Sirena Inspirata
From Game Logs
Main Stats
Attribute | Value | |
Name | Sirena Inspirata | |
Type | Orion-class Star Clipper | |
Dimensions | 3 km long, 0.4 km abeam at fins | |
Mass | 8 megatons | |
Crew | 14000 crew, approx. | |
Speed | 11 (10 base + drive) | |
Manoeuvrability | +30 (25 base + drive) | |
Detection | +20 (10 base + sensors + history) | |
Hull Integrity | 35 | |
Armour | 12 | |
Turret Rating | 1 | |
Space | 40 (40 used: 32 essential + 4 weapons + 4 misc) | |
Power | 40 (40 used: 26 essential + 8 weapons + 2 hull + 4 misc) | |
Ship Points | 40 (25 base + 2 drive + 6 crew + 2 weap + 5 misc) | |
Maximum Morale | 97 (100 base - 10 haunted + 7 components) |
Weapons Capacity
- 1 Dorsal (firing arcs: fore, star, port): Mars-pattern Macrobattery (1d10+2 damage, str 3, crit 5, range 6)
- 1 Keel (firing arcs: all): Mars-pattern Macrobattery (1d10+2 damage, str 3, crit 5, range 6)
Special Qualities
- Crack Crew (+10 to crew rating)
- Haunted (-10 to Morale, +5 to the Detection, -5 to incoming boarding attempts) [Past History]
- Attention-Seeking (slower PF gain, 30% chance to ignore component damage) [Machine Spirit Oddity]
- Cargo Hauler: has a built-in Main Cargo Hold component that can't be removed [hull property]
- Fast Ship: doesn't accept components that increase armour [hull property]
- Haste of the Damned: Reduce warp travel duration by half, roll for encounters every 3 days instead of 5 [Warp Drive property]
- Charged particle repulsion: Suffer no penalties for navigating celesial phenomena consisting primarily of small particles [Void Shield property]
- For Hearth and Home!: +5 to Command Tests against boarding and hit and run actions. All sources of Morale loss are reduced by 1, to a minimum of 1. [Crew Quarters property]
- Songs in the Void: +10 to all social Skill Tests made aboard ship [Melodium property]
- Accumulated Data: +10 to all Investigation Skill Tests made aboard ship [Librarium property]
- Replenishing supplies: Double the time a ship may remain at void without suffering Crew Population or Morale loss [Arboretum property]
Essential Components
- Main Drive: Lathe-pattern Class 2a “Sprint Trader” Drive [provides 40 power, 14 space, 2 SP]
- Warp Drive: Miloslav G-616.b Warp Engine [8 power, 10 space]
- Void Shield: Repulsor Shield Array [6 power, 1 space]
- Geller Field: STC [1 power, 0 space]
- Life Sustainer: Vitae Pattern STC [4 power, 2 space]
- Crew Compartments: Clan-Kin Quarters [1 power, 4 space, 1 SP]
- Bridge: Commerce Bridge [1 power, 1 space]
- Sensors: Mark–201.b Auger Array [5 power, 0 space (external)]
Supplemental Components
- Mars-pattern Macrobattery, Dorsal [4 power, 2 space, 1 SP]
- Mars-pattern Macrobattery, Keel [4 power, 2 space, 1 SP]
- Main Cargo Hold [2 power, 0 space, hull property]
- Melodium [1 power, 1 space, 1 SP]
- Arboretum, Good Quality [1 power, 1 space, 2 SP]
- Temple-Shrine to the God-Emperor [1 power, 1 space, 1 SP]
- Librarium Vault [1 power, 1 space, 1 SP]
Notable Crew
- Lord Captain: Cordelia Camilla dei Cattanei
- Executive Officer:
- Chief Engineer:
- Navigator: Бастинда Терм'Л. Близка к полной утрате человеческого облика в пользу чего-то скользяще-извилистого, но тщательно маскирует это гардеробом. Страстная поклонница музыки, виртуоз-мультиинструменталист: мелодиум на корабле оборудован главным образом ради неё.
- Astropath:
- Arch-Militant:
Rogue Trader Retinue
- Seneschal:
- Loremaster: два в одном:
- Клавдия Тольва: эрудит, эйдетик, аналитик. Точный возраст неизвестен, но приближается к трём векам. Служила дому задолго до получения патента. Состояние резко ухудшилось после известий о смерти лорда Джованни. На данный момент изолирована в микрогравитационной камере и практически неспособна к коммуникации.
- Людмила Тольва: клон Клавдии, подготавливаемый ею себе на смену. Биологический возраст - неполные 12 лет. Резкое ухудшение состояния Клавдии оборвало подготовку и обострило хронический синдром отличницы.
- Chief Steward: Косто Боржич: невозмутимый педант, сочетающий функции мажордома, стилиста, личного врача и няньки. Сухопарый альбинос со сложными мультитулами вместо обеих рук.
- Cook:
- Void-Master:
- Ship Missionary:
- Chief Bosun:
- Chirurgeon: