Cruiser Aurora

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Nomen: Aurora
Class: Lunar Cruiser

Turbulent Past (-20 Dark Eldars, +20 some mooks from some peaceful planet in the Koronus Exp)
Blasphemous Tendencies(-5 wp tests onboard, +15 navigate in warp) 

Speed: 5

Manoeuvrability: +10
Detection: +15

Armour: 20
Void Shields: 2
Hull Integrity: 70
Turret Rating: 2

Crew: 100(100)
Morale: 100(100)

Space: 75(74)
Power: 75(71)

Weapon Capacity: Port 2, Starboard 2, Prow 1

SP Total: 70(70)


Name           Type       Port          Damage        Strength      Crit    Range      
Macrocannon    Macro      2Starboard    1d10+3           6           5       6

Sunsear Laser  Macro      2Port         1d10+3           4           4       9

Ryza           Macro      Prow          1d10+5           4           4       5

Complications: Wrothful, Haunted - ?

Essential Components:
Jovian Pattern Class 4 Drive  (Power 75 Generated)(Space 14)(SP 0)
Strelov 2 Warp Drive          (Power 12)          (Space 12)(SP 0)
Geller Field                  (Power 1)           (Space 0) (SP 0)
Multiple array Void-shield    (Power 7)           (Space 2) (SP 0)
Ship Master Bridge            (Power 4)           (Space 3) (SP 0)
Vitae pattern Life Sustainer  (Power 5)           (Space 3) (SP 0)
Voidsman Quarters             (Power 2)           (Space 4) (SP 0)
M-200 Auger Array             (Power 5)           (Space 0) (SP 0)
                                    39                  37

Ur-essential components:
Mars Pattern Macrocannons Battery  
x2                            (Power 8)           (Space 10)(SP 2)
Sunsear Laser Battery x2      (Power 12)          (Space 8) (SP 2) 
Ryza pattern plasma battery   (Power 8)           (Space 4) (SP 2)
Munitorium                    (Power 3)           (Space 4) (SP 2)
                              (Power 8)          Space 11  SP 2

Supplemental components:
Compartmentalized cargo hold x2 (Power 4) (Space 10)  SP 2

(карго холды можно выкинуть, не барское это дело, картошку возить. Рицу поменять на сансир, и взять любых ништяков на 3 сп ап ту РТ)