- Spellcasting, Warmage Edge(Ex)
- Warmage Feat
- Advanced Learning(Ex)
- Warmage Strike(Su) 1/day
- Warmage feat
- Warmage Strike(Su) 2/day
- Advanced Learning(Ex)
- Warmage Strike(Su) 3/day
- Warmage feat
- Warmage Strike(Su) 4/day
- Advanced Learning(Ex)
- Warmage Strike(Su) 5/day
- Warmage feat
- Warmage Strike(Su) 6/day
- Advanced Learning(Ex)
- Warmage Strike(Su) 7/day
- Warmage feat
- Warmage Strike(Su) 8/day
- Advanced Learning(Ex)
- Warmaster Mage(Su)
Class Features
Spellcasting: Spontaneous, Cha-based, 9 levels, CL = class level.
Warmage Edge(Ex): +Cha damage with spells that deal hit point damage.
Warmage Feat: Any Fighter bonus feat, Sudden Metamagic feat or Extra Edge feat.
Advanced Learning(Ex): Add any evocation sor/wiz spell of level you able to cast to your spell known.
Warmage Strike(Su): may cast touch or ranged touch spell an deliver it with melee attack as a S-action.
Warmaster Mage(Su): While making a full attack may cast one spell as a free action for each attack and deliver it with blow. Also, may use Warmage Strike at will.
Alternative Class Features
Eclectic Learning
3, 7, 11, 15, 19. Eclectic Learning(Ex) Add any sor/wiz spell of level one lower you able to cast to your spell known. its treated as one level higher for you. R: Advanced Learning(Ex).