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[18:21:18] <@Fats> So, you had two clues, but both lead to the same person: a man from the Vladivostok port authority who deleted whatever could've implicated the Faceless Avenger or his minions and literally ran for the hills, to the abandoned military airfield of Verkhovaya-16.
[18:21:18] <@Fats> You're nearing that airfield at night, under full moon, the road being more potholes than asphalt. You are perhaps two kilometers away, time to establish your approach plan.
[18:22:40] <Nebokhod> * do we have maps, airfield layout, something to work with?
[18:22:57] * Kit_Remoni ponders on where the morality of situation will truly go downhill. Hopefully it won't have to include torture and other crapshit
[18:23:32] <Che> * Optic-X can make some overview flights.
[18:24:03] <Kit_Remoni> - Do you have his face or current SIN, Red?
[18:24:16] * Red_S is busy looking for any elevated position that overlooks the airfield. Like a flight control tower or something.
[18:24:34] <Red_S> *that's a good question, did Kat send me his info dossier?
[18:24:44] <@Fats> It doesn't take Kit more than a couple of minutes to get the latest sat photos of the place: The airfield is surrounded by a wire fence; the road comes up to it from the South, at around the former firefighting station
[18:25:17] * Kit_Remoni tosses satmap into team's shared AR
[18:25:56] <Kit_Remoni> * does it look like it's actually abandoned, or reused by military/runners/mafia/etc?
[18:26:13] <@Fats> It's obvious that there are still people on the field: the airstrip looks clear, and there are paths running between buildings. Between the radar domes and the flight control building, something resembling vegetable beds can be seen.
[18:26:50] <Kit_Remoni> * any turrets?
[18:26:57] <Nebokhod> * i leave my body to do some look-see.on astral
[18:27:00] * Red_S Clicks her tongue in frustration. -The tower doesn't seem to offer any good angles on the hangars. We need to go in on foot.
[18:27:40] <Kit_Remoni> - I'd like to have some idea on what we are going to say to place's owners
[18:27:45] <Che> * do hangars open on airstrip or are there some service lines?
[18:27:59] <Kit_Remoni> - As in who we're looking for, at least
[18:28:26] <Nebokhod> * warehouse dude, obv
[18:29:13] <Nebokhod> * we are collecting bounty or somesuch.
[18:29:33] <Red_S> *those radar domes, are they like dishes that somebody could stand on?
[18:30:40] <@Fats> Kit_Remoni, nothing you'd see.
[18:32:11] <Che> - Hm, we better disable or hack those radars or they'll lock on my drone.
[18:32:13] <Kit_Remoni> - Che, recon the guards. Should tell us who we're dealing with. Seems that no major flak is around, but keep an eye for patrolling bots
[18:32:23] <@Fats> Nebokhod, as you draw near, it's obvious to you that the airfield is inhabited: there's a metahuman at the gates, a couple walking circles around the perimeter, and more in the buildings; you'd say there are adults of both genders and kids both, about 30 persons in total. Mostly in the flight control building; just a handful in the hangars and the plane service buildings.
[18:32:57] <Nebokhod> * any signs of major mojo?
[18:33:11] <@Fats> <Che> * do hangars open on airstrip or are there some service lines? | There are service lines to taxi from the airstrip to the hangars; too small for me to picture on the map. But they're short anyway.
[18:33:41] <@Fats> * Nothing major, no. You don't see anything magically active out in the open, either.
[18:33:48] <Red_S> -What the hell are all these people doing here?
[18:33:56] <Che> * Ah, ok, I just trying to get sence of scale.
[18:33:59] <Che> **s
[18:34:27] <Kit_Remoni> - Obviously, abandoned airfield is not so abandoned
[18:34:39] <Kit_Remoni> - Question is who are the current owners.
[18:34:43] <@Fats> <Red_S> *those radar domes, are they like dishes that somebody could stand on? | The radar domes are spherical buildings built of radar-transparent material. Inside them are radar dishes that one could stand on; of course. One could stand on the buildings themselves, too; they're about four stories high.
[18:34:50] <Che> - Kit, can you hijack those radars?
[18:34:57] <Nebokhod> * i return to mu body.
[18:35:13] <Nebokhod> - There are kids there.
[18:35:42] * Kit_Remoni checks out what can be seen in the matrix without looking for hidden stuff
[18:35:52] <Nebokhod> -Squatters probably.
[18:36:27] * Che prepares Optic-X for launch but waits for green light from Kit.
[18:36:46] <Red_S> -I guess our man came here to lay low. Think they run tight enough security to notice a few extra bodies?
[18:37:13] <@Fats> Kit, you don't see anything much as you shift your perception to the electronic chaos of the Matrix; apparently, if there are indeed electronics in the field, and there is no reason to suppose there are not, these are set up by someone who at least knows to run in hidden mode.
[18:38:07] <Kit_Remoni> "Okay, basics - check"
[18:38:39] * Kit_Remoni threads classic Aliens-style scanning device *thread scan 13#sd
[18:38:39] <ur_dnd_bot> Kit_Remoni: (pool 13) 5 hits
[18:39:11] <Kit_Remoni> * take 4. 12#sd faderes
[18:39:11] <ur_dnd_bot> Kit_Remoni: (pool 12) 4 hits
[18:39:33] <Kit_Remoni> 10#sd
[18:39:33] <ur_dnd_bot> Kit_Remoni: (pool 10) 4 hits
[18:39:40] <Kit_Remoni> * 4 hits EW+scan
[18:41:13] <@Fats> * are you looking for any specific node? Cause if not, it's a Electronic Warfare + Scan (15+, 1 Combat Turn) Extended Test
[18:42:20] <Kit_Remoni> * ok
[18:42:33] <Kit_Remoni> * 15 or more?
[18:43:21] <@Fats> * let's go with 15
[18:44:01] <Nebokhod> * minelayers are very hard to find.
[18:44:18] <Kit_Remoni> * I hate you so much
[18:44:22] <@Fats> * :3
[18:44:23] <Kit_Remoni> 10,15#sde
[18:44:23] <ur_dnd_bot> Kit_Remoni: (pool 10, threshold 15) 6 passes, 17 hits
[18:45:48] <Red_S> -If they're just squatters do you think we can just walk in?
[18:47:13] <Nebokhod> - Probably, we do not look like government or corp.
[18:48:33] * Red_S laughs bitterly at that. -Go figure. We should find out what sort of squatters they are. It'd be trouble if they're some kind of cult.
[18:49:09] <Nebokhod> - For them.
[18:50:26] <Red_S> -Wasted ammo is a problem either way.
[18:51:01] <Nebokhod> - That is why your rifle has butt.
[18:51:29] <Nebokhod> *stock
[18:52:34] <Red_S> -Well we know it's probably not a gang. Not many gangs bring their kids to their secret base.
[18:52:39] <@Fats> Kit_Remoni, as you point your detector around, it bleeps loudly at the multitude of targets. And indeed, the airfield has a few, from the commlinks found on the locals to the nodes of three rotodrones cycling overhead, to the house control node in the flight control building, the actual flight control electronics both in the building, in the tower, and out in the field; greenhouse electronics down in the basement, more control nodes on the vegetab
[18:52:39] <@Fats> le beds; radar dish control nodes; and even two light plane nodes in the hangars.
[18:56:12] <Kit_Remoni> - Flight base is operational, chummers. At least two planes and a flight control. And 3 drones of security. So I would expect guards and questions
[18:56:44] <Nebokhod> - There's one at the gates, and a couple more on patrol.
[18:56:51] <Kit_Remoni> - Not that with 3 drones they will be extremely more capable then us, but still.
[18:57:03] <Kit_Remoni> - Also having friends on a secret airbase is nice
[18:57:37] <Nebokhod> - Can you disable these drones if need arises?
[18:58:03] <Kit_Remoni> - Will look into it.
[18:58:27] * Kit_Remoni drops back into VR and probes drone nodes to hopefully determine model/type
[18:58:36] <Kit_Remoni> * also firewall/system
[18:58:51] <Che> - Or even better - hijack them too!
[18:59:30] <Red_S> -We don't need a red alert, just need to kidnap one person.
[18:59:30] <@Fats> These look like familiar Nissan Rotodrone nodes, so they shouldn't be hard pickings.
[18:59:46] <@Fats> * you can roll Matrix Perception if you want details
[19:00:01] <Nebokhod> - Retrieve, Red, retrieve.
[19:00:16] <Kit_Remoni> * 12#sd perception
[19:00:16] <ur_dnd_bot> Kit_Remoni: (pool 12) 6 hits
[19:02:02] <Che> * so can I launch my spydrone already? Should I?
[19:02:18] <@Fats> These nodes have been tinkered with by someone competent. You'd say they have Response and System 4 and Firewall 6.
[19:03:13] <Kit_Remoni> = Careful, they do have competent tech on board
[19:04:04] <Kit_Remoni> = Not crazy so, but a decent corp-level one
[19:04:35] <Red_S> =Probably the guy we're after. He DID try to erase our data.
[19:05:22] <Kit_Remoni> = Do you have a name for this dude?
[19:05:36] <Red_S> *Do I?
[19:06:06] * Kit_Remoni looks at radar node with more interest * 12#sd scan it as well.
[19:06:07] <ur_dnd_bot> Kit_Remoni: (pool 12) 4 hits
[19:06:36] <Kit_Remoni> * drop scan, thread exploit 13#sd
[19:06:36] <ur_dnd_bot> Kit_Remoni: (pool 13) 7 hits
[19:07:05] <@Fats> * Yes, you do: Ji-seok Semenov.
[19:07:12] <Kit_Remoni> * take 5, 12#sd resist fade
[19:07:12] <ur_dnd_bot> Kit_Remoni: (pool 12) 1 hit
[19:07:26] <Kit_Remoni> *edgereroll
[19:07:28] <Kit_Remoni> 11#sd
[19:07:28] <ur_dnd_bot> Kit_Remoni: (pool 11) 2 hits
[19:07:38] <Kit_Remoni> * 2 stun
[19:07:39] <Red_S> =Ji-Seok Semenov.
[19:07:44] <Red_S> *lol semen-ov
[19:07:57] <Che> * awww, snap, afk 30min, sorry.
[19:07:59] <Ronin> * Back.
[19:08:00] <@Fats> Kit, that node does not look like a standard military radar node at all. Rather, it's a custom-sculted arrangement of brass gears and levers.
[19:08:59] <Kit_Remoni> = Hmm.. * 7#sd russian IT underground - do I know the name or the style of this software?
[19:08:59] <ur_dnd_bot> Kit_Remoni: (pool 7) 3 hits
[19:11:01] <@Fats> You faintly remember seeing this scultpting style associated with someone from the trid pirate subculture, insular as it is.
[19:11:42] <Red_S> *goddamn koreans pirating all the media
[19:12:09] <Kit_Remoni> * will it give me more info towards the author if I break it?
[19:12:27] <Kit_Remoni> * also - same stats for drone and for radar?
[19:14:38] <@Fats> * Yeah, same stats. As for more info on the author, you could perhaps try to figure out what it is they're doing with that radar control node, but hardly anything on their personality and deepest childhood trauma
[19:15:31] <Kit_Remoni> * well, I thought how they do it internally might point me in more details to style/group affiliations
[19:15:42] <Red_S> =So whoever we're looking for is the resident security expert... Probably no loyalty to the Avenger, probably a hired hand.
[19:16:20] <Kit_Remoni> * in any case, will thread stealth a bit 12#sd
[19:16:20] <ur_dnd_bot> Kit_Remoni: (pool 12) 4 hits
[19:16:29] <Kit_Remoni> * 12#sd resist
[19:16:29] <ur_dnd_bot> Kit_Remoni: (pool 12) 1 hit
[19:16:35] <Kit_Remoni> * another reroll
[19:16:39] <Kit_Remoni> 11#sd
[19:16:39] <ur_dnd_bot> Kit_Remoni: (pool 11) 1 hit
[19:17:06] <Kit_Remoni> * ok, stun 4.
[19:17:42] * Kit_Remoni gets anti-stun slap patch and proceeds to hack the drek out of the server
[19:19:09] <Kit_Remoni> * 16,6#sde, stealth 9
[19:19:15] <Kit_Remoni> * 16,6#sde stealth 9
[19:19:16] <ur_dnd_bot> Kit_Remoni: (pool 16, threshold 6) 2 passes, 9 hits
[19:20:10] <@Fats> * user access?
[19:20:20] <Kit_Remoni> * thanks for the reminder.
[19:20:34] <Kit_Remoni> * haven't rolled SR in a while
[19:20:48] <Kit_Remoni> * 16,12#sde stealth 9
[19:20:49] <ur_dnd_bot> Kit_Remoni: (pool 16, threshold 12) 3 passes, 13 hits
[19:20:56] <Kit_Remoni> * admin
[19:22:24] <@Fats> Null sweat, chummer, you're in that node before you can say "a military radar converted into radio surveillance equipment to pick up trid broadcasts from around the world and then transmit the recordings to another node"
[19:22:31] <@Fats> Because this is what you walk in to
[19:24:25] <Red_S> *Pirate radio
[19:26:03] * Kit_Remoni icon looks like an elephant in black and white checker-pattern jumpsuit. blodshot eyes indicate desperatio
[19:26:53] <Che> *back
[19:27:08] <Nebokhod> *
[19:27:14] <Kit_Remoni> = Radars seem to be repurposed, Che. Still, try high-altitude surv. In any case, guy seems to have a clout here, if not owning the place. Careful
[19:27:58] * Kit_Remoni checks around for friendly neighbourhood ICEs * 10#sd
[19:27:58] <ur_dnd_bot> Kit_Remoni: (pool 10) 2 hits
[19:28:08] <@Fats> * Che, is your Optic-X in any way stealth-enhanced?
[19:28:36] <Che> * Chameleon Coating
[19:28:51] <Che> * Also Covert Ops soft.
[19:29:06] <@Fats> Kit_Remoni, none that you'd see among the steam valves and pistons topped with glistering blue crystals. Perhaps it's just steam obscuring your vision.
[19:29:09] <Che> * And it is Small.
[19:29:14] <@Fats> * gotcha
[19:29:32] <Che> - Ok, launching.
[19:29:41] <Red_S> =I don't think kidnapping will be totally necessary. We might be able to get our pirate to sell the Avenger out... Who knows.
[19:30:11] * Che launches Optic-X to some high altitudes.
[19:30:44] <@Fats> Che, you get to see the same map Kit did, except in real time. Hardly any movement on the ground that late at night, though
[19:30:46] * Che shares video and datastream to team.
[19:30:51] <Ronin> = Do you want to try knocking on the front door?
[19:31:29] <Che> * do radio signal scanner picks up anything?
[19:31:40] <Red_S> *also, Sleep Now in the Fire is the superior RATM song
[19:32:52] <Red_S> =It worked with the canuck. These guys are amateurs, if I need to I can get in and out with our "VIP" before they know something's wrong.
[19:33:24] <@Fats> Same nodes Kit did pick up. As Optic-X cycles over the airfield, you see someone walking from the hangars back to the flight control building, then another metahuman going towards the gate, obviously to replace the guard there, as he returns to the flight control.
[19:33:50] * Che zooms in on figures.
[19:34:09] <Che> * Anything interesting? Equipment?
[19:34:12] <Red_S> *It's up to you guys which approach you want. I think Mary can sneak in and kidnap the guy at gunpoint.
[19:34:24] <@Fats> * Sensor+Perception, was it?
[19:34:44] <Kit_Remoni> = Try the peaceful option, then, buying his info or persuading him is better for relationships in future. Otherwise he'll save a grudge
[19:35:01] <Che> * (cam rating adds to it?)
[19:35:18] <Kit_Remoni> * drop exploit, thread reality filter "elephantland" 11#sd
[19:35:20] <ur_dnd_bot> Kit_Remoni: (pool 11) 5 hits
[19:35:33] <Kit_Remoni> * take 3, resist 12#sd
[19:35:33] <ur_dnd_bot> Kit_Remoni: (pool 12) 3 hits
[19:35:35] <Red_S> =Yeah yeah, let's do it.
[19:35:48] <Kit_Remoni> * 10#sd reality filter this for truth
[19:35:48] <ur_dnd_bot> Kit_Remoni: (pool 10) 4 hits
[19:35:55] <@Fats> * if you have the cam upgraded for vision enhancement, sure
[19:36:48] <Kit_Remoni> * just to be clear, guys, it's clear you can go without waiting for me. I'll hack on for curiosity sake and to cover you
[19:37:05] <Che> 14#sd
[19:37:05] <ur_dnd_bot> Che: (pool 14) 6 hits
[19:37:11] <Red_S> *sure thing, nerd
[19:39:45] <@Fats> Che, both are metahumans in their prime, you'd say late twenties. Both wear no-nonsense black leather with no obvious gang signs on colours; you spot body armour under their coats. Both have Ares Alphas they handle with casual sureness, apparently connected to the goggles you see them wearing.
[19:39:47] <Red_S> -Just be ready for them to point guns at us. No one likes unexpected guests.
[19:40:28] <Che> = They got some nice guns down there...
[19:40:39] <@Fats> As the new arrival takes watch, you can see him rolling his sleeve to reveal a commlink strapped to the forearm; he seems to report into it
[19:42:53] <@Fats> Kit_Remoni, the node changes into the more familiar sculpting; the steam is gone and you can see more clearly.
[19:43:16] * Che checks IR and UV feeds to pinpoint other guards.
[19:44:02] <Che> * and magnetic fields for the sake of it.
[19:44:29] <@Fats> There's a pair walking patrol along the fence. Their arms and equipment appear to be uniform; the men are either built similarly or adopt a training regimen so alike to the point of being barely distinguishable, too.
[19:44:36] <Che> * at least that should show some wires and powerlines.
[19:45:14] <@Fats> And that it does. Surprisingly, all the buildings are still connected by powered underground lines.
[19:46:06] * Red_S gets her gear ready, keeping her suitcase at her side. -After you all.
[19:46:11] <Che> * are they powered from external grid or by local means?
[19:46:34] <Kit_Remoni> * do I need to rerun matrixPerc or would you describe what's inside? Any data indices, what are connections and does it look like I'm spotted?
[19:47:47] <Kit_Remoni> * Also I'm more surprised as in to how control routines are still allowed by wireless. I guess because those radars can't have wireless off, so was good I picked them
[19:47:56] <@Fats> Che, locally. Firefighting building has been converted into an impromptu power station.
[19:48:43] <@Fats> * Kit_Remoni, you're connecting over the wireless control interface, not over the radar dish itself, that only listens for trideo translations.
[19:48:52] <Che> = Looks like all their powergenerators are in that firefighting station.
[19:49:32] <@Fats> * and yeah, gimme a new matrix perception
[19:49:36] <Che> = If anything shutting them off will make a nice diversion.
[19:50:06] <Nebokhod> *hm are still 2 kms away?
[19:50:22] <Kit_Remoni> * 10#sd MP
[19:50:22] <ur_dnd_bot> Kit_Remoni: (pool 10) 1 hit
[19:50:41] <Red_S> =Sounds good.
[19:50:44] * Che maps patrol routes and powerlines.
[19:50:45] * Kit_Remoni is pleased, seeing all important components of an interface represened as various subtypes of elephants
[19:50:58] <Kit_Remoni> * It is much easier to understand this way
[19:51:10] <Red_S> =We should have someone stay with their hand on the switch in case something goes wrong.
[19:51:26] <@Fats> As you scan the node, you reveal an archive of trideo broadcasts; it takes up most of the node's storage space, but still barely enough to fit a week of programming. You can distinctly see a data stream from that archive going elsewhere, you'd guess to the coder's processing node.
[19:52:04] <@Fats> * the datastream is represented by an endless caravan of tiny elephants walking out of the node, of course
[19:52:17] <Che> = Don't you have enough explosives to light that building up?
[19:53:12] <Che> = Or, well, just a power distributing hardware.
[19:54:01] <@Fats> It doesn't look like you're spotted yet, Kit
[19:54:04] <Red_S> =Depends on how far a few grenades would go.
[19:54:18] * Che looks for good infiltration and extraction points.
[19:54:44] * Kit_Remoni shrinks down and changes color to pass as one of the elephants, and joins the caravan. While no one's looking, he snatches one of the videotapes strapped to the elephant in front, to check out the contents
[19:56:45] <@Fats> Che, anything along the northern fence looks promising enough to you if the patrols pass
[19:57:18] <Ronin> * Is it an electric fence, or just barbed wire?
[19:57:51] <@Fats> Kit, it's a ZDF combat biking translation from AGS; a second league game.
[19:58:19] <@Fats> Ronin, the latter.
[19:59:34] * Kit_Remoni squee in delight! Someone who understands the awesomeness of homeland biking!
[19:59:59] <@Fats> Kit_Remoni, the caravan brings you out of the node, and to another node still. This one looks like an imposing castle of brass clockwork and steam
[20:00:33] * Kit_Remoni checks the other elephant's cargo in the meantime.
[20:00:47] <Kit_Remoni> * also 10#sd more elephantness to the castle
[20:00:47] <ur_dnd_bot> Kit_Remoni: (pool 10) 3 hits
[20:02:07] <Red_S> *I'm feeling not so good, is it ok if I go lay down?
[20:02:55] <@Fats> Another one from AGS, Stadtkrieg this time around. in the several seconds you watch you catch a glimpse of at least one svetting done by the inventor.
[20:03:19] <@Fats> Red_S, sure, go ahead
[20:03:48] <@Fats> Kit_Remoni, as in, reality filter? Log in first~
[20:04:12] <Kit_Remoni> * log in as in hack the credentials?
[20:06:43] <Kit_Remoni> * also should we switch to real world for a while, to Che and others?
[20:07:17] <@Fats> * yeah
[20:07:46] * Che is observing airfield from above.
[20:08:10] <Nebokhod> *16#sd vs 6#sd summoning spirit of Man.
[20:08:10] <ur_dnd_bot> Nebokhod: (pool 6) 3 hits
[20:08:32] <Nebokhod> 16#sd
[20:08:33] <ur_dnd_bot> Nebokhod: (pool 16) 5 hits
[20:09:01] <Nebokhod> 11#sd reroll
[20:09:02] <ur_dnd_bot> Nebokhod: (pool 11) 3 hits
[20:09:21] <Nebokhod> 12#sd drain vs 6
[20:09:22] <ur_dnd_bot> Nebokhod: (pool 12) 6 hits
[20:09:28] <Kit_Remoni> * manliness!
[20:09:42] <Kit_Remoni> * also you have incredible drainrolls as compared to me
[20:10:15] <Nebokhod> * it looks like shiba-inu.
[20:10:48] <@Fats> * confirmed
[20:10:54] <Nebokhod> * optoonal powers are Innate Spell(increase reflexes) and Fear.
[20:13:04] <@Fats> * Wow so fearsome doge, gotcha.
[20:14:15] <Kit_Remoni> * drop RF, thread Exploit again, 12#sd
[20:14:15] <ur_dnd_bot> Kit_Remoni: (pool 12) 2 hits
[20:14:30] <Kit_Remoni> 12#sd faderes
[20:14:30] <ur_dnd_bot> Kit_Remoni: (pool 12) 3 hits
[20:14:37] <@Fats> Che, nothing much is happening, really. The foot patrol slogs their way through the beaten path on the Western side of the airfield; one of the Rotodrones from above your optic-X lands in the hangars, apparently to recharge, only to be replaced by another one like it.
[20:15:15] <Kit_Remoni> 13,12#sde st9
[20:15:15] <ur_dnd_bot> Kit_Remoni: (pool 13, threshold 12) 4 passes, 15 hits
[20:15:19] <Nebokhod> *are the drones slaved to any one node?
[20:15:32] <Che> * from above?
[20:16:29] <@Fats> * the drones are independent nodes. Che, the rotodrones have a variable cycle altitude, ranging from just below the ground to rather high.
[20:17:43] * Kit_Remoni draws QR-matrix on its back saying 'this elephant is legit boss elephant'
[20:17:58] <Che> *well I hoped that my drone was above all.
[20:18:51] <@Fats> * so, let's settle with our plan for the session here. First, this is the last session before a break till... well, till past my birthday. Next session will be May 29th, if you're still all around. Second, we're missing one player, which is something as you know I don't really enjoy running. Third, we have some two hours before I have to leave for my night shift :3
[20:19:45] <Kit_Remoni> * Well, I'd say we should get through the gist of the session probably focusing on those in meatbags instead of virtual elephants
[20:19:46] <@Fats> * Optic-X uber alles? Sure, as you discover the unpleasant reality of rotodrone trajectories, you pull up and soon leave the trio below.
[20:20:16] <@Fats> * No can do, really, with a meatbag player missing
[20:20:27] <Kit_Remoni> * I expect it to be one more negotiation session, in which I can only help by squee about th motorbikes and shit
[20:21:07] <Kit_Remoni> * we can stop here, but I'd rather finish at least this part while you're still around
[20:21:30] <Kit_Remoni> I can take control afterwards, if you share plans with me, otherwise we could hit pause
[20:22:20] <Che> * we can prepare for action - make main plan, backup plan, more plans, emergency plan...
[20:22:45] <@Fats> * This seems reasonable.
[20:23:17] <Che> * also are we decided to break in and kidnap guy?
[20:23:18] <Kit_Remoni> * we were preparing this whole session
[20:23:43] <Nebokhod> * what's the rorordrones' armament btw?
[20:25:31] <@Fats> * What starts with Ares and ends with Alpha?
[20:25:34] <Kit_Remoni> * my view is this dude owns at least 1 radar here. would this be a gang I'd see him as advisor at least, given that he loaded drones there. My suggestion would be to start by talking with him, then turn to violence if there seems to be no other way. I believe from my side I will eventually hack the rest of the servers and powerplant, so I should be able to
[20:25:34] <Kit_Remoni> drop his tech stuff. Not sure what to do about dudes with guns, though, there're a lot of them.
[20:25:58] <Che> * so far I can suggest as a backup plan to prepare explosives to take out their power, hijack drones and make some mayhem to cover Red's exfiltration.
[20:26:41] <Nebokhod> * well, i'll most probably will be able to drop one dude per IP.
[20:27:24] <@Fats> * IC plz
[20:28:21] <Nebokhod> - So, what's the plan, gents?
[20:28:28] * Che draws some maps and schemes.
[20:28:30] <Nebokhod> - And non-gents?
[20:29:04] <Kit_Remoni> = I'm breaking into everystuff. This guy has nice combatbike trid casts from the AG! This is awesome!
[20:30:06] <Nebokhod> = If you say so.
[20:30:52] <Che> - I can suggest infiltration at one of those points when guards are away, making way to power station and planting some explosives on power distributing hardware, then, maybe, trip mining exits from hangar with off-duty guards, and then proceding with exfiltrating of our target.
[20:32:13] <Kit_Remoni> = I'm curious. We were able to talk it out with the smuggler dude, why won't we able to do the same here?
[20:32:44] <Nebokhod> = That's Plan A.
[20:32:55] <Che> - If stealth is broken, we cut theur power and hijack (or disable) their drones, if it works, then we can try to eliminate guards and their reinforcements with their own drones.
[20:34:06] <Nebokhod> = I want us to have some options when shit will hit the fan.
[20:34:32] <Che> * hm, can we map more details? Where are squatters, greenhose, planes, guards, target?
[20:34:42] <Che> *greenhouse
[20:35:45] <@Fats> The local denizens, as I said, are in the hangars (a couple of people left) and in the flight control building. Plus the guard post and the patrol.
[20:36:00] <@Fats> The greenhouse is in the basement of the flight control building.
[20:36:15] <@Fats> The planes are in Hangars A and B
[20:36:17] <Che> - Ah, and I, think, we need to obstruct landing strip to block attempts to escape via planes.
[20:36:40] <@Fats> One guard is directly South of the firefighting building; two others are up at the north-west corner
[20:37:23] <@Fats> You don't know where your target is, you have no way of identifying him other than perhaps meeting him in person and checking whatever photos the net might have of him if they fit
[20:38:11] <Kit_Remoni> * I search photos from the net if RedS does not have them
[20:38:27] <Kit_Remoni> * do I need to roll?
[20:40:06] <Che> - Maybe I can park my car on a airstrip around hangar D to cut planes from the rest of it, that place can also serve as a backup exfiltration zone.
[20:40:34] <@Fats> * yeah, please do in case something amusing happens. Threshold 12, dice pool modifier -2 (he's obscure), period 1 minute.
[20:41:46] <Che> * Can Ronin into sniping and/or explosives?
[20:42:16] <Nebokhod> * HE katana!
[20:42:50] <Ronin> * Well, I can only throw my sword so far...
[20:43:01] <Ronin> * Decent with automatics, but I don't have a scope.
[20:43:13] <Che> * what about stealth?
[20:43:24] <Kit_Remoni> 8,12#sde
[20:43:24] <ur_dnd_bot> Kit_Remoni: (pool 8, threshold 12) 6 passes, 12 hits
[20:43:29] <Ronin> * I assume this counts as urban?
[20:44:40] <Che> * Its just that Red promised to extract target, so she'll be the one in need of covering fire.
[20:45:04] <Ronin> * Infiltration is good. Shadowing is not.
[20:45:37] <Che> * Guard on the tower should have sniper rifle or HMG, so weapons will be there.
[20:46:15] <@Fats> <Ronin> * I assume this counts as urban? | I'm going to reply with a reluctant no, as long as you're not in one of the buildings.
[20:46:18] <Che> *(let's hope the aren't bio locked.)
[20:46:34] <Che> **y
[20:47:18] <Ronin> * That's fair.
[20:47:21] <Nebokhod> * that_scene_from_Dredd.avi
[20:47:39] <Kit_Remoni> * at the moment I see this as an anclave of sorts of dangerous elements, maybe sorts of smugglers den.
[20:48:57] <Che> * can we have their planes?
[20:50:34] <Nebokhod> * whatever for?
[20:50:50] <Che> For sale!
[20:51:23] <Che> To buy our own plane!
[20:51:24] <Nebokhod> * it is a bad habit to fall into
[20:51:44] <Che> * Yeah.
[20:52:54] <Ronin> - Let's say that we do decide to go in and have a little chat. Red or I could sneak in by the northern fenceand bring explosives to the generators just in case, the other is ready to provide fire support, and finally someone stays on the drones to keep everyone informed and updated.
[20:53:27] <Che> = Yeah, something like that, we're sending in someone to try diplomacy, all while strike team moves to position.
[20:54:39] <Che> = If diplomacy fails strike team provides cover or moves to secure our guy, who should be identified by that time.
[20:54:45] <Nebokhod> - I'm not one for diplomacy.
[20:55:55] <Ronin> - What are you for?
[20:56:38] <Nebokhod> - Astral overwatch and magic support.
[20:56:47] <Che> - Hmm, we can send you to the control tower... Can you project your majiks and bullets from there?
[20:57:18] <Nebokhod> - As long as there's a clear line of sight to targets.
[20:57:35] <Che> - After disposing of guard there, that is.
[20:59:01] <Nebokhod> * fats, what is the range of magic detection perception test?
[20:59:31] <@Fats> * it's just a perception test, so unlimited, with the usual modifiers for range and vision conditions
[20:59:57] <Che> - Then Ronin should take on generators and then move to tower to cover you, I think, can you mask her or make invisible for infiltration?
[21:00:57] <Nebokhod> - I can offer camouflage.
[21:02:16] <Nebokhod> - And my spirit can make us harder to see.
[21:02:24] <Nebokhod> * to be seen
[21:03:49] <Che> - That leaves me and Red for diplomacy. I think we can try to persuade the guy, and if he refuses to help us, then Red should pack him up on spot, while you all cover us. If that looks too dangerous then we leave, and later Red infiltrates to finish job.
[21:04:21] <Ronin> - Red may be better at range than I.
[21:04:52] <Che> * what about close range?
[21:05:15] <Nebokhod> * -(6 + spellhits) to perception tests.
[21:07:01] <Che> - We need Red's infiltration skills to make that a clean job. In best case scenarios you'll don't have to shoot.
[21:08:21] <Ronin> * Close range is Ronin' speciality.
[21:10:26] <Che> - Well, can you disable and pack a large guy in a car against his will?
[21:12:54] <Ronin> - Yes.
[21:14:11] <Che> - Good, then you'll be my diplomacy partner.
[21:17:00] <Nebokhod> * that should do it for planning, i think.
[21:17:28] <Che> * wait a sec I'm writing our plan down!
[21:18:09] <Nebokhod> * btw, how big is that airfield?
[21:21:33] <@Fats> About a kilometer by half as much I'd say
[21:23:22] <Nebokhod> * hm, i cannot provide full minimap coverage then.
[21:29:36] <Kit_Remoni> ^)
[21:29:57] <Che>
[21:31:07] <Nebokhod> - Looks solid enough.
[21:35:36] <Nebokhod> * save?
[21:38:49] <@Fats> * yeah, I guess
[21:39:08] <@Fats> three karma to everyone, sorry for a shortish session but it wasn't entirely my fault for a change