Iarmid ECL6

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Driftcloud Iarmid
Male Illumian (Humanoid)
Domain Wizard(Divination) 1/Archivist 3/Mystic Theurge 2
Alignment: CN
Fraction: The Society of Sensations

Used books:          
- Expanded Psionic Handbook
- Planar Handbook
- Player's Handbook II
- Races of the Stone

- Player's Handbook I
- Dungeon Master Guide I
- Unearthed Arcana
- Complete Arcana
- Complete Mage
- Complete Divine
- Complete Scoundrel

---{ Статы }---

STR 08(-1)      
DEX 16(+3)
CON 14(+2)
INT 18(+4) + 1(HD) + 1 (item) = 20(+5)
WIS 08(-1)
CHA 08(-1)

HP = 1d4 + 3d6 + 2d4 + 12 + 3 (toad)= 4 + 10 + 5 + 12 + 3 = 34

Full  10 (base) + 3 (Dex) + 0 (Armor) + 0 (Shield) = 0
Touch 10 (base) + 3 (Dex) + 0 (Armor) + 0 (Shield) = 0
Flat  10 (base) + 0 (Dex) + 0 (Armor) + 0 (Shield) = 0

Init +3

BAB     +3
Grapple +2
to hit: 
  melee +3 (bab) - 1 (Str) + 1 (mw) - 6 (Noncombatant) = -3
Speed 30 ft/x4

Fort +0 (Wiz1) +3 (Arc3) +0 (MT2) +2 (Con) = +5
Ref  +0 (Wiz1) +1 (Arc3) +0 (MT2) +3 (Dex) = +4
Will +2 (Wiz1) +3 (Arc3) +3 (MT2) -1 (Wis) = +7

---{ Внешний вид }---

Medium, 4'13" tall, 113 wt, 53 yrs old
/* Внешность */

---{ Скиллы }---

Skills ( 24 - wizard, 24 - archivist, 12 - MT)

11 Concentration                             +9 (ranks) + 2 (Con)
17 Knowledge (arcana)                        +9 (ranks) + 5 (Int) + 2 (Naen) + 1 (Absent-Minded)
21 Knowledge (planes)                        +9 (ranks) + 5 (Int) + 2 (Naen) + 1 (Absent-Minded) + 2 (Lore Mastery) + 2 (Atlas)
12 Knowledge (nature)                        +4 (ranks) + 5 (Int) + 2 (Naen) + 1 (Absent-Minded)
17 Knowledge (religion)                      +9 (ranks) + 5 (Int) + 2 (Naen) + 1 (Absent-Minded)
15 Knowledge (history)                       +7 (ranks) + 5 (Int) + 2 (Naen) + 1 (Absent-Minded)
09 Knowledge (geography)                     +1 (ranks) + 5 (Int) + 2 (Naen) + 1 (Absent-Minded)
09 Knowledge (architecture and engineering)  +1 (ranks) + 5 (Int) + 2 (Naen) + 1 (Absent-Minded)
20 Spellcraft                                +9 (ranks) + 5 (Int) + 2 (Naen) + 2 (Syn. Kn) 2 +(Precocious Apprentice)

---{ Скиллтрики }---

- Collector of Stories (+5 to Kn vs Monster identification)

---{ Языки }---

Speaks Common, Planar Trade, Illumian, Draconic, Celestial, Infernal, Dabus

---{ Фиты }---

(TRAIT) Absent-Minded
{FLAW-} Noncombatant
{FLAW+} Precocious Apprentice
{WIZ01} Scribe scroll
{CHR01} Reach Spell (Metamagic)
{ARC01} Exceptional Artisan (Scroll only)
{CHR03} Energy Substitution (Electricity)
{CHR06} Storm Bolt (Reserve)

---{ Расовые и классовые фичи }---

Illumian Traits
- Luminous Sigils (Su).
- Glyphic Resonance (Ex).
- Power Sigils (Naen, Krau) (Su).
- Illumian Word (Naenkrau) (Su).
- Final Utterance (Ex).
- Superior Literacy.
- +2 racial bonus to save against spell with shadow descriptor.
- Automatic Languages: Common and Illumian. 
- Bonus Languages: Any except for secret languages (such as Druidic).
- Favored Class: Any.

Wizard Traits
- Summon Familiar (Toad)

Archivist Traits
- Dark knowledge (tactics) 4/day.
- Lore Mastery {Planes}.

---{ Инвентарь }---

Spellbook x2, fireproof                     100
Planar Atlas                                 25

Headband of Intellect +1                   1000

Noble Outfit                                100
Explorer's Outfit, fireproof, inside pocket  61

Dwarvencraft Mithral Chainshort (PC)      466,6
Dwarvencraft Mithral Buckler Shield (PC)  438,3

Girallons Blessing (SC)(5CL) x2             375
Identify (SC)(1CL) x10                      125
Restoration, Lesser (SC)(3CL) x5            375
Rope Trick (SC)(3CL) x2                     150
Protection from (SC)(1CL) x5               62.5
Shield of Faith (SC)(1CL) x3               37.5
Barkskin (SC)(3CL) x3                       225
Analyze Portal (SC)(3CL) x4                 300
Remove Paralisys (SC)(3CL) x2               150
Remove Blindness/Deafness (SC)(5CL) x2      375
Remove Curse (SC)(5CL) x2                   375
Remove Disease (SC)(5CL) x2                 375
Delay Poison (SC)(1CL) x2                    25
Invisibility (SC)(3CL) x4                   300

Metamagic, Extend, Lesser                  3000

Detect Magic                                375
Detect Secret Doors                         750
Vigor, Lesser                               750

На руках                                      0 sp
                                              0 gp
---{ Текущее состояние }---

HP: 34
AP: 8

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