Iarmid ECL6

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Driftcloud Iarmid
Male Illumian (Humanoid)
Domain Wizard(Divination) 1/Archivist 3/Mystic Theurge 2
Alignment: CN
Fraction: The Society of Sensations

Used books:          
- Expanded Psionic Handbook
- Planar Handbook
- Player's Handbook II
- Races of the Stone

- Player's Handbook I
- Dungeon Master Guide I
- Unearthed Arcana
- Complete Arcana
- Complete Mage
- Complete Divine
- Complete Scoundrel

---{ Статы }---

STR 08(-1)      
DEX 16(+3)
CON 14(+2)
INT 18(+4) + 1(HD) + 1 (item) = 20(+5)
WIS 08(-1)
CHA 08(-1)

HP = 1d4 + 3d6 + 2d4 + 12 + 3 (toad)= 4 + 10 + 5 + 12 + 3 = 34

Full  10 (base) + 3 (Dex) + 0 (Armor) + 0 (Shield) = 0
Touch 10 (base) + 3 (Dex) + 0 (Armor) + 0 (Shield) = 0
Flat  10 (base) + 0 (Dex) + 0 (Armor) + 0 (Shield) = 0

Init +3

BAB     +3
Grapple +2
to hit: 
  melee +3 (bab) - 1 (Str) + 1 (mw) - 6 (Noncombatant) = -3
Speed 30 ft/x4

Fort +0 (Wiz1) +3 (Arc3) +0 (MT2) +2 (Con) = +5
Ref  +0 (Wiz1) +1 (Arc3) +0 (MT2) +3 (Dex) = +4
Will +2 (Wiz1) +3 (Arc3) +3 (MT2) -1 (Wis) = +7

---{ Внешний вид }---

Medium, 4'13" tall, 113 wt, 53 yrs old
/* Внешность */

---{ Скиллы }---

Skills ( 24 - wizard, 24 - archivist, 12 - MT)

11 Concentration                             +9 (ranks) + 2 (Con)
17 Knowledge (arcana)                        +9 (ranks) + 5 (Int) + 2 (Naen) + 1 (Absent-Minded)
21 Knowledge (planes)                        +9 (ranks) + 5 (Int) + 2 (Naen) + 1 (Absent-Minded) + 2 (Lore Mastery) + 2 (Atlas)
12 Knowledge (nature)                        +4 (ranks) + 5 (Int) + 2 (Naen) + 1 (Absent-Minded)
17 Knowledge (religion)                      +9 (ranks) + 5 (Int) + 2 (Naen) + 1 (Absent-Minded)
15 Knowledge (history)                       +7 (ranks) + 5 (Int) + 2 (Naen) + 1 (Absent-Minded)
09 Knowledge (geography)                     +1 (ranks) + 5 (Int) + 2 (Naen) + 1 (Absent-Minded)
09 Knowledge (architecture and engineering)  +1 (ranks) + 5 (Int) + 2 (Naen) + 1 (Absent-Minded)
20 Spellcraft                                +9 (ranks) + 5 (Int) + 2 (Naen) + 2 (Syn. Kn) 2 +(Precocious Apprentice)

---{ Скиллтрики }---

- Collector of Stories (+5 to Kn vs Monster identification)

---{ Языки }---

Speaks Common, Planar Trade, Illumian, Draconic, Celestial, Infernal, Dabus

---{ Фиты }---

(TRAIT) Absent-Minded
{FLAW-} Noncombatant
{FLAW+} Precocious Apprentice
{WIZ01} Scribe scroll
{CHR01} Reach Spell (Metamagic)
{ARC01} Exceptional Artisan (Scroll only)
{CHR03} Energy Substitution (Electricity)
{CHR06} Storm Bolt (Reserve)

---{ Расовые и классовые фичи }---

Illumian Traits
- Luminous Sigils (Su).
- Glyphic Resonance (Ex).
- Power Sigils (Naen, Krau) (Su).
- Illumian Word (Naenkrau) (Su).
- Final Utterance (Ex).
- Superior Literacy.
- +2 racial bonus to save against spell with shadow descriptor.
- Automatic Languages: Common and Illumian. 
- Bonus Languages: Any except for secret languages (such as Druidic).
- Favored Class: Any.

Wizard Traits
- Summon Familiar (Toad)

Archivist Traits
- Dark knowledge (tactics) 4/day.
- Lore Mastery {Planes}.

---{ Инвентарь }---

Кружка, ложка, нож, миска, 3 комплекта 
одежды, бэкпак и 
прочая туристистическая хня (c)             100

Headband of Intillect +1                   1000

HHH                                        2000

Noble Outfit                                100

Dwarvencraft Mithral Chainshort +1       1466,6
Dwarvencraft Mithral Buckler Shield +1   1438,3

На руках                                      0 sp
                                              0 gp
---{ Текущее состояние }---

HP: 34
AP: 8

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