Butch "No Landing" Voss

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Name: Butch "No Landing" Voss
Home World: Void Born
Birthright: Scapegrace
Lure Of The Void: Criminal - Wanted Fugitive
Trials and Travails: Ship-lorn
Motivation: Prestige
Career Path: Void-Master
Ranking: I
XP Total: 6800(100 exp free)

---Characteristics (1450 XP)---

WS : 30       25+5[PB]
BS : 50       25+15[PB]+10[advance]  
S  : 20       25-5[homeworld]
T  : 30       25+5[PB] 
Ag : 60       25+20[PB]+15[advance]
Int: 40       25+15[PB] 
Per: 45       25+15[PB]+5[advance]
WP : 40       25+5[homeworld]+10[PB]
Fel: 40       25+15[PB]

Initiative: +6
Half move : 6

Wounds    : 9
Fate      : 3
Insanity  : 0
Corruption: 2

Void Accustomed
Against All Odds
Master Of Spacecraft

---Talents(250 XP)--- 
Enemy(Adeptus Arbites)
Talented(Pilot Spacecraft)
Pistol Weapon Training(Universal)
Melee Weapon Training(Universal)
Nerves Of Steel

Basic Weapon Training(Las) L(250)

* - 200 exp
** - 300 exp
L() - Elite Advance

---Skills(500 XP)---
[Int]Speak Language(Ship Dialect, Low Gothic) 
[Ag] Sleight Of Hand
[Int]Common Lore(Imperial Navy, War)
[Int]Forbidden Lore(Xenos)
[Ag] Pilot(Spacecraft, Flyers)
[Int]Scholastic Lore(Astromancy)

[Ag] Dodge
[Ag] Trade(Voidfarer)

* - 200 exp
** - 300 exp

--- Gear ---
Name/Pattern        Range      RoF      Dam     Pen     Clip     Rld     Wt            Special                       
Irontalon           20m       S/2/5    1d10+2    0       15      Full    2kg           Primitive, Reliable, Tearing, Best

"Hellcarbine"       100m      S/3/5    1d10+3    4       80      2Full   10kg          Good

Power Cutlass       ---        ---     1d10+8    5       ---     ---                   Power Field, Balanced

Name                                 Covers             AP           Weight                  Special
Flak Coat                         Arms, Body            3             5 kg.                  Badass
Imperial Navy uniform of questionable ownership
Kraken-tooth dagger(blessed ship-token AND personal shaving accessory)
-Motion Predictor
-Motion Predictor
-Preysense Sight