Frederick Whiteraven ECL09

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Main info

Frederik "Lion" Whiteraven

Male Human Druid 6 / Nature's Warrior [CW] 3
Deity: Mielikki

(pb 28)
str 14 (6 pts) = 14 (+2)
dex 12 (4 pts) = 12 (+1)
con 16 (10 pts) + 2 (ench) = 18 (+4)
int 10 (2 pts) = 10 (0)
wis 14 (6 pts) + 2 (HD) = 16 (+3)
cha 8  (0 pts) = 8 (-1)

HP 75 (6d8+3d10+36)

AC 23 (+1 dex + 9 armor + 3 shield)
Touch: 11
FF: 22
Init +1
Bab +7, Grap +9
Speed 30 [longstrider] (base 30, load 50/58, heavy armor)
Fort +12 (+ 5 drd + 3 NW + 4 con)
Ref +3 (+ 2 drd + 1 dex)
Will +9 (+ 5 drd + 1 NW + 3 wis)

Attack: +7 bab + 2 str = +9

+14 Knowledge (Nature, 12 rank + 2 nature sense)
+13 Spot (9 rank)
+16 Listen (12 rank)
+13 Concentration (9 rank)
+13 Survival (8 rank + 2 nature sense)
+2  Knowledge (the planes, 2 rank)

[1HD] Track
[Hum] Power Attack
[3HD] Tunnel Fighting [RoS]
[6HD] Nature Spell
[9HD] Nature Bond [CV]

Speaks: Common, Druidic

Druid Abilities:
[ex] Animal Companion
[ex] Nature Sense
[ex] Wild Empathy
[ex] Woodland Stride
[ex] Resist Nature's Lure
[su] Wild Shape (3/day, Large animal)

Nature's Warrior Abilities:
[su] Wilding
[su] Nature's Armament (Claws of the Grizzly, Wild Growth)

Human Traits:
[--] Bonus feat
[--] Bonus skills

GEAR 36000gp

Incandescent Blue Ioun Stone 8000gp

+1 Wilding Full Plate 16550gp [party-crafted base]
+1 Animated Shield, heavy steel 9055gp [party-crafted base]

Metamagic Rod of Extend, lesser 3000gp

340gp left


Memorize (7CL, 4SL, 6|5/4/3/1): 
0: light, detect magic x2, detect poison, know direction x2
1: longstrider, faerie fire, entangle, omen of peril, obscuring mist
2: lesser restoration, bull's strength, barkskin, scent
3: greater magic fang, fire wings, wind wall
4: freedom of movement

Usual precast:
* Extended longstrider [14 hours]
* Extended greater magic fang [14 hours]
* Extended Magic Vestment [xx hours] by Aen Sidhe


CW - Complete Warrior
CV - Complete Adventurer
RoS - Races of Stone
SpC - Spell Compendium

Wild Forms

Dire Lion

str 25
dex 15
con 19

F/R/W: 13/4/9

Init: +2

Speed: 40ft

AC 10 + 10 armor + 4 shield + 1 dex + 4 nat - 1 size = 28

+7 bab + 7 str + 1 ench = +15

+7 bab + 4 size + 7 str = +18

2 claws +15 melee (1d6+11)
bite +10 melee (1d8+7)
rake +15 melee (1d6+7)

Special Attacks:
[ex] Pounce
[ex] Improved Grab
Special Qualities:
[su] Fast Healing 1

Animal Companion

Large Animal
Hit Dice: 5d8+10 + 2d8+4 (49hp)
Initiative: +4
Speed 50ft (10 squares)*
Armor Class: 22 (+ 4 armor -1 size, +4 dex, +5 natural), touch 13, flat-footed 14
BAB/Grapple: +6/+18
Attack: Claw +14 melee (1d4+7)**
Full Attack: 2 claws +14 melee (1d4+7) and bite +9 melee (1d8+4)
Space/Reach: 10ft/5ft
SA: Pounce, Improved Grab, rake 1d4+4
SQ: Low-light vision, scent, Link, Share Spells, Evasion
Saves: Fort +8, Ref +10, Will +3
Abilities: str 22, dex 18, con 15, int 2, wis 12, cha 6
Skills: Balance +7, Hide +3, Listen +5, Move Silently +11, Spot +7
Feats: Alertness, Run, Power Attack
* shared longstrider
** damage and attacks including shared greater magic fang

tricks (8):
1) Attack
2) Come
3) Defend
4) Down
5) Guard
6) Heel
7) Track
8) Seek

Usual Precast:
* Extended Mage Armor [22 hours] by DeSt