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This is where we hold them! This is where we fight! This is where THEY DIE!
~ 300


Белокурый ариец, то ли только сошедший с агитплакатов, то ли готовый на них в любой момент попасть. Чёрная броня полностью увешана всевозможными скриптурами, печатями, наградными значками и холи чармами. Не уступает в разукрашенности ей и небрежно наброшенный на спину багровый плащ с портупеей. На правом наплечнике горделиво красуется белая подкова по синему полю.


Name       : Aurelius Tertius
Chapter    : Ultramarine
Speciality : Tactical Marine
Past       : Banner Bearer
Demeanor   : Scornful, Honour of the Codex
XP / Rank  : 2000 (0 unspent) / 1st rank

WS : 38
BS : 49
S  : 37 [8]
T  : 51 [10] (+5 chapter)
Ag : 41
Int: 42
Per: 40
WP : 41
Fel: 61 (+5 chapter, +10 training)

Initiative: +4
Half move : 5

Wounds    : 21
Fate      : 3
Insanity  : 0
Corruption: 0

Unnatural Strength x2
Unnatural Toughness x2
Fuck Poison: +20 @ toughness vs ingested, +30 and reroll @ toughness vs gases, detects poison by smell & taste
Tactical Expertise (share chapter @ squad)

*** TALENTS (500 XP) ***
Air of Authority *500
Astartes Weapon Training
Bulging Biceps
Deathwatch Training
Heightened Sense (Hearing)
Heightened Sense (Sight)
Killing Strike
Nerves of Steel
Quick Draw
Resistance (Psychic Powers)
True Grit
Unarmed Master

*** SKILLS (800 XP) ***
Awareness (Per) [bonus +10 from armor]
Command (Fel)
Command (Fel) +10 *400
Command (Fel) +20 *400 [bonus +10 from armor, +3 @ cohesion-related from belt]
Ciphers (Chapter)
Climb [bonus +30 from harness]
Common Lore (Adeptus Astartes)
Common Lore (Imperium)
Common Lore (War)
Concealment (Ag) [malus -30 from armor]
Dodge (Ag)
Drive (Ground Vehicle)
Intimidate (Fel)
Literacy (Int)
Navigate (Surface) (Int)
Scholastic Lore (Codex Astartes)
Silent Move (Ag) [bonus +30 from stummer, malus -30 from armor]
Speak (High Gothic)
Speak (Low Gothic)
Tactics (Assault) (Int)
Tracking (Int)

*** GEAR (70 req total, 1 unspent) ***
Power Armor Mark VII "Aquila"
* 10 AP @ body, 8 AP @ elsewhere
* "Cower Not Before the Enemy": +10 @ command, -20 @ SM & conceal
* Autosenses: Darksight & +10 @ awareness
* Biomonitor: +10 @ toxic resist, ignore crit effects x6, stun max 1 round

Codex Astartes
Data Slate [5 req]
Harness [4 req]
Repair Cement, x1
Stummer [5 req]
Personal basics

Astartes Bolter, Godwyn-pattern (range 100m, S/2/4, 2d10+5 X, pen 5, clip 28/FULL, tearing)
* RLDS [10 req], fire selector
* kraken shells, x20

Astartes Bolt Pistol (range 30m, S/3/-, 2d10+5 X, pen 5, clip 14/FULL, tearing)

Astartes Combat Knife (1d10+2 R, pen 2)

Astartes Chainsword (1d10+3 R, pen 4, balanced, tearing) [5 req]
* Mag-lock [5 req]

Astartes Missile Launcher, Soundstrike-pattern (range 250m, S/-/-, clip 8/FULL) [10 req]
* Backpack Ammo Supply
* Frag Missile, x3 (2d10 X, pen 4, blast(8), devastating(1))
* Krak Missile, x6 (4d10+6 X, pen 10, blast(1))

Assorted Explosives
* Melta Bomb (6d10 E, pen 12) [25 req]
* Astartes Frag grenade, x1 (2d10 X, pen 0, blast(5))
* Astartes Krak grenade, x3 (3d10+4 X, pen 6)

Cohesion for subordinate team: 10 = 6(FB) + 3(command) +1(ultra)