Kelot KKK ECL05
From Game Logs
Name: Kelot Deity: Aligment: NN Languages: Common, Celestial Race: lesser aasimar (humanoid[planetouched]) (PGtF) Class: Spirit Shaman 5 Str 8 ( 2 pts) Dex 14 ( 6 pts) Con 14 ( 6 pts) Int 12 ( 4 pts) Wis 16 ( 6 pts) +2 Cha 18 (10 pts) +2 rac +1 lvl HP 32(32) (8+4d8+6) AC 18 (10 +2 dex +4 armor +2 shield) Touch 12 FF 16 +2 vs spirits Initiative: +2(+2 dex) Attacks: Melee +2 (3 bab -1 str) Ranged +5 (3 bab +2 dex) Graple +2 (3 bab -1 str) Saves Fortitude +6 (4 spirit shaman +2 con) Reflex +3 (1 spirit shaman +2 dex) Will +7 (4 spirit shaman +3 wis) Feats [SG] Alertness [Flaw] Feeble [Flaw Bonus] Augumented Healing [1 HD] Healer's Luck [3 HD] Spontaneous Healing [5 HD] Magic of the land Skills (8+2sp) +15 Concentration (8 rank +2 con +5 item) +14 Knowledge[nature] (8 rank +1 int +5 item) + 9 Spellcraft (8 rank +1 int) +12 Heal (8 rank +3 wis +2 item) +15 Spot (8 rank +3 wis +2 rac +2 feat) Racial Abilities Darkvision 60 +2 on spot and listen Daylight 1/day Resistance acid 5 col 5 electricity 5 Class Abilities Spirit Guide Wild empaty 1d20+9 Chastise spirit 5d6 7/day DC 19 Detect Spirits Blessing of the spirits Spells available: 6(6) / 7 (7) / 5 (5) / 3 (3) Spells retrieved: 0(3) Detect Magic, Create Water, CMW 1(3) Snake Swiftness, Produce Flames, CLW 2(1) Blinding Spittle 3(1) Conjure Ice Beast Gear Chain Shirt 100gp 25 Shield, HW 7gp 10 Javelin x5 5gp 10 Healing belt 750gp Crystal mask of Knowledge[nature] 2500 Tunic of steady spellcasting 2500 Chronocharm of the uncaring archmage 500 quartz 50 Slippers of Spider Climbing (2400) 88 Wishlit Ring of Mystic healing 3500 Heartripper Blade[dagger +1, consuming heart gives one of the options: +2 flaming burst dagger for 1 hour; simultaneous remove disease, restoration, and cure serious wounds; use divination or scrying]