Lux Classic

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Revision as of 15:03, 13 July 2011 by Zuzuzu (talk | contribs) (skill block checksum fix)
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I've been watching for a long time. It's only in the face of horror that you truly find your nobler selves. And you can be so noble! So, I'll bring you pain, I'll bring you horror, so that you may rise above it. So that those of you who survive this reign of hell on earth will be worthy of God's love.
~ Constantine

Весь в белом.

Name:       Lux
Build:      average, ht: 5'8'', wt: 150 lb.
Age:        33 (standard heaven issue)
Languages:  Divine, English, Infernal (native)
Points:     300 starting, 300 total, 7 unspent ATM

Attributes [224]:
ST      09 = 09 [-10]         HP      10 = 10
DX      11 = 11 [20]          Will    18 = 18
IQ      18 = 18 [160]         Per     14 = 18-4 [-20]
HT      12 = 12 [20]          FP     ~22 = 12 + Energy Reserve (Magic) 10 [magic only -10%, heaven -10% = 24]

Dmg  :  thr 1d-2, sw 1d
Lift :  20, load thresholds 20/40/60/120/200
Speed:  6
Move :  5 [-5]
Dodge:  9 = 3 +6(speed)

Pure angelic traits (hidden in shapechanged state) [24]:
* Wings [flight, winged -25%, heaven -10%, costs 1 fatigue/min -5% = 24] 
* Supernatural Features (duh) [-10]
* Social Stigma (Angel) [-10]

Advantages [83]:
* Language (Infernal (up to native)) [2]
* Charisma 1 [5]
* Magery 4 [heaven -10% = 41]
* Shapeshift: Alternate Form (Human) [reduced time 4 +80% (1 second), heaven -10%, costs 6 fatigue -30% = 21]
* Unaging [heaven -10% = 14]

Disadvantages [150]:
* Stat drops (see above) [-35]
* Angelic traits (see above) [-20]

* Callous [-5]
* Code of Honor (Angelic) [-10]
* Disciplines of Faith [-10]
* Duty (The Office) [-10]
* Intolerance (Atheists) [-5]
* Pacifism (self-defense only) [-15]
* Phantom Voices [-10]
* Restriced Diet [-10]
* Squeamish [-10]
* Unnatural Biochemistry [-5]

* Quirks [-5]
** Congenial
** Incompetence (Computer Programming)
** Proud
** Alcohol Intolerance
** Horrible Hangovers

Skills [40]:
* Acting M/A                 @ IQ-1  [1]
* Alchemy M/VH               @ IQ-2  [2]
* Armoury (Small Arms) M/A   @ IQ-1  [1]
* Body Sense P/H             @ DX-2  [1]
* Connoisseur (Sins) M/A     @ IQ-1  [1]
* Current Affairs (News) M/A @ IQ=   [1]
* Diagnosis M/H              @ IQ-2  [1]
* Diplomacy M/H              @ IQ-2  [1]
* Disguise M/A               @ IQ-1  [1]
* Fast-Talk M/A              @ IQ-1  [1]
* Forgery M/H                @ IQ-2  [1]
* Gambling M/A               @ IQ-1  [1]
* Guns (Pistol) P/E          @ DX+1  [2]
* Hidden Lore (Heaven) M/A   @ IQ=   [2]
* Intimidation M/A           @ Wil-1 [1]
* Leadership M/A             @ IQ-1  [1]
* Mechanic (Clockwork) M/A   @ IQ-1  [1]
* Observation M/A            @ Per=  [2]
* Occultism M/A              @ IQ-1  [1]
* Physician M/H              @ IQ-2  [1]
* Physiology M/H             @ IQ-2  [1]
* Psychology M/H             @ IQ-2  [1]
* Public Speaking M/A        @ IQ-1  [1]
* Religious Ritual M/H       @ IQ-2  [1]
* Research M/A               @ IQ-1  [1]
* Savoir-Faire (Heaven) M/E  @ IQ=   [1]
* Thaumatology M/VH          @ IQ=   [8]
* Theology M/H               @ IQ-1  [2]

Spells [72]
* Vigor {body control}       @ IQ-2  [1]
* Hold Breath {body control} @ IQ-2  [1]
* Sense Foes {comm}          @ IQ-2  [1]
* Sense Emotion {comm}       @ IQ-2  [1]
* Truthsayer {comm}          @ IQ-2  [1]
* Mind-Reading {comm}        @ IQ-2  [1]
* Hide Thoughts {comm}       @ IQ-2  [1] (resists mindfucks)
* Lend Language {comm}       @ IQ-2  [1]
* Borrow Langugage {comm)    @ IQ-2  [1]
* Gift of Tongues {comm) VH  @ IQ-3  [1]
* Ignite Fire {fire}         @ IQ-2  [1]
* Shape Fire {fire}          @ IQ-2  [1]
* Deflect Energy {fire}      @ IQ-2  [1] (blocking)
* Extinguish Fire {fire}     @ IQ-2  [1]
* Heat {fire}                @ IQ-2  [1]
* Resist Fire {fire}         @ IQ-2  [1]
* Test Food {food}           @ IQ-2  [1]
* Season {food}              @ IQ-2  [1]
* Mature {food}              @ IQ-2  [1]
* Water to Wine {food}       @ IQ-2  [1]
* Seek Gate {gate}           @ IQ-2  [1]
* Lend Energy {healing}      @ IQ-2  [1]
* Lend Vitality {healing}    @ IQ-2  [1]
* Recover Energy {healing}   @ IQ-2  [1] (passive, 1 FP gain per 2 mins)
* Minor Healing {healing}    @ IQ-2  [1]
* Major Healing {healing} VH @ IQ-2  [2]
* Great Healing {healing} VH @ IQ-3  [1]
* Simple Illusion {illu}     @ IQ-2  [1]
* Complex Illusion {illu}    @ IQ-2  [1]
* Perfect Illusion {illu}    @ IQ-2  [1]
* Independance {illu}        @ IQ-2  [1]
* Create Object (illu) VH    @ IQ-2  [2]
* Detect Magic {knowledge}   @ IQ-2  [1]
* Aura {knowledge}           @ IQ-2  [1]
* Identify Spell {knowledge} @ IQ-2  [1]
* Analyze Magic {knowledge}  @ IQ-2  [1]
* Mage Sight {knowledge}     @ IQ-2  [1]
* Seek Magic {knowl, meta}   @ IQ-2  [1]
* Seeker {knowledge}         @ IQ-2  [1]
* Trace {knowledge}          @ IQ-2  [1]
* See Secrets {knowledge}    @ IQ-2  [1]
* Light {light}              @ IQ-2  [1]
* Continual Light {light}    @ IQ-2  [1]
* Darkness {light}           @ IQ-2  [1]
* Blur {light}               @ IQ-2  [1]
* Invisibility {light}       @ IQ-2  [1]
* Night Vision {light}       @ IQ-2  [1]
* See Invisible {light}      @ IQ-2  [1]
* Counterspell {meta}        @ IQ-2  [1]
* Scryguard {meta}           @ IQ-2  [1]
* Ward {meta}                @ IQ-2  [1] (blocking)
* Reflect {meta}             @ IQ-2  [1] (blocking)
* Bless {meta}               @ IQ-2  [1]
* Keen Vision {mind}         @ IQ-2  [1]
* Haste {movement}           @ IQ-2  [1]
* Apportation {movement}     @ IQ-2  [1]
* Deflect Missile {movement} @ IQ-2  [1] (blocking)
* Great Haste {movement} VH  @ IQ-3  [1]
* Teleport {mov, gate} VH    @ IQ-3  [1]
* Blink {mov, gate}          @ IQ-2  [1] (blocking)
* Missile Shield {P&W}       @ IQ-2  [1]
* Reverse Missiles {P&W}     @ IQ-2  [1]
* Weather Dome {P&W,weather} @ IQ-2  [1]
* Force Dome {P&W}           @ IQ-2  [1]
* Sound {sound}              @ IQ-2  [1]
* Seek Water {water}         @ IQ-2  [1]
* Purify Water {water}       @ IQ-2  [1]

Magic Perks [3]:
* Reduced Footprint (Scryguard)
* Shortcut to Power (Create Object)
* Blocking Spell Mastery (Blink)
