Гаути ECL8

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Player: Night Owl
Name: Munch
Race: Shifter
Religion: XP
Alignment: NG
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 140lb
Age: 28
Size: Medium
Gender: Male

Druid 8 (shifter subst. 1,4)

Hit Points
66 = 42+24

2 = 0 (DEX)+2(Reckless Nature)

STR: 08 -1|
DEX: 10 +0| +2 to any
CON: 16 +3|
INT: 12 +1
WIS: 22(20) +6
CHA: 06 -2

Special Abilities
Alertness(Su), Extend Shifting (Su), Feral Emphaty (Su), Will of Spirit (Su), Transfer Spirit (Su), Ability Bonus, Woodland stride (Ex), Trackless step (Ex), Wild shape (3/day) (Su) - Large, Shifting (Su), Low - Light vision
Dreamsight(Su) (+2 wis in shifting and speak with animal;), Reckless Nature

Alertnes (bonus)
Natural spell
Wepon focuse (Natural weapon)

Saving throws
Fortitude: +10 = 6 +3(CON)+1(cloack)
Reflexes:  +5 = 2 + 0(DEX)+2(Reckless Nature)+1(cloack)
Will:      +11 = 6 + 6(WIS)-2(Reckless Nature)+1(cloack)

Walk 30'

AC: 10 = 13
Flat-footed: 13
Touch:       10

Melee:   +5 = 6 - 1(STR)
Ranged:  +6 = 6 + 0(DEX)
Grapple: +5 = 6 - 1(STR)

club mw +6 1d6-1

Knowledge(religion)  5=  4+1(INT)

Knowledge(nature)  12=  11+1(INT)
Concetration  14= 11+3(CON)
Handl Animal  12=2+4+2(Dreamsight)+4(Feral Emphaty) 
Animal Emphaty  10=0+4+2(Dreamsight)+4(Feral Emphaty) 
Climb  1= 0-1(STR)+2(Race)
Balance  3=  0+1(DEX)+2(Race)
Jump  1=  0-1(STR)+2(Race)
Listen  19= 11+6(wis)+2(Alertness) 
Spot  19= 11+6(wis)+2(Alertness)
Spellcraft  2= 1+1(int)

Elven, Common, Druid


Howard Haversack       2000gp   5lb
Bedroll                0.1gp    5lb 
Rations trail x5       2.5gp    5lb
Outfit (Traveler's)    1gp      5lb

Ion stone +2 wis 8000
Animated Heavy Shield,Darkwood +1 9257
Talisman of 12 moon 4500
Braid of spell strike 500
club mw 300gp 1d6 20/x2 
#Golden amulet - phoenix 150gp waste
Carving of worg 10x25 = 250
flask = 0.03
flint and steel = 1
mirror, small steel =   

Spell component pouch 5 gp 2 lb.
Cloak of Resistance +1 1000 gp

CL: 8+2(in wilde shape from amulet)
Spell cast:
0 - 6 Detect Madgic x2,Naturewatch,Dawn,Light,Create Water
1 - 6  Obscuring Mist,Faerie Fire,Shillelagh, Foundation of stone, Updraft, Snake swiftness
2 - 5 Barskin, Brambles, Briar Web, Creeping Cold
3 - 4 Magic Fang Greaterx2, SpiritJaws x2
4 - 3 Liminus armor Greater, Bite of wereboar, jaws of the wolf

                      025gp  xx.xxlb


Shape form: (MM III page 40)

Hit Points
66 = 42+24

6 = 4 (DEX)+2(Reckless Nature)

STR: 18 +4|
DEX: 19 +4| +2 to any (default Str)
CON: 15 +2|
INT: 12 +1
WIS: 22(20) +6
CHA: 06 -2

Saving throws
Fortitude: +8 = 6 +2(CON)                        |
Reflexes:  +8 = 2 + 4(DEX)+2(Reckless Nature)    | +3 from cloack
Will:      +10 = 6 + 6(WIS)-2(Reckless Nature)   |

BAB: +6/+1

Walk 50'

AC: 10+3(shield)+4(dex)+6NA = 23 or 
    10+3(shield)+4(dex)+6(NA)+8(Gr Lim Arm)=31 or
    10+3(shield)+4(dex)+14(NA)+8(Gr Lim Arm)=39
Flat-footed: 19
Touch:       14

Melee:   +10 = 6 + 4(STR)
Ranged:  +9 = 6 + 4(DEX)
Grapple: +10 = 6 + 4(STR)
with multiattack feat:

Without any preporation (never in my life)
Attack: Claw +12 1d6+4 + poison(DC 14 Fort - 1d6 dex/1d6 dex)
Full atack: 2 claws +12 1d6+4+poison and bite +10 1d6+2 and tail +10 1d6+2+poison

Minimum preparation (spirit stat to str)
Attack: Claw +13 1d6+5 + poison(DC 14 Fort - 1d6 dex/1d6 dex)
Full atack: 2 claws +13 1d6+5+poison and bite +11 1d6+2 and tail +11 1d6+2+poison

Medium mode (usual - min+ double fang)
Attack: Claw +15 1d6+7 + poison(DC 14 Fort - 1d6 dex/1d6 dex)
Full atack: 2 claws +15 1d6+7+poison and bite +12 1d6+3 and tail +12 1d6+3+poison

Maximum (+ werbite [+8 NA; +4 Str; +6 Con])
Attack: Claw +17 1d6+9 + poison(DC 14 Fort - 1d6 dex/1d6 dex)
Full atack: 2 claws +17 1d6+9+poison and bite +14 1d6+4 and tail +14 1d6+4+poison

Rake : +1 toHIt and dmg from secondary
Polar Bear Shape

Hit Points
66 = 42+24

6 = 4 (DEX)+2(Reckless Nature)

STR: 27 +8|
DEX: 13 +1| +2 to any 
CON: 19 +4|
INT: 12 +1
WIS: 22(20) +6
CHA: 06 -2

Saving throws
Fortitude: +10 = 6 +4(CON)
Reflexes:  +5 = 2 + 1(DEX)+2(Reckless Nature)
Will:      +10 = 6 + 6(WIS)-2(Reckless Nature)

BAB: +6/+1

Walk 40'
Swim 30'

AC: 10+3(shield)+1(dex)+5NA-1(size) = 18 or 
    10+3(shield)+1(dex)+5(NA)+8(Gr Lim Arm)-1(size)=26 or
    10+3(shield)+1(dex)+13(NA)+8(Gr Lim Arm)-1(size)=34
Flat-footed: 17
Touch:       10

Melee:   +14 = 6 + 8(STR)
Ranged:  +7 = 6 + 1(DEX)
Grapple: +18 = 6 + 8(STR)+4(size)

Without any preporation (never in my life)
Attack: Claw +14 1d8+8 
Full atack: 2 claws +14 1d8+8 and bite +9 2d6+4

Minimum preparation (spirit stat to str)
Attack: Claw +15 1d8+9 
Full atack: 2 claws +15 1d8+9 and bite +10 2d6+4 

Medium mode (usual - min+fang)
Attack: Claw +17 1d8+11 
Full atack: 2 claws +17 1d8+11 and bite +11 2d6+5 

Maximum (+ werbite [+8 NA; +4 Str; +6 Con])
Attack: Claw +19 1d8+13 
Full atack: 2 claws +19 1d8+13 and bite +13 2d6+6