Butch "Hard Landing" Voss

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Name: Butch "Hard Landing" Voss
Origin: Void Born
Career Path: Guardsmen
Ranking: Conscript
Background: Gold Guild Courier
Divination: There are no civilians in the battle for survival
XP Total: 400 (100 exp spent on background, 100 exp spent on skills, 100 spent on talents)

---Characteristics (0 XP)---

WS : 28  (20+08)         
BS : 37  (20+17)       
S  : 27  (15+12)         
T  : 34  (20+17-5[background]+2[divination])         
Ag : 40  (20+20)        
Int: 32  (20+12)         
Per: 45  (20+20+5[background])         
WP : 33  (25+08)         
Fel: 25  (20+05)         

Initiative: +4
Half move : 4

Wounds    : 11
Fate      : 3
Insanity  : 00 
Corruption: 00


---Talents(200 XP)--- 
Melee Weapon Training (Primitive)
Pistol Training (Primitive)
Basic Weapon Training (Las)
Basic Weapon Training (SP)
Peer(Void Born)
Concealed Cavity

Pistol Training(SP)
Sound Constitution 

* - 200 exp
** - 300 exp
L() - Elite Advance

---Skills(100 XP)---
Speak Language (Low Gothic) (Int)
Pilot (Spacecraft) (Ag)
Navigation(Stellar) (Int)

Awareness (Per)

@ - 50 exp
* - 200 exp
** - 300 exp

--- Gear ---
Name                                 Range     RoF       Dam       Pen    Clip    Rld        Special

Irontalon 20 m. S/2/5 1d10+2 0 15 Full Reliable, Tearing,


---Armor--- Name Covers AP Weight

Flak Void Suit Arms, Body, 3 14 kg.


---Equipment--- Mercenary Licence(electoo-tatooed on the face) 3*15 Irontalon ammo

Some*15 Void Ammo