Yusuf yn Jafar al Jabriel ECL01
From Game Logs
Yusuf yn Jafar al Jabriel [ECL1] Male Kender Rogue 1 [UA substitution] NG Used books: - DMG I - PHB I - Races Of Ansalon - Unearthed Arcana -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Final Stats] Str 8 (-1) = 10 (rolled) - 2 (race) Dex 20 (+5) = 18 (rolled) + 2 (race) Con 13 (+1) = 13 (rolled) Int 17 (+3) = 17 (rolled) Wis 11 (+0) = 13 (rolled) - 2 (race) Cha 11 (+0) = 11 (rolled) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HP = 1d6 + 1 = 7 AC Full 10 (base) + 1 (size) + 5 (Dex) + 0 (Armor) = 15 Touch 10 (base) + 1 (size) + 5 (Dex) = 15 Flat 10 (base) + 1 (size) + + 0 (Armor) = 10 Init +5 BAB +0 Grap -5 Speed 30 ft/x4 Save: Fort +0 (Rog1) +1 (racial) +1 (Con) = +2 Ref +2 (Rog1) +1 (racial) +5 (Dex) = +8 Will +0 (Rog1) +1 (racial) +0 (Wis) = +1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Attacks: AB +0 (BAB) + 5 (Dex) = +5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Small, 4'0" tall, 90 wt, 23 yrs old Короткие темные волосы, темно-карие глаза, смугл :) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Speaks common, kenderspeak, orc, alzhedo, underterran. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Skills (44 - rogue) 06 Appraise + 3 (int) + 3 (rogue) 09 Acrobatics + 5 (dex) + 4 (rogue) 03 Athletics - 1 (str) + 4 (rogue) 03 Bluff + 0 (cha) + 3 (rogue) + 4 (racial, taunt) -3 Concentration + 1 (con) + 0 (rogue) - 4 (racial) 07 Disable device + 3 (int) + 4 (rogue) 11 Escape Artist + 5 (dex) + 4 (rogue) + 2 (feat) + 2 (feat, grapple) 07 Forgery + 3 (int) + 4 (rogue) 04 Perception + 0 (wis) + 3 (rogue) + 1 (racial) 04 Profession (караванщик) + 0 (wis) + 4 (rogue) 11 Stealth + 5 (dex) + 4 (rogue) + 2 (size) 03 Streetwise + 0 (cha) + 3 (rogue) 11 Thievery + 5 (dex) + 4 (rogue) + 2 (racial) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Feats [Rogue level 1] - Squirm (bonus to Escape Artist) [Character level 1] - Light-Fingered (Thievery as free action) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kender Traits - +2 Dexterity, -2 Strength, -2 Wisdown. - Small. - 30ft speed. - Weapon Familiarity with kender weapons. - +1 racial bonus on all saves. - +2 racial bonus on Spot, Sleigth of Hand and Open Lock checks. - Can use Sleigth of Hand and Open Lock untrained. - -4 on Concetration checks. - +4 racial bonus on Bluff for Taunt. - Immune to fear. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rogue Abilities - Bonus feats. - Trapfinding -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- На руках 0 sp 300 gp