza are hitting it big time, small-timers (relatively) also have their turf wars. In particular, it seems there's a street gang Corny, which has now done several 'takeovers' to the extent of being on a verge of making a difference in a Big War (now they're choosing, which
15:34 <CheeseSamovar> side to take, in fact). Kerosine Pirates, however, are their latest victim. The gang boss and his cronies were allegedly overrun, and you'd guess no one will hear from them ever again - but they showed up later alive, even though significantly more cybered and lesser in numbers. How they survived is anyone's guess
15:36 <CheeseSamovar> * your 4 hits can give you couple more specific answers as well
15:36 <Che> * what's about their allies if they have any?
15:40 <CheeseSamovar> * as per other gangs?
15:40 <Che> = [team] I think I heard some rumors about "Pirates" being steamrolled into oblivion by another gang, but then they resurfaced later with more chrome then ever.
15:41 <Che> * Other gangs, maybe organizations on their turf.
15:41 <@Klutz> = [team] This has POWER PLAYERS written all over it in big letters, Che. Corps or syndicate or someone with the kind of money to pay for the doc
15:42 <Che> = Yeah, I too think they're someones pocket army now, but who's backing them? And how it interweaves with this mermaid biz?
15:43 <CheeseSamovar> * They seem to be working mostly with Needles, chinese smuggler operation working against local Black Tiders, and in general to keep out of 'turf war'. Seems they're mostly alone
15:43 <Nebokhod> = Looks like we are being ripped off.
15:43 <@Klutz> * I presume you're talking via team channel, Che, Lucas?
15:43 <Che> * yes.
15:44 <Nebokhod> * yeah
15:44 <CheeseSamovar> * I would be interested how you use two comm-channels at the same time, but let's not be overtly cruel
15:44 <@Klutz> = [team] Well, I'd hazard a guess their backer must be at odds with whatever organization our respectable employer represents, as so often happens in this imperfect world.
15:45 <Che> * Do triads present on the local scene and how they view Needles?
15:45 <CheeseSamovar> * to clarify: Kerosine pirates of around one month ago were gang of about 30-40 people. This days it's maybe ten to dozen
15:45 <CheeseSamovar> * roll again, please
15:46 <Che> * I use my comlink via datajack and brainpower!
15:46 <Che> 10#sd underworld
15:46 <ur_dnd_bot> Che: (pool 10) 4 hits
15:46 <Nebokhod> * the wonders of fibreoptic wire!
15:48 <Che> = [team] Also, I'm wondering if that bar of their is a falsefront for something more interesting.
15:49 <CheeseSamovar> Che, due to the massive allout of vory, seolpa and yakuza, triads are playing traditional chinese role, keeping neutral and waiting for the corpses to float down the river. Which everyone is ok with. This means Needles compete with Black Tide in the sea, but do not do any conflicts on land, and do not enter into the main fray, keeping the old contracts and
15:49 <CheeseSamovar> nothing more.
15:50 <@Klutz> = [team] It must be publicly accessible, right? We could just send some of... someone to get a look around.
15:51 <Che> = [team] Smuggler's den, probably, judging by their links to the Needles and docks location....
15:53 — Che shrugs.
15:53 <CheeseSamovar> Klutz, the bar is publicly accessable, sure, you even read comments on the net, that their method of brewing hurlg is a welcome addition to the traditional Vladivostok bland recipe
15:54 <Nebokhod> = [team] That is all beside the point, we MUST get a raise.
15:55 <@Klutz> = [team] That's all fine and dandy, but we could discuss it during the planning stage. Let's now focus on squeezing as much hard cash out of our respectable employer as metahumanly possible. Yelena, I believe Che just gave you a few strong arguments for the payment being absolutely insufficient for poking a stick into the nest of some cyberfreaks on god-knows-whose leash.
15:55 — Che awaits reaction from the Johnson.
15:56 <Che> * there were some questions about payments somewhere earlier, yes.
15:57 <@Klutz> * you could rehash them for the GM in PMs :3
15:57 <CheeseSamovar> * as it's getting somewhat late, I think you should list the arguments for the raise and we'll roll them into the check
15:58 <Che> * yeah, found them.
15:59 <@Klutz> * reasonable, imo
16:01 <Che> * private army of the cyberpsychos working for the chineese power and guarding something that they work hard to make look like a common bar in the docks while stealing research objects from megacorporations. Also highprofile destruction of said "bars".
16:03 <@Klutz> * Cyberjesuses. Who died, but then were resurrected.
16:05 — Che drinks his glowy drink.
16:05 <CheeseSamovar> Che's glowy drink seems to contain mild amphetamins.
16:06 <CheeseSamovar> You feel an urge to twithc
16:06 <CheeseSamovar> * so let's say +4 dice to negotiator's pool for OMG cyberzombies from china with love and needles
16:07 — Che starts to nod to "music" rhytm.
16:07 <Jelena> * Sure sure, I've got 10 dice in negotiation by default - anyone got higher?
16:07 <Che> * Yay, she's not drunk!
16:07 <Che> * 4
16:08 <Nebokhod> * longshot
16:08 <@Klutz> * I'm not even real... I mean, I'm not even there.
16:08 <CheeseSamovar> * not even a real boy?
16:08 <Jelena> 14#sd Negotiation
16:08 <ur_dnd_bot> Jelena: (pool 14) 1 hit
16:08 <Che> * we should watch him.
16:09 <Jelena> * are u serious brah. Can I edge that?
16:09 <@Klutz> * how about edge?
16:09 <@Klutz> * I suggest we watch wRAR, he obviously has something against us
16:09 <Che> * yep.
16:10 <CheeseSamovar> * yes you can.
16:10 <Jelena> 13#sd Negotiation EDGED
16:10 <ur_dnd_bot> Jelena: (pool 13) 5 hits
16:10 <@Klutz> * now that's at least something :3
16:10 <Jelena> * 6 hits alltogether it seems~
16:11 <Che> * our face is a little tipsy.
16:12 <@Klutz> * well 6 hits on 14 dice is pretty decent
16:12 <CheeseSamovar> * edged it should've been a bit more
16:15 <CheeseSamovar> After hearing you out he's a bit skeptical, pointing out that he never required fighting the gang head-on or indeed do any fighting with them at all. However, in the end you managed to convince him to raise his price - 10K each and another 10K for the bar to close its doors for good.
16:15 <Che> = [team] We should clearly state in the contract, that we need to destroy only bar, and not some secret laboratories or docks/storehouses.
16:16 <Jelena> * I suffer from amazing luck from these dice :P
16:16 <Nebokhod> * we removed the wrong dicebot.
16:16 <Che> * We all suffer. That was new sensors for the drones you were bargaining...
16:16 <Che> *were
16:17 <@Klutz> * everyone does. And people on #darkheresyooc kept complaining that Servitor hated them, too. And don't even get me started on Dicemaid.
16:17 <@Klutz> * "those were" then
16:17 <Che> * yep, and another "for" before "...".
16:17 <CheeseSamovar> Jelena, while you sigh over the immence sleaziness of the Johnson, bar-girl catches your eye and smiles, trying to lighten your mood.
16:18 <CheeseSamovar> * Dicemaid is Harley's bot?
16:18 <@Klutz> * Anyway, this seems like a reasonable time to wrap up before the ran itself, what do you think?
16:18 <@Klutz> * haha, no, Dicemaid is the dicebot on suptg
16:18 — Nebokhod assenses clearly suspicious female.
16:18 <Nebokhod> 7#sd
16:18 <ur_dnd_bot> Nebokhod: (pool 7) 3 hits
16:18 — Jelena smiles back, downing her colorful drink.
16:19 <Jelena> * Sure, I'm good to end here if there is nothing else
16:19 — Che gives mailbox address to the Johnson to send detailed info.
16:19 <CheeseSamovar> =========================SESSION END ============================