Garwat 400BP

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== Build ==
Build points: 400.
Used books: 4ed Core Rulebook, Arsenal, Augmentation , Runner's Companion.

== Info ==
Name: Garwat Te.
Human, male. Age approx. 27-28.
Height 175cm. Weight 80 kg. 
Metatype Ability: +1 Edge

== Attributes (200 BP) ==
B: 5
A: 4(6)
R: 4(6)
S: 2(3)
C: 1
I: 4
L: 4(6)
W: 4
E: 2 (1+1(human))

== Derived Attributes ==

Essence              : 1.05 (4.95 lost/in use)
Initiative           : 10
Initiative passes    : 2
Physical Damage Track: 11
Stun Damage Track    : 10

== Active Skills (144 BP) ==
   Computer     : 3     [Firewall]
   Data Search  : 3
   Hardware     : 3     [Commlinks]
   Software     : 3
First Aid       : 5(9*) [Combat Wounds]
Medicine        : 5(9*) [Extended Care]
Automatics      : 4     [Assault Rifles]
Dodge           : 4(5') [Ranged Combat]
Hacking         : 4     [Exploit]
Pistols         : 1     [Light pistols]
Perception      : 1     [Visual]
  *+4 Logic-linked
  ' Move-by-Wire System

== Knowledge Skills (30 FREE BP) ==
Human Anatomy: 4
SWAT Operations: 3
Teamwork: 3
Rock Music Bands: 2
Urban Life: 1

== Language Skills ==

English: N
Latin : 2

== Contacts (6 BP, 2 FREE BP) ==

Paramed (connection 3 / loyalty 5)
Дилер, поставщик медицинских штук, экстренный ремонт и восстановление поврежденных тел.

== Qualities (0BP) ==
Positive Qualities:
 Quick Healer: 10BP
 Born Rich: 10BP
 Restricted Gear: 10BP
Negative Qualities:
 Allergy (Silver): +10BP
 Incompetent (Clubs): +5BP
 Mild Addiction (Cram): +5BP
 Hung Out to Dry: +10BP

== Bioware (160k nu / 2.49(1.2) es) ==
Echolocation [SH]                     7500  / 0.12es
Vocal Range Enhancer [SH]             6000  / 0.12es
Orthoskin R1                          30000 / 0.25es
 Dragon Hide                          10000 / 0.1es
Cerebral Booster R2                   20000 / 0.4es
Muscle Augmentation R2                14000 / 0.4es
Muscle Toner R2                       16000 / 0.4es
Enhanced Protein Exchange
 Daredrenaline                        25000 / 0.1es (+1 Willpower-related)
 PuSHeD                               15000 / 0.1es (+1 Logic-linked)
 Reakt                                30000 / 0.4es (+2 Reaction tests)

== Cyberware (97k nu / 3.7 es) ==
Commlink Alpha                        4000  / 0.14es
Cybereyes R3 Beta                     4000  / 0.28es[12/12]
 Flare Compensation                   750           [1]
 Low-Light Vision                     1000          [2]
 Protective Covers                    100     
 Thermographic Vision                 1000          [2]
 Smartlink                            1000          [3]
 Microscopic Vision                   1300          [1]
 Vision Magnification                 1000          [2]
Cyberears R3 Beta                     4000  / 0.28es[7/8]
 Damper                               750           [1]
 SSF (3)                              3000          [3]  
 Audio Enhancement R3                 4500          [3]
Move-by-Wire System R1                50000 / 2.0es

Altskin                               2000  / 0es    (Fullbody, Armor +3/+1, stacks with Orthoskin)  
Neocortical Neural Amplifier R3       15000 / 0es    (+3 Logic-linked tests)
Nanohive R2                           12500 / 1.0es  (Preventing Nanoware degradation)
== Inventory (47k nu) ==
Colt M22A3                            1600
 Smartgun System, internal            1600
 Shock Pad                            50
 Underbarrel weight                   N
 EX-Explosive Rounds(20)              2000 (20x100)
Hammerli 620S                         650
  Stick-n-Shock Rounds(10)            480  (6x80)
  Laser Sight                         100
  Quick-Draw holster                  100
Flash Bang(2)                         60   (2x30)
SWAT Armor + Helmet                   9200           (+14/+12 Armor)
 Insulation R4                        600
 Biomonitor, Flashlight               
 Auto-injector (Cram)                 
Clothing                              150

Commlink (Cyberware) (5/5/5/5)
 Response                             4000 
 Signal                               1000 
 System                               2500 
 Firewall                             2500 
 Analyze R5                           500
 Exploit R5                           500 
 Decrypt R3                           150 
 Defuse  R3                           150 

Geiger Counter                        50
Disposable Syringe(30)                300  (30x10)
Medkit (20 supplies) R6               1600 
Slap Patches:(All R6)
 Stimulant(5)                         750  (5x150)
 Trang(10)                            1200 (10x120)
 Trauma(5)                            2500 (5x500)
 Woad(5)                              75   (5x15)    (Berserk; 5x1D6 min)
 Slab(2)                              300  (2x150)   (Suspended Animation; 10-Body hrs)
 Psyche(10)                           2000 (10x200)  (+1I,L; 12-body hrs)
 Long Haul(5)                         250  (5x50)    (No need for sleep; 4 days)
 Kamikaze(5)                          500  (5x100)   (+2S, +1B,A,W,IP, HPT3; 10x1D6 min)
 Jazz(10)                             750  (10x75)   (+1R,IP; 10x1D6 min)
 Nitro(10)                            500  (10x50)   (+2S,W,P,HPT6; 10x1D6 min)
 Cram(10)                             100  (10x10)   (+1R,I; 12-body hrs)
 Acid R3 (4)                          6000 (4x1500)
 Alkali R3 (5)                        1500 (5x300)
 Alkahest (10)                        1000 (10x100)
 Artificial Skin (10)                 250  (10x25)
 Blister Pack (10)                    150  (10x15)

== Combat Mode ==
Full Defence: 16 / 22 (Ranged / Melee)
Defence:      8  / 15 (Ranged / Melee)
Ballistic Armor: 18
Impact Armor:    14

Damage (Pistol):  6S / AP: -half 
         Attack: 3(skill) + 6(agility) = 9

Damage (Assault rifle): 6P / AP: -1 RC: 2(3) {with Ex-Explosive Ammo: DV +8P / AP -2}
                Attack: 6(skill) + 6(agility) +2(smartgun) = 14