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Whatever happens, we have got The Emperor’s blessing. They have not.
~ From ‘The Guardsman’s Duty,’ a popular ballad
There's more than one way to cook the rat.
~ Nicodemus


Невысокий человек, закутанный в плащ с капюшоном. На спине что-то длинное, завернутое в ткань. Если заглянуть под плащ, то можно обнаружить: а) самого человека, б)полный комплект гвардейской брони, в) две кобуры, в которых находятсо два ласпистоля - один поменьше, один побольше. г) нож.

Nicodemus (decloaked)


Name       : Nicodemus ibn Tallarim of Tallarn 83rd's 8th LRLS Company 
Origin     : Protasia (Imperial World)
Career Path: Guardsman
Ranking    : Veteran
Divination : "The wise man learns from the death of others"
XP Total   : 4800
XP Spent   : 4650

WS : 24 
BS : 51 (+10 training)
S  : 41 (+10 training)
T  : 41 (+5 training)
Ag : 43 (+5 training)
Int: 41 (+3 divination)
Per: 31 (+5 training)
WP : 28 (+3 origin) 
Fel: 20 

Initiative: +4
Half move : 4

Wounds    : 15
Fate      : 2
Insanity  : 0
Corruption: 0

Carry: 56 kg
Lift: 112 kg
Push: 225 kg

*** TALENTS (1100 XP) ***
Melee Weapon Training (Primitive)
Basic Weapon Training (Las)
Basic Weapon Training (SP)
Pistol Weapon Training (Las)

Rapid Reload
Sound Constitution X4
Heavy Weapons Training(Las)
Heavy Weapons Training(Launcher)
True Grit
*Iron Jaw
Blind Fighting
Arms Master
Step Aside

*** SKILLS (1800 XP) ***
High Gothic (Int) (as basic)
Literacy (Int) (as basic)
Common Lore (War) (Int)(as basic)
Common Lore (Imperial Creed) (Int)(as basic)
Common Lore (Imperium) (Int)(as basic)
Drive (Ground vehicle) (Ag)
Low Gothic (Int)

Awareness (Per)
Dodge (Ag) +10
Drive(Ground vehicle) +10 (Ag)
Pilot(Military Craft) +10 (Ag)
Secret Tongue(Military) (Int)
Ciphers(War Cant) (Int)
Ciphers(Acolite) (Int)
Survival +10
Navigation(Surface) +10 (Int)
* Medicae (Int)
* Tech Use (Int)

*** Armour ***
Name              Covers         AP    Wt     Cost    
Flak Guard Armor   All            4     11 kg    *

*** Weapons ***
Name                                             Range   RoF    Dam      Pen    Clip   Rld   Special   Wt     Cost
Sniper-Variant Long-Las "Ephrael"                150 m   S/-/-  1d10+3 E  3      20    Half  Reliable  8.75kg   175*
 w. Sensor Scope, Fire Selector

Sollex Pattern-VII "Steel Burner" Heavy Laspistol 30 m   S/-/-  1d10+4 E  2      10    Half 
Accurate     3kg   150
 w. Red-Dot Laser Sight, 

LasPistol "Uriel"                                 60 m   S/-/-  1d10+2 E  0      30    Half  Reliable  1.5kg   *

Combat Knife      *                                              1d5+3 R  0  
Primitive 0.8kg
*** Ammo ***
Type                        Amount   Cost
Overcharge Pack(longlas)      3        45
Obliterator Pack(longlas)     1        60
Charge Pack (pistol)          4        30*
Charge Pack (Longlas)         2        15*

*** Inventory ***
Name                                  Cost
Backpack                               10
Filtration Plugs                       15
Micro-Bead                             20
MediKit                                150
Stealth Gear                            *
1 week of rations                       *
Imperial Infantryman's Uplifting Primer *
Cloak                                   12
Length of cloth, rope                    3
Coscarla accesscard 
Coblast Assay cognomen
De-tox x2
Rad-tab x2
Thrones left:         3114