Цели: сделать класс способным. Воплотить идею "плюшка каждый левель".
Hp: d10 (по нашим ХР 15 каждый уровень). Скиллпойнты 6+Int, спасы: форта хорошая, остальное плохое. БАБ, броня и оружие без изменений.
- Dodge (feat)
- Grace(Ex): +1 untyped bonus to Reflex.
- Insightful Strike (Dex to damage with suitable weapons, no more than level).
- Mobility (feat)
- Dodge(Ex): +1 (dodge bonus to AC against all and any opponents)
- Spring Attack
- Acrobatic Charge
- Improved Flanking
- Improved Critical (all suitable weapons)
- Dodge +2
- Grace +2, Lucky(вычеркнуть как хуиту) Slippery Mind
- Bounding Assault, Mobile Fighting +1d6 (+дамаг по правилам скирмиша)
- Acrobatic Mastery.
- Weakening Critical, Mobile Fighting +2d6
- Dodge +3.
- Defensive Fight +3d6.
- Slippery Mind (вычеркнуть, так как уже пришёл), Hampering Critical (-2 Dex на крите).
- Rapid Blitz, Mobile Fighting +4d6
- Wounding Critical
- Dodge +4, Grace +3, Mobile Fighting +5d6, Master Swashbuckler*.
- - мегаплюшка за рост. Даёт автоконфирм критов, +10 против финтов.
Swashbuckler Variant:Two-Weapons. 1. TWF instead of Dodge 4. TWD instead of Mobility 5. Replace Dodge with Wall of Blades(Ex): Increase Swashbuckler's shield bonus to AC from TWD at stated value. 6. ITWF instead of Spring Attack 9. ITWD instead of Improved Critical. 12. GTWF instead of Bounding Assault. Mobile Fighting is replaced with Two-Weapon Mastery(Ex): reduce TWF attack penalty to -1 at 12th lvl, Allow to use same weapons (even if one of them is medium-sized) with -1 penalty at 14th level, no twf penalty at 16th level, no medium-sized weapon penalty at 18th level. 18. GTWD instead of Rapid Blitz. 20. Master Two-Weapons Fighter (+10 versus disarm, extra attack with each weapon at full bab) instead of Master Fencer.
Swashbuckler Variant:Fencer. 1. Combat Expertise instead of Dodge. 4. Improved Feint instead of Mobility. 5. Replace Dodge with All Out(Ex): add indicated bonus on attack rolls against first opponent you attack in the round. 6. Combat Reflexes instead of Spring Attack 9. Deft Opportunist instead of Improved Critical. 12. Tactical Fighting(Ex): + on damage rolls per two levels starting on 12 when fight defensively, with CE or against feinted. Instead of Mobile Fighting. Combat Tactics(Ex): Enemies provokes AoO when enter threatened square. Instead of Bounding Assault. 18. Combat Tactics, Improved(Ex): Enemies provokes AoO if they leave adjacent square (even with tumble or withdraw). Instead of Rapid Blitz. 20. Master Fencer (+10 on feints, once per round feint as a free action and feinted opponent is counted as feinted by you until start of your next turn) instead of Master Swashbuckler.