Jumbo ECL6

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Name: Jumbo
TN Orc (male, adult)
Totem Barbarian (bear) 2\Fighter 2\Totemist 2
Deity: Transcendental Entity

---{ Abilities }---
STR 18(+4) + 4(racial) + 2(item) + 1(HD) = 25(+7)
DEX 08(-1)
CON 16(+3)
INT 12(+1) - 2(racial)                   = 10(+0)
WIS 10(+0) - 2(racial)                   = 08(-1)
CHA 08(-1) - 2(racial)                   = 06(-2)

Init: -1 (-1 dex)
HP  : 2d12+2d10+2d8+18=56

[b]BAB[/b] : +5
Grapple: 5(BAB) + 7(str) + 4(feat) + 4(scorpion claws) + 6(girallon's arms) = 26 

to hit:
*unarmed strike +4 melee (1d3-2\x2)
*longbow +11 ranged (1d4\x3)

AC  : 10-1(dex)+4(chainshirt)=13
*Touch: 9
*FlatF: 13
Fort: +3(tot)+3(brb)+3(ftr)+3(con) = +12
Refl: +3(tot)+0(brb)+0(ftr)-1(dex) = +2
Will: +0(tot)+0(brb)+0(ftr)-1(wis) = -1

---{ SKILLS }---
Climb              07
Intimidate         03
Survival           07
Jump               07
Knowledge (nature) 02
Knowledge (planes) 02

Speaks: Planar Trade, Orc
Skill Tricks: Leaping Climber, Speedy Ascend 

---{ FEATS }---
1[FLW]: Open Least Chakra (hands)
1[CHR]: Cobalt Power 
2[BRB]: Improved Grapple
3[CHR]: Expanded Soulmeld Capacity (girallon's arms)
5[FTR]: Power Attack
6[FTR]: Exotic Weapon Proficiency (scorpion claws) 
6[CHR]: Leap Attack

---{ FEATURES }---
[Sp] Wild Empathy
[--] Illiteracy
[--] Totem Chakra Bind (+1 capacity)
[--] Rage 1\day
[--] Uncanny Dodge
[--] Light Sensivity

Girallon's Arms
Sphynx Claws
ML = 2

---{ ITEMS }---
Gauntlets of Ogre Power +2          4000gp.
Armbands of Migth                   4100gp.

Scorpion's Claws mwk                300gp.

Chainshirt                          100gp.

Essentia Jewel x7                   2800gp,                     
Total: 11300gp.