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Revision as of 06:35, 1 February 2016 by Militaryuga (talk | contribs) (session 11)
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[18:25:09] <@Fats> The troupe is safely traveling by train: the border is relatively far away, so the train is going fast; patrolling combat drones from the escorting armoured train fly by the windows every once in a while (more to instill the feeling of security than from any real need, you presume). Your fellow travelers unpack their food (mostly cold fried chicken), and soon the car is full of voices, merging into a low background buzz over the sound of the wheel
[18:25:09] <@Fats> s. Every once in a while someone walks through your compartments with a steaming cup of tea.
[18:25:50] <@Fats> Nebokhod, the attendant arrives with your glass-holder.
[18:25:51] * Kit_Remoni checks out combat drones for actual combat potential
[18:26:13] <@Fats> * Roll perception (visual)
[18:26:19] <Kit_Remoni> * Since I am dronomancer, and own at least a couple myself, I do expect to know models
[18:26:45] <@Fats> * anyone willing to show off their social skills?
[18:26:48] <Kit_Remoni> 7#sd
[18:26:48] <ur_dnd_bot> Kit_Remoni: (pool 7) 2 hits
[18:27:14] <Nebokhod> * does anyone have them?
[18:27:35] <Kit_Remoni> * low background buzz over the sound of the wheel - wut weelz? i presumed by the speed this is maglev
[18:27:38] * Che remembers times when he often travelled by train between Blagoveschensk and Vladivostok...
[18:28:27] * Nebokhod packs away his newly acquired glass-holder.
[18:28:57] * Che shares old feelings with attendant and tries to make some small talk about current state of railroads.
[18:29:19] <@Fats> Kit_Remoni, the drones fly by rapidly, so you can't make out the details, but those are obviously the standard military Kamov Slepens, and you spot machineguns dozing off at their hardpoints
[18:29:52] <Che> * Machineguns? Meh, casuals...
[18:31:00] <Kit_Remoni> * Well, my friend, we're still far away for stabbylazorz on dronez
[18:31:14] <Kit_Remoni> * at least on flying ones - power systems are Heavy
[18:31:21] <@Fats> Che, the attendant seems willing to chat: he sits at your berth and complains away, both about the constant Yakut attacks further at the Transsib, the trains regularly being late due to the need to repair the rails, and the state of the RZD all in all
[18:32:30] * Nebokhod asks attendant if there a food onboard.
[18:32:52] <@Fats> According to the guy, the state monopoly is going from bad to worse, as the rest of the economy is about to tank; the only ones to prosper in the area are EVO with its space ports and Sauder Krupp with its petrochem extraction projects
[18:33:25] <@Fats> He also points out that most of the passengers in the car are employees of either one or the other.
[18:34:51] <@Fats> Nebokhod, he offers you snacks and suggests you visit the dining car if you want anything more complex. The snacks are EVO-brand MULTICULTIs, each one with a different metavariant or metasapient plastered on the wrapping
[18:35:07] <Che> - Oh, that's sad. People today are too busy to wait and prefer airspace, probably...
[18:35:49] <Nebokhod> * are the snacks free?
[18:35:51] <@Fats> - The way things are going, I'm guessing they are too poor to afford even the railroad! - the guy replies.
[18:36:22] <@Fats> * They aren't, but they're the kind of fastfood trash even Low lifestyle covers even with the RZD extra.
[18:36:34] <Che> - Well, may be you right.
[18:37:47] <Kit_Remoni> - That vould be sad. I mean the tradizion, the history! Is it not the same tracks on which tzar
[18:37:56] * Nebokhod takes a couple of the snacks in a desperate attempt to stave off the hunger.
[18:38:06] <Kit_Remoni> *tzar's state officials were travelling hundred years ago?
[18:38:42] <Kit_Remoni> * without chair's voice projector Kit has heavy german accent
[18:40:19] <@Fats> - And the reason is, of course, the corruption! - the man continues to preach as he hands Nebokhod his soy bars (the runner gets one with a night elf guy pictured and one with a minotaur girl; you can see the artist tried hard to sexy them up), - Listen in to the drone talk, it's "this manager stole that" and "that manager is hiding this!" Phah!
[18:41:06] <@Fats> - Oh yes, our railroad is one of proud traditions! - the irony seems lost on the man as he replies to Kit_Remoni.
[18:42:22] <Nebokhod> - Graft by managers is a time honored tradition too.
[18:42:50] <Che> - I wonder if it's that bad in western parts of our Russia.
[18:43:19] <Nebokhod> - Though, in times of old these managers ended up on the chopping blocks.
[18:43:44] <@Fats> - One that we could depart from, as an exception! - the guy replies, exasperated, - And it's just as bad in the European part, I am sure. Whole cities sold of to the corps, what kind of state is this?
[18:44:24] <Kit_Remoni> - When managers make an example, workers follow. Fish turns from head down, you know
[18:45:13] <Kit_Remoni> * as far as I can see from the logs, we're currently moving to Khabarovsk to switch back and meet the courier. so I'm ok with fluffy talking, but not expect much to happen
[18:45:17] <Kit_Remoni> * is Matrix on?
[18:46:16] <@Fats> * Yeah, EVO provides Matrix coverage pretty much throughout Russia (on Sauder-Krupp backbone, hilariously).
[18:46:39] <Kit_Remoni> * what do you mean 'backbone'? they lease their tech?
[18:47:02] * Che checks drink section of menu.
[18:47:10] <Nebokhod> - The way this going will bring us right into servititude times, but with robotic barins.
[18:47:27] <Kit_Remoni> - Scaly, more likely
[18:48:05] <Nebokhod> - Lay off going into these sections of the matrix, it'll rot your brain.
[18:48:06] <@Fats> * I mean the actual backbone. While the Matrix in the early 70ies is a point-to-point protocol, there are still wired inter-city and inter-state high traffic low-latency backbone connections.
[18:49:07] <Che> - And some 100 years ago people were sure, that it's robotbrains who will serve them and not the other way around.
[18:49:32] <@Fats> Che, the dining car menu includes several kinds of Russian vodka, Krasnodar vines, and several Chinese spirits with pretense of high class.
[18:50:30] <Nebokhod> * chateau taman.
[18:50:32] * Kit_Remoni checks our if there is train-only matrix with like pay-per-views and shitton of ads. * I look for a closest train node visible and check it out. Matrix perception?
[18:51:06] <Nebokhod> * what are the food options?
[18:51:16] * Che orders some nice middle-class vine with something to eat to leisure up the trip.
[18:51:35] <Che> * Хз, что я только что написал.
[18:51:53] <Kit_Remoni> * лоза среднего класса
[18:52:05] <Che> * wine, yes
[18:52:16] <Kit_Remoni> * and fats started it
[18:56:00] <@Fats> * Your car's node is readily available, its publicly accessible area includes the (state corporation-filtered) news, a corporate newsletter, and Russian trideo series for rent: mostly detectives praising the law enforcement or nature documentaries praising the beauty of Russia (including the parts lost to Awakened Yakut and Transpolar Aleut, amusingly). You poke into the restricted area out of curiosity, but it's all car subsystems controls there:
[18:56:00] <@Fats> the water heater, the conditioner (naturally, out of service) and remote locks on the toilets.
[18:56:48] <@Fats> Che, an ARO appears informing you that your order will be waiting for you in the dining car in half an hour.
[18:56:56] <Kit_Remoni> * amusing, locking someone in the toiled. probably time-honored prank
[18:57:46] <Che> * It's probably better to lock the toilet before you go there, so it's free.
[18:57:49] <@Fats> * naturally, just as throwing crowbars into it
[18:58:03] <Kit_Remoni> * I'm wondering what will I need to do to change our seating as Nebokhod previously suggested for next part of the trip. Do I need to hack main railroad servers or only the train?
[18:58:21] * Kit_Remoni lacks a crowbar
[18:59:04] <Che> * there is probably one in menu.
[18:59:05] <@Fats> * I'd say seating is arranged from the ticket-dispensing central host.
[19:00:00] <Che> * also, is there any survilliance systems for us to hijack?
[19:00:05] <Che> **fre
[19:00:08] <Che> ***are
[19:00:51] <@Fats> * There's camera looking down the central passage on both levels of the car.
[19:02:15] <Kit_Remoni> * question: since train is obviously moving between settlements, is he linked through satellite, or still in the mesh? in the former case I could hack the satellite connection and spoof the central server data
[19:03:23] <Che> * the problem is, seat number is probably "printed" on tickets, so people know their places in advance.
[19:03:41] <Kit_Remoni> * are we still in the age of "printed" tickets?
[19:03:48] <@Fats> A quick search and a few test data packages show that the train is linked via sat; the dish likely installed somewhere up ahead in the higher class cars.
[19:03:50] <Che> * that's why ""
[19:04:42] <Kit_Remoni> * ARO tickets are easy to change, I assume
[19:04:46] <Che> * I mean that places are assigned when tickets are purchased.
[19:04:58] <@Fats> * as easy as hacking a random civilian-grade commlink
[19:05:09] <Kit_Remoni> * as in no rolls?
[19:05:30] <Che> * Especially if people were chosing their future seats.
[19:05:52] <@Fats> * for simplicity's sake let's say yes
[19:06:28] * Kit_Remoni checks out through public matrix, do high-class cars require special permission for lowlifes to even go through
[19:07:51] <@Fats> * they don't; but you won't be too welcome, obviously. The dining car is between the first class and the second class cars.
[19:07:54] <Kit_Remoni> * I also assume that having central satnode hacked gives me access to whole lot of trickery. E.G. calls probably go through there, too
[19:08:09] * Che checks if it's time to grab his order.
[19:08:10] <@Fats> * Yeah.
[19:08:22] <@Fats> * To both :3
[19:09:18] <Che> - Anyone need anything from buffet?
[19:09:22] <Che> *s
[19:09:39] <Kit_Remoni> * tickets usually are easy to link to train model even by public means - is our target train same model?
[19:09:47] <Kit_Remoni> - Wormburger, if you please
[19:10:09] <Che> - Anything else?
[19:10:25] <Kit_Remoni> - Actually, I'll stretch my legs a bit and come with you
[19:10:52] * Kit_Remoni will try to reach comm node from dining car, range should be enough
[19:11:24] <@Fats> The dining car resembles a roadside diner with extra mirrors along the walls: same plastic tables, same cheap erzats-leather on the seats. At the far side of the car, just before a curtain to what you presume to be kitchen, a bar table sits invitingly, complete with a barman and four stools. Several of what you presume to be foreign tourists chat and laugh loudly around a couple tables.
[19:11:51] * Che surveys the cars on his way to dining car and back.
[19:13:01] * Kit_Remoni will take a hopefully(by name) less shitty beer from the bar and scan for commnode
[19:13:43] <@Fats> * Kit_Remoni, you find the node controlling the sat uplink dish well before a boisterous orkish waiter girl brings you your orders. It's a bog-standard SK comm controller, shouldn't be anything special hacking-wise.
[19:14:20] <Kit_Remoni> * nothing special like 'no rolls' or like 'low stats'?
[19:14:26] * Che smiles to waiter and thanks her.
[19:14:27] <@Fats> Che, the cars you pass on your way to the dining car are much the same as yours, with the same blue collar public.
[19:14:43] <@Fats> * like "low stats", you estimate R4 all around
[19:15:01] <Kit_Remoni> * good
[19:15:18] <Kit_Remoni> * and train model for our trip back is the same?
[19:15:49] <@Fats> The girl readily smiles back; a ring in her pierced cheekbone rocks at the movement.
[19:16:51] <@Fats> * you are reasonably sure that the whole train fleet on the Transsib is of the same model, produced by a factory in joint ownership of Russian state and Sauder Krupp
[19:16:56] * Kit_Remoni is somewhat staggered - he planned to say some choice words regarding shittiness of beer which he won't even give to his cat to poison it. But... when he saw waitress he suddenly realized that he has issues being rude to non-humans.
[19:17:25] <@Fats> * that's speciest!
[19:17:31] <Kit_Remoni> * to trogs at least
[19:17:49] <Kit_Remoni> *yes, and Kit did not realize that before
[19:18:20] <Che> * you have issues? want to talk about it?
[19:18:37] <Kit_Remoni> - Emm.. Thanks. - he blubbered sheepishly, taking the beer and walking back to the car. Hm. Hm!
[19:19:05] * Che raises his brow but says nothing.
[19:19:16] <Kit_Remoni> - What?
[19:19:33] <Che> - What "what"?
[19:20:14] <Kit_Remoni> - You are looking like you want to say something
[19:20:43] <Che> - I usually say something when I want to.
[19:21:32] <Kit_Remoni> - I do hope so! Because. Anyway. I've got an idea which might, you know. Help. us.
[19:22:41] <Che> - That's perfect my grumpy friend!
[19:23:31] * Che offers Nebokhod wine back in the car and starts eating waiting for Kit's ideas.
[19:24:40] * Nebokhod washes down the remains of the soysnack with a glass off wine.
[19:24:44] <Nebokhod> - Thanks.
[19:26:10] <Nebokhod> - Anything interesting in the dining car?
[19:26:21] <@Fats> The wine is surprisingly decent next to the pabular holocaust the RZD has been subjecting you to so far
[19:26:29] <Kit_Remoni> = So. And no, this beer is shitty on purpose, I mean I took it on purpose. Anyway. All trains here are alike, so whatever works here works on the way back too. And all communications, I mean both calls and matrix and everything are linked through one relatively shitty commnode. So basically after some work I can spoof any calls to/from outside and any data
[19:26:29] <Kit_Remoni> requests. Including not just seats
[19:27:51] <Nebokhod> * do we have tickets for return trips on hand, so to speak?
[19:27:55] <Che> = ... but buffet orders too?
[19:28:18] <Kit_Remoni> = Like trainvine?
[19:29:02] <Kit_Remoni> = So suggestion is to identify opposition and use this to get them trouble with train security. Like memo from mainland pointing them as terrorists and such. Guards here have enough heavy firepower we lack
[19:29:54] <Che> = We still need to identify them first.
[19:31:21] <Kit_Remoni> = That for sure. But at least problem of having shootout with them personally is little less drastic. For me, at least, I miss my steel puppies
[19:31:55] <Nebokhod> = Well, if we can check the seating data of the return train and check the most recent buyers of tickets we can narrow down possibilities.
[19:33:36] <Nebokhod> = Sift out the corp drones to narrow them down further.
[19:35:56] <Kit_Remoni> = Can be done, too...
[19:36:03] <Nebokhod> = Also, see if there will be free compartments for us to relocate.
[19:36:24] <Kit_Remoni> * fats, we are expected to meet courier immediately after departure back?
[19:36:52] <@Fats> * No; the Johnson said he will board the train somewhere along the way
[19:39:48] <Che> * Are there stops?
[19:40:28] <Nebokhod> * no the courier wiil fly in black chopper.
[19:41:41] <@Fats> Yes, and quite a lot of them: your train is not an express. Actually, one of them comes up just now; at some nameless village without as much as a raised railroad platform. Several people hop on the train; the locals peddle berries and bakery products.
[19:42:19] <Kit_Remoni> * I thought WE will approach him. If he is joining himself then he will look for us in our designated seats
[19:43:02] * Che goes on hunt for some tasty pierog's to accompany new ordered bottle of wine.
[19:45:24] * Nebokhod checks out the berries.
[19:45:28] <@Fats> The runner picks up some pierogi from an old woman who appears to get all of her income from peddling those. The berries have a taste that is surprisingly unpronounced compared to the flavouring added to the soy products.
[19:46:05] <@Fats> Nebokhod, the locals are selling local blackberry and bilberry exclusively.
[19:47:46] <Nebokhod> - How much for the blackberry?
[19:48:12] <@Fats> - Ten nuyen a glass.
[19:48:37] <Che> * Pricey!
[19:48:48] <Kit_Remoni> * Local! Organic!
[19:50:27] <Nebokhod> - Are they made of gold? How about 14 for 2 glasses?
[19:50:58] <Kit_Remoni> * and what if they are?
[19:51:11] <@Fats> - They're not made of soy or creel! Go and try to find that in one of your high and mighty cities, mofo! 17 for two.
[19:51:41] <Nebokhod> - Deal.
[19:52:25] <@Fats> The woman passes the promised berries to the mage.
[19:54:11] * Kit_Remoni meanwhile will also check how badass mofo central railroad server looks like
[19:54:19] * Nebokhod returns to compartment with vitamins.
[19:55:51] <@Fats> As soon as he plops back to his berth, the train shudders and resembles its noisy movement.
[19:55:52] * Che is happy with his newly acquired pile of pierog's and a fresh bottle of wine. Future promises to be not that gloom after all!
[19:57:03] * Che offers some to his companions.
[19:57:14] <Che> - Help yourselves!
[19:57:33] <Nebokhod> - Don't mind if i do.
[19:58:01] * Nebokhod shares second glass of berries between teammates.
[19:58:32] <@Fats> * Kit_Remoni, you glide seamlessly through the coloured blackness of the VR until you find the required host; its sculpting most resembles a complex mess of sharp needles of broken ice, no doubt a graph of some complex equation like the rest of the RZD corporate style. A cursory probing shows its security to be up there with the corporate level.
[19:58:38] <@Fats> * Around R5, you'd say.
[19:59:29] <Kit_Remoni> * Curious question: if I hacked commnode of a train, would I be able to basically spoof legitimate requests from inside the train and intercept the results?
[19:59:43] <Kit_Remoni> * e.g. any readonly query regarding passengers
[20:00:41] <Kit_Remoni> * book even suggests that capture wireless traffic is enough
[20:00:43] <@Fats> * Yes, if you leave a sprite there tasked with that (and with an Edit complex form), or if you stay there and pay attention to the passing traffic.
[20:03:01] <Kit_Remoni> * Can I do it right now? Since we are in a train that can legitimately talk to the central server, all data for the next trip is on that server, and I doubt that they restrict this information based on the particular route requester is on (this introduces way too much performance degradation)
[20:04:35] <@Fats> * Uhhh, yeah, if you hack the satellite uplink host in your train, you can filter and spoof the passing traffic, sure. Or what is it that you want to do?
[20:06:42] <Kit_Remoni> * Yes. Also I'm checking if this is possible via just "Capture wireless traffic" without necessarily hacking the node, as book suggests
[20:07:14] <Kit_Remoni> * Before you can spoof, you must have an access ID from which the
[20:07:14] <Kit_Remoni> target accepts commands. This can be done by finding an authorized
[20:07:14] <Kit_Remoni> user in the Matrix and making a Matrix Perception test on her icon to
[20:07:14] <Kit_Remoni> get her access ID. You can also use the Capture Wireless Traffic action
[20:07:14] <Kit_Remoni> to find legitimate orders and then Trace the communication back to
[20:07:15] <Kit_Remoni> its source, which will net you the access ID.
[20:09:41] <@Fats> * You can Capture Wireless Traffic to get the access ID of the central ticket server; with that, you can Spoof messages that'd look like its replies to seat number requests for tickets. However, unless you stop actual queries passing through the sat communication, the server will still return legitimate replies.
[20:10:54] <Kit_Remoni> * Clarification: I want to spoof the Train and as Train query the Server to tell me data about passengers on Next Train as Nebokhod asked
[20:12:34] <@Fats> * Sure, you can do that.
[20:12:48] <Kit_Remoni> * OK
[20:13:01] <Kit_Remoni> * thread complex form sniffer to capture data 11#sd
[20:13:01] <ur_dnd_bot> Kit_Remoni: (pool 11) 2 hits
[20:14:08] <Kit_Remoni> * edge to reroll fails 9#sd
[20:14:09] <ur_dnd_bot> Kit_Remoni: (pool 9) 1 hit
[20:15:08] <Kit_Remoni> * should've added +2 for matrix, but ok. 9#sd (4+3+2) against 3 to capture
[20:15:08] <ur_dnd_bot> Kit_Remoni: (pool 9) 6 hits
[20:15:19] <Kit_Remoni> * roller. OK, ID captured
[20:16:02] <Kit_Remoni> * drop sniffer thread spoof 11#sd
[20:16:02] <ur_dnd_bot> Kit_Remoni: (pool 11) 2 hits
[20:16:11] <Kit_Remoni> * WTF is it seriously
[20:16:11] <@Fats> * Nice. The ID is a complex series of numbers without any apparent rhyme or reason to them.
[20:18:19] * Kit_Remoni gets giant blow-up doll of Train Man in a Train Hat (looking somewhat like the 'railroad traditions' guy) and waves its hand towards the sharp and needly looking Central Server
[20:19:02] <Kit_Remoni> * hacking + spoof + matrix(2) + edge 3 = 11#sdx
[20:19:02] <ur_dnd_bot> Kit_Remoni: (pool 11, exploding) 5 hits
[20:19:41] <Kit_Remoni> * roll opposition (target’s Pilot + Firewall or System + Firewall for peripheral
[20:19:41] <Kit_Remoni> devices (usually Device Rating x 2).
[20:20:28] <@Fats> * it eats your spoof line, hook and sinker, feel free to describe
[20:24:09] * Kit_Remoni puts letter with the request into blow-up-trainman hand and throws it towards server. we're checking full passenger list on the target train. linked to seat numbers of course
[20:27:02] <@Fats> An infinitely fine point of one of the host's needles breaks off and remains in the doll's hand, exponentially growing until it turns into a transparent piece of glass-like presented data: the list you're looking for, as of current time.
[20:27:52] * Kit_Remoni makes doll smile and bow, than retreat backwards, like proper servant should
[20:28:58] <Kit_Remoni> = Ok, here's the list of passengers and free seats. Check which ones you like best
[20:29:04] <@Fats> * You have a list of some three hundred names, patronymics and surnames, as well as SIN numbers.
[20:29:35] * Kit_Remoni will do a general background check on the list to filter out obvious non-players, so to speak
[20:30:44] <Che> = Good work.
[20:32:01] * Kit_Remoni honestly thinks it's more about it being russian (so lacking in IT) and state-owned, but will not tell Che that
[20:32:36] <@Fats> The technomancer emulates SIN data requests to filter out the children and the elderly, getting a filtered list of some two hundred persons, about half of them affiliated with one megacorp or another, and most of the other half - with the rucorps.
[20:32:51] <Che> = Are there any free places in the end of train, so we can better notice unusual incoming traffic?
[20:33:08] <Kit_Remoni> - Cheers *large beer glass against wine glass is hilarious*
[20:33:15] <Nebokhod> = Do we have dates of booking the tickets?
[20:33:36] <@Fats> * Yes you do
[20:33:40] <Kit_Remoni> *Fats should confirm, but I'd say this list should have it
[20:34:25] <Che> = Can courier's ticket be bought around same time as our own tickets?
[20:35:04] <Nebokhod> = And so should be the oppositions'
[20:35:25] <Kit_Remoni> = Would be logical. Also he will board on specific station, and tickets should be linked to entrance on that station
[20:36:02] <Kit_Remoni> = Anyone boarding up to Khabarovsk is not our client
[20:36:49] <Che> = That is if we're told truth about his boarding further down the road.
[20:37:19] <Kit_Remoni> = True enough
[20:38:23] <Kit_Remoni> = Opposition - not sure. BTW, bug-eyed guy said he does not want his package to be seen by cops. When we board we'll need to find a place to hide it in case trouble happens and we're searched
[20:39:19] <Kit_Remoni> * we filter list out for the tickets bought close to ours
[20:39:28] <@Fats> A quick search reveals your future neighbors: one Chengiz Aymatov, tickets booked at about the same time as yours (two days prior). The other - one Rose Primrose, booked today. Both are joining you at a fine stop named Chertova Gora.
[20:39:59] <Kit_Remoni> * Who has literature knowledges?
[20:40:08] <Kit_Remoni> * because this fucking screams
[20:41:17] <@Fats> * of what? :3
[20:42:25] <Kit_Remoni> * of fake name
[20:42:38] <Che> * in cheese nobody can hear your screams.
[20:42:58] <Kit_Remoni> * suspended under layers of fat(s)
[20:43:14] <Kit_Remoni> * you can only drink in the inevitability of final demise
[20:44:42] <@Fats> * Well yes, you don't need to roll literature knowledge rolls to figure that the name screams of cheap SIN forging.
[20:45:33] <Kit_Remoni> = Interesting. I expected one strange dude, but not another strange dudette
[20:45:48] <Che> = We don't know that for sure.
[20:45:50] * Nebokhod checks out the astral plane around the train.
[20:45:58] <Nebokhod> = Elaborate
[20:46:17] <Che> = "Dudette".
[20:46:25] <Kit_Remoni> = Che, I seriously doubt the coincidence of two people with obviously fake SINs sitting next to our seats
[20:46:38] <Kit_Remoni> = With one having ticket bought at the same time as us
[20:46:53] <@Fats> Nebokhod, the astral is in full order, only glowing here and there off in the distance with low background counts typical for wilderness areas.
[20:47:07] <Kit_Remoni> = Dudette. Dudeasel. Dudame. Pick your poison
[20:47:35] <Nebokhod> * any signs of security?
[20:48:51] <Che> = Well, if its SIN is forged, then it can be male troll or somesuch.
[20:49:23] <Che> = Speaking of SIN, can you check it?
[20:49:24] <@Fats> The train is full of metahuman auras. Perhaps among them somewhere is the resident mage (if indeed there is one), but you can't tell at a glance.
[20:49:24] <Nebokhod> = Or a dwarfs stacked on top of each other.
[20:49:29] <Kit_Remoni> = True. But if it is a troll calling himself Rose Primrose, I do want to meet that troll
[20:49:50] <@Fats> * or do you?
[20:50:14] <Kit_Remoni> * how one would 'check' a SIN?
[20:50:29] <Kit_Remoni> * as far as I understand you could at most say if it is fake or not
[20:50:55] <Che> * There are no public or not so public records?
[20:50:56] <Kit_Remoni> * is looking for activity linked to that SIN matrix search of hacking?
[20:52:23] <@Fats> * Hmmm. Minding that you're not a legitimate company that'd have access to the SIN database, let's say it's a hacking+spoof roll, the more hits you get, the more info the SIN databases blurt out
[20:54:10] <Kit_Remoni> 8#sd
[20:54:10] <ur_dnd_bot> Kit_Remoni: (pool 8) 4 hits
[20:54:22] <Kit_Remoni> *wow. Roller is fucking rave today
[20:55:07] <@Fats> * which SIN are you trying to check?
[20:55:23] <Kit_Remoni> * I'm checking Rose first because she seems more like opposition than the guy. I expect guy to be the courier
[20:59:23] <@Fats> The technomancer carefully constructs a series of fake queries to the SIN database; most of them go unanswered or bring garbled data from outdated or broken databases (as tends to happen when working with distributed systems like the SIN), but you do manage to get the bearer's basic details and recent shopping history
[21:01:26] <@Fats> You're looking at a 27 year old female elf, born in Samara, compulsory middle education (10 years), served as a nurse in Samara Army Hospital (as a quick search for the regiment number listed reveals) despite a crippling nerve system condition.
[21:01:53] <@Fats> The shopping list is overwhelmingly chick flicks, rave clubs and trash food.
[21:02:06] <@Fats> * Roll Logic+Intuition, Kit_Remoni
[21:02:50] <Kit_Remoni> 8#sd
[21:02:51] <ur_dnd_bot> Kit_Remoni: (pool 8) 5 hits
[21:02:57] <Kit_Remoni> * it gets better.
[21:04:11] <Kit_Remoni> * as a player my first question would be 'what the heck Samara girl does in khabarovsk?'
[21:05:48] <@Fats> The only thing standing out is a donation to a charity fund named "Medicine for the downtrodden". As you well know, charity funds with names like this are usually cover ups to disguise paying for street doc services.
[21:08:47] <@Fats> * Uh, anyone with shadowrunning knowledge might roll as soon as Kit reports his findings
[21:08:51] <Kit_Remoni> = Seems like the girl is our kind of girl. If you know what I'm saying'
[21:09:13] <Kit_Remoni> *points out the transaction*
[21:09:17] <Che> * Mmm, I have Underworld - is it good enough?
[21:09:25] <@Fats> * Works
[21:09:26] <Kit_Remoni> * and other stuff
[21:09:33] <Che> = She's a troll?
[21:09:50] <Che> 8#sd Underworld
[21:09:50] <ur_dnd_bot> Che: (pool 8) 4 hits
[21:10:42] <Che> = Also, we should probably look that "Chertova Gora" up too.
[21:11:41] <@Fats> Che, "degenerative nerve disease" is the SIN euphemism for "I want speed boosters implanted to look somewhat legal"
[21:12:30] <Che> = Looks like Rose is wired up.
[21:13:53] <Nebokhod> = Any ties to major players?
[21:13:54] <Che> = Hm, can we switch her place to some other train? And hope, that she was not a courier, yes.
[21:16:56] <Kit_Remoni> = Place to other train I doubt. Car could be. *Fats, is there a point on her route when cars get swapped between trains?
[21:18:44] <@Fats> * Nope, Transsib is a straight road.
[21:24:40] <@Fats> * what do you do, runners, what do you do?
[21:25:58] <Nebokhod> * let's finish checking the dudes and skip to the return trip.
[21:26:50] <Che> * are there any unusual news from that Chertova Gora?
[21:27:26] <Kit_Remoni> * I'd suggest checking her through underworld channels
[21:27:30] <@Fats> * Nebokhod, you seem to assume I am not planning a TPK well before you reach your destination.
[21:27:40] <Kit_Remoni> = OK, I'll prepare for the next trip
[21:27:53] <Kit_Remoni> * will get cracksprite for satellite hacking
[21:27:56] <@Fats> * Che, not really. It's a village in the middle of nowhere, nothing much happens there.
[21:28:46] <Che> = Hm, what they can haul from that drekhole?
[21:30:18] * Kit_Remoni forges himself a trombone to call a snow squid from the deep recesses of snow in tundra
[21:30:41] <Kit_Remoni> * 7lvl should be enough
[21:31:34] <Kit_Remoni> 12#sd vs 7#sd
[21:31:36] <ur_dnd_bot> Kit_Remoni: (pool 12) 5 hits; (pool 7) 0 hits
[21:31:44] <Kit_Remoni> *wow
[21:32:02] <Kit_Remoni> * edge reroll for the last point of edge, I want those tasks
[21:32:08] <Kit_Remoni> 7#sd
[21:32:08] <ur_dnd_bot> Kit_Remoni: (pool 7) 4 hits
[21:32:42] <@Fats> * Great rollin
[21:32:58] <Kit_Remoni> *yep. and no fading, since squid is apparently friendly
[21:33:32] <Kit_Remoni> * crack sprite, exploit and stealth powers
[21:34:10] <@Fats> * Okay.
[21:34:27] <Kit_Remoni> * how much time we have till train arrives?
[21:34:38] <@Fats> * About two and a half days.
[21:34:43] <Nebokhod> * 3 days?
[21:35:12] <Kit_Remoni> * with this amount of time I can hack stuff!
[21:36:07] <@Fats> * The train from Vladivostok to Izhevsk takes three days, yes
[21:36:38] <Kit_Remoni> * two questions Fats: 1) how does helping work again? example being me and sprite hacking the same target
[21:37:26] <Kit_Remoni> * 2) since this is transsib and therefore railroad is effin long, the train we want is probably already on the road to Izhevsk. I wonder if I can hack it remotely
[21:38:40] <@Fats> * The helper rolls the same roll as the primary actor (that is, the same attribute, the same skill, etc). The hits on his test are added as dice to the dice pool of the primary actor.
[21:39:05] <Kit_Remoni> * and how it works in case of extended tests?
[21:39:17] <Kit_Remoni> * 2 rolls for each 'turn'?
[21:39:45] <Kit_Remoni> * with squid's whopping 9 tasks each of which can do 8 hours of probing, together it's a fair chance I can hack a lotta stuff
[21:40:21] <@Fats> * I don't think I've seen the rules for that
[21:40:56] <@Fats> * But yeah, sure, why not
[21:41:24] <@Fats> * Yeah, you can look up the schedule of trains and perhaps hack the one need remotely
[21:47:31] <Kit_Remoni> * do I need to hack the central server first?
[21:49:27] <@Fats> * No, that's all publicly available data
[21:52:04] <Kit_Remoni> * I mean do I need to hack central server to be able to hack target train
[21:52:57] <@Fats> * No, of course not. The sat communication node is just a Matrix-connected node like any other
[21:56:38] <Kit_Remoni> * who knows, VPN and stuff
[21:58:06] * Kit_Remoni checks the train schedule, and together with the squid starts on breaking the train's communication sat module
[21:58:46] <@Fats> * Probing?
[21:59:16] <Kit_Remoni> * thread exploit first to something more forecoming than 5. Since probing, 5 stealth should be enough 11#sd exploit threading
[21:59:16] <ur_dnd_bot> Kit_Remoni: (pool 11) 3 hits
[22:00:10] <Kit_Remoni> * exploit 8. and resist 3p 12#sd
[22:00:11] <ur_dnd_bot> Kit_Remoni: (pool 12) 5 hits
[22:00:15] <Kit_Remoni> * cool.
[22:00:52] <Kit_Remoni> * pool is 14 plus whatever squid adds with his another 14 dice
[22:01:21] <@Fats> * let's go with the squid adding three dice
[22:01:35] <@Fats> * as if bying hits
[22:01:55] <Kit_Remoni> *... ok
[22:02:19] * Che fiddles with his disposable commlink.
[22:02:45] <Kit_Remoni> * to admin it would be threshold 14.
[22:02:52] <Kit_Remoni> 17,14#sde
[22:02:53] <ur_dnd_bot> Kit_Remoni: (pool 17, threshold 14) 4 passes, 18 hits
[22:02:57] <@Fats> Che, the RZD uplink floods your field of vision with dozens of rucorp ads.
[22:03:38] <Kit_Remoni> * 4 hours and I have an account. and -1 task.
[22:04:05] * Che looks up weather reports for next days.
[22:04:52] <@Fats> Che, autumn is coming into its rights, so it's rains and cold across the grid
[22:05:13] <@Fats> * Kit_Remoni, sure.
[22:05:29] <Kit_Remoni> For hours squids tentacles crawl around the surface of the node, looking for weaknesses. X-Ray gun technomancer is using revealed structural defects. Finally, backdoor was found.
[22:05:59] <Kit_Remoni> * since one free check by server is on logon, not result, I can drop exploit and thread stealth before entering
[22:06:16] <Kit_Remoni> 11#sd stealth
[22:06:16] <ur_dnd_bot> Kit_Remoni: (pool 11) 4 hits
[22:06:19] <@Fats> As you chat and loiter around, the sun sets, and your fellow travelers prepare to go to sleep. The attendant passes through the car, handing off clean bedclothes.
[22:07:29] * Kit_Remoni for a moment opens his eyes to briefly see beautiful Siberian sunset and mumble something close to goodnight to his partners-in-shadows. Then he returns back to wireless world
[22:07:31] <Che> - Ah, like in good old times...
[22:08:09] <Nebokhod> - Only with lot less brass to worry about.
[22:08:52] <Kit_Remoni> *logon to the new admin account with stealth 9 vs firewall+analyze of the server. Fats, does it hit me?
[22:09:25] <@Fats> * no it doesn't
[22:09:27] <Che> - Well, and there were a bit more alcohol in my cadet years. Or a lot...
[22:10:03] <Che> - Sometimes I miss that times.
[22:11:34] <Nebokhod> - And sometimes you hit them.
[22:11:54] <Nebokhod> - Sleep, maybe you'll dream about your drill instuctor.
[22:12:14] <Che> - Yeah. Good night.
[22:12:46] * Kit_Remoni wears his favourite Elephant Magician icon and sneakily looks around the node. His icon sparkles to indicate that he is just a dream
[22:12:58] <Nebokhod> * maybe i should start saving up for ally spirit.
[22:13:01] <Kit_Remoni> * what do I see?
[22:13:13] <Kit_Remoni> * yep, so much roleplaying potential )
[22:14:12] * Che lays on back, puts his hands up on his chest and hides in them his trusted holdout.
[22:18:43] <@Fats> You see a bog-standard Sauder Krupp comm controller interface: it's an idealized hydroelectric plant over a green valley stretching off into the distance; the data passing through the host represented by the water passing through the plant
[22:19:52] <Kit_Remoni> * Elephant sniffs the air * 10#sd matrix perx
[22:19:53] <ur_dnd_bot> Kit_Remoni: (pool 10) 7 hits
[22:20:19] <Kit_Remoni> * any ice? any data storages or caches? other nodes linked to it?
[22:23:59] <@Fats> There's a patrolling IC, again standard for that kind of nodes represented by a guard in a black uniform circling the grounds. The node has no data storages of its own, but you notice it is set to copy passing traffic packet to some far off host on finding key words. Many other nodes connect to this one (obviously car nodes), but none of them are slaved.
[22:28:07] <Kit_Remoni> * remind me what do I do to cleanup logs?
[22:28:25] <Kit_Remoni> * and does going to other car nodes inquire separate stealth check?
[22:30:21] <@Fats> * Roll Hacking+Edit
[22:30:37] <@Fats> * Those are low-level enough not to require checks
[22:30:48] <Kit_Remoni> * damn it. 9#sd to thread edit
[22:30:48] <ur_dnd_bot> Kit_Remoni: (pool 9) 4 hits
[22:31:04] <Kit_Remoni> 8#sd cleanup
[22:31:05] <ur_dnd_bot> Kit_Remoni: (pool 8) 4 hits
[22:31:39] <@Fats> * you clean them up safely.
[22:31:41] <Kit_Remoni> Elephant accurately sets any grass or flowers stomped by him back as it were
[22:33:15] <Kit_Remoni> Then checks out other cars to check if he can indeed add orders for food and, more importantly, which is the car with guards and/or superintendants. Their commlinks need to be checked
[22:33:49] <Kit_Remoni> * BTW if anyone wants to drop out of hacker-fest - feel free. I believe after I hack all stuff I need we can continue on the next session anyway
[22:35:10] <Che> * hm, if Fats promises not to kill us in sleep, then I can go AFK for a while.
[22:35:24] <@Fats> * What do you mean by adding orders for food? There are three cars with security details (four men each): the first one, the last one, and the one next to the dining car.
[22:35:33] <@Fats> * actually I'm just getting to that
[22:35:45] <@Fats> * Kit_Remoni, perception (olfactory), please
[22:36:12] <Kit_Remoni> * I'm in VR, how much penalty this gives me?
[22:36:29] <Kit_Remoni> * HOT VR, of course. because cold is for softies
[22:37:27] <@Fats> * -4 if I remember
[22:37:42] <Kit_Remoni> 3#sd
[22:37:42] <ur_dnd_bot> Kit_Remoni: (pool 3) 3 hits
[22:37:52] <@Fats> * Che, Nebokhod, resist ten stun from an inhaled toxin, please. Kit_Remoni, the same.
[22:37:55] <Kit_Remoni> * Seriously, Fats. Your bot is on drugs
[22:38:10] <@Fats> * it's not mine, it's wRAR's
[22:38:15] <Kit_Remoni> * also what difference did my roll make?
[22:38:22] <@Fats> Kit, you notice a faint odour of gas on your berth.
[22:38:40] <Kit_Remoni> * but still resist the same amount. Well, good thing I didn't edge it
[22:38:52] <@Fats> * You actually notice something is wrong, you're not feeling weak just because, out of a sudden
[22:38:58] <Nebokhod> * what do we roll?
[22:39:06] <Kit_Remoni> * btw
[22:39:11] <Kit_Remoni> * Reduced sense(smell)
[22:40:06] <@Fats> * Nebokhod, Body + whatever means if you have of reducing the effect of inhaled toxins
[22:40:27] <Kit_Remoni> * I thought bodyx2 in such cases, but ok
[22:40:33] <Kit_Remoni> 3#sd again
[22:40:33] <ur_dnd_bot> Kit_Remoni: (pool 3) 1 hit
[22:40:47] <Nebokhod> 3#sd
[22:40:48] <ur_dnd_bot> Nebokhod: (pool 3) 1 hit
[22:40:48] <Che> 3#sd Body
[22:40:49] <ur_dnd_bot> Che: (pool 3) 1 hit
[22:41:21] <@Fats> * Che, Nebokhod, you feel nothing as the gas acts on you in your sleep.
[22:41:30] <Kit_Remoni> = FFUUU....*almost stunned*
[22:42:01] <Kit_Remoni> * will it hit me the same next turn or not?
[22:42:04] <@Fats> Kit, you connect the dots: apparently something's very wrong, minding the loud commotion you're hearing from the compartments above!
[22:42:29] <@Fats> * No, that's a single-hit thing, the stun damage is for the entire effect
[22:42:38] <Nebokhod> * dwarves get +2 vs toxins, apparently.
[22:42:51] <@Fats> * right
[22:42:55] <Kit_Remoni> * thanks! 2#sd
[22:42:56] <ur_dnd_bot> Kit_Remoni: (pool 2) 1 hit
[22:43:12] <Kit_Remoni> * well, I'm a little less almost out of it
[22:43:32] <Kit_Remoni> * crawls to the medkit bag to get slap patches
[22:44:05] <@Fats> * perception (audial)
[22:44:36] <Kit_Remoni> * obviously dropped out from VR. use 1 task of a sprite to create backdoor
[22:44:47] <Kit_Remoni> * in the comm node of the target train
[22:45:11] <Kit_Remoni> * perc 7 -3 from stun damage = 4#sd
[22:45:11] <ur_dnd_bot> Kit_Remoni: (pool 4) 2 hits
[22:45:42] <@Fats> You are reasonably sure the noise you're hearing from above is silenced gunfire.
[22:46:10] <Kit_Remoni> * well. fuck
[22:46:29] <@Fats> * what do you do, runners, what do you? Other than sleep that is :3
[22:46:32] * Kit_Remoni find Nebokhod's slap patches and hits him/che
[22:47:52] <Che> - Hey?
[22:48:21] <Kit_Remoni> - SHH! *whisper* we are in dip shit. I hear gunfire.
[22:48:22] <Nebokhod> - Wha?
[22:48:23] <@Fats> Che, Nebokhod, you wake up abruptly as the stimulant courses through your veins. You hear the faint gunfire; then the fight is unmistakably heard as you hear a tiger roaring.
[22:48:47] <Nebokhod> *whispers" - Fuck me running.
[22:48:50] <@Fats> Something heavy slams on the floor off to the side above you.
[22:48:53] <Kit_Remoni> - Luke, remind me why the drek did we not take the plane?
[22:48:53] <Che> - Drek.
[22:49:24] <Nebokhod> * do i feel magic?
[22:49:35] <Che> = Is it after us, or just some random shootout with tigers?
[22:50:15] <@Fats> You are feeling no spells cast, if this is your question.
[22:50:21] <Kit_Remoni> = I honestly do not give a fuck until I feel safe.
[22:50:31] <Nebokhod> = Can you check the cams?
[22:50:33] <Kit_Remoni> = Cover me, I'll check the cams
[22:50:56] * Che covers Kit with blanket.
[22:51:12] <@Fats> * at least he'll feel safe that way
[22:51:35] * Kit_Remoni crawls into the corner, gets his own slappatch on (I did have shopping list in charsheet and we did get some money forward I think), then drop to VR and hack cams.
[22:52:31] <Kit_Remoni> * well, I did hack the train. question is can we reach it
[22:52:31] * Che readies his holdout.
[22:52:38] <Nebokhod> * i cast detect life.
[22:52:55] <Nebokhod> 13#sd f3
[22:52:56] <ur_dnd_bot> Nebokhod: (pool 13) 2 hits
[22:53:28] <@Fats> Kit, the picture from the cams is what you'd expect: several dark figures are having a firefight with a tiger in the car, above you. When you turn the cam to visible or low-light, the figures are simply shadowy, their faces covered with balaklavas; on thermal, they're as hot as men in a fight should be. As you watch, the tiger sends one of its attackers flying, and the rest of the troupe hears glass breaking and sees a figure flying past their win
[22:53:28] <@Fats> dow just as well as you
[22:53:58] <@Fats> * Nebokhod, remind me, what does your spell reveal?
[22:55:11] <Nebokhod> * major details only at 2 nethits. Sr4a 206.
[22:56:21] <@Fats> * There are metahumans sleeping all around you, as you'd expect. Your spell also picks up the same combatants the cam did.
[22:56:32] <Nebokhod> 11#sd magical threats to check if i know about tigers in the trains
[22:56:33] <ur_dnd_bot> Nebokhod: (pool 11) 6 hits
[22:56:49] <Kit_Remoni> = Guys, I believe this to be tiger attack. How random is anyone's guess. Defenders I would think are guards from the train, but seem to be better equipped
[22:57:29] <@Fats> Nebokhod, well, assuming the tiger wasn't somehow brought on board the train under an invisibility spell, it is likely a shapeshifter. Were it a spirit, your spell wouldn't have picked it up, after all.
[22:57:35] <Kit_Remoni> = I'm not sure, could tiger be train's defender? I thought shifters are from yakut side
[22:57:41] <Nebokhod> = Since when the train guards have suppressed weapons?
[22:57:50] <Che> = Should we file the formal complain to RZD administration?
[22:58:17] <Kit_Remoni> = Should we offboard them all from the train?
[22:58:48] <Kit_Remoni> = On the plus side I did hack our target train. Just hoping now we get to sit in there
[22:58:58] <@Fats> Kit, the guys above are apparently very decent shots: as far as you can see, their burst hit their target reliably.
[22:58:59] <@Fats> *bursts
[22:59:14] * Kit_Remoni checks cameras from other cars
[22:59:29] <Che> = Well, as long as they don't intervene with our business we can tolerate their presence in our train.
[23:00:14] <Nebokhod> 6#sd composure.
[23:00:15] <ur_dnd_bot> Nebokhod: (pool 6) 1 hit
[23:00:18] <Kit_Remoni> = Hm.. to an extent true
[23:00:23] <Che> = Lets just play regular folks here.
[23:00:54] <Nebokhod> = Tough luck, the fuckers are going down.
[23:01:34] <Che> = "Down" as in "unconsious" or "to us"?
[23:01:44] <Kit_Remoni> = They did try to limit casualties. Sleeping gits are not panicked running around in crossfire
[23:01:47] <@Fats> Kit_Remoni, nothing moving on the other cars except perhaps for random toilet-goers. While you're checking, the troupe hears something hit the floor above yet again: on your feed, the tiger's down.
[23:02:40] <Kit_Remoni> = Looks like their differences seem to be resolved.
[23:03:37] <Nebokhod> 13#sd vs 5#sd vs 12#sd
[23:03:38] <ur_dnd_bot> Nebokhod: (pool 13) 5 hits; (pool 5) 2 hits; (pool 12) 4 hits
[23:04:37] <@Fats> The guys keep working as diligently as before: two of them stay with the tiger, inject is with something and start dragging it off (apparently, the tiger is on the lightish side); one kneels to help his downed comrade; and the last one enters the compartment where the tiger went down and takes what looks like two children of the berths upon his shoulders.
[23:04:49] <@Fats> * Nebokhod, what's the roll?
[23:04:53] <Nebokhod> * F5 earth spirit with elemental attack.
[23:05:48] <Nebokhod> * i order the spirit to knockout the assailants.
[23:06:11] <Kit_Remoni> = And tiger is even alive. Wow. Hm... what do the plan to do with children, I wonder
[23:06:24] <Kit_Remoni> *they
[23:07:11] <Nebokhod> = Nothing good i imagine.
[23:07:33] <Che> = I can send fly-spy after them.
[23:07:42] <@Fats> * what does the spirit look like? Also, am I right to assume that it can only knock them out with Unarmed Combat?
[23:08:32] <Nebokhod> * yeah, it's a Golem, straight out of tale.
[23:10:07] <Nebokhod> * hm, should've chosen engulf.
[23:10:40] <Nebokhod> * i've mixed up elemental attack with energy aura.
[23:11:28] <@Fats> Lucas' spirit materializes above for a second round of the drama. Without a word, it steps up to the assailant kneeling next to his downed comrade and sends him flying along the length of the car, rolling a mangled heap down the stairs. You are pretty sure that broke a few bones.
[23:11:39] <Kit_Remoni> * do we see where this guys even came from? Also is there anyone on cameras in need of medical attention?
[23:11:45] <Che> = Kit am I right, and our mage is trying to attrack unwanted attention?
[23:11:58] <@Fats> * spirits of earth do not have energy aura as an optional power?
[23:12:07] <Nebokhod> * no.
[23:12:11] <Kit_Remoni> * excluding the assailants
[23:12:19] <@Fats> * the tiger, apparently.
[23:12:54] <Nebokhod> * negative qualities are cruel mistresses, bois..
[23:13:03] <Kit_Remoni> = Che, I believe Lukas is angry for being knocked out. But yes, we have 2 days of trip left and no plans to answer questions. We'll at the very least have to change seats
[23:13:56] <@Fats> The guys shift their attention to the tiger with the readiness betraying their combat experience. However, their bullets glance off the golem harmlessly.
[23:14:08] <Che> * are there anything indicating his magic and can we interrupt him?
[23:15:01] <Che> * well, golem is up on the feed, I think.
[23:15:16] <@Fats> * it was pretty obvious that he was summoning; plus the combat is obvious to everyone involved.
[23:17:31] <Nebokhod> * well, you could try and persuade Lucas that assailants are very sorry and won't do it again, pretty please with a cherry on top.
[23:17:54] <Nebokhod> * not that it would work, mind you.
[23:18:03] <Che> * or we can sedate him.
[23:18:38] <Che> * escept it's a little too late, I think.
[23:18:43] <Che> **x
[23:18:45] <@Fats> The golem moves to engage, choosing one of the guys who were dragging the tiger as his target; however, he leaps up gracefully, letting the charging spirit right by. The guy with the children sets one of them down on the berth, hugs the other closer and retreats towards the stairwell. The other tiger-hauler breaks as well, going for his downed comrade at another stairwell.
[23:20:10] <Nebokhod> * how the cars are connected? on the 1st floor only?
[23:20:21] <@Fats> * Yes, just like in real life.
[23:21:28] <Nebokhod> 13#sd Increase reflexes on myself f3
[23:21:29] <ur_dnd_bot> Nebokhod: (pool 13) 4 hits
[23:22:01] <Nebokhod> 12#sd drain
[23:22:02] <ur_dnd_bot> Nebokhod: (pool 12) 3 hits
[23:22:39] <Kit_Remoni> = Lukas, if your spirit hurts child, we will have them issues
[23:22:50] <Nebokhod> * +2 init, +2 ip.
[23:22:54] <Che> - Lucas, stop it. We don't need any attention from autorities, and those guys were pretty nice not to draw it to themselves.
[23:23:23] <Nebokhod> - Come, cover my back.
[23:23:25] <Che> - But if your golem will crush half a train we'll have tough time.
[23:23:40] <Che> *==
[23:24:14] * Nebokhod astral peaks out of compartment.
[23:24:25] <@Fats> The spirit turns in place in eerie silence; the guys are obviously experienced enough not to try and harm it, but you must admit the one attacked makes a very decent show of carefully dodging and parrying its heavy hits. The same can't be said of the spirit, and soon Kit sees fliders of berths flying as the golem crushes everything around it.
[23:25:15] <Nebokhod> * is the corridor clear?
[23:25:16] <@Fats> * Lucas, you're seeing pretty much what I am describing, except in astral colours.
[23:25:40] <Che> * pretty much dirty now.
[23:25:49] <@Fats> * Yes, the corridor on your level is clear (you're in second class, platzcart, so you can see it from your place even without standing up).
[23:26:18] * Kit_Remoni gets into Lukas' bag and gets tranq patches. * what do I need to do to knock him out this way? and what will happen to the spirit to my knowledge?
[23:26:53] <Nebokhod> *i move up to the 2nd floor and cast orgy on the room.
[23:28:53] <@Fats> As you look, two guys tumble down the stairwells on each side of the car, one with a child, the other with his comrade in tow. The one with the child rushes down the narrow corridor to the entrance, and disappears behind a closed door; the other listens up to something in his micro-transceiver headset and throws the body his is towing out of the nearest window.
[23:29:02] <@Fats> * roll init, Lucas
[23:29:12] <@Fats> *he is towing
[23:30:02] <Nebokhod> 6#sd
[23:30:03] <ur_dnd_bot> Nebokhod: (pool 6) 5 hits
[23:30:17] <@Fats> * so that's what, 11?
[23:30:40] <Nebokhod> * yeah, 3 ip.
[23:31:37] <@Fats> Lucas 11, Spirit 10, Tiger-hauler1 9, Tiger-hauler2 8. IP1. Nebokhod, your go.
[23:32:37] <Kit_Remoni> *well. ok.
[23:33:36] <Nebokhod> * what action is "Command the spirit"?
[23:33:46] <@Fats> * Free: speak phrase.
[23:34:52] <@Fats> * waiting for your action
[23:35:25] <Nebokhod> * stunball at visible opponent.
[23:35:46] <@Fats> * do roll.
[23:35:50] <Nebokhod> 11#sd f5
[23:35:51] <ur_dnd_bot> Nebokhod: (pool 11) 0 hits
[23:36:02] <Nebokhod> 11#sd edge
[23:36:03] <ur_dnd_bot> Nebokhod: (pool 11) 4 hits
[23:36:10] <Nebokhod> 12#sd drain
[23:36:11] <ur_dnd_bot> Nebokhod: (pool 12) 5 hits
[23:37:18] <Nebokhod> * should be 9 dv
[23:37:25] <Che> * Damn, I still need to go AFK for ~30min.
[23:40:02] <@Fats> The runner's spell silently explodes with a bright flash, making the man at the end of the car reel (and likely also knocking out whoever might be in the toilet).
[23:40:34] <Kit_Remoni> * Don't worry, Stozu, it's Hekcfy
[23:40:37] <Kit_Remoni> *'s show
[23:41:53] <Nebokhod> * pacifism, ho.
[23:42:06] <Kit_Remoni> * that helps
[23:42:24] <@Fats> Kit, the other man is still holding the spirit back, but the thing is visibly pressing him. As he is falling back, the spirit crashes through the narrow passage, unconscious passengers sliding to the ground.
[23:46:02] <@Fats> The man on the same level as you charges back up the stairs and fires a long silenced burst upon the spirit, making it turn shift its attentions towards him in annoyance even as bullets squish against the clay flesh harmlessly. The man's mouth can be seen moving, but no sound can be discerned.
[23:46:35] <@Fats> * Lucas 11, Spirit 10, Tiger-hauler1 9, Tiger-hauler2 6. IP2. Nebokhod, your go.
[23:47:18] <Nebokhod> * the one with the kid is in the other car?
[23:47:50] <@Fats> * He left through the door to another car, yes.
[23:50:35] <Nebokhod> * i move to that car and cast another stunball f3 with reduced radius (-1m).
[23:50:59] <Nebokhod> * on the previous target.
[23:51:04] <Nebokhod> 10#sd
[23:51:06] <ur_dnd_bot> Nebokhod: (pool 10) 2 hits
[23:51:14] <Nebokhod> 12#sd drain
[23:51:15] <ur_dnd_bot> Nebokhod: (pool 12) 5 hits
[23:52:29] <Nebokhod> * probably should have thrown him out of the train.
[23:54:20] <@Fats> * Your previous target is out of your LOS, having ascended the stairs at the other end of the car from where you're moving
[23:54:52] <Nebokhod> * ah, that was him.
[23:55:09] <@Fats> * Yeah, it was. Please redeclare.
[23:55:23] <Nebokhod> * move to the car with other kidnapper
[23:55:55] <Nebokhod> * what actions do i have?
[23:56:02] <Nebokhod> * left
[23:58:57] <@Fats> You rush through the door to the tambour, through it, and into the next car, only to find no obvious sight of the kidnapper. You still have a Simple Action, let's say.
[23:59:58] <Nebokhod> * i shift to astral perception
[00:02:43] <@Fats> You see the auras of the sleepers, yet still no trace of the kidnapper.
[00:03:01] <Nebokhod> * also i beginning to suspect that this is the package.
[00:03:06] <Nebokhod> *am
[00:03:31] <@Fats> * I will neither confirm nor deny this idea
[00:03:54] <@Fats> * anyway, I believe your turn is done
[00:03:57] <Nebokhod> * yes.
[00:06:18] <@Fats> The spirit stares at the man who shot it with malicious intent; then it rips a handful of clay from its form and flings it, aiming for the head. The man tries to dodge, but the lump hits him straight on the chest, and he flies off and collapses at the stairs.
[00:07:40] <Kit_Remoni> * if the same happens on the road _back_ then I would definitely think this way.
[00:07:47] <Kit_Remoni> * this is somewhat differnt and strange
[00:08:18] <@Fats> His colleague uses the pause the spirit's distraction gave him, grabs the man downed by the tiger and runs down the stairs and into the tambour, with a gusto not surprising given the situation he's in.
[00:09:29] <@Fats> The second man proves that he still draws breath by half-crawling half-rolling down the stairs and falling out of the window he broke just a dozen seconds before with his comrade's body.
[00:09:32] <Che> * I'm back
[00:10:04] <@Fats> * Lucas, IP3, your turn, I believe.
[00:11:19] <Nebokhod> * what do i see?
[00:12:30] <@Fats> * You're in the next car over. You see a peaceful car and a whole lot of sleepers.
[00:13:22] <Nebokhod> * there's no active threats next to the spirit?
[00:14:39] <@Fats> * if you don't consider a knocked out tiger shapeshifter or a child a threat.
[00:14:43] <Kit_Remoni> * question. are we actually moving or the train is on the station?
[00:14:48] <Nebokhod> * also. maybe che can shoot these jokers for a change?
[00:15:18] <Nebokhod> * i'm beginning to feel like i am van doorn.
[00:15:35] <Kit_Remoni> who?
[00:15:41] <@Fats> * You're rolling, but not too fast: either this portion of the road has been recently repaired after a Yakut attack or you're coming near a station
[00:16:03] <Nebokhod> *
[00:17:23] <Nebokhod> * i order the spirit to find and stop the assailant with kid.
[00:18:33] <Kit_Remoni> *unlike this dude you are armed with mystical powers
[00:18:37] <Kit_Remoni> * of orgy
[00:19:00] <Nebokhod> * do i have LOS to the traincar with the rest of them?
[00:21:55] <@Fats> The spirit stomps towards the stairwell where the kidnapper disappeared, gets stuck momentarily at the narrow passageway at the end of the car, but pushes right through it, leaving a wide way of destruction behind him. Kit_Remoni, your translation shuts off.
[00:22:18] <@Fats> * let's say no, you're behind two doors (that separate the cars)
[00:22:54] <Nebokhod> * why is the spirit moving on the physical plane?
[00:23:18] <Che> * Mmm, Lucas physically is with us, right?
[00:23:32] <@Fats> * because it materialized for combat, and it sees no reason to shift back to astral?
[00:23:55] <@Fats> * Che, he ran off in hot pursuit to another car.
[00:24:36] <Che> * Crap. I was under impression that he went out astrally or samesuch.
[00:25:13] * Che gets out and tries to catch on Lucas.
[00:25:29] <Nebokhod> * i move into the nearest compartment.
[00:25:41] <@Fats> * He cast spells left and right, can't do that while projecting.
[00:26:25] <@Fats> * In the car you're in? Sure, you're there. You see six people sleeping peacefully on their berths: three humans, an elf and two orks.
[00:26:29] <Nebokhod> * technically, i can, but it will do me no good.
[00:26:42] <@Fats> * Well, mana spells on astral, yes
[00:28:25] <Nebokhod> * quick out of body experience, i pop out out of the train to see if he left the train.
[00:28:26] <Che> = Kit guide me to that psycho.
[00:28:35] * Kit_Remoni does that
[00:28:59] <Kit_Remoni> * unless cameras shut down because spirit broke them or somesuch
[00:29:18] * Che creeps forward with his gun on the ready.
[00:29:50] <@Fats> Nebokhod, your body collapses as you astrally project.
[00:31:43] <@Fats> Turn 2, IP1. Lucas, you fly out of the train and back some ways, easily spotting the auras of the nighttime assailants scattered along the railroad; one of them complete with a brighter aura of a child.
[00:31:49] <@Fats> * assensing please
[00:32:09] <Nebokhod> 6#sd
[00:32:09] <ur_dnd_bot> Nebokhod: (pool 6) 1 hit
[00:32:18] <Nebokhod> 5#sd edge
[00:32:18] <ur_dnd_bot> Nebokhod: (pool 5) 1 hit
[00:33:01] <@Fats> * The kid appears to be knocked out; the man is bruised and beaten, but alive. You wouldn't even call him mad, he's professional even about his fury.
[00:33:30] <@Fats> * anything else you want to do with whatever actions you have remaining?
[00:33:40] <Nebokhod> * i sen coordinates of the man to the spirit.
[00:35:00] <@Fats> * can you communicate to that kind of detail?
[00:35:23] <Nebokhod> * also I remember the aura of the kid for search.
[00:35:27] <Nebokhod> * iirc, yes
[00:36:02] <Nebokhod> * it really doesn;t help that the rules are scattered across the book.
[00:36:55] <@Fats> * no, it doesn't.
[00:39:25] <Nebokhod> * afk
[00:42:50] <@Fats> * Yeah, apparently the spirit-summoner link (SR4AE 188) allows for telepathic communication at all times.
[00:46:24] <Nebokhod> * back.
[00:46:48] <@Fats> * So yeah, the send the man's location to the spirit; what is your order?
[00:48:03] <Nebokhod> * retrieve the child.
[00:48:45] <@Fats> * okay
[00:49:20] <@Fats> The spirit dematerializes, and you can see its astral form flying, approaching your position, Nebokhod
[00:50:08] * Che wonders what all those sleepers will do when they wake up.
[00:50:40] <Nebokhod> * they will end the world as we know it.
[00:50:59] <@Fats> The last man of the team you saw attacking the tiger opens the door of the car and jumps off the train, rolling with the kind of calm determination proving he's not doing it for the first time.
[00:51:21] <@Fats> * Nebokhod, do you stay to watch the show?
[00:51:53] <Nebokhod> * i return to the body and try to see it from the window.
[00:52:34] <Nebokhod> * the show that is.
[00:53:15] * Che still looks for Lucas.
[00:54:35] <Kit_Remoni> * One thing I definitely will remember - if you get to the train car and put everyone to slip then no matter how much you fight after that - no one will care
[00:55:22] <@Fats> You do; the view from the window is of course vastly inferiour to that offered by your astral front seat. As you peer out of the window, you see a bright white flash, and the feeling passed over the telepathic link makes you pretty sure that your spirit is engaged in further combat. With something white and glowing, judging by the light you can still see off in the distance, where the fight is. Less than a dozen seconds later, your spirit is retur
[00:55:23] <@Fats> ned to the metaplanes.
[00:56:13] <@Fats> Che, as you enter the next car over, you can see Lucas locked at the window, staring back along the railroad track, hard.
[00:56:39] <Che> * did he retrieved the child from his spirit?
[00:56:51] <Nebokhod> = Hm, that as far as i go.
[00:58:03] <Nebokhod> * shift to astral perception and start to clean up my astral signatures and traces.
[00:59:15] * Che sighs and starts searching the car for any clues to the recent events.
[00:59:58] <Che> = Kit, we need to be off security cam records.
[01:00:37] <Che> * is tiger still in car?
[01:00:49] <@Fats> * To the best of your knowledge, yes.
[01:01:33] <@Fats> * also it's 1 am so I suggest we start wrapping up
[01:01:52] <Che> * in the process of looting things up?!
[01:02:27] <Nebokhod> * what's the score? 1 kid is missing, tiger and other kid are with us?
[01:03:36] <@Fats> * Yes, Nebokhod, precisely
[01:04:24] <Nebokhod> = So, do we resuscitate the tiger or leave him to his fate whatever that is?
[01:04:43] <Che> = That's the question.
[01:05:35] <Che> = We still have good chances to be left out of this mess, and I doubt that was our package.
[01:07:08] <Nebokhod> = Kit?
[01:07:36] <Che> = But on the other hand, there're probably profits to be made if we help that tiger.
[01:08:27] <Nebokhod> = Well, he's probably yakut or somesuch.
[01:09:02] <Kit_Remoni> - Well, we are on schedule, so if the plan would be to help yakut tiger-shamans find their tigerkids, then it is a question of priorities
[01:09:06] <Kit_Remoni> * =
[01:09:06] <Che> = The thing is, we don't know how he'll react to our help.
[01:09:40] <Kit_Remoni> = and resources - I am kinda useless in straight combat without my stuff
[01:09:51] <Che> = Also, we can check with Johnson, if that was his package.
[01:10:08] <Kit_Remoni> = I doubt he will try to kill people who try to heal him.
[01:10:34] <Nebokhod> * had i finished erasing traces?
[01:10:58] * Kit_Remoni will cleanup security footage after copying it on his nanomem. *preferrably off-screen, given the level of the matrix opposition it should not be that hard
[01:11:01] <Che> * can you restore car interior to pre-combat state?
[01:11:38] <Nebokhod> * nah.
[01:11:49] <Nebokhod> * that would be orangeade:)
[01:12:44] <Nebokhod> * plan is to erase traces of magic and then bitch about awful security.
[01:13:16] <Che> * then we need to somehow mask combat traces, so there'll be next to no ivestigation and minimum pointed questions.
[01:13:22] <Che> **n
[01:13:27] <Nebokhod> * i drop increased reflexes btw.
[01:13:48] <Nebokhod> * how do you mask this?
[01:14:06] <Che> * I dunno, Boiler explosion?
[01:14:08] <@Fats> * Nebokhod, yes.
[01:14:48] <@Fats> * Kit, it really doesn't take long: half a minute, tops; you're done even before Lucas.
[01:15:32] <Nebokhod> = Ok, i'll see what i can do.
[01:15:52] * Nebokhod grabs his trust medkit and ascends the staircase.
[01:15:59] <Nebokhod> * trusty
[01:16:28] <Kit_Remoni> = Why do we mask traces at all? There were assailants, they killed each other or left the train. We were knocked out! WTF! I WANT MY MONEY BACK!
[01:16:41] <Che> = Let's move him and kid to unoccupied cabin first.
[01:17:01] <Kit_Remoni> * do we have a way to contact our bug-eyed dude?
[01:17:11] <Nebokhod> = Move tiger? You are kidding, right?
[01:17:29] <Kit_Remoni> = don't you have like magic powers and shit?
[01:18:05] <@Fats> * Kit_Remoni, he let an anonymous mailbox, but never promised to check it frequently.
[01:18:07] <Nebokhod> = Do they make tiger shaped entrances?
[01:18:30] <Che> = You want to help him or what? Your bandaids will help him little if security find him.
[01:18:58] <Nebokhod> * is there even unoccupied cabin at that floor?
[01:19:01] <Che> = And we need to erase him from tapes too.
[01:19:35] <Che> = Dunno, replace him with another golem?
[01:20:05] <Nebokhod> = Chiefly. i want to know what the fuck that was about.
[01:21:08] * Che still scouts place for anything interesting left from assailants.
[01:21:33] <Nebokhod> 11#sd military to see if i know about special forces thta operate that way.
[01:21:34] <ur_dnd_bot> Nebokhod: (pool 11) 2 hits
[01:21:34] <Che> * I can roll criminalistics.
[01:22:51] <@Fats> * Kit_Remoni, btw, what is it that you do with the record, precisely?
[01:23:44] <@Fats> Che, other than blood stains, pieces of ripped ballistic fiber and smashed gel rounds, you don't think there is anything left in their wake
[01:24:25] <@Fats> * <Nebokhod> * is there even unoccupied cabin at that floor? | Nope, this is platzcart, it doesn't even have cabins other than the attendant's one
[01:25:27] * Che takes some blood samples then procedes to cleen up anything that can betray party involvement in all this.
[01:26:50] <@Fats> * roll criminalistics (or logic+intuition, whichever is higher)
[01:27:25] <Che> 12#sd
[01:27:25] <ur_dnd_bot> Che: (pool 12) 4 hits
[01:28:23] <Nebokhod> * does the tiger have open wounds?
[01:29:42] <Kit_Remoni> * Fats, I'll probably just scramble the feed to pixels and shit during the assault
[01:30:01] <Kit_Remoni> * Let the railroad security people think that attackers had hacker with them
[01:30:48] <Kit_Remoni> = Does anyone know why this dude did not turn to human when knocked out? I thought they do that
[01:31:16] <Nebokhod> = Because he never was one.
[01:31:17] <@Fats> * Che, you only used magic against the attackers, which can not be traced with the traces erased (at least not so easily); meanwhile, you must be nearing a station, where the attackers planned to unload their prey.
[01:31:41] <Che> = Hurry up!
[01:31:55] <Kit_Remoni> = Then where the fuck it came from?
[01:32:23] <Che> = You're the one with cam records.
[01:32:29] <Nebokhod> = It's a shifter, Kit. The beast that walks among the men.
[01:32:33] <Kit_Remoni> = Point.
[01:32:39] <@Fats> * <Nebokhod> * does the tiger have open wounds? | none that you see; the attackers were using gel rounds as I've already said. The tiger is steadily breathing, but appears to be knocked off: the men must've found some way to turn its regeneration off for a while.
[01:32:49] * Kit_Remoni proceeds to search the shit out of cam records
[01:33:31] <Nebokhod> * i try to see if i have something in a medkit that will perk him up.
[01:33:33] <@Fats> * Kit_Remoni, what are you looking for?
[01:33:41] <Nebokhod> 13#sd first aid
[01:33:41] <ur_dnd_bot> Nebokhod: (pool 13) 9 hits
[01:34:21] <Kit_Remoni> * I'm trying to find out how it all started. Where they came from, especially tiger
[01:35:25] * Che finishes with battlefield and starts helping Lucas with tiger.
[01:35:34] <@Fats> * Nebokhod, your medkit's expert system suggests using the same stimulants you normally would; and indeed, they work well enough to raise the tiger: its eyes open a wee bit; it looks around for a moment, while still pretending to be out; then shifts into a middle-aged Asian-looking woman.
[01:36:10] <Kit_Remoni> = Thanks, crazy world, at least we won't have to explain a tiger.
[01:36:57] * Che waits for tiger to calm down, then hides his holdout.
[01:36:59] <Kit_Remoni> * I'll also check records of this woman. If she's not in the passenger list, I'll have to hack the comm node here too, on the fly, to insert her records.
[01:37:00] <@Fats> * Kit_Remoni, the men walked into the car as if they owned the place. One of them went to the attendant's cabin; then they all went up, apparently knowing their target's location already. The tiger came when the women sitting before you shifted at their appearance.
[01:37:22] <Nebokhod> - So, what the fuck that was about?
[01:37:45] <Kit_Remoni> * OK, at least I don't need to hack right now. were children with the woman or what?
[01:38:06] <Che> - Hello, we can't help but noticed you have some kind of a conflict with shady people.
[01:40:15] <@Fats> * Well, her place is listed to be bought for one Subadi Sagaadai; no photo supplied. The places near are bought for Zhargal and Genima Sagaadai.
[01:40:56] <Kit_Remoni> = Her name is Subadi Sagaadai - I'm not sure which one's first and last
[01:41:10] <Kit_Remoni> = At least that's what she said to the railroad
[01:41:17] <@Fats> The woman is visibly tired, but not shaken: "An yes, they have been chasing us for a while. Thought I threw them off when I doubled up on my own traces in Vladivostok".
[01:42:30] <Che> - I'm afraid they make it off with one of your childs.
[01:42:38] <Che> *d
[01:42:51] <Kit_Remoni> * children
[01:43:18] <Che> ** made
[01:43:19] <@Fats> "Which means they've reached their goal, and I will have to cave in to their demands. Thank you for your help, still".
[01:43:43] <Kit_Remoni> * BTW, fats, do we continue english just because? no one here ATM is requiring it
[01:44:21] <Che> * We're full of hope then someday someone will join us and they'll want to check our story.
[01:44:21] <@Fats> * Yes, but there's still hope English-speakers might join or return.
[01:44:36] <Kit_Remoni> = Demands being...? Just curious. I mean, it is a tad bit interesting what was the endgoal of me being gassed in the middle of the night
[01:45:08] <Che> * Or, maybe, Fats posts it for some /tg/-style storytimes.
[01:45:30] <Che> - Who are they and what they want?
[01:46:45] <Nebokhod> - Have any of you put any thought into what we will be telling security?
[01:47:52] <Kit_Remoni> = My idea was - we woke up, some people were shooting each other, there was a spirit and shit, and we were hiding. Then they left. No idea what they wanted.
[01:48:26] <@Fats> - As if you care. Still, I guess it makes no harm. They're the with the State Agency of Forest Resources, here to press me into cooperating with Kamendin's regime against the Yakuts, - her voice is monotone, with heavy throaty sounds.
[01:48:37] <Che> = My idea was, to "wake up" after things calmed.
[01:48:54] <Kit_Remoni> - Neither fine shifter nor you are on the cams anymore, just static, but enough to see some people shooting somewhere and being not nice
[01:49:28] <Kit_Remoni> - And you are?
[01:49:35] <@Fats> -And you shouldn't be worried. More of these SAFR men will be waiting for us at the nearest station; they will handle the damage control when I give up.
[01:49:50] <Che> - Oh, good, now we crossed SAFR.
[01:50:15] <Nebokhod> - I do not like the sound these words.
[01:50:34] <Nebokhod> *of
[01:50:49] <Che> = Which one?
[01:50:51] <@Fats> - Neither do I. But none of us have a choice on the matter.
[01:51:18] <Kit_Remoni> = I guess we DO have a choice, but I have a general feeling this will suck major balls
[01:51:19] <Che> = Well, we have.
[01:52:12] <Nebokhod> = We're in no condition to tangle with fresh batch of these spooks.
[01:53:02] <Nebokhod> = Can you move us somewhere else in the train?
[01:53:57] <Kit_Remoni> = As in rewrite our seats? Not easy, but yes. Problem is this guys are on their hometurf it seems. If they won't find HER, they'll trash whole train until they do
[01:54:42] <@Fats> * I'll note that the SAFR has so far done much less trashing than a certain troupe I know :3
[01:55:06] <Nebokhod> = How do you plan on restraining her?
[01:55:23] <Che> * and that was only one meber of said troupe so far!
[01:55:26] <Che> **m
[01:55:33] <Kit_Remoni> = If you choose to help her, Luke, - I mean if WE choose to help her - I would think this will involve at least masking her face. Or even leaving the train altogether.
[01:55:39] <Kit_Remoni> - Restr...what?
[01:55:45] <Kit_Remoni> *=
[01:56:57] <Nebokhod> = What part of "I'll give myself up" have you failed to understand?
[01:57:07] <Che> - Well, we can try to help you out, but so far I don't see how.
[01:59:04] <Kit_Remoni> = Well, if she "gives herself up" then why do we need restraints?
[01:59:18] <@Fats> She waves her hand dismissively: "What, are you going to run back there, trace wherever it is they've taken my cub, and pull him out of there without harming him? Doubt you can do that, even with your mage" - she says matter-of-factly.
[01:59:34] <Che> = To restraint our rampant goody two shoes.
[01:59:42] <Che> **-t
[02:00:00] <Kit_Remoni> * I'm kinda lost
[02:00:02] <Nebokhod> - Exactly.
[02:01:44] <@Fats> The woman nods and falls silent.
[02:03:17] <Che> - Hm, here's my contact info, in case you'll need help - I just ask you to forgot that you saw us at that train.
[02:03:24] <Nebokhod> * we have at best 50 minutes after which we will collapse.
[02:03:38] <Che> - And good luck!
[02:04:10] <Nebokhod> = Kit work your magic.
[02:04:35] <Kit_Remoni> * guys, I seriously do not get what you want me to do. Move our seats so we were not linked to this crap happening?
[02:04:36] * Che gives his fake SIN contacts.
[02:04:59] <Nebokhod> * yeah, we were in a different car all the time.
[02:05:19] <Che> * moving in different direction.
[02:05:41] <Che> * on the other side of globe.
[02:05:47] <Nebokhod> *yusyus
[02:05:57] <Kit_Remoni> * I can do digital stuff, but people in the car will notice. I suggest bribe them
[02:06:03] <Kit_Remoni> * or scare
[02:06:14] * Kit_Remoni will work hackermagick
[02:06:15] <@Fats> - Thanks, I'll need it, - she hands Che an old-fashioned plastic visit card, her name and a commail address plastered on it, - I doubt I will be useful for quite a while, but just in case, if you need a strong hand, I can try and organize something for you.
[02:06:41] <Che> * are there any free cabins in other cars?
[02:07:08] * Che nods and leaves.
[02:07:45] <@Fats> * and it's 2 am and we're saving now
[02:08:04] <Kit_Remoni> * I still have stealth 9. exploit 5+hacking 4 + hotvr 2 11,14#sde
[02:08:04] <ur_dnd_bot> Kit_Remoni: (pool 11, threshold 14) 4 passes, 14 hits