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I solve practical problems
~ unknown texan, pre dark age
Name       : Rchibald Twain
Origin     : Forge World
Career Path: Tech-priest
Ranking    : Enginseer
Background : Disciple of Thule (100 XP)
Divination : "Truth is subjective"
XP Total   : 3300

WS : 16
BS : 32
S  : 30
T  : 30
Ag : 30
Int: 50 (+3 divination +5 training)
Per: 25
WP : 40 (+3 origin +5 training)
Fel: 30

Initiative: +3
Half move : 3

Wounds    : 10
Fate      : 1
Insanity  : 1
Corruption: 4

*** TRAITS ***
Stranger to the Cult
Mechanicus Implants [+20 @ toughness vs airborne toxins]

*** TALENTS (1500 XP) ***
Melee Weapons Training (Primitive)
Basic Weapons Training (Las)
Pistol Training (Las)

Binary Chatter *100
Electrical Succour *100
Electro Graft Use
Energy Cache *100
Ferric Lure *100
Heightened Senses (Sight) *100
Luminen Blast *200
Luminen Charge *100
Mechadendrite Use (Utility) *100 [+10 @ tech-use tests]
Mechadendrite Use (Optical) *100 [+10 @ perception tests, +20 @ night, darkvision]
Mechadendrite Use (Manipulator) *100 [+20 str checks]
Mimic *100
Peer (Adeptus Mechanicus) *100
Quick Draw *100
Technical Knock
Total Recall *100

*** SKILLS (1500 XP) ***
Drive (Ground Vehicle) *100
Drive (Hover Vehicle) *100
Drive (Walker) *100
Awareness (Per) *200
Common Lore (Tech)
Common Lore (Machine Cult) +10
Demolition (Int) *100
Evaluate (Int)
Forbidden Lore (Archaeotech)
Logic (Int)
Literacy (Int)
Medicae (Int) *100
Pilot (Civilian Craft) *100
Pilot (Military Craft) *100
Scholastic Lore (Cryptology)
Security (Ag) +20 *300
Secret Tongue (Tech)
Speak Language (Low Gothic) (Int)
Speak Language (High Gothic) (Int) *100
Tech-Use (Int) +20 *200
Trade (Copyist) (Int)

*** GEAR ***
Xeno-mesh (4 AP @ arms, legs, body) (2 kg)

Hax-Orthlak Mk.IV pistol (range 10 m, S/-/6, 1d10+4, clip 12, reload FULL, 2.5 kg)
* Ammo, x36 

Cranial Sensor Array Assembly (auspex, magnoculars, pict recorder)

Auto-Quill (+ writing kit)
Medi-kit (2 kg)  
Microbead, encrypted

De-Tox, x1
Sacred Machine Oil, x1

Cognomen, Administratum employee
Melta bomb, incomplete

Thrones: few