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Name       : Decimus
Origin     : Blighted Schola
Career Path: Arbitrator
Ranking    : Mortiurge
Divination : Trust in your fear
XP Total   : 4100/4350

WS : 22 [20+7-5(shift)]
BS : 50 [20+15+10(training)+5(shift)]
S  : 24 [20+9-5(shift)]
T  : 40 [20+15+5(training)]
Ag : 33 [20+11+2(divination)]
Int: 44 [20+14+5(origin)+5(training)]
Per: 37 [20+12+5(shift)]
WP : 40 [20+15+5(training)]
Fel: 30 [20+10]

Initiative: 3
Half move : 3

Wounds    : 14 (-5)
Fate      : 2
Insanity  : 7
Corruption: 7

*** ORIGIN ***
Conditioned Mind
Skill at Arms
Tempered Will (-20 instead of -30 on WP Tests)
Tutored in the Profane

*** TALENTS (1200 XP) ***
Basic Weapon Training (Las)
Basic Weapon Training (SP)
Die Hard                                     100
Hatred (Criminals)                           100 (L)
Leap Up                                      100
Marksman                                     100
Melee Weapon Training (Primitive)
Melee Weapon Training (Shock)                100
Mighty Shot                                  200
Peer (Adeptus Arbites)                       100
Pistol Weapon Training (SP)
Quick Draw
Rapid Reload                                 100
Resistance (Psychic Powers)
Sound Constitution x3                        300
Strong Minded

*** SKILLS (2100 XP) ***
Awareness (Per)                              100
Charm (Fel)                                  100
Common Lore (Adeptus Arbites) (Int)
Common Lore (Imperium) (Int)
Deceive (Fel)                                100
Dodge (Agi)                                  100
Inquiry (Fel+20)                             200
Interrogation (WP)                           100
Intimidate (S)                               100
Literacy (Int)
Scrutiny (Per)                               100
Scholastic Lore (Judgement) (Int+10)         300
Search (Per+10)                              200
Security (Agi)                               100
Shadowing (Agi+10)                           200
Silent Move (Agi)                            200
Speak Language (Low Gothic) (Int)
Tracking (Int+10)                            200

As Basic:
Forbidden Lore (Cults) (Int)
Forbidden Lore (Daemonology) (Int)
Forbidden Lore (Heresy) (Int)
Forbidden Lore (Psykers) (Int)
Forbidden Lore (Warp) (Int)

*** GEAR ***

*** Armor ***
Name                                               Covers         AP    Wt     Cost    
Flak Cloak                                Head, Arms, Body, Legs   3   6 kg      80

*** Weapons ***
Name                    Range     RoF     Dam       Pen    Clip    Rld        Special   Wt     Cost
Vanaheim "Integrity"    40 m      S/3/6   1d10+4    0      15      Full       Scatter   8kg    300
  (RDLS, Melee Attachment)
Carnodon "Loyalty"      35 m      S/3/-   1d10+4    2       6      Full       Accurate  2.5kg  200+50+10
  (RDLS, Silencer)
Shock Maul                                1d10      0                         Shocking  2.5kg  

*** Ammo ***
Type                        Amount   Cost
Shells                          86      5
Bullets                         60      3

*** Other ***
Name                                 Cost
Arbitrator ID
Micro-bead                             20
Multikey                              150
Stimm (3 doses)

Money: 55/873 thr