Deepwood Sniper (MotW) to 3.5

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1st+1+0+2+0Range increment bonus +10 ft./level
2nd+2+0+3+0Concealment reduction 10%, magic weapon (SL)
3rd+3+1+3+1Safe poison use, Improved Critical (projectile weapon, if he has Weapon Focus with it), projectile improved critical +1
4th+4+1+4+1Take aim +2
5th+5+1+4+1Consistent aim 1/day
6th+6+2+5+2Concealment reduction 20%
7th+7+2+5+2Consistent aim 2/day, projectile improved critical +2, true strike (SL)
8th+8+2+6+2Take aim +4
9th+9+3+6+3Consistent aim 3/day
10th+10+3+7+3Concealment reduction 30%, Greater Magic Weapon (SL)

Caster level for all spell-likes is equal (2 * deepwood sniper class level) or character level, which is lesser.