Krak Rat

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Name: Krak Rat
Origin : Imperial World
Planet : Sinophia Magna
Career Path: Assassin
Backgound: Sons of Dispater (100)
Ranking: Sell-Steel
Divination: "To war is human"
XP Total: 400

---Characteristics (200 XP)---

WS : 29          (20+9)
BS : 44          (20+14+5[shift]+5[adv])
S  : 29          (20+9)
T  : 40          (20+15+5[shift])
Ag : 45          (20+17+3[div]+5[adv])
Int: 22          (20+8-5[shift])
Per: 37          (20+5+12)
WP : 28          (20-3+11)
Fel: 16          (20-3+4-5[shift])

Initiative: +6
Half move : 4

Wounds    : 10 
Fate      : 2
Insanity  : 00
Corruption: 0

Liturgical Familiarity
Blighted Origins
Decayed Society (Underworld, Cults, Heresy - Basic)

---Skills(00 XP)---
Deceive (Fel)
Common Lore (Underworld) (Int)
Intimidate (Str)
Security (Ag)
Awareness (Per)
Dodge (Ag)
Speak Language (Low Gothic) (Int)

---Talents(100 XP)--- 
Pistol Training (SP)
Pistol Training (Las)
Basic Weapon Training (SP)
Melee Weapon Training (Primitive)

** - 200 exp
*** - 300 exp

*** Weapons ***
Name                     Range   RoF     Dam      Pen    Clip     Rld       Special        Wt     Cost
Creed-9 Submachine Gun    50m   S/3/10  1d10+3I    0      35            Full                      4,5 kg  
w. Red-Dot Laser Sight, Silencer

Dum-Dum Ammo (1d10+5I, APx2) or Manstopper Ammo (1d10+3I pen 3)
*** Armour ***
Name              Covers           AP     Wt    Cost    
Flak Cloak        Head, Body, Arms, Legs    3   8 kg    

*** Inventory ***
Name                         Cost
Flask of amasec
Multikey (+30 on Security roll)
Charm made of bullet.